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*30 prophecies Of Primate Ayodele That Came To Pass In January 2024



Primate Ayodele’s Fulfilled Prophecies On Venezuela, Naira Fall, Plane Crash, Others

*30 prophecies Of Primate Ayodele That Came To Pass In January 2024



It has become a norm for prophets to share their new year prophecies with members and followers but do they actually come to pass? Some share as many as 100 prophecies but at the end of the year, just few end up coming to pass.





As we came into 2024, prophets shared their prophecies as usual but among all, Primate Ayodele appears to be the most accurate as more than 50 of his new year prophecies have come to pass already within the first month of the year. He released his new year prophecies on December 22, 2023 and even before the year ended, some of them came to pass already. This simply shows that there are still true prophets in the land and Primate Ayodele is one of them.



*30 so Of Primate Ayodele That Came To Pass In January 2024

Among the prophecies of Primate Ayodele that have come to pass in 2024, compiled below are some of them:

1 Jet Crash In Ibadan: Tragedy was averted in Ibadan a few days ago when a private jet carrying very important personalities crash landed at the airport. Primate Ayodele in his 2024 warnings to the aviation sector called for prayers against crashing of a private jet and a helicopter.

‘Let’s pray not to record the crashing of a jet or helicopter’’ (Pg 61)

2 Ibadan Explosion: There was tragedy in Ibadan in January following an explosion that claimed the lives of people and injured several people. Properties worth millions of naira were also lost as a result of the mysterious explosion.

Primate Ayodele in the 90-page prophecies for 2024mentioned Oyo as part of the states that should be careful of security issues in the New Year. It is not out of point to note that the explosion that took place and the circumstances that led to it shows that there is no adequate security of life and property in the state.

These were his words

‘’Let us be watchful about security challenges in the following states – Imo, Rivers, Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Katsina, Sokoto, Ebonyi, Plateau, Lagos and Ogun.’’

Also, when talking about the beginning of the year, the man of God mentioned that he saw people crying within the first 150 days of the year. He revealed that the days will not be palatable for everyone as he foresees killings, bombings, explosions and different unfortunate issues happening across the country. He urged the people to pray for God’s divine mercy.

These were his words

‘’2024, I foresee that the first 150days from the beginning of the year will not be palatable for all. I foresee killings, bombings, explosions, demolitions, so many people crying, accidents and fire outbreaks. The spirit of God says we must commit everything into the hands of God for divine mercy’’

3 Impeachment of Ogun Speaker: The speaker of Ogun state house of assembly, Kunle Oluomo has been impeached. Eighteen of the 26 members of the State Assembly voted for Oluomo’s impeachment at plenary session on Tuesday. Oluomo was impeached for alleged embezzlement of funds, highhandedness and related offences.

Primate Ayodele in his 90-page prophecy for 2024 made it known on Page 17 that he foresees the removal of some honourable speakers of some state house of assembly. He called for prayers to avert this occurrence.

These were his words:

‘’I foresee that the Upper Legislative house and the Senate will lose a prominent member and also the House of Representative. Let us commit the current members of the Senate and members of the States House of Assembly into prayers against sudden death. Let us pray not to witness the removal from office of some Honourable Speakers. I foresee that not all the Senators in the current session will finish their terms in office.’’

4 Plateau Crisis: There seems to be a religious crisis in Plateau state at the moment and this has led to the governor declaring a 24-hour curfew.The Church of Christ In Nations (COCIN) was set ablaze in the area. It has been learnt that rampaging armed men were torching church buildings and attacking those perceived to be Christians in Mangu.

Still in his 2024 prophecies, Primate Ayodele asked the country to pray against ethnic and religious crises.

‘’Let us pray against ethnic and religious crises in Nigeria. Let us pray so that no Police station will be set ablaze. Let us rebuke what can cause the beheading of any Policeman even as I foresee that an attack on a Military Base is imminent.’’ (Page 23)

5 Assassination Of Ekiti Monarchs: Traditional rulers across Nigeria were thrown into mourning following the gruesome killing of two Monarchs in Ekiti state by suspected kidnappers.

The monarchs were said to be returning from a meeting in Irele-Ekiti when they were accosted and gunned down.

In a video interview, Primate Ayodele was heard warning monarchs in Yoruba land against attacks by kidnappers. He made it known that the traditional rulers need to rise up to a very big challenge because if they don’t, there will be an assassination of traditional rulers in the land.

These were his words

‘’Let all Obas in Yoruba land rise up to a very big challenge. If they don’t rise up to this challenge, we should pray not to see the assassination of an Oba or kidnapping of an Oba. The monarchs should do something urgent to prevent insecurity.’’

6 Afenifere Crisis: pan-Yoruba socio-political organisation, Afenifere, has been enmeshed in serious crisis lately. The group has found itself in a leadership crisis leading to factions springing up from the once united group. Primate Ayodele in his prophecies for 2024 revealed that the group will have crisis.

‘’ I foresee crises in Afenifere the Pan-Yoruba elders council. They will want to break Afenifere into factions in order to suit their purposes. I foresee that Afenifere will not be as united as before. They will create issues within the fold.’’

7 Tanzania: Thousands of people protested in Tanzania on Wednesday against proposed changes to electoral laws, in the largest public demonstration since the government lifted a ban on opposition political rallies in January 2023.

In his 2024 prophecies, Primate Ayodele revealed that he foresees a political tension coming up in the country.

‘’ TANZANIA There will be a major disaster in the country as revealed by the spirit of God. I foresee people will criticize the President on so many things. The country must pray against political troubles. The country must be careful to avert what can endanger lives. The people must pray against the outbreak of any disease. The people must be watchful against explosions.’’


8 Enugu Market Fire: The fire outbreak at Enugu market on new year’s eve is another fulfillment of Primate Ayodele’s prophecies. Dozens of shops at Orba Market International located in Orba community in the Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State were razed.

A resident of the area, Chigbo Odegba, who spoke to journalists on Monday morning, said the fire started around midnight, adding that it destroyed goods worth millions of naira.

The prophet in a video released before the new year warned that he foresees fire outbreaks in some popular markets in the country.

‘’I am seeing fire outbreak in some popular markets……’’

9 Plane Crash: A Japan Airlines passenger jet and a coast guard plane collided on an airport runway in Tokyo killing five of the six people on board the coast guard aircraft. The Airbus A350 went up in flames. Primate Ayodele in a video revealed that he foresees another plane crash in the world. He made the statement when a plane crash occurred. The incident in Tokyo has confirmed the prophecy.

10 Borno: Suspected Boko Haram terrorists in military uniform have killed 12 persons and abducted one in Gatamarwa and Tsiha communities in the Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State. The state Police Public Relations Officer, Borno State command, Nahum Daso Kenneth, who confirmed the attack, said 12 corpses were recovered.

“The gunmen shot sporadically at the people in the two communities. So far, 12 corpses were recovered and two were injured,” he told Daily Trust.

Primate Ayodele in his 2023/2024 edition of ‘Warnings To The Nations’ mentioned some local governments in Borno state that should be careful of attacks. He categorically mentioned that they will experience sporadic shootings, just as it happened.

‘’ BIU, CHIBOK, DAMBOA, GWOZA, GUBIO AND DIKWA LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: these local governments will have a lot to face and so many challenges that will cause setbacks. The local governments will experience sporadic shootings.’’

11 Israel: Israel’s Supreme Court has struck down a controversial judicial reform that triggered nationwide protests last year against the Netanyahu government. The change would have limited the power of the Supreme Court in overturning laws it deemed unconstitutional.

Primate Ayodele had warned that the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu will face rejections. He explained that there are some of his policies that will be resisted. The struck down of the judicial reforms is a fulfillment of Primate Ayodele’s prophecy.

12 Abuja Attacks: Primate Ayodele revealed that he foresees attacks in the capital city of Nigeria. He made it known that killings, kidnapping, unrest will be rampant in Abuja. He warned the government to take care of the security of Abuja. So far, there has been several confirmed reports about unrest and attacks in the FCT.

13 Betta Edu: President Bola Tinubu has suspended the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Betta Edu, from office with immediate effect.

Controversy had enveloped Edu’s alleged involvement in the approval of N585,198,500.00 to be disbursed into a personal account.

This sad development has fulfilled the 2024 prophecies of Primate Ayodele which was released on Friday, 22nd Of December, 2023. On page 17 of the prophecies, Primate Ayodele made it known that he foresees some of President Tinubu’s ministers facing trouble in the year. He explained that they will run helter-skelter because of the crisis they will be faced with.

‘’ The spirit of God says some of Tinubu ministers will run into crises and troubles that will make them to run helter-skelter.’’

14 France Prime Minister Resignation: In a very dramatic move, the prime minister of France, Elisabeth Borne resigned after less than two years in office.

This is in fulfillment of the prophecy of Primate Ayodele in his annual prophecy book titled Warnings To The Nation (2023/2024 edition). On page 300 of the prophecy book which was released in July 2023, Primate Ayodele revealed that he foresees resignation of some prime ministers across the world.

‘’…..I foresee that some ministers will resign in some governments even as Prime ministers will resign in certain country…’’.

15 Cuba Harsh Economy: Cuba’s cash-strapped government announced that fuel prices will soar by more than 500% beginning February 1, part of a series of economic measures aimed at reducing the deficit.

Primate Ayodele in his warnings to Cuba stated that the economic situation of the country will become bad to the extent that people will be living below poverty level. He revealed that there will be sufferings and the people will seek means to survive the harsh state of the economy.

These were his words

‘’CUBA: I foresee the citizens of the country will be living below poverty level and they will face serious economic crises. The people will seek means to survive the harsh state of the economy. The spirit of God says the people will have so many issues to face as regards the development in the country. They must pray against any form of threat and suffering. The country will face economic problems.’’ (Pg 76)

16 Titan Trust Bank: The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has sacked the entire board of some banks including Titans Bank.

This has fulfilled the prophecy which Primate Ayodele gave about the banking sector in December 2023. Especially on Titan Trust bank, Primate Ayodele mentioned that the bank will face challenges for some illegality in operations. Though he said the bank will do very well even than its contemporaries but there will be problems with the leadership.

These were his words

‘’Titan trust bank: The bank will expand but the chairman will be indicted. They will blackmail the bank for some illegality in their operations. The bank will face several challenges despite all the good efforts. The bank will do well but there will be major challenges. There are forces that will attempt to bring the bank down.’’

17 Kidnappings: Kidnapping has always been a recurring misfortune in Nigeria but it has never gotten to a stage where it happens almost every day and in high places.

The rate of kidnapping in Nigeria at the moment since 2024 began is more than alarming. It is gradually becoming the order of the day in places and locations that could never be imagined.

In his 90-page 2024 prophecies, Primate Ayodele warned the security agencies in Nigeria about insecurity and clearly stated that Kidnapping would take a new dimension. He went as far as making it known that some powerful people will be kidnapped including a commissioner and an aide in a governor’s convoy.

These were his words:

“Kidnap: I foresee that a Commissioner and an aide in a Governor’s convoy will be kidnapped. The spirit of God says kidnapping will take another dimension. Let us pray for all governors in Nigeria that none of them will be bedridden.’

18 Venezuela: Venezuelan authorities have arrested 32 civilians and soldiers after a months-long investigation into their alleged part in a US-backed “conspiracy” to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro, the prosecutor’s office said Monday.

In his prophecy book titled Warnings To The Nations ( 2022/2023 edition), Primate Ayodele warned the president of Venezuela to pray for his life. He also warned the country to pray against unexpected killings.

These were his words:

‘The president must pray for his life and the country must pray against unexpected killings’’

Just as he said, there was an attempt to kill the president but thankfully, it was prevented.

19 Naira Fall: Nigeria’s currency, Naira, has devalued so badly and this fulfills the prophecy of Primate Ayodele. The prophet has been talking about the issue of Naira devaluation for some years now. He also speaks about how much the naira will be exchanged for against the dollar and mysteriously, it comes to pass. The currency now exchanges for N1365/$. In his 2024 prophecies, Primate Ayodele mentioned that he foresees dollar exchanging for N1,400/$ despite the promises of the government to work on the exchange rate. At the moment, Dollar has surpassed N1500. Apart from dollars, he spoke about the strength of naira against cefa and it has also come to pass.

‘’ I foresee that under the current realities, the cefa will be stronger than the Naira. Also, the dollar will rise to N1400 and this will shake the economy so badly that some forces are hell-bent on frustrating the Tinubu-led Federal government but they will not be successful.’’

20 Russian plane crash: A large Russian military transport plane crashed near the border with Ukraine, killing everyone onboard, the Russian Defense Ministry said, accusing Ukraine of shooting down the plane with missiles.

In his 90-page 2024 prophecies which were released on Friday, 22nd Of December, 2024, Primate Ayodele noted categorically on page 40 that a Russian aircraft will crash in the course of the year. Little did anyone know it would happen so soon.

These were his words

‘’ The spirit of God says a Russian plane will crash.’’

21 Senegal: Senegal’s Constitutional Council on Saturday published a final list of 20 candidates for the February 25 presidential election that excludes jailed opposition leader Ousmane Sonko and Karim Wade, the son of former president Abdoulaye Wade.

Primate Ayodele in his 2024 prophecies warned Sonko to be careful of being rigged out of the election. Sadly, the prophecy has been fulfilled.

‘’In Senegal, If Sonko isn’t guarded; he will be rigged out of the election. The election will shake the nation of Senegal and will cause Chaos if not well handled. There will be also be Election fraud.’’

22 NSCDC: Primate Ayodele warned in his 2024 prophecies that NSCDC will lose some of its officials in the course of the year. This was fulfilled with the death of an acting deputy commandant, general Helen Amakiri.

These were his words

‘’ Let us pray against attacks on their installations. They need prayers in order to ward off killings of their operatives by miscreants and undesirable elements.’’

23 US Base attack: Three American service members were killed and dozens more were injured in an unmanned aerial drone attack on a base in Jordan on Sunday, President Biden and the U.S. military said.

Primate Ayodele in a video warned the US and some other countries to be watchful of unexpected terrorists attack.

These were his words

‘’These countries must be very ready for any attack; US, UK, France, Germany, I don’t know how the attack will come up but it’s a terrorist attack, they must be watchful of unexpected attacks.’’

24 Plateau Massacre: The north-central state has been thrown into mourning following the death of more than 150 people and injury of thousands. This was due to the attacks of unknown gunmen in the state on Christmas Eve. Primate Ayodele on page 20 of his 2024 prophecies mentioned some states that will come under heavy security attack which Plateau was among. The states were in categories; one of political tension and the other for security challenges which the state in question fall into.

‘’Let us be watchful about security challenges in the following states – Imo, Rivers, Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Katsina, Sokoto, Ebonyi, Plateau, Lagos and Ogun’’

25 former speaker’s death: A former speaker of the House of Representatives, Ghali Na’abba has died. On page 17 of the 2024 prophecies, Primate Ayodele asked Nigerians to pray against the death of a one-time speaker of the House of Representatives among others.

‘’Let us pray not to lose a one-time civilian governor, a one-time Senate President, Speaker House of Representatives and a Speaker of a State House of Assembly. Let us pray against series of strange deaths in the political class in the Months of February, April, July, August and October 2024.’’

26 Fire Outbreak in Markets: On the 24th Of December, just two days after the prophecies were released, a market at the Council bus stop, Ikotun area of Lagos State. On page 16 of the prophecies, the prophet warned that we should be careful of fire outbreaks that will destroy a lot of goods in any Nigerian market.

‘’ Let us pray against fire outbreaks in any of our markets that will destroy goods and claim lives.’’

27 Governor’s Death: The governor of Ondo state, Rotimi Akeredolu has after battling with illness. Though Primate Ayodele has always spoken about the governor’s health condition, he included in his 2024 prophecies that he foresees the death of a sitting governor. This can be found on page 13.

‘’GOVERNORS FORUM: The spirit of God says we need to pray fervently so that the Governors Forum will not be bereaved. Let us pray so that the governors will not be getting confused or that the governors will not be trading words with themselves. Let us rebuke through prayers what can cause misunderstanding in the Forum as revealed by the spirit of God. Let us pray so that no governor will be involved is an accident, be indicted before leaving office or lose any of their Aides in terrible circumstances’’

28 Russia Warship Attack: On page 51, Primate Ayodele revealed that he foresees an attack on a Russian warship. On Tuesday, news reports have it that a warship has been attacked by Ukraine and that it has been damaged.

‘’ The president will be doing everything possible to make sure the country is safe. I foresee that the warship of Russia will be attacked and the country will have political problem.’’

29 Pipeline Explosion: There was a pipeline explosion that led to the death of 20 people in Rivers state. On page 17, Primate Ayodele warned against explosion and fire outbreak at any of Nigeria’s pipelines.

‘’ Let us pray against fire outbreak on our Oil Pipelines in Nigeria.’’

Likewise, the explosion at Fab noble filling station in Lagos yesterday fulfilled the prophecy of Primate Ayodele. On page 41 of the prophecies, he warned of an explosion in any filling station.

‘’Some communication companies will lay off their staff as revealed by God. Let us pray against tanker explosion and filling station explosion that will cause fire outbreak’’

30 Japan Earthquake: Thousands of people in Japan spent their night in evacuation centres after a powerful earthquake.

Four people are confirmed to have been killed, the Kyodo news agency reports, and dozens of others were injured.

This unfortunate incident happened exactly 48 hours after Nigerian prophet, Primate Ayodele revealed that he foresees an earthquake in parts of Africa, Asia and Europe in 2024.

‘’I am seeing earthquakes in Africa, Asia and parts of Europe. Let’s watch about this.’’

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 There is nothing wrong with a peaceful demonstration and a lawful legitimate protest. What is unacceptable is a premeditated attempt by a group of faceless individuals who are on the payroll of subversive elements to destabilise the country and incite people to violence and carnage.
That is what this so-called #nationwidestrike that they have labelled as the #endbadgovernanceprotest is all about. Worse still there is a covert and subterranean attempt to provoke the security forces to open mutiny and rebellion against constituted authority and thereby truncuate our democracy.
 Those that are behind it are attempting to take advantage of the undoubtedly enormous economic challenges in the land to create panic, fear, chaos and mass unrest with a view to provoking anarchy, mayhem and armed insurrection.
 This is unacceptable and no responsible Government will sit back and allow it to happen. I urge those that are behind this surreptitious, subterranean and sinister subterfuge to have a rethink and not spark off a reaction from the security forces that they will later regret.
 We do not want or need a nationwide #endsars-like round of protests and neither can we afford the attendant violence, strife, division, damage to property and bloodshed that comes with it.
 The way forward is to put off the protest, exercise patience, enter dialogue with the Federal Government and express our collective concerns in a lawful, restrained, responsible and legitimate manner. Anything outside of that will be dangerous and counter-productive.

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Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer



Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Being a kidnapper was something that never crossed our minds – Rivers AGN Chairman
•Odenigbo featured only in his own movies, never harassed or owned actors
•I’m scared, says Kelvin Ikeduba who acted in one of his movies ‘Born in the Ghetto’


Fear, shock, and disbelief are the words to describe the reactions of many filmmakers and movie stars in Rivers State where the slain billionaire kidnapper, Henry Odenigbo, held sway as an actor and film producer before he met his Waterloo on July 4 in Lagos.



Ode, as he was popularly called, was the ring leader of a gang of nine kidnappers who targeted wealthy individuals in Lagos. They were killed after a shootout with the police at Ladipo, Mushin area of Lagos.

While he was alive, the late kidnapper who was seen as one of the biggest financiers of movie productions in Rivers, was the owner of Port-Harcourt-based Aso-Rich Production.

But unknown to movie makers in the state, Ode was a kidnap kingpin who was using the production outfit as a camouflage to carry out his nefarious activities.

Fortunately, actors were not his main target.

Narrating how the late billionaire kidnapper, who hailed from Imo State came to be known as an actor and film producer, the Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria,AGN, Rivers State chapter, Dr. Ken Osunwa, in a chat with Vanguard, said the late Ode was never close to anybody in the industry, adding that he only featured in his own-sponsored movies.




According to him, the late kidnapper was never a member of AGN, Rivers State, nor a member of Association of Movie Producers, AMP, Rivers State chapter.

Speaking further, Osunwa, who noted that Odenigbo never attended any of their meetings or events, said: “He hailed from Imo State and came to set up a movie production outfit in PH. I’ve already done a disclaimer when the news got to me and people were talking about him as an actor.

“Yes, he was acting in his own-sponsored movies and not practising in Nollywood, Rivers State, in the sense that he never featured in other people’s productions.


“To the best of my knowledge, Ode never had an issue with other practitioners in the state. I was never called to settle issues with him and others.’’

He, however, acknowledged the fact that the late billionaire kidnapper never owed any actor, director or producers who worked for him.

“He was bringing different actors, producers and directors to work for him and at the end of it, he paid off everyone.

“He invested in the Nollywood industry like any other investor. Nobody knew his source of wealth and when I received the news of his killing by the police in Lagos, I was very surprised. I thank God that all our actors who were working with him are safe and fine. Nobody was missing and from the report from his production, he was not owing anybody.”

Besides producing movies, the late Henry Odenigbo also had a Film Academy, called Ason Rich Movie Academy, where he trained cameramen, scriptwriters, actors, producers and directors, sound mixers, make-up artists, and production managers, among others.



Before his death, Ode was promoting a one-month intensive training opportunity for youths on his Instagram page, which was supposed to kick off on Monday, August 5, and run till August 31, in Rivers. But that dream is gone with his exit.

Recounting how Ode recently completed his last production before his exit, Osunwa said he (Henry Odenigbo) as a kidnapper, was something that never crossed their minds in Rivers State, adding ‘’This is because he was nice to the people that worked for him.”

Meanwhile, as a way of stopping a recurrence of the ugly incident in future, Osunwa said his group had started profiling every production house in Rivers State to know their identities as well and get acquainted with them, to monitor closely whatever they were doing.

“We have also started sensitizing our members on how to identify fake production houses in the state. Like in every sector of our society, there are different kinds of human beings operating with a different mindset. We must fight them to avoid ruining our sector,” Osunwa added.

One of the popular actors, Kelvin Ikeduba, who featured in one of the late kidnapper’s movies, “Born in the Ghetto” which was released early last month, said he was scared when he heard the news of Odenigbo’s death.




He was thankful that nothing happened to him while on the set of the deceased’s movie.
The actor said: “I only featured in one of his movies, ‘Born in the Ghetto.’ They would have killed them before now. I was scared. I went to work in PH, what if there was no job and they came up with a plan? Who knows!

‘’I am very happy with the news of their death. For me, it’s a big testimony. Do you know what it means when someone comes every day to pick you up in the hotel without you knowing what they are doing for a living?’’

He added that the director, Ifeanyi Akanaga, invited him to be part of the production.
However, disassociating Nollywood from the slain kidnapper, the President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, DGN, Dr Victor Okhai, said what happened was a call for ‘a united Nollywood’, where they would be privileged to know who is who in the industry.

He argued that while bad eggs were also found in other sectors, the slain kidnapper was never a member of any guild in Nollywood.

Similarly, the President of the Association of Movie Practitioners, AMPRAC, Ifeanyi Azodo, said checks on AMPRAC’s database showed that the late kidnapper was never a member of the association, adding that people of questionable character were never admitted into the association

In a disclaimer, Osunwa dissociated the AGN from the filmmaker, Odenigbo alongside three other persons who claimed to be film practitioners.

The guild, in a statement, said the three persons who died in the shootout with the police at Ladipo were not their members.

The statement read: “The Rivers State chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria at this moment, disclaims any affiliation with the individuals who tragically lost their lives in a recent kidnap incident in Lagos. Specifically, Prince Henry Asonna (Executive Producer of Aso Rich), Angel Emanuzo (Associate Producer), Chris Ahaneku (Logistics Manager-Aso Rich), and Jerry Eze (Camera Assistant) were not members of our guild. They were not part of our organization.

“They have never been associated with our guild events and are not on our register. They were not affiliated with us, to the best of my knowledge, and we condemn any false associations and news making the rounds that AGN members from Rivers State were involved in the kidnapping.”

Veteran actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, also cautioned the public on his Instagram page against referring to the slain kidnapper as a movie producer.



In the same vein, AGN’s Financial Secretary, Emeka Duru, frowned on associating the slain kidnappers with Nollywood, saying “Because they made a movie is not doing justice to the industry.”

Meanwhile, in 2024 alone, Odenigbo’s outfit, Ason-Rich Movie Production, produced over ten films, including ‘Born in the Ghetto’, ‘Love At The Pool’, ‘My Half’, ‘Little Top Up’, ‘Regards for Love’, “Wild Love”, ‘Clue Girl’, ‘Blind Blood’, ‘To Forgive’, “Sharon’s Fate”, which featured Yul Edochie, and ‘Bethlehem.’

In 2022, he produced such movies as “Royal Ties” among others.

The late kidnapper worked with famous actors, such as Yul Edochie, Kelvin Ikeduba, and Eve Esin. But checks also revealed that he mostly worked with fast-rising actors or relatively unknown faces in the industry.

As an actor who was always posting all his movie jackets on Instagram, the late kidnapper portrayed bad-boy roles and wielded guns in movies, as seen in one of his most recent roles in “Blind Blood” as posted on his Instagram page on April 26. He was also honoured on March 16, 2024, when organizers of Nollywood Indigenous Filmmakers of Nigeria, NIFMON, awarded him the ‘Best Filmmaker in Port Harcourt’.


Weeks later, on March 31, E-flex named him Nolly TV’s Best Grassroot Filmmaker for 2024/2025.


By  By Benjamin Njoku



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Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies




Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies



President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in Abuja emphasized the importance of sustaining democracy, its norms and institutions, noting that protests are an integral part of democracy but that no government will condone demonstrations that lead to the destruction of lives and property.

The President spoke at the Presidential Villa when he received a Letter of Credence from the newly appointed United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Richard Mills Jr.

”Our relationship with America is rich. We believe in democracy and freedom. Some of your predecessors worked hard during our transition to democracy, and we remember the likes of Ambassador Howard Jeter.

We look forward to Nigeria and the United States continuously working to expand cooperation on shared goals and democratic values.

”During the military era, we made our voices heard against dictatorship, and I was part of the group that engaged in peaceful protests without resorting to the destruction of property.

”We have worked hard to ensure 25 years of unbroken democracy and I will continue to maintain this democracy.

”In as much as we believe that demonstrations are part of democracy, we will never encourage any protests that lead to the destruction of lives and property,” the President stated.

Welcoming the U.S. State Department’s acknowledgement of Nigeria’s strategic role on the continent as Africa’s largest democracy, President Tinubu called on the U.S. government to pay more attention to Africa.

Nigeria is ready to play its role as the largest democracy in Africa that is worthy of emulation to other African countries, but we need more U.S. partnership on the continent that is beneficial to both sides.

”We believe in freedom, and we are providing the leadership to make Nigeria’s economy grow,”
 the President said.

Ambassador Mills affirmed U.S. support for Nigeria’s democracy and pledged support for bigger roles for Nigeria in the international arena.

”Nigeria is crucial to the United States because we share democratic values, and we are ready to give you all the support.

”I am here to make sure that the relationship blossoms both on democracy and the economic side,” Ambassador Mills said.

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