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Grace Nation @ 20 Thanksgiving: There is a Dimensions that Touches the Heart of God, It’s Thanksgiving – Dr Chris Okafor



Grace Nation @ 20 Thanksgiving: There is a Dimensions that Touches the Heart of God, It’s Thanksgiving – Dr Chris Okafor
… When thanksgiving becomes your lifestyle, Breakthrough becomes evidential




Grace Nation international aka Liberation City is 20 year old, the church that began in a very small Place inside the compound of a primary school in Ojodu Berger Lagos,has transform and is now 20year old with various testimonies of how God used the church to transform so many life, the Holy Ghost Movement has also breaks Barriers in the life of Many while the exalted altar of of the Church Serve as the turning point to greater height and has given hope to the hopeless. Grace Nation is still transforming life, crossing them to the other side of better beginning and Breakthrough.








As part of the activities set aside to mark the 20years anniversary celebration of the church,a 4 days Prophetic Program was held at the international Headquarters of Grace Nation world-wide in Ojodu Berger Lagos, the Program which began on the 30th of November with Impartation program, Restoration service, Spiritual empowerment lecture, Empowerment of different kinds ends with a Special thanksgiving service. It was indeed a week of Higher life Dimension according to the theme of the Celebration..








In his welcome address to Participates at the Special thanksgiving service, the Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide Dr Chris okafor said God has taken Grace Nation this far with so much mind blowing testimonies of all kinds, Deliverances, Healings, salvation’s of soul, Restoration and Profiling Solution to the situation of Many, God has been so good to the entire Grace Nation Citizens since the inception of the Church 20years ago.

I cannot begin to count what God has done in the life of all of Us in Grace Nation, should we start from various Spiritual challenges, Demonic Blackmail here and there, Territorial Powers filling uncomfortable with the church with attack or still remembering the kidnapping attacked aimed at stopping the vision of God upon the Church which failed, so many challenges we have won, even we have lost count but till date God has been so faithful to the church, the Generational Prophet of God thanks God.

In his sermon with Topic “The Wonders of Thanksgiving” The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor said Grace Nation is enjoying nothing but the Grace of God for the past 20 years, He said the entire citizens of Grace Nation is thanking God for his Grace that has kept the church going, though the Kingdom of darkness try all it could to stop us but God faithfulness, strength disappointed the devices of the enemies over the Commission, the man of God remarked.

Why are we giving thanks, the Generational Prophet of God said the church is giving thanks because a Grateful man remain Great when he gives thanks, saying that Thanksgiving is an application for more. A thankful person will alway gets what he want.

The Apostle of altars Dr Chris Okafor said when thanksgiving begins to be your lifestyle Breakthrough becomes evidential in your life, one of the major dimensions that torches the heart of God is Thanksgiving, therefore thanksgiving Guarantee Mighty Miracles and this is the reason why we have gathered all Grace Nation Citizens across the world to thank God for the journey so far and appreciate his faithfulness the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor Concluded.

Earlier the special thanksgiving witness various chorography display from the youths, women and the church Drama group alongside Liberation voice thrill faithful with powerful Praise ans worship song
The 20th Anniversary Celebration cake was strategically position, hanged up, the special effect of the position of the cake was an eye saw, the Gigantic cake was cut to mark the 20year of existence of the Church by the Senior Pastor, Son and daughter of the Prophet, Mighty Men, Special Guest and all the VIPs in church, that means all citizen of Grace Nation.

From all the Media Friend of Grace Nation, we say a wonderful 20years Anniversary of the church, More Grace to Function in Jesus precious Name Amen.



Grace Nation @ 20 Thanksgiving: There is a Dimensions that Touches the Heart of God, It's Thanksgiving - Dr Chris Okafor













Sahara Weekly Reports That Dr. Daniel Olukoya led Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) Worldwide has done it again. The ministry known for excellence and precision has put Nigeria into the global map musically.










This is not unconnected to the fact that one of the Church’s choir groups – MFM Mountain Top Chorale, has won a gold medal at the 2024 World Choir Games in Auckland, New Zealand.










The World Choir Games is a prestigious international competition that celebrates the rich tapestry of choral music from around the globe.











According to WCG’s website, this year’s event had more than 11,000 singers from over 30 countries in Auckland for “the largest choral competition and festival on the planet.”








Reacting to the development, an elated General Overseer of MFM, Prof Daniel Olukoya, expressed delight on Facebook on Thursday, highlighting the opportunity for the choir to represent Nigeria and showcase both indigenous music and his own compositions.











“The World Choir Games, often dubbed the ‘Olympics of chorale music,’ is a renowned international competition that celebrates the diversity of choral music and fosters global harmony through song.”










The World Choir Games is a prestigious international competition that celebrates the rich tapestry of choral music from around the globe that fosters global harmony through song.”









It’s fantastic to see the MFM Mountain Top Chorale compete in category C22 – Spiritual and earn 83.38 points, awarding a GOLD MEDA, the organisers said.




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I’d el Kabir: Prophet Ikuru felicitates with Muslims, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence and religious tolerance



I'd el Kabir: Prophet Ikuru felicitates with Muslims, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence and religious tolerance

I’d el Kabir: Prophet Ikuru felicitates with Muslims, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence and religious tolerance







By Collins Nkwocha








Sahara Weekly Reports That The prophetic hall of fame, prophet Godwin Ikuru of Jehovah Eye Salvation Ministry is felicitating with the Muslims in Nigeria as they celebrate their Id el Kabir.





I'd el Kabir: Prophet Ikuru felicitates with Muslims, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence and religious tolerance






Speaking today in Ikeja, Lagos,the prophet implored them to use the opportunity to pray for the nation,he also called for peaceful Co-existence between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria ” I sincerely want to felicitate with the Muslims as they celebrate their Id el Kabir,I want them to know that i love them become they’re wonderful people because i have been privileged to meet some of them and lived with some of them during my early days as a young man,i want to implore them to use this celebration period to pray for peace in our dear nation”.










Prophet Godwin Ikuru is one of the clergies that believes that the Muslims are Christians are serving one God that’s why he has always shown love to the Muslims,he doesn’t discriminate like other clergies; he’s the only Christian clergy who congratulated Sanusi as he got back the throne of the Emirship which he was dethroned years ago.

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Fouani’s MD : How Primate Ayodele Foretold Kidnap Of Important Personalities In May



Fouani’s MD : How Primate Ayodele Foretold Kidnap Of Important Personalities In May












Sahara Weekly Reports That Few months after kidnappers operations reduced in Nigeria, there has been a renewed operation with the abduction of the Managing Director of a famous electronics distribution company, Fouani Nigeria Limited, along with three Lebanese while travelling by boat in Lagos yesterday.





Fouani’s MD : How Primate Ayodele Foretold Kidnap Of Important Personalities In May





The captives, whose names have not been ascertained, were said to be travelling through the Lagos waters from Apapa to Victoria Island when the kidnappers struck. It was also disclosed that the abductors had reached out, demanding a $1.5m ransom.











This is in fulfillment of the prophecy of Primate Elijah Ayodele which he shared in the month of May warning security operatives to stay on alert and change their strategies in fighting terrorism as he foresaw a rise in kidnap operations.













The prophet who has been warning Nigeria’s security chiefs about terrorist attacks and even advised them to build three strong towers, made it known that the best way to curb insecurity is by acquiring drones. He revealed that kidnap operations would be on the rise and it will involve important personalities.







These were his words:


“Kidnappers will rise again in the next few months and it will involve important personalities. The government will take a bold step to get drones to fight all of these.’’


‘’The method of fighting terrorists will be changed with the acquisition of drones in the country. They should act on it fast and take it seriously because of dangers coming towards our security structure; it will help the country to be free from terrorism and banditry.’’


Just one month after his prophecy, the first kidnap operation involving very important personalities was carried out with the abduction of Fouani’s MD, Mohamed Fouani.

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