TB Joshua’s Family Special!

Sarah and Promise are very lucky. They are Prophet TB Joshua’s daughters and doing so well in life. Sarah was called to the Nigerian Bar on Wednesday, December 16 and she’s also looking forward to being called to the New York bar in the United States of America soon. Promise is 18 and studying Politics and International Relations at London School of Economics in the United Kingdom. It’s obvious that they’re both apples of the renowned prophet’s eyes. In the interviews that follow, both reflected on life as daughters of Prophet TB Joshua and what this has added to their lot in life.

Congrats, how do you feel being called to the bar today?
I am grateful to God, my family and friends who have been of help to me. I am humbled and privileged to have succeeded and called to bar today (Wednesday December 16). So, I am very happy.
How does it feel being the first-born of Prophet TB Joshua?
I am privileged and fortunate to be the daughter of such a humble and great man of God called T. B Joshua. He is someone I look up to, because he’s a man of God and he has been able to guide me every time I need him. I am so happy, so humbled to be his daughter. He has been a good guide. Therefore, I can’t afford to disappoint him and God, because to whom much is given, much is expected. And I definitely love him.
How would you describe TB Joshua, is he a good father?
He is a true example of humility. I have seen so many things in him that are worthy of emulation. As a father, he is the best anybody can pray to have. I am not just saying that because he is my father but also because it’s the truth. Also, it’s not what I think about him or what people think about him that counts but what God says about him.
Some people don’t understand your father. They seem to have wrong impression about him, what’s your take on this?
That’s why I said he is a true man of God. Like I said earlier, it’s not what people say that counts but what God says. Everybody has the right to air their opinion but God’s opinion counts most.
What’s his reaction to your success story?
He’s very happy and proud of me. I am always happy whenever he is proud of me. He has given me so much and I feel I have a lot to offer and can’t disappoint him.
What’s the special gift or words of encouragement he has given you?
He always says that life is an experience. I know my dad and he is a living example of how to live; he’s humble and devoted to God.
People see him as a successful Minister of God, with international repute. Can the same be said of him as a family man?
Definitely, he is and that’s why I said he is the best dad I could ever wish for. I am so grateful to God and proud to be his daughter.
As Pastor T. B Joshua’s daughter, how do your friends relate to you? Are you under pressure to introduce your friends to your dad, most especially, for prayers?
My friends were surprised that I am his daughter. And yes, they always want me to introduce them to him.
Has the name TB Joshua opened doors for you?
When people know that I am his daughter, they are always surprised. And that spurs me on to work harder and achieve what I want.
For every success there is a story to tell, what were your greatest challenges and how did you overcome them?
We all have challenges but with what my father has taught me, I see challenges as stepping stones to greater heights. Also, challenges are not personal because God is involved in seeing you through. Every stumbling block is a lesson to move higher in life.
Now that you’ve been called to the bar, what’s next?
I have also been called to bar in New York. I passed and will be called to bar at New York Supreme Court in January 2016.
Tell us about your educational background?
I went to Ronik International School, Ikotun, Lagos. I did my Law degree at the London School of Economics. And I did my Masters in New York.
Are you daddy or mummy’s pet?
I am daddy’s pet because I admire him a lot and the best is yet to come.
furthermore, Sister to Sarah, Promise Joshua, also had a chat with journalists

Can you briefly introduce yourself?
My name is Promise Joshua. I am sister to Sarah Joshua who has just been called to the Nigerian bar today. I am studying Politics and International Relations at the London School of Economics. I am happy to be here to celebrate with my sister.
How has life been as Prophet T. B Joshua’s daughter?
That’s a nice question. Life has been great. I feel it’s a privilege to be Prophet T.B. Joshua’s daughter . He is one in a million. I have never seen anyone like him. He is a world figure who has done quite a lot. It’s a great honour to be a child of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
Would you describe him as a strict father, a disciplinarian?
He has a bit of everything. It’s good to have some balance. I think he is quite tough, he teaches us what to do. He wants us to succeed by emulating the path of honour he has chosen. He is a disciplinarian for sure, and I think my sister has imbibed his principles of hard work and godliness, and that has led to her success. By God’s grace, we are following his path and seeing results. My sister, who is just 22, studied Law at London School of Economics and went to New York for her bar exams. She has also been called to the Nigerian bar. She will be called to the bar in New York shortly. Her ability to have combined the New York and Nigerian bar exams is a testimony to the disciplined upbringing our father gave us. She has been a role model and I am following her footsteps.
How old are you?
I am 18.
Are you mummy or daddy’s girl?
I think I am more of daddy’s pet. I am closer to my dad.
How do you react to the negative comments about your dad?
I think that life is full of challenges, and one thing my dad has taught us, is that the road to success is not a red carpet. From him, we have learnt that whenever criticism and condemnation come our way, we should see them as stepping-stones to greater heights. Moreover, he has taught us to see unpleasant situations in life as a way of strengthening our faith in God, because like he always says, crown and glory are not without their own pains. Even Jesus, the saviour of the world was reviled, condemned and crucified by mankind whom He had come to save. You should be scared when your life is too smooth, so says my father. Whenever I hear negative comments about my dad, I encourage him to carry on, because I know most sincerely that he is on the right path. I really admire him as a man in his own world, who has accomplished a lot. He is definitely a role model.
Can you marry a pastor?
If God wants it, why not?
Have you ever benefitted from being a daughter of Prophet T. B Joshua?
First, the spiritual cover I enjoy is unquantifiable. I have recorded a lot of successes in many things I have done in life. I also think I have received a lot of favours being his daughter. He has impacted so many lives in the world, and so, many people out there want to help me once they know I am his daughter. Being his daughter has opened so many doors in my life.
What is the greatest lesson he has taught you?
I have learnt quite a lot from him. It’s difficult to point to just one. But I think I can say one great thing I have learnt from him is that challenges are good.
How was growing up in the home of T. B Joshua?
It’s an experience I will live to remember. It’s unique in the sense that I grew up in the midst of many people. Being a church of all nations, I have learnt a lot from people of different cultures and climes, and that has made me a very simple and open-minded person.
What is the greatest gift you have received from your father?
He has given me a couple of gifts including the Holy Bible. But one gift I will not forget in a hurry is the trainers I received from him for my gym activities. We wear the same size of shoes and it was nice receiving that gift and sometimes sharing some of his footwears with him.
What size do you wear?
I wear size 9.
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