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“In the grand tapestry of life, the story of Atiku Abubakar the little boy from Jada unfolds as a compelling narrative, a saga marked by resilience, trials, and triumphs. As we celebrate this momentous occasion, it is not merely the passing of another year but a profound acknowledgment of a life well-lived—a life akin to a rose gracefully blooming in the midst of thorns.







Atiku Abubakar was born on November 25, 1946, in Jada, a town in present-day Adamawa State, Nigeria. His early life was shaped by a mix of traditional and Islamic influences. Here are key aspects of his early life and influences:








• Education: Atiku’s early education included attending Jada Primary School and Adamawa Provincial Secondary School in Yola. He later pursued further studies at the Nigerian Police College in Ikeja,Lagos and the Customs Training School in Ebute Meta ,Lagos.He also completed Diploma in Law Programme at the Ahmadu Bello University ABU,Zaria in 1969.
• Islamic Background: Atiku comes from a Muslim background, and his early life was influenced by Islamic teachings and traditions. This background has often been evident in his public life, and he has been known for his active involvement in Islamic activities.






• Business Ventures: Atiku Abubakar ventured into business early in his life. He started out in the trading sector and gradually expanded into various businesses, including real estate and the oil and gas industry. His success in business played a significant role in shaping his later political career.
• Entry into Politics: Atiku’s foray into politics began in the 1980s when he joined the People’s Front of Nigeria. He later became involved in the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and played a role in the transition to democracy in the 1990s. And till today, he is still in active politics despite all odds and promised to continue to work towards the enhancement of democratic process in Nigeria. Atiku said ,For as long as I breathe I will continue to struggle, with other Nigerians, to deepen our democracy and rule of law and for the kind of political and economic restructuring the country needs to reach its true potential. That struggle should now be led by the younger generation of Nigerians who have even more at stake than my generation.
• Influence of Political Mentors: Atiku Abubakar’s political journey was influenced by several mentors, including Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, a prominent Nigerian military officer and politician. Yar’Adua’s mentorship played a crucial role in shaping Atiku’s political ideology and approach.
• Leadership Roles in Customs: Atiku had a successful career in the Nigerian Customs Service, where he rose through the ranks to become the Deputy Director. This experience provided him with a solid foundation in public service and administration.
Understanding Atiku Abubakar’s early life and influences is essential for gaining insights into the factors that shaped his character, values, and eventual entry into the complex world of Nigerian politics. To be able to swim in the Nigerian political deep sea, you must have a very strong swimming suit like that of Atiku. You must be a case study in leadership like Atiku. He has consistently shown a commitment to democratic principles. He has been actively engaged in Nigerian politics and has promoted democratic ideals, including the importance of free and fair elections, political pluralism, and the rule of law.
His foray into the political arena serves as a testament to his enduring commitment to public service. From the early days of his political career to the present, Atiku has weathered storms and embraced challenges with a fortitude reminiscent of a rose standing tall amidst adversity. Each petal of his political journey tells a story of dedication, ambition, and an unyielding spirit to contribute to the welfare of his nation.
• Restructuring: • Atiku has been a vocal advocate for the restructuring of Nigeria. He emphasizes the need to address issues of federalism, devolution of powers, and regional autonomy to achieve a more balanced and effective governance structure.
• Youth Empowerment: • Atiku has expressed a commitment to empowering the youth. His policy advocacy includes initiatives aimed at providing opportunities for young people, both in terms of education and employment.
• Economic Reforms: • Atiku has advocated for economic reforms, including policies to stimulate economic growth, attract foreign investment, and create a conducive business environment. His business background often influences his economic policy positions.
• Education: • Atiku has highlighted the importance of education and has advocated for policies that enhance the quality of education in Nigeria. This includes initiatives to improve infrastructure, access, and curriculum development.
• Job Creation: • Job creation is a recurring theme in Atiku’s policy advocacy. He has put forward ideas and proposals aimed at addressing unemployment and fostering economic opportunities.
• Healthcare: • Atiku has expressed concerns about the state of healthcare in Nigeria. His policy advocacy includes proposals for improving healthcare infrastructure, access to medical services, and addressing public health challenges.
• Technology and Innovation: • Atiku has shown interest in promoting technology and innovation. His policy advocacy includes initiatives to harness technology for economic development, job creation, and improving governance.
Trials and tribulations have not been strangers on Atiku’s path. Through the twists and turns, he has faced controversies with a grace befitting the delicate beauty of a rose, undeterred by the thorns that sought to impede his progress. His resilience, like the bloom of a rose after a storm, has been a source of inspiration for many who have witnessed his unwavering pursuit of his ideals.

Controversies and Challenges
The disputes between Olusegun Obasanjo and Atiku Abubakar during their tenure as President and Vice President of Nigeria (1999-2007) were multifaceted and stemmed from various issues. Here are some key factors that contributed to their strained relationship:
• Power Struggle: • There was a perceived power struggle between Obasanjo and Atiku. While the president sought to consolidate power, Atiku aimed to maintain influence and authority, leading to tensions over decision-making processes.
• Allegations of Corruption: Atiku Abubakar faced allegations of corruption during his time as Vice President. These accusations, which included issues related to financial dealings, contributed to the deterioration of trust between the two leaders.
• Political Differences: Both leaders had differing political aspirations and affiliations. Atiku sought the presidential candidacy, and this divergence in political interests added to the overall discord.
• Attempts to Block Atiku’s Ambitions: Obasanjo made efforts to thwart Atiku’s political ambitions, including attempts to prevent him from running for the presidency. This further strained their relationship and created a contentious political environment.
• Third Term Agenda: There were allegations that Obasanjo was considering a third term in office, a move Atiku opposed. The controversy surrounding the potential extension of Obasanjo’s presidency exacerbated the already tense relationship.
These factors combined to create a complex and adversarial relationship between President Obasanjo and Vice President Atiku during their time in office. The disputes eventually led to Atiku’s exit from the ruling party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), and his subsequent political journey with other political parties.
Management of crises and tribulations
Atiku Abubakar’s approach to managing crises and tribulations in his political life is marked by a combination of resilience, strategic maneuvering, and legal recourse.
• Legal Recourse: Following the announcement of the 2019 and 2023 presidential election results, Atiku Abubakar contested the outcome, alleging irregularities and challenging the victory of the incumbent president. His decision to take the matter to court showcased a commitment to utilizing legal avenues as a means of addressing perceived injustices, demonstrating a strategic approach to crisis resolution.
• Engagement with Democratic Processes: Atiku’s choice to contest the election outcome through legal channels instead of resorting to public unrest or protests reflects a commitment to democratic processes. This approach is crucial for maintaining stability and upholding the rule of law in the face of political challenges.
• Public Communication: Throughout the legal proceedings, Atiku maintained a presence in the public sphere, using media platforms to articulate his position and communicate with his supporters. This proactive communication strategy aimed to manage public perceptions and garner support while the legal process unfolded.
• Advocacy for Electoral Reforms: Beyond his personal case, Atiku Abubakar has been an advocate for electoral reforms in Nigeria. This broader engagement reflects a commitment to addressing systemic issues to prevent future crises, showcasing a long-term vision for improved democratic processes.
Atiku Abubakar’s philosophic vision and political thoughts, as demonstrated in his leadership, provide a valuable case study in leadership.
• Economic Development: As a leader, Atiku Abubakar has emphasized the significance of economic development and job creation. He has advocated for policies that encourage investment, entrepreneurship, and economic growth to improve the well-being of Nigerians.
• Federalism and Restructuring: Atiku has been a vocal advocate for fiscal federalism and restructuring in Nigeria. He has argued for greater devolution of powers to states and local governments, promoting a more decentralized system of governance.
• Youth Empowerment: Atiku recognizes the importance of youth engagement and empowerment. He has advocated for policies and programs that address youth unemployment and provide opportunities for young people to contribute to the nation’s progress.
• International Engagement: Throughout his political career, Atiku Abubakar has engaged with the international community. He understands the significance of diplomacy and cooperation with other nations to address global challenges and promote Nigeria’s interests on the international stage.
• Political Inclusivity: Atiku has often emphasized the importance of political inclusivity and the need for all regions and ethnic groups to have a voice in the political process. He has advocated for unity and inclusivity in Nigeria’s diverse society.
• Corruption and Governance: Atiku has been outspoken about the need for transparency, accountability, and good governance. He recognizes that addressing corruption is crucial for the effective functioning of the government and the welfare of the people.
• Education and Human Capital: He has shown an understanding of the significance of education and human capital development. Policies that improve access to quality education and enhance human skills are central to his vision for a more prosperous Nigeria.
• Infrastructure Development: Atiku has been a proponent of infrastructure development, recognizing the role of modern infrastructure in economic growth and development. His vision includes improving Nigeria’s transportation, energy, and social infrastructure.
• Environmental Conservation: Environmental sustainability is an issue of importance to Atiku Abubakar. He understands the need to protect the environment and promote conservation efforts for future generations.
• Cultural Preservation: He values the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, acknowledging the role of culture in shaping a nation’s identity and unity.
It’s important to note that Atiku Abubakar’s specific beliefs and political thoughts are shaped by his experiences, political career, and the context of Nigerian politics. These principles provide a foundation for understanding his leadership style and the values he has promoted during his career, making him a valuable case study in leadership and political thought.
By examining Atiku Abubakar’s response to the challenges surrounding the 2019 and 2023 elections , a case study in leadership can explore the balance between legal recourse, strategic communication, and advocacy for systemic improvements as essential components of crisis management in the context of Nigerian politics.
In the crucible of leadership, Atiku Abubakar has demonstrated sagacity and a vision that transcends the ordinary. His leadership style, akin to the gentle guidance of a rose’s stem, has navigated complexities with a balance of strength and grace. His commitment to the betterment of society echoes through the petals of his achievements, each one a testament to his enduring dedication to the people he serves.
The metaphor “a rose in the midst of thorns” is often used to highlight the positive qualities or achievements of an individual in the face of challenges or adversity. In the case of Atiku Abubakar, this metaphor suggests that despite facing difficulties, controversies, and trials throughout his life and political career, there are aspects of his character, leadership, or contributions that are seen as commendable, valuable, or beautiful—much like a rose standing out amidst thorns.
The specific reasons for considering him a “rose in the midst of thorns” would vary depending on individual perspectives and opinions. Supporters may point to his resilience, political experience, leadership qualities, or contributions to public service as the positive attributes that shine through challenges. Detractors, on the other hand, might focus on controversies or criticisms. Overall, it’s a figurative expression that encapsulates a nuanced view of a person’s journey in the face of adversity.
As we stand and applaud Atiku Abubakar on his 77th birthday, let this standing ovation reverberate as a collective recognition of a leader who, like a rose in the midst of thorns, has brought beauty, hope, and resilience to the tapestry of our shared existence. May the fragrance of his legacy continue to inspire and uplift, reminding us all that amidst life’s challenges, there blooms the possibility of extraordinary beauty and enduring strength. Happy birthday, Atiku, a true rose in the midst of thorns!”

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 There is nothing wrong with a peaceful demonstration and a lawful legitimate protest. What is unacceptable is a premeditated attempt by a group of faceless individuals who are on the payroll of subversive elements to destabilise the country and incite people to violence and carnage.
That is what this so-called #nationwidestrike that they have labelled as the #endbadgovernanceprotest is all about. Worse still there is a covert and subterranean attempt to provoke the security forces to open mutiny and rebellion against constituted authority and thereby truncuate our democracy.
 Those that are behind it are attempting to take advantage of the undoubtedly enormous economic challenges in the land to create panic, fear, chaos and mass unrest with a view to provoking anarchy, mayhem and armed insurrection.
 This is unacceptable and no responsible Government will sit back and allow it to happen. I urge those that are behind this surreptitious, subterranean and sinister subterfuge to have a rethink and not spark off a reaction from the security forces that they will later regret.
 We do not want or need a nationwide #endsars-like round of protests and neither can we afford the attendant violence, strife, division, damage to property and bloodshed that comes with it.
 The way forward is to put off the protest, exercise patience, enter dialogue with the Federal Government and express our collective concerns in a lawful, restrained, responsible and legitimate manner. Anything outside of that will be dangerous and counter-productive.

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Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer



Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Being a kidnapper was something that never crossed our minds – Rivers AGN Chairman
•Odenigbo featured only in his own movies, never harassed or owned actors
•I’m scared, says Kelvin Ikeduba who acted in one of his movies ‘Born in the Ghetto’


Fear, shock, and disbelief are the words to describe the reactions of many filmmakers and movie stars in Rivers State where the slain billionaire kidnapper, Henry Odenigbo, held sway as an actor and film producer before he met his Waterloo on July 4 in Lagos.



Ode, as he was popularly called, was the ring leader of a gang of nine kidnappers who targeted wealthy individuals in Lagos. They were killed after a shootout with the police at Ladipo, Mushin area of Lagos.

While he was alive, the late kidnapper who was seen as one of the biggest financiers of movie productions in Rivers, was the owner of Port-Harcourt-based Aso-Rich Production.

But unknown to movie makers in the state, Ode was a kidnap kingpin who was using the production outfit as a camouflage to carry out his nefarious activities.

Fortunately, actors were not his main target.

Narrating how the late billionaire kidnapper, who hailed from Imo State came to be known as an actor and film producer, the Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria,AGN, Rivers State chapter, Dr. Ken Osunwa, in a chat with Vanguard, said the late Ode was never close to anybody in the industry, adding that he only featured in his own-sponsored movies.




According to him, the late kidnapper was never a member of AGN, Rivers State, nor a member of Association of Movie Producers, AMP, Rivers State chapter.

Speaking further, Osunwa, who noted that Odenigbo never attended any of their meetings or events, said: “He hailed from Imo State and came to set up a movie production outfit in PH. I’ve already done a disclaimer when the news got to me and people were talking about him as an actor.

“Yes, he was acting in his own-sponsored movies and not practising in Nollywood, Rivers State, in the sense that he never featured in other people’s productions.


“To the best of my knowledge, Ode never had an issue with other practitioners in the state. I was never called to settle issues with him and others.’’

He, however, acknowledged the fact that the late billionaire kidnapper never owed any actor, director or producers who worked for him.

“He was bringing different actors, producers and directors to work for him and at the end of it, he paid off everyone.

“He invested in the Nollywood industry like any other investor. Nobody knew his source of wealth and when I received the news of his killing by the police in Lagos, I was very surprised. I thank God that all our actors who were working with him are safe and fine. Nobody was missing and from the report from his production, he was not owing anybody.”

Besides producing movies, the late Henry Odenigbo also had a Film Academy, called Ason Rich Movie Academy, where he trained cameramen, scriptwriters, actors, producers and directors, sound mixers, make-up artists, and production managers, among others.



Before his death, Ode was promoting a one-month intensive training opportunity for youths on his Instagram page, which was supposed to kick off on Monday, August 5, and run till August 31, in Rivers. But that dream is gone with his exit.

Recounting how Ode recently completed his last production before his exit, Osunwa said he (Henry Odenigbo) as a kidnapper, was something that never crossed their minds in Rivers State, adding ‘’This is because he was nice to the people that worked for him.”

Meanwhile, as a way of stopping a recurrence of the ugly incident in future, Osunwa said his group had started profiling every production house in Rivers State to know their identities as well and get acquainted with them, to monitor closely whatever they were doing.

“We have also started sensitizing our members on how to identify fake production houses in the state. Like in every sector of our society, there are different kinds of human beings operating with a different mindset. We must fight them to avoid ruining our sector,” Osunwa added.

One of the popular actors, Kelvin Ikeduba, who featured in one of the late kidnapper’s movies, “Born in the Ghetto” which was released early last month, said he was scared when he heard the news of Odenigbo’s death.




He was thankful that nothing happened to him while on the set of the deceased’s movie.
The actor said: “I only featured in one of his movies, ‘Born in the Ghetto.’ They would have killed them before now. I was scared. I went to work in PH, what if there was no job and they came up with a plan? Who knows!

‘’I am very happy with the news of their death. For me, it’s a big testimony. Do you know what it means when someone comes every day to pick you up in the hotel without you knowing what they are doing for a living?’’

He added that the director, Ifeanyi Akanaga, invited him to be part of the production.
However, disassociating Nollywood from the slain kidnapper, the President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, DGN, Dr Victor Okhai, said what happened was a call for ‘a united Nollywood’, where they would be privileged to know who is who in the industry.

He argued that while bad eggs were also found in other sectors, the slain kidnapper was never a member of any guild in Nollywood.

Similarly, the President of the Association of Movie Practitioners, AMPRAC, Ifeanyi Azodo, said checks on AMPRAC’s database showed that the late kidnapper was never a member of the association, adding that people of questionable character were never admitted into the association

In a disclaimer, Osunwa dissociated the AGN from the filmmaker, Odenigbo alongside three other persons who claimed to be film practitioners.

The guild, in a statement, said the three persons who died in the shootout with the police at Ladipo were not their members.

The statement read: “The Rivers State chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria at this moment, disclaims any affiliation with the individuals who tragically lost their lives in a recent kidnap incident in Lagos. Specifically, Prince Henry Asonna (Executive Producer of Aso Rich), Angel Emanuzo (Associate Producer), Chris Ahaneku (Logistics Manager-Aso Rich), and Jerry Eze (Camera Assistant) were not members of our guild. They were not part of our organization.

“They have never been associated with our guild events and are not on our register. They were not affiliated with us, to the best of my knowledge, and we condemn any false associations and news making the rounds that AGN members from Rivers State were involved in the kidnapping.”

Veteran actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, also cautioned the public on his Instagram page against referring to the slain kidnapper as a movie producer.



In the same vein, AGN’s Financial Secretary, Emeka Duru, frowned on associating the slain kidnappers with Nollywood, saying “Because they made a movie is not doing justice to the industry.”

Meanwhile, in 2024 alone, Odenigbo’s outfit, Ason-Rich Movie Production, produced over ten films, including ‘Born in the Ghetto’, ‘Love At The Pool’, ‘My Half’, ‘Little Top Up’, ‘Regards for Love’, “Wild Love”, ‘Clue Girl’, ‘Blind Blood’, ‘To Forgive’, “Sharon’s Fate”, which featured Yul Edochie, and ‘Bethlehem.’

In 2022, he produced such movies as “Royal Ties” among others.

The late kidnapper worked with famous actors, such as Yul Edochie, Kelvin Ikeduba, and Eve Esin. But checks also revealed that he mostly worked with fast-rising actors or relatively unknown faces in the industry.

As an actor who was always posting all his movie jackets on Instagram, the late kidnapper portrayed bad-boy roles and wielded guns in movies, as seen in one of his most recent roles in “Blind Blood” as posted on his Instagram page on April 26. He was also honoured on March 16, 2024, when organizers of Nollywood Indigenous Filmmakers of Nigeria, NIFMON, awarded him the ‘Best Filmmaker in Port Harcourt’.


Weeks later, on March 31, E-flex named him Nolly TV’s Best Grassroot Filmmaker for 2024/2025.


By  By Benjamin Njoku



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Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies




Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies



President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in Abuja emphasized the importance of sustaining democracy, its norms and institutions, noting that protests are an integral part of democracy but that no government will condone demonstrations that lead to the destruction of lives and property.

The President spoke at the Presidential Villa when he received a Letter of Credence from the newly appointed United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Richard Mills Jr.

”Our relationship with America is rich. We believe in democracy and freedom. Some of your predecessors worked hard during our transition to democracy, and we remember the likes of Ambassador Howard Jeter.

We look forward to Nigeria and the United States continuously working to expand cooperation on shared goals and democratic values.

”During the military era, we made our voices heard against dictatorship, and I was part of the group that engaged in peaceful protests without resorting to the destruction of property.

”We have worked hard to ensure 25 years of unbroken democracy and I will continue to maintain this democracy.

”In as much as we believe that demonstrations are part of democracy, we will never encourage any protests that lead to the destruction of lives and property,” the President stated.

Welcoming the U.S. State Department’s acknowledgement of Nigeria’s strategic role on the continent as Africa’s largest democracy, President Tinubu called on the U.S. government to pay more attention to Africa.

Nigeria is ready to play its role as the largest democracy in Africa that is worthy of emulation to other African countries, but we need more U.S. partnership on the continent that is beneficial to both sides.

”We believe in freedom, and we are providing the leadership to make Nigeria’s economy grow,”
 the President said.

Ambassador Mills affirmed U.S. support for Nigeria’s democracy and pledged support for bigger roles for Nigeria in the international arena.

”Nigeria is crucial to the United States because we share democratic values, and we are ready to give you all the support.

”I am here to make sure that the relationship blossoms both on democracy and the economic side,” Ambassador Mills said.

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