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Every Inch of Eko (Lagos) Was Founded by The Awori: Olofin of Isheri Declares.



Every Inch of Eko (Lagos) Was Founded by The Awori: Olofin of Isheri Declares.

Every Inch of Eko (Lagos) Was Founded by The Awori: Olofin of Isheri Declares.




Sequel and in response to a recent statement made by the Benin oba regarding the historical founding of Eko (Lagos), His Royal Majesty, Oba Sulaiman Adekunle Bamgbade, the Olofin of Isheri and revered successor of the ancient throne of the Aworis’ progenitor, has affirmed to the Awori Heritage Alliance of North America that Eko (Lagos) was undoubtedly founded by the Awori people.





Every Inch of Eko (Lagos) Was Founded by The Awori: Olofin of Isheri Declares.




In light of this confirmation, we, the Awori Heritage Alliance of North America therefore issue the following statement to emphatically and resolutely repudiate the remarks made by the Benin oba concerning the founding of Eko (Lagos) during his courtesy visit to the Lagos House, Marina on Sunday, 26 November 2023.






This statement by the Benin oba is not only erroneous, it in fact constitutes an utter disregard for the centuries old strongly held historical traditions of Eko (Lagos); as well as the documented historical facts on the founding or source of Eko, Lagos.







In his statement, the Benin oba alleged that a “certain area in Lagos, maybe the nucleus of Lagos was founded by my ancestors”. This profound misrepresentation of historical fact actually undermines the rich and verifiable history of the Awori subgroup of the Yoruba ethnic group who are the autochthonous people and founders of Eko, Lagos.






It is imperative to at this point adduce certain highlights from the published as well as archived official historical records of Lagos, as collected from the native historical traditions of the indigenous inhabitants of Eko (Lagos) by the British colonial administrators of Lagos & Nigeria.








The Deputy Chief Secretary to the British Government of Nigeria, Sir Alan C. Burns, GCMG published the “History of Nigeria” in 1929 for the British colonial authorities based on the historical traditions collected in Nigeria from the native sources. The founding of Eko (Lagos) was detailed, and the nature of Lagos’ relationship with Benin was clearly spelt out as quoted below:










“A band of Yorubas, led by a cadet of the royal family, appears to have settled at Isheri, on the Ogun river … the settlers then spread southwards to Ebute Metta, on the mainland opposite Iddo island, where a town was built and farming was begun. Some time after this the inhabitants moved across to Iddo island, … Iddo, however, was scarcely large enough to support the number of settlers, … it was [then] decided to begin cultivation on the neighbouring island of [Eko] Lagos … [When] the first invasion from Benin took place; the inhabitants were fortunate that at this crisis their Olofin, or ruler, was a man of great courage and strong character, and under his leadership the King of Benin’s soldiers were repulsed.








Subsequent attacks met with no better success, and the Olofin gained in fame and influence. He is reputed to have had thirty-two sons, … one succeeded his father as Oloto of Iddo, the title of Olofin falling into abeyance … The custom of the [Eko] Lagos chiefs to wear “white caps” came originally from Iddo, and was introduced by the ten sons of the Olofin, whose successors still wear similar caps.







Some little time after the Olofin’s death there began the peaceful penetration into [Eko] Lagos of settlers from Benin. The Binis probably realised that they would not be able to occupy [Eko] Lagos by force, as they had already been so decisively beaten in their attacks on Iddo, and it is thought that they were also prevented from further aggression by superstitious fear, the dying wife of the Olofin having pronounced a terrible curse on any further invaders from Benin. Whatever may have been the reason, the Binis arrived with no great show of force, and permission was asked of the [Eko] Lagos people for them to land.”








Furthermore, a “confidential” colonial report of the British Intelligence Division entitled “Précis of Information Concerning the Colony of Lagos, Together with Notes on the Neighbouring Native Territories”, compiled in February 1888, unequivocally admits the Awori’s founding role of Eko, Lagos.


This British document which was printed for the archives of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, outlines the arrival of the Bini immigrant group (among other non-native immigrant groups) into Lagos. These non-native groups, such as the Bini group, were able to settle-in on the island only after their sought permission to land was granted by the Awori natives. European coastal trading activities had by circa 1570s transformed the Eko area into a focal point of considerable importance. This development drew in non-native immigrant trading groups such as the Bini group.






All of the above historical information which were collected from the historical traditions of the natives, by the British authorities evidently establish the following facts:






(1) That the Awori (a subgroup of the Yoruba ethnic group) are the autochthonous people of Eko (Lagos), as well as the founders of Eko, Lagos.

(2) That the Bini trading group who visited the area centuries later, and got allotted a piece of the island to encamp (as was done for others) have nothing to do with the founding of Eko, Lagos.

In addition to the foregoing historical facts regarding the founding of Eko, we wish to shed light on another often-misrepresented aspect of our history. This pertains to the identity of the historical Ashipa — the progenitor of the royal dynasty of the Eko kingdom.

This Ashipa is identified without any trace of uncertainty in the classical Awori historical traditions as a Yoruba noble (Awori) from Isheri-Olofin. This historical fact is also documented in the same early records of Lagos history already cited above. The same information is also contained in other early records of Lagos history such as the “Notes of Evidence tendered by Mr. Herbert Macaulay, C.E., At the Commission of Inquiry. Re: The Succession to the House of Docemo” in the year 1920.

The marital-alliance of this Isheri chief (Ashipa) with the family of the then Benin oba produced the first crowned-king of Eko, King Ado. However, we must stress that while King Ado’s ancestry traces also to the then Benin oba through King Ado’s mother; this issue from the marital-cum-political alliance does not confer the founding right of Eko (Lagos) upon Benin kingdom or the Bini people; neither does Ashipa’s tribute of gratitude to his royal-political patron & in-law confer such right.

As has been demonstrated from the original received traditions of Lagos which are also referenced to the earliest official records of Lagos history, it becomes clear that it is blatantly erroneous and categorically misleading to even suggest that Benin kingdom founded any part of Lagos. No! Not an “inch” of Lagos was founded by the Benin kingdom or the Bini people.

Furthermore, the present Benin oba’s snide remark at His Imperial Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi (Ojaja II) will not be overlooked. Not only was the remark disrespectful to the person of a permanent Co-chairman of the National Council of Traditional Rulers of Nigeria (NCTRN), a council of which the Benin oba is merely a member; it is also couched with grave historical fallacy. We demand an unreserved apology for this sacrilegious incivility and blatant insult to the cradle of the Yoruba civilization.

We strongly urge the Benin oba to, going forward, desist from making statements such as this which are not only false (as have been demonstrated), but also have the potential to stir up irreparable inter-ethnic strife capable of setting Nigeria on the path of irreversible disharmony & potential balkanization; especially as we are all only slowly recovering as a Nation from the ugly discords of the 2023 elections.

We stand firm in our commitment to preserving and promoting the historical truth and call for a respectful acknowledgment of the same by all parties. We also demand a retraction of this fallacious statement from the Benin oba, and we insist on an unreserved apology to all Awori sons, daughters, kith & kin; His Imperial Majesty, the Ooni of Ife; and the Yoruba race as a whole.











Sahara Weekly Reports That The Abdul Samad Rabiu Africa Initiative (ASR Africa), the philanthropic initiative of the Chairman of BUA Group, Abdul Samad Rabiu (CFR, CON), has flagged off the construction of a N280 million Abdul Samad Rabiu Integrated Publishing House for Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State. This project will enhance the capacity of the University from basic press status to a modern, integrated publishing house to encompass publishing, print production, and other related diversified services. The one-storey building facility will serve as a laboratory and studio for training students of communications, media studies, and allied disciplines as well as other disciplines.









At the groundbreaking event, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Ademola S. Tayo, expressed satisfaction at the nomination by ASR Africa, under its Tertiary Education Grant Scheme. He added that the choice of the project was a response to the vision to take the Mass Communications Department of the University to a whole new level. According to him, the university’s vision is to produce young men and women capable of critical thinking, and problem-solvers capable of proffering innovative solutions to problems of everyday life, be it social, political, and cultural.













In his response, Dr. Ubon Udoh, the Managing Director of ASR Africa, expressed his delight at the University’s choice of establishing an Integrated Publishing House. He added that when information is appropriately applied, human society is empowered to liberate itself from limitations and attain its full potential. Dr Udoh reiterated the commitment of the Chairman of ASR Africa, Abdul Samad Rabiu to supporting quality education within the tertiary education system in Nigeria and urged the institution to focus on the sustainability of this noble project. He also reiterated the importance of cooperation and collaboration between the university and the contractor for the timely delivery of the publishing house.










About ASR Africa

ASR Africa is the brainchild of African Industrialist, Philanthropist, and Chairman of BUA Group, Abdul Samad Rabiu, the Abdul Samad Rabiu Africa Initiative (ASR Africa) was established in 2021 to provide sustainable, impact-based, homegrown solutions to developmental issues affecting Health, Education and Social Development within Africa.


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President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, PLEASE, ACT FAST!



President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, PLEASE, ACT FAST! by Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, PLEASE, ACT FAST!

by Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi.



It’s no longer story that the preparation for the EndSars carnage went on for a while before its actual implementation.


President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, PLEASE, ACT FAST!
by Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi.


But lack of proactive approach on the part of some people in the government of the day became a recipe for the actualisation of the dastardly act. History is about to be repeated, but I do not expect this to happen under the watch of President Bola Tinubu.

I do not say that people should not be allowed to protest if they have any reason to do so. But given the fact that the country does not have the capacity to separate genuine protesters from hoodlums, unnecessary protest should be curtailed.

Some people may be surprised that I call it unnecessary protest.

Yes, it’s unnecessary because this government has never displayed any act of rigidity since it took the mantle of leadership. It responds even to mere comments on social media expressly within. It is clear to every discerning and positive citizen that this government has become one of the most engaging one since 1999.

It has engaged with the organised labour on the minimum wage and it’s being passed to law. It has won autonomy for local government councils. It is on course for disbursements of students’ loans. It has given tax waiver for certain commodities and goods. You only protest against a government that is either passive, incorrigible or rigid. How can a government that is barely a year in office be protested against even when it has surpassed many of the past ones within one year? That cannot be called a protest but a mischief.

President Bola Tinubu should not be deceived by those who harp on funny fundamental human rights to cause mayhem. America is the country they use as a reference point. But American government does not take untoward attitude from anyone. If you want some you will be given some. There is no way for avoidable discomfort.

Kenyans are licking their wounds at the moment. We must not allow our own case to get to that point. I believe that many of those who are planning for the protest are children who do not know the implications of such a protest. Those who are old among them are those who would gladly set their universities’ libraries on fire in the name of students’ demonstration just because water tap didn’t run at the expected time.

Please, begin to show us that we have someone in charge of our affairs. Be more presidential Your Excellency. We know that it’s those who lost elections in 2023 and those they have recruited among those who think you have not compensated them among your conditional supporters that are behind the protest.

Please, refuse to be blackmailed. No matter what you do, there is but one mind in those people and it is turned against you. Please do everything humanly possible for PH REFINERY to work. Support Dangote Refinery to get crude oil locally.

We must not be importing fuel forever. Therefore, you should beware of the sinister motive of the August 1 planned protest, Your Excellency. May you continue to succeed and may all patriotic Nigerians continue to progress in all spheres of life in the mighty name of God.

Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi is an entrepreneur, opinion leader and a security analyst.

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Law Enforcement Training Institute ( LETI ) Commences Annual Mandatory Training



Law Enforcement Training Institute ( LETI ) Commences Annual Mandatory Training.



The Lagos State Law Enforcement Training Institute ( LETI ) begins her Annual Mandatory Training Exercise for the year 2024 for Law Officers across the state.

The exercise, which will run for a duration of six weeks brings together officers from the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority ( Lastma ), the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Corps ( Kai ), the Vehicle Inspection Service ( Vis ), the Lagos Neighbourhood Safety Corps ( Lnsc ) and the Central Business District ( Cbd ) law Officers.

In her opening remarks, the CEO / Head of Leti Mrs Abiola Adeyinka emphasised on the importance of continual training for Law Officers to ” be at their best” and to ” embrace the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge.” she stressed the need for professionalism, integrity, and respect for the Rule of Law in the discharge of their duties as respectable officers of the state of excellence. The training program will cover a wide range of topics to include:
* Traffic management and Enforcement.
* Public safety and security.
* Human right and law enforcement.
* Conflict resolution etc.
* Interpersonal relations to mention but few.

Mrs Adeyinka reteirated the State government commitment to ensuring that Leti delivers on its mandate of providing high quality training to Law enforcement Officers in the state.

According to the Ceo, “The Governor of Lagos State has pledged the full support of his administration to Leti in its efforts to enhance the professionalism and effectiveness of Law enforcement in Lagos State. The annual mandatory training exercise is a testament to the Lagos State government commitment to ensuring a safe, secure and well- managed environment for all residents.

Law Enforcement Training Institute ( LETI ) Commences Annual Mandatory Training.

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