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The genocidal monster and strange little creature that appears in a video which I posted on X boastfully proclaiming that “every single Gazan is an enemy of Israel” & that “every man, woman & child in Gaza should be killed”, proves that the Jewish state is now a nation of demonically-inspired souls that are in the grip & power of satan.






The creature, whose name is Eliyahu Yossian and who is a former member of an elite Intelligence Unit of the Israeli Defence Force, spoke with the same murderous intention and homicidal obession that his Jewish forefathers did 2000 years ago when they insisted on the cold-blooded murder and crucifixion of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and when they proudly and foolishly proclaimed,

“Let His blood be upon us and upon our children”.


For those that have not seen or heard the creatures vile, venomous and incendiary contribution the video can be found on my X handle (@realFFK) or @intifada.



In case his display of madness was not enough to invoke your boiling and inconsolable rage, consider the words of yet another mentally ill malefactor.


This time it was a serving Israeli Army officer, fresh out of Gaza, who was recorded whilst proclaiming the following with a big smile on his face.

He said,

“we are looking for babies to kill! I have killed a girl who was around 12 but I want to kill a baby”.


For those that doubt that anyone could speak like this and are skeptical about my representation of his sentiments, kindly view them yourself on my X handle (@realFFK) or on @tparsi and @Khaledyoursy22.


If one is looking for good examples of what the English common law describes as “a diseased mind” & what Romans 1:28 of the Holy Bible describes as a “reprobate” one, these two troubled, twisted souls readily provide them.


Sadly this depravity is not limited to them alone and does not stop there.


It is a general, widespread malaise which is shared by most Israelis and particularly by those in the ruling Likud party, the Government, the Parliament (the Knesset), the security and intelligence agencies (Mossad and Shin Bet) and the Israeli Defence Force.


Permit me to share a few examples of their barbarous disposition.


Palestinian men, women and CHILDREN who have been arrested by the Israeli Defence Force in Gaza are routinely stripped naked & paraded through the streets before being spat on, tortured, mocked, defecated & urinated over & finally murdered.

Even in death they are not spared but are subjected to even more humiliation as their bodies are desecrated and mutilated and their vital organs are skillfully and clinically carved out and sent back to Israel for sale on the flourishing international and national black market for human parts!

I will not speak of the mass rape and group sodomy that Palestinian men, women and CHILDREN are subjected to by the Israeli Army.


I will not speak about the fact that the Israeli Army are using shells containing internationally-banned white phosphorus and that they have launched more than a thousand artillery strikes on densely populated areas since the start of their bloody war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October.

I will not speak about the fact that they burn little children from head to toe with their flame throwers, Nepam bombs and white phosphorus shells and the fact that the few that are left alive suffer the most excruciating form of unbearable pain before they eventually die.


I know this because I have seen the videos and they are far too troubling and graphic for me to post or share.


They were sent to me by my friend and brother His Excellency Abdullah Abu Sawesh, the Palestinian Ambassador to Nigeria.


After watching them in absolute shock, horror and disbelief I wept for the children of Gaza and the people of Palestine and I told him that I honestly believe that all the demons had fled hell and had relocated to the State of Israel.
These are just a few of the unspeakable things and abominable atrocities that are being committed against innocent and defenceless Palestinians in the name of waging war against Hamas by the Jews and frankly it beggars belief and is utterly mind-boggling.


They are targetting and killing women, infants and babies as if they were shooting fish in a barrel.

All this yet the world sits back and does NOTHING whilst what is fast developing into the greatest massacre of non-combatants and civilians by one of the world’s most powerful armies is taking place right under our noses and before our eyes.

What a tragedy this is and what a terrible stain on humanity.


Yet despite the horrors that the Jews are subjecting the Palestinians to they insist on rejoicing about their shameless barbarity and unconciable cruelty with loud roars of triumph and wild, far-fetched notions and claims of victory.

Unknown to them, this so-called “victory” comes at a great cost.


I say this because given the savagery and barbarity that we are witnessing in Gaza, many are of the view that the Jewish state may have proved her historical and modern-day detractors right and FORFEITED her right to exist.



The notion that she should be wiped off the face of the earth is beginning to gain traction and appear attractive to millions of people throughout the world.

The relentless madness and murderous disposition of Prime Minister Bibi “Satanyahu”, the blood-lusting barbarity of the Israeli Defence Force and the insidious and malevolent intention of the Zionist lunatic fringe to unleash the worlds second holocaust on the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank and effect what Adolf Hitler described as the “Final Solution” by eliminating and exterminating every single Palestinian man, woman and child on the face of the earth have made many reconsider their position and come to the chilling conclusion that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran and all the other notable individuals and state and non-state actors in world history and from time immemorial who believed that the Jews and the State of Israel should be erased from existence may have had a point.


Let me be clear.

As a strong believer in the resolutions of the Oslo Accords and the “two-state solution” and a believer in justice, equity and the Jewish state’s right to exist, I do NOT share this view and neither do I believe that Israel could ever be wiped out but if truth be told, as a consequence of events in Gaza and particularly the wilful and premeditated slaughter of women and children, many that think like me are beginning to reconsider their views.


Worse still most people, quite erroneously in my view, no longer care to make a distinction between Zionism and Judaism and, as each day passes, they say more and more that the Jews and the Zionists are one and the same and are BOTH the enemies of not just the Arabs but of the whole of humanity!


That is where “Satanyahu” and his insidious supremacist philosophy, racist disposition and apartheid mindset has taken his country.


He has made more enemies for the Jews than any other leader in their 6000 year history.


Permit me to shed more light on his dark and sinister mindset and that of those that are members of his inner circle by sharing the following.

A few days ago on X @CensoredMen posted the following insightful and revealing contribution titled “Netanyahu’s Superstars”.

They wrote,

“Benjamin Netanyahu has a wide range of personalities serving inside his government but two names in particular separate themselves from the rest.


These two people are: Itamar Ben-Gvir (National Security Minister of Israel) and Bezalel Yoel Smotich (Finance Minister of Israel)


Before we continue I want you to know that these two men were PERSONALLY appointed by Netanyahu to their positions.

Now let us go through their highlight reels.

Itamar Ben-Gvir:

⁃ He believes that the Jewish tradition of spitting on Christians, Priests and Churches is perfectly fine and should NOT be punishable by law.

⁃ He is a firm Israeli Supremacist.

He proved this when he said:

‘The right of me, my wife and my children to move around the West Bank is more important than freedom of movement for the Arabs.’

⁃ He has pulled a gun on multiple Palestinian parking attendants in Tel Aviv.


⁃ He was notorious for having a portrait of Baruch Goldstein on his wall.

For those who do not know, Baruch was an American-Israeli terrorist who massacred 29 Palestinian worshipers in Hebron in 1994.


⁃ In June, he entered Al-Aqsa Mosque and declared Israel “in charge” to deliberately cause tension.


⁃ He has been convicted of all the following:

▪️Incitement to racism.

▪️Destroying property.

▪️Possessing a “terror” organization’s propaganda material.

▪️Supporting a “terror” organization.

Now that you have the rundown of Israel’s National Security Minister, let’s move onto Israel’s Finance Minister.

Bezalel Smotrich:

– In 2016 Smotrich made a statement in which he said Jewish mothers should not share maternity wards with Arab mothers.


– In February 2023 he was in favour of “wiping out” a Palestinian village and called for the Palestinian town of Huwara to be “erased”.


– In March 2023 he said “there is no such thing as Palestine and there are no such people as Palestinians.”

– In March 2023, Smotrich visited France and spoke at a podium featuring a map of “Greater Israel”.

“Greater Israel” includes:

▪️The entirety of Palestine 🇵🇸

▪️The entirety of Jordan 🇯🇴

▪️Parts of Iraq 🇮🇶

▪️Parts of Lebanon 🇱🇧

▪️Parts of Syria 🇸🇾

▪️Parts of Egypt 🇪🇬

▪️Parts of Turkey 🇹🇷

▪️Parts of Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦

I refer to these two as “Netanyahu’s Superstars”.


Because no matter what they say or do Netanyahu will always defend them and refuses to remove them from their positions inside the Israeli Government.

I hope this tweet gave you a better understanding of the mentality of Israel’s leadership”.


This is a useful contribution from @CensoredMen and I commend them for their courage.

It is not only disturbing but also revealing and one wonders whether there is any other Government in the world that harbours such deranged, psychopathic, vicious and Nazi-like thugs at the highest level within its ranks .



Could this have been the mindset that Adolf Hitler, another monster of history and author of the infamous and rabidly racist treatise titled ‘Mein Kampf’ (My Struggle), envisioned many years ago and attempted to warn the world against?


To be sure I deplore Hitler and all that he stood for and I have nothing but contempt for his Nazis and their despicable Aryan dream and vision.

Needless to say I wholeheartedly and categorically condemn EVERYTHING that they said and did to the Jews, the Slavs, the Gypsies, the homosexuals, the disabled, the deformed and indeed the rest of humanity but my question is pertinent and needs to be answered.


That question is whether it is possible that Hitler prophetically foresaw and envisioned a mirror of his evil self in the Satanyahu’s of this world and decided to rid us of the insidious Zionist plot and barbarous plague that lay many years ahead?


Much like the murderous, homicidal, conniving, treacherous, cruel, insidious and dark soul depicted in the Holy Bible by the name of Haman, Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, wipe out their faith and take their land, worldly possessions and money whilst todays Jewish Zionists want to kill all the Arabs, wipe out their faith and take away all that they have.

Is it not an irony of fate that yesterday’s victims of terror, racism and genocide are today the greatest oppressors, terrorists and perpetrators of ethnic and religious cleansing?


Are the Zionists, led by Bibi and the lunatics in his cabinet, any different from Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Goring, Hess and all the other German Nazis?


The latter caused the death of no less than 50 million people in WW11 and the former may well cause the death of billions in what may end up being WW111.

Are the two not one and the same?

We can debate this from morning till night but the little Palestinian girl who has lost her entire family, including her parents, grandparents and siblings and that was beaten to a pulp, raped, sodomised, mutilated and burnt alive by the heartless butchers of the Israeli Defence Force will certainly tell you that there is no difference at all.


She will confirm to anyone that cares to listen that both the German Nazis and the Jewish Zionists are two sides of the same coin and that the only difference is that the latter literally own and control the United States of America and indeed the Western world.


Is it any wonder that South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to probe the State of Israel for genocide in Gaza?

Just last week in an open letter that yours truly wrote to Satanyahu titled, “An Open Letter To Bibi” I submitted that he was mentally ill and that he needed psychiatric evaluation and treatment.


My assessment was borne out of an honestly held opinion and strong conviction and not malice and my observation and counsel was later confirmed by no less a person than the famous Hollywood blockbuster film producer Roger Stone who said, in a widely publicised television interview a few days ago, that he had met Satanyahu and that based on what he had told him and the way he behaved at that meeting he had no doubt that the man was “raving mad”.

Stone’s assertion and assessment of the Israeli Prime Minister’s failing mental health coupled with the revelations by @Censoredmen exposing the reckless sociopaths and psychopaths that he insists on keeping in his cabinet has confirmed my views about Satanyahu.


He is totally and completely unhinged and the fact that his nation has a nuclear bomb which he has the power to set off at any time is indeed a sobering and frightful thought.


Something needs to be done before it is too late and the sooner the people of Israel insist on a ceasefire in Gaza, bring an end to the war, remove Satanyahu from power and either jail him or hand him over to the International Criminal Court where he will undoubtedly be successfully prosecuted and handed a life sentence for genocide, ethnic cleansing, mass murder, war crimes, crimes against humanity and infanticide, the better.


Yesterday the world rose up and came to the aid of the Jews when Hitler sought to eliminate them.


Today the world WILL rise up and come to the aid of the Palestinians.


It is just a matter of time.


O Israel, once loved and cherished by virtually all, you have now become a stench to everyone’s nose.

What a tragedy!



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 There is nothing wrong with a peaceful demonstration and a lawful legitimate protest. What is unacceptable is a premeditated attempt by a group of faceless individuals who are on the payroll of subversive elements to destabilise the country and incite people to violence and carnage.
That is what this so-called #nationwidestrike that they have labelled as the #endbadgovernanceprotest is all about. Worse still there is a covert and subterranean attempt to provoke the security forces to open mutiny and rebellion against constituted authority and thereby truncuate our democracy.
 Those that are behind it are attempting to take advantage of the undoubtedly enormous economic challenges in the land to create panic, fear, chaos and mass unrest with a view to provoking anarchy, mayhem and armed insurrection.
 This is unacceptable and no responsible Government will sit back and allow it to happen. I urge those that are behind this surreptitious, subterranean and sinister subterfuge to have a rethink and not spark off a reaction from the security forces that they will later regret.
 We do not want or need a nationwide #endsars-like round of protests and neither can we afford the attendant violence, strife, division, damage to property and bloodshed that comes with it.
 The way forward is to put off the protest, exercise patience, enter dialogue with the Federal Government and express our collective concerns in a lawful, restrained, responsible and legitimate manner. Anything outside of that will be dangerous and counter-productive.

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Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer



Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Being a kidnapper was something that never crossed our minds – Rivers AGN Chairman
•Odenigbo featured only in his own movies, never harassed or owned actors
•I’m scared, says Kelvin Ikeduba who acted in one of his movies ‘Born in the Ghetto’


Fear, shock, and disbelief are the words to describe the reactions of many filmmakers and movie stars in Rivers State where the slain billionaire kidnapper, Henry Odenigbo, held sway as an actor and film producer before he met his Waterloo on July 4 in Lagos.



Ode, as he was popularly called, was the ring leader of a gang of nine kidnappers who targeted wealthy individuals in Lagos. They were killed after a shootout with the police at Ladipo, Mushin area of Lagos.

While he was alive, the late kidnapper who was seen as one of the biggest financiers of movie productions in Rivers, was the owner of Port-Harcourt-based Aso-Rich Production.

But unknown to movie makers in the state, Ode was a kidnap kingpin who was using the production outfit as a camouflage to carry out his nefarious activities.

Fortunately, actors were not his main target.

Narrating how the late billionaire kidnapper, who hailed from Imo State came to be known as an actor and film producer, the Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria,AGN, Rivers State chapter, Dr. Ken Osunwa, in a chat with Vanguard, said the late Ode was never close to anybody in the industry, adding that he only featured in his own-sponsored movies.




According to him, the late kidnapper was never a member of AGN, Rivers State, nor a member of Association of Movie Producers, AMP, Rivers State chapter.

Speaking further, Osunwa, who noted that Odenigbo never attended any of their meetings or events, said: “He hailed from Imo State and came to set up a movie production outfit in PH. I’ve already done a disclaimer when the news got to me and people were talking about him as an actor.

“Yes, he was acting in his own-sponsored movies and not practising in Nollywood, Rivers State, in the sense that he never featured in other people’s productions.


“To the best of my knowledge, Ode never had an issue with other practitioners in the state. I was never called to settle issues with him and others.’’

He, however, acknowledged the fact that the late billionaire kidnapper never owed any actor, director or producers who worked for him.

“He was bringing different actors, producers and directors to work for him and at the end of it, he paid off everyone.

“He invested in the Nollywood industry like any other investor. Nobody knew his source of wealth and when I received the news of his killing by the police in Lagos, I was very surprised. I thank God that all our actors who were working with him are safe and fine. Nobody was missing and from the report from his production, he was not owing anybody.”

Besides producing movies, the late Henry Odenigbo also had a Film Academy, called Ason Rich Movie Academy, where he trained cameramen, scriptwriters, actors, producers and directors, sound mixers, make-up artists, and production managers, among others.



Before his death, Ode was promoting a one-month intensive training opportunity for youths on his Instagram page, which was supposed to kick off on Monday, August 5, and run till August 31, in Rivers. But that dream is gone with his exit.

Recounting how Ode recently completed his last production before his exit, Osunwa said he (Henry Odenigbo) as a kidnapper, was something that never crossed their minds in Rivers State, adding ‘’This is because he was nice to the people that worked for him.”

Meanwhile, as a way of stopping a recurrence of the ugly incident in future, Osunwa said his group had started profiling every production house in Rivers State to know their identities as well and get acquainted with them, to monitor closely whatever they were doing.

“We have also started sensitizing our members on how to identify fake production houses in the state. Like in every sector of our society, there are different kinds of human beings operating with a different mindset. We must fight them to avoid ruining our sector,” Osunwa added.

One of the popular actors, Kelvin Ikeduba, who featured in one of the late kidnapper’s movies, “Born in the Ghetto” which was released early last month, said he was scared when he heard the news of Odenigbo’s death.




He was thankful that nothing happened to him while on the set of the deceased’s movie.
The actor said: “I only featured in one of his movies, ‘Born in the Ghetto.’ They would have killed them before now. I was scared. I went to work in PH, what if there was no job and they came up with a plan? Who knows!

‘’I am very happy with the news of their death. For me, it’s a big testimony. Do you know what it means when someone comes every day to pick you up in the hotel without you knowing what they are doing for a living?’’

He added that the director, Ifeanyi Akanaga, invited him to be part of the production.
However, disassociating Nollywood from the slain kidnapper, the President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, DGN, Dr Victor Okhai, said what happened was a call for ‘a united Nollywood’, where they would be privileged to know who is who in the industry.

He argued that while bad eggs were also found in other sectors, the slain kidnapper was never a member of any guild in Nollywood.

Similarly, the President of the Association of Movie Practitioners, AMPRAC, Ifeanyi Azodo, said checks on AMPRAC’s database showed that the late kidnapper was never a member of the association, adding that people of questionable character were never admitted into the association

In a disclaimer, Osunwa dissociated the AGN from the filmmaker, Odenigbo alongside three other persons who claimed to be film practitioners.

The guild, in a statement, said the three persons who died in the shootout with the police at Ladipo were not their members.

The statement read: “The Rivers State chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria at this moment, disclaims any affiliation with the individuals who tragically lost their lives in a recent kidnap incident in Lagos. Specifically, Prince Henry Asonna (Executive Producer of Aso Rich), Angel Emanuzo (Associate Producer), Chris Ahaneku (Logistics Manager-Aso Rich), and Jerry Eze (Camera Assistant) were not members of our guild. They were not part of our organization.

“They have never been associated with our guild events and are not on our register. They were not affiliated with us, to the best of my knowledge, and we condemn any false associations and news making the rounds that AGN members from Rivers State were involved in the kidnapping.”

Veteran actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, also cautioned the public on his Instagram page against referring to the slain kidnapper as a movie producer.



In the same vein, AGN’s Financial Secretary, Emeka Duru, frowned on associating the slain kidnappers with Nollywood, saying “Because they made a movie is not doing justice to the industry.”

Meanwhile, in 2024 alone, Odenigbo’s outfit, Ason-Rich Movie Production, produced over ten films, including ‘Born in the Ghetto’, ‘Love At The Pool’, ‘My Half’, ‘Little Top Up’, ‘Regards for Love’, “Wild Love”, ‘Clue Girl’, ‘Blind Blood’, ‘To Forgive’, “Sharon’s Fate”, which featured Yul Edochie, and ‘Bethlehem.’

In 2022, he produced such movies as “Royal Ties” among others.

The late kidnapper worked with famous actors, such as Yul Edochie, Kelvin Ikeduba, and Eve Esin. But checks also revealed that he mostly worked with fast-rising actors or relatively unknown faces in the industry.

As an actor who was always posting all his movie jackets on Instagram, the late kidnapper portrayed bad-boy roles and wielded guns in movies, as seen in one of his most recent roles in “Blind Blood” as posted on his Instagram page on April 26. He was also honoured on March 16, 2024, when organizers of Nollywood Indigenous Filmmakers of Nigeria, NIFMON, awarded him the ‘Best Filmmaker in Port Harcourt’.


Weeks later, on March 31, E-flex named him Nolly TV’s Best Grassroot Filmmaker for 2024/2025.


By  By Benjamin Njoku



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Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies




Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies



President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in Abuja emphasized the importance of sustaining democracy, its norms and institutions, noting that protests are an integral part of democracy but that no government will condone demonstrations that lead to the destruction of lives and property.

The President spoke at the Presidential Villa when he received a Letter of Credence from the newly appointed United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Richard Mills Jr.

”Our relationship with America is rich. We believe in democracy and freedom. Some of your predecessors worked hard during our transition to democracy, and we remember the likes of Ambassador Howard Jeter.

We look forward to Nigeria and the United States continuously working to expand cooperation on shared goals and democratic values.

”During the military era, we made our voices heard against dictatorship, and I was part of the group that engaged in peaceful protests without resorting to the destruction of property.

”We have worked hard to ensure 25 years of unbroken democracy and I will continue to maintain this democracy.

”In as much as we believe that demonstrations are part of democracy, we will never encourage any protests that lead to the destruction of lives and property,” the President stated.

Welcoming the U.S. State Department’s acknowledgement of Nigeria’s strategic role on the continent as Africa’s largest democracy, President Tinubu called on the U.S. government to pay more attention to Africa.

Nigeria is ready to play its role as the largest democracy in Africa that is worthy of emulation to other African countries, but we need more U.S. partnership on the continent that is beneficial to both sides.

”We believe in freedom, and we are providing the leadership to make Nigeria’s economy grow,”
 the President said.

Ambassador Mills affirmed U.S. support for Nigeria’s democracy and pledged support for bigger roles for Nigeria in the international arena.

”Nigeria is crucial to the United States because we share democratic values, and we are ready to give you all the support.

”I am here to make sure that the relationship blossoms both on democracy and the economic side,” Ambassador Mills said.

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