Dear Diary is a new urban family sitcom, created by the very creative content maker Sola Fajobi. Dear Diary is set to air by...
5 AY Call him a master of the arts. You won’t be wrong. He’s a lover of taste and distinction-...
It seems this is a good news here, if it is anything to go by. We just wish they listen to the senate. On...
Parents of Nollywood kid actor, Olamide David, who died early last month has revealed that the boy had spiritual attack from all indications and...
From all indications, it can be said authoritatively that everything isn’t right in the camp of Psquare. Peter, has delved into other...
Last week, a news was making rounds that a Yaba college of technology student died due to the inadequacy of the school’s medical facilities. This...
On Valentine’s day, popular actress and One of Time’s Most Influential People in the world, Omotola opened an event center, Double Doors at 8...
Beautiful Nollywood actress, Onyii Alex, has released some hot pictures as she gives stunning poses in a pool. The Actress who combines beauty with brain is...
The biggest rave of the valentine season was at the Nigezie Colour Of Love Valentine Party held at The Place Ikeja. The massive event had a host...
PIX ONE : Hon. Minister of Power, Works & Housing, Mr Babatunde Fashola, SAN, (right) being conducted round the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria,...