Mrs Gloria

baba Peculiar inspecting the collapsed building

Popular Osun State-born Prophet, J.K. Hephzibah, otherwise known as Baba Peculiar, who arguably was the first clergy to predict the defeat of President Goodluck Jonathan in the presidential election in one of his prophesies in 2012 is storming the National Stadium, Surulere Lagos in a powerful programme tagged “ Miracle Night”. On Friday, May 29, 2015.
Sahara Weekly’s check revealed that plans are in top gear to make the event a huge success as outstanding miracles wrought through him is presently rocking Lagos. We reliably gathered that one of the miracles that has made his new auditorium a Jerusalem of sort for worshippers at Gospel of Christ Peculiar Church, 34 Egbatedo street, Oko-oba Orile Agege, lagos was the delivery of a baby girl by one Mrs Gloria whose pregnancy was delayed for nine years. We confirmed that after medical solution both at the General hospital and private hospitals proved abortive, she attended a crusade organised by Him. She was spotted during his ministration and after a spiritual operation by Prophet Hephzibah, she delivered a baby Girl instantly.
Sahara Weekly had a chance encounter with him and he spoke excitedly about the Unique way God has been using him. Excerpts…
By Gods grace i was the first person to have predicted the defeat of Jonathan in the 2015 election. In 2012 I said it categorically and I am glad it’s on record that i said God told me if he contest, he will be defeated. I told them then that Jonathan was president because of God wants it but he can’t do anything. And that if he tries to seek re-election in 2015, he would lose terribly. That’s why I was disappointed when some people staked their calling on his re-election. When i was privileged to see the president in Aso rock i was bold enough to tell him the truth but…
I am disappointed at ways people try to twist what i say for political gains. Prior to the gubernatorial election, I said God told me that he has a purpose for Jimi Agbaje but he belongs to the wrong party which would jeopardised his ambition.
God is good. If not that my God is awesome I wonder what would have happened to the over 2000 worshippers present when the incident happened few days ago. I got a message from God and told them to fast for three days to avert death of multitude in the church on Sunday at Ibadan in oyo State. Interestingly, after the fasting on Sunday, the church auditorium collapsed and no soul died. What an awesome God we serve.
Tell us about Baba Peculiar. What makes you peculiar?
I really thank God. First of all, C.A.C peculiar was founded in the year 2004 in Ibadan (gbaremu new airport road, Ibadan) and later was located at Lagos also in the year 2007(biyi adeyemo street. akesan bus-stop. lasu-iyana iba ). I like anything media so, I started with a radio and television programme in Ibadan. When people heard the way I talked, many of them came, especially journalists, to the programmes just to ask questions. Usually, if I want to hold a major programme, I would invite journalists to be there to publish information about the it. And the reason is that I have no skeleton in my cupboard; I am a free man. So, many people came to one of our programmes in Ibadan and when they saw the miracles and diverse healing that took place that day, they marvelled and said ” this a mystery “peculiar.” That was how they began to call me ‘Baba Peculiar’, but my name is James Kunle Hephzibah. My father’s name was Ogunjimi. I am from a polygamous home and I had been a smoker for a long time. When people saw me on television and the way I talked { I used to talk like a thug}, they did not know what caused it. It was because of my upbringing and the way I was brought up. I thank God because I learn t from it.
Like I told you, I am from a polygamous family and before I was born, they told my father that he was not going to have a male child unless he married another wife. My father went to Olatubosun village in my state, to consult a prophet and the prophet said that the male child my father would have would not come through my father’s first wife. That prophecy was difficult to believe because nobody had ever married two wives in our family lineage. That prophecy sounded stupid, but you know anything of God and prophetic is always different from what is common. So, they said how could my father marry two wives? It was impossible. They s insisted it had never happened in our family before, and they told the prophet that it was impossible. My father had the first child, the second, up to the sixth, yet there was no male among them. So, he went back to the prophet and the prophet said the message of the Lord is sure for life and it could not be changed. Thus, he told my father to go and marry another wife. The prophet described my mother. God is great. He told my father he was going to meet my mother at a place in Lagos at a particular place. My father was living in Ibadan. He later got married to my mother. I was told that when I was six months in the womb, I appeared and told her that my name shall be called James and my mother asked: “who are you?” And I told her: ‘This is the same James that is talking to you and he is going to be a powerful prophet; take care of him, you know how he came to you; he said he is not coming through that first wife but he is coming to the family to break some records.’ So, my mother was shocked and she had to go to my father and told him what she saw, and my father said: “Let us go to that prophet.” On getting there, the prophet bowed down said its real but that it was a pity that he was not going to witness my glory. My parents asked why he said so. The prophet said he knew the kind of prophet I would become. He told my father to becareful to take care of “this prophet; you are not going to enjoy this prophet; in fact, you are going to die before his glory shines.” It is a mystery anyway. So, when I clocked four years, my father had to keep that secret. He did not allow the first wife to know that he had another wife, because it was a mystery. But when I clocked four years, my father said he would introduce me to the first wife. So, what happened that day was very mysterious. God is my witness, because what I am telling you – you know, like I always said I don’t trust people ¬- but what I am telling you is the truth and is on record. What I am telling you is that the Holy Spirit that can confirm what i am saying.
Sir, you said you were blind
Before I became blind, let me explain this one, I died for three days, died for three days.
What happened at age of four
At the age of four, I went to Ibadan with my father to just show me to the family and my mother without knowing that my step mother has something, you know that is normal in polygamous family anyway, they gave me poison instead of giving me the right food, so I was pronounced dead. The second day they sent a message to my grandfather that kunle was dead. My grandfather went to that prophet that told them that there is a glorious child that is coming to ogunjimi’s family. Thus, the prophet said that never if it is the one he won’t die because he is a covenant child. Consequntly, the prophet now said that they should not bury the child until he arrives. But they cannot make it on that day with my grandfather so they have to go to an herbalist to say ok we are going to amaro to invite the evil spirit to fight for the dead, that whoever is behind it must go for it. They said that the devil will even kill that person. But when the herbalist came they say they refuse to do that work. Thus, my grandfather and that prophet was coming on their way, you know nothing like telephone that time. What am saying is that the third day that my father decided to bury me with the grandfather, but the prophet still resisted that they can never bury me.On getting to Ibadan around 3pm, not knowing what is going to happen, their car developed fault and they were delayed for about five to seven hours, but before they can get to the place, I come up. I rose up so that is why they use to call me ijebomo, so that is what they use to call me, a strange man and that is why all my father’s brothers and sisters believed the prophet too much.
What about your blindness?
you know I am someone that came from a polygamous family. Maybe because God want to use me for the whole world or maybe because I am going to be a prophet, one way or the other I became a thug, drinking, using machete, smoking Indian hemp. That is what turned me into another person entirely. If I tell you about my education now, they send me away from one school to the other. I did not know I would become somebody in life. But God has a purpose for everything in life. Later, I heard the voice of God telling me that my name shall be called Hephzibah, “you are no longer going to be called kulele”, and in those days that was my nickname. I did not know anything about God then. So I did not believe. But when I woke up, I just dismissed it as a mere dream. But later I discovered that message was from God. So later God spoke to me saying if you like me or not you must accept me. But if you don’t accept me you would become blind in the next seven days. But I still did not believe it. But when I calculated the date after twenty seven days it happened. So they took me from one place to the other for cure but nothing changed. That is why I didn’t believe in anything again, since all these years in Christ i have never taken anything except water and oil. Because I believe so much in that power i encountered myself; it was my personal encountered with God, so God told me to be his prophet but you know, for a thug to become prophet it seemed strange to me, so later I became blind. I vowed that whoever would restore my sight will be the one that I will serve forever. Three weeks after, the spirit of God spoke to me again, and confirmed that my name should be called Hephzibah and that my background has been cursed because I came from idol worshiping family. Truly, nobody had ever succeeded in life in my family. God said he wants to take me out of that family and that I am going to break some yokes and I am going to break that family curse, and you are going to be one of the most famous prophets in the word. So I believe I have never started. So I asked who is God? And He said I should go to the mountain to pray. But I did not know anything about mountain so I did not go. But later on April 23, something happened. God gave me back my sight. So I discovered that everything in my room turned up side, so that is the first day i ever encountered God Himself. So i saw something like angel and i say what is this? And he said i came to set you free so you can set my people free, and that he will use me to raise people from death. And the first miracle from me was, the spirit of God told me to send three sachets of pure water to a mortuary, and i did, to go and raise a dead woman, the doctor did not believe it, but on getting to the mortuary, i saw inscription on the corpse, “J. K. Hephzibah.” That was what was written on a paper, on the chest of the corpse and the doctor came out and said that he had never seen something like that. He was surprised because nobody had ever been to that mortuary since the corpse was deposited there. But when the doctor received the water sent by me, he was like, “you are a fool, what does this means? The doctor screamed not knowing that the three sachets of water are a power representing the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. The Bible says that my people suffer for lack of knowledge. So, the doctor came out shouting “what happened?” And for people to know, they said let us go and see. And on getting to the mortuary, ask my pastor, the dead sat down, she has come back.
Where did that happen?
It happened at Ibadan years ago. I even call journalists from radio and television stations to go and cover it, they cover it but it did not come out. So that is why i am worried that if God can use you to raise up people from death, and journalists cannot pick that one but later when they say Baba Peculiar did something, like a mistake, it is going to be news.
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