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FANO: Building a greater generation and impacting lives






Freedom for All Nations Outreach (FANO), a Pretoria-based church, started off some five years ago as a fellowship of brethren with a mission to take salvation to lost souls and succour to the needy.

From a humble beginning at a rented hall for evening fellowships, and itinerant revivals, the church has grown to occupy its current 5.3 hectres property on the outskirts of South Africa’s capital city, Pretoria.  NewsPlus paid a visit to the church recently and had an exclusive chat with the self-effacing, exceptionally generous and empathetic Founder and Senior Pastor of the church, Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse (fondly called Brother Sam), and he disclosed the ‘secret’ behind the exponential growth of the church:


Prophet, it is amazing that we are already talking about five years since you started this ministry. A lot has happened and, looking at the past five years, how well would you say you have fared working for God?

Brother Sam

I can say that it is all about grace. Ministry is not an easy journey. It is about the grace of God because if we are to look at all that has happened for the past five years we will see that it is not something that an ordinary man can do. Somebody asked me to tell them the secret that I used to do in five years what 20 years could not do, and I replied that I’m not the one that did it. When the grace of God is at work with man, it makes the life of man easy. That is why I say it is the grace of God that made us to achieve everything that we have achieved now. It is true that we are fasting and we are praying; we rely on the word of God, even yet there are people who fast and pray more than we do, that understand the word more than we do but the difference is the favour, mercy, and grace of God. According to Hebrews Chapter 4 Verse 16, “Let us come boldly to approach the throne of grace so that we may obtain mercy and find grace in times of need”. It is only the grace of God that has brought us to where we are now.


It’s like you just took those words out of my mouth. I was going to ask you; everybody prays for the grace of God, how come this grace is sufficient for some people and some others don’t have it. Like you rightly said, some people have been in the ministry for decades and they haven’t accomplished what you have accomplished. You also mentioned mercy; to qualify for mercy you yourself have to be merciful. Could that be the secret?


Brother Sam

No, that is not a secret. The Bible says, “Blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy”. That is not the hidden secret; the hidden secret of the achievement is found in the book of Exodus Chapter 33 from Verse 18 where God says, “I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy and compassion to whom I will show compassion.” The obtainment of mercy is God’s choice and God’s will. If we look at what we have achieved, it is because we have received mercy in God’s sight and that the grace is available. Without a man obtaining mercy, grace is not available because it is mercy that opens the door for grace. That is why we call our church ‘Mercy Land’. So, it is the mercy of God that we have obtained that has given us the grace that we are running with; we are not running just a race. We are running with grace.


You just moved to this new site as part of your expansion drive and already you have a massive auditorium in place. Tell us about that.

Brother Sam

It is indeed the expansion that moved us to this site and, also, it is the Lord’s doing. People come from all over the country and from overseas. We have shuttle buses bringing people to our various services and we had serious space problems where we were.

By God’s grace, we acquired this 5.3 hectres or 53000 square metres property and the auditorium that you talk about is actually meant to be the youth auditorium. It is an 8000 capacity auditorium. Our plan is to build a 50,000-seater auditorium that is estimated to cost 300 million rands, and we are trusting God to help us put that in place within the next two years.


There are a lot of things that you are doing that are just amazing. Take for instance your School of Ministry. That is one major breakthrough that you recorded very early in the life of this ministry – I think in September 2014 you held your maiden convocation. What is the place of the school in your ministry’s agenda?

Brother Sam

Actually, if we are to do this work for God we have to raise people because one of the things that I picked up is that there were great men of God in the past before we even came into the picture that didn’t raise men and when they died their ministry died and we don’t want the ministry of Jesus Christ to die because every man that is a true man of God is running the extension of the ministry of Jesus. So, if we don’t want that ministry to die, we have to raise men the same way Jesus raised men for his ministry. The school of ministry that we are doing is not an avenue for money making; our motive is to raise men so if we are no more, there are men who can do the work. For example, if I travel for months, the ministry cannot die because there are able men that have been raised for the ministry. So, if somebody is fighting me now because of what we have achieved, the person doesn’t know what he/she is doing because it is not me now; it is all about the people that have been raised. There are hundreds of Samuels that have been raised for the work so if I am no more, there are people that can carry on the work and the work cannot die.


That is divine wisdom. There is something unique that you do also that we have noticed: A lot of men of God leave Nigeria to go and minister abroad. You, on the contrary, leave South Africa to go and minister in Nigeria even though Nigeria has a lot of men of God. You do this consistently. Why is that so?

Brother Sam

Jesus did the same thing. The headquarters of Jesus’ ministry was not in his hometown; he ministered outside and brought the gospel back to them. The same thing I did; so South Africa is not my birthplace, I was born in Nigeria. The Lord sent me to South Africa and I saw that there is a need in Nigeria for what God put in me and he told me, so I go back and give them what they need and they are benefitting from it.


You embarked on one of such missions recently, not just to Nigeria but to your home state, Ondo; taking the message back to your roots. What would you say is the most memorable experience during the Ondo Outreach?

Brother Sam

The most memorable experience is the wonderful testimony of the woman who was pregnant for one year and four months. She had gone everywhere but could not find a solution to her predicament. However, after we prayed a short prayer she went into labor, but to everyone’s surprise, she gave birth to a live catfish.

We were so shocked; we took pictures and recorded the event. She too was shocked. It was a real birth, there was blood and her water even broke, we thought it was a baby coming out but it was a catfish. In fact, that was the most shocking testimony that I have ever seen in my ministry.

Watch the prophet relate the incident to FANO congregation here:

Another amazing testimony is that when I was away, a thief attempted to break into the church. He got stuck on the perimeter fence for about three hours and only dropped from the fence when the police arrived at the scene.

When interrogated, he confessed that his intention was to steal from the church but he had no idea how he got stuck. It is not an electric fence; otherwise, perhaps he would have been electrocuted. Again, we can only attribute that to the power of God in action.


At your services, you make it a point to pray for Africa and you have in your auditorium the flags of different nations. What’s that about?

Brother Sam

Our ministry is the Freedom for All Nations Outreach. We recognise the need for peace in all nations because that is the first condition for people to be truly called the children of God. Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.” So, we pray for peace in all nations, particularly African countries because, first, we are in Africa and then, of course, we all know that Africa has its peculiar challenges. The flags you see represent all the nations we have visited for ministration.


That’s quite a number of nations. FANO Television is also part of your outreach strategy. How’s that going?

Brother Sam

FANO TV is indeed a medium that helps us to take the message to the uttermost parts of the earth as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission:

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

FANO TV is doing great. We receive a lot of testimonies from people watching it all over the world and the visitors that we get are mainly as a result of the encounter they have through the channel. It is a very expensive venture. But God has made it possible and He is using men to sustain it.


Thanks for your time and the great work you’re doing

Brother Sam

Thank you and God bless you.


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BUA Foods’ Shareholders Approve N5.50k Dividend, Commend 2023 Results



BUA Foods’ Shareholders Approve N5.50k Dividend, Commend 2023 Results

 …BUA Foods Will Be Nigeria’s Biggest Flour, Pasta Milling Company In 2024 – Abdul Samad Rabiu


Shareholders of BUA Foods Plc (“BUA Foods” or “the Company”), at the 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, on Thursday, 26 September 2024, approved the proposed final dividend payment of ₦5.50k per share.

BUA Foods’ Shareholders Approve N5.50k Dividend, Commend 2023 Results

The indigenous food manufacturing giant announced impressive financial performance as it recorded a revenue of ₦729.4bn, a 74.4% increase compared to the previous year. Profitability remained strong, demonstrating its resilience amidst evolving market dynamics, especially rising input costs. Profit after tax showed an impressive year-on-year growth, up 23%, from N91bn reported in 2022 to ₦112bn in 2023.

Addressing shareholders during the meeting, the Chairman of the Board, Abdul Samad Rabiu, thanked the shareholders for their undaunted commitment to the company’s shared vision. He mentioned that BUA Foods’ strategic focus on capacity expansion, and market penetration coupled with sound governance, yielded significant success.

He said: “Last year we successfully expanded and commercialised additional capacity in flour, pasta, and rice divisions, resulting in impressive volume growth across these divisions and overall strong business performance. With recent strategic agreements and new facilities planned for completion next year, we will become the country’s biggest pasta and flour milling company.

“Our performance is a testament to the resilience of our business strategies, underpinned by a culture of strong corporate governance. We are also focused on the optimisation of our internal processes to maintain excellence in a fast-changing world. With the dedication of our Management and staff, we will continue to deliver exceptional value to all stakeholders.”

Speaking further on growth ambitions, Rabiu said, “In 2024, we remain focused on accelerating efforts towards the completion of our Backward Integration Project in line with the extended Federal Government’s Sugar Master Plan 2.0, aimed at attaining self-sufficiency in the sugar sector.

“Additionally, we seek to further address key challenges in Nigeria’s rice production industry by enhancing local production, empowering farmers, and promoting sustainable practices. This project will contribute to food security, economic development, and environmental sustainability.”

Also commenting, the Managing Director BUA Foods, Engr. Ayodele Abioye (PhD), said, “Despite the challenging macroeconomic environment, we made good progress across key strategic pillars of expanding capacity, markets, products, and package offerings as well as expanding business capabilities with a focus on operational excellence, innovation, and sustainable growth.

“We will continue to leverage technology, innovation, and operational efficiencies to drive value creation and maintain a solid growth trajectory. We are committed to reinforcing our leadership as a home-grown food business with purpose.”

Speaking on the dividend pay-out, a shareholder, Mrs. Bisi Bakare, expressed her delight at the exceptional performance of the company.

She remarked, “We shareholders are very pleased today to receive a final dividend of N5.50 kobo from BUA Foods.

“I appreciate the board for putting smiles on our faces in this hard time. Declaring a N5.50k dividend despite the economic climate is very commendable and this has encouraged us to want to invest more.”

Another shareholder of BUA Foods, Farouq Muktar, commended the management for the year-on-year growth of the indigenous food manufacturing company.

He said, “I am very happy because of your commitment and the positive results we keep recording. This performance is highly commendable.

“We appreciate your strategic thinking which is one thing Nigerians need at this time. I commend BUA Foods management for always making us happy and not letting Nigerians down.”

In 2023, BUA Foods won several awards from reputable organizations. Among the awards won are Food Company of the Year, Innovative Indigenous FMCG Company of the Year Award, and Fastest Growing Food Manufacturing Company of the Year.

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JUST IN*….. *UNIPGC Executives visits Mayor Of Brampton ahead of the 2nd Edition of Global Peace Leadership Summit and Awards*



*JUST IN*…..

*UNIPGC Executives visits Mayor Of Brampton ahead of the 2nd Edition of Global Peace Leadership Summit and Awards*



… In a notable diplomatic engagement, delegates of the United International Peace and Governance Council (UNIPGC) Canada Chapter paid a courtesy visit to His Worship, Patrick Brown, Mayor of Brampton, Canada on September 25, 2024.

During the visit, the UNIPGC delegation extended a formal invitation to Mayor Brown to attend the forthcoming event scheduled for October 25th, 2024, at the Brampton Conservatory Hall.

This highly anticipated event marks a significant milestone for UNIPGC Canada as it commemorates the UNIPGC CANADA inaugural ceremony, Commissioning of its operations, inaugurates its newly appointed Country Director and Investiture of other Executives into various offices.

The visit to the Mayor aimed to officially invite him to deliver the Welcome Address, where he will greet distinguished guests and dignitaries from around the world who will be present to witness this landmark occasion.

Notable figures expected to attend include *Her Excellency, Chief Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor*, former Vice President of Liberia, *H. E Amb. Dr. Marshall Jonathan Ojadah*-UNIPGC Global President, *Hon. Chambu Mwavita Permette* – DR Congo Minister Of Human Rights, *Hon. Kevin Uguru* – Member Of German Parliament, Berlin Germany, *HRH Queen Meenakshi Ravi* – Mrs Universe, Texas USA among others.

The event will underscore UNIPGC’s unwavering commitment to promoting international cooperation, peacebuilding, and good governance, while also spotlighting community empowerment initiatives both within Canada and globally.

For more info visit

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Idera Pathfinder Foundation Boosts Education Sector In Ogun



Idera Pathfinder Foundation Boosts Education Sector In Ogun*

…Donates Block of Classrooms, Educational Materials To Schools


Ogun State Commissioner for Finance and Economic Adviser, who is also the Co-founder of Idera Pathfinder Foundation, Mr. Dapo Okubadejo, has been commended for donating blocks of classrooms and furniture to his alma mater.

Commending the donor during the commissioning and handing over of the facilities to Moslem Primary Schools I and II, Isoku, Ijebu-Ode, Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Prof. Abayomi Arigbabu, informed that the donations which include, reconstruction of one block of four classrooms, fully equipped with 80 pairs of furniture and four teaching boards in School I, was an expression of passion for learners’ success.

Prof. Arigbabu added that one block of three classrooms, was also reconstructed and fully equipped with 60 pairs of furniture and three teaching boards in school II, to enhance conducive learning environment and promote quality teaching.

According to the Commissioner, the foundation also provided school bags and writing materials to all pupils in the two schools, commending the donor for supporting the ‘Adopt a School’ mantra of the present administration in the state.

“It is not common nowadays to see people giving back to their old primary schools; that is why I’m commending Mr. Okubadejo for this laudable gesture. The gesture will linger on in the minds of the pupils because it is engraved in their hearts already”, he said.

Prof. Arigbabu, while congratulating the management, staff and entire pupils of Moslem Schools I and II, charged them to put the facilities into good use, saying, “maintenance of projects encourages donors to do more”.

Earlier, Mr. Okubadejo, represented by his wife, who is also the co-founder, Mrs. Olufunke Okubadejo, noted that Idera Pathfinders Foundation is a non-political, non-religious and non-governmental organization established by Hon Oladapo and Mrs Funke Okubadejo to support the socio-economic and human capital development through targeted intervention in education and healthcare with a focus on the indigent, vulnerable communities and micro and small enterprises.

Mrs Okubadejo added that the foundation which has supported several people in the past is a movement dedicated to transforming lives, one step at a time seeking to bring peace, comfort and posterity to the society.

The Finance Commissioner, who was the Head Boy of the school in 1979, said the gesture was in memory of his mother, who was teacher in School I and later became a Head-teacher in School II, as well as expand the capacity of the schools for more enrolment drive, thereby raising future generations of educated and responsible people.

Appreciating the donor on behalf of other students, the Head Girl of the School II, Ibidapo Kafilat, expressed gratitude to the donors, promising to make judicious use of the facilities and writing materials.

Present at the commissioning exercise include The Onimoru of Imoru-Ijebu, Ogun State, Oba Munirudeen Adeposi, Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Prof Abayomi Arigbabu, Permanent Secretary in the ministry, Mrs Oluwatosin Oloko, Chief Olu Okuboyejo, a former Permanent Secretary in the state and Chairman, Ogun State Governor’s Elders Advisory Council, CDC/CDA and other notable dignitaries.


Idera Pathfinder Foundation Boosts Education Sector In Ogun*

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