
NDDC Executive Director In Charge Of Finance Empower Constituents

NDDC Executive Director In Charge Of Finance Empower Constituents

From Elvis Omoregie


The Executive Director in charge of finance Ministry of Niger Delta Development Commission, (NDDC), Major Gen. Charles Arhiavbere Rtd, yesterday empowered members of his constituents with over 14, Tricycles also know as keke-NAPEP and along with One Hundred Thousand Naira (100,000) cash each as a take off fuel.






Speaking on the essence why the NDDC decided to embark on the process, the Executive Director, Major Gen. Charles Arhiavbere Rtd, said the reason is to empower youths from the Region to enable them self reliance in life.





Gen. Arhiavbere said,” I and the Managing Director of NDDC, were able to make sure that Edo state benefit from the Niger Delta Development Commission. Don’t forget that the NDDC is an interventionist agency. For the youths and for poverty reduction, constructions and for Infrastructural transformation amomg the Niger Delta Region.




” We believed that an economic empowerment will bring back the capacity to drive away poverty. And to also ensure we reach the youths at the grassroot levels. In the preparation of reaching the youths at the grassroot levels. This is not the only programme we have, we intend to engage the youths at the sports levels.





” Very soon we shall being introducing the ‘ Sports Festival,’ that would engage the most of the youths, and bring scouts from all over the world to the Niger Delta Region to ensure that our youths can excel in international markets. We also intend to do something for the men and women from the Niger Delta Region, and many other things we are planning to do,” Gen. Charles added.





When asked during an exclusive interview with the media the method of selecting the beneficiaries, Maj. Gen. Charles buttressed,” well, the method of selecting beneficiaries from the various local government areas in Edo state, was hinged on the seven local government areas in Edo South majorly, But, we also make sure people benefits from Edo North and Edo Central.





” The leaders from those local government areas that benefited from the empowerment programme majorly identified the problems of poverty in their various domains. The leaders from the two Senatorial districts, Edo North and Edo Central are here today to identify with their people, so that the empowerment can get to the rural areas. I am happy at the conduct today. We will do more as we settle down in the Region.





Also commenting, an official of the Commission who did not want his names to be mention said:” the NDDC is an interventionist agency that predicated on that position. This KeKe-NAPEP was given out by the Federal government in collaboration with the Ministry of Niger Delta.




” Presented to the Ministry of Niger Delta by FG, and gave it to the NDDC. And the NDDC had given it out directly to intervene on the lives of the recipients in the Region. The reciptients are citizens of the Niger Delta Region. We have 14 benefactors with 100,000 naira each for the recipients for their head start to buy fuel and recharge the battery to drive the KeKe-NAPEP to their locations.”





In his remarks, the chairman of the occasion, Major Gen. Celcil Esekhaigbe (Rtd) appealed to the beneficiaries to make proper use of the Keke-NAPEP, so that they can be able to feed themselves and their families.






Maj. Gen. Esekhaigbe also advised the benefactors not to sell the the KeKe-NAPEP, but make good use of it, and emphasized that ,” one good thing deserves another.” He therefore thanked the federal government, the Ministry of Niger Delta and the NDDC for making the event a reality, and for reducing the rate of poverty from the Region.






In their joyous mood, some of the benefactors who spoke after receiving their KeKe-NAPEP, and funds are; Mr. Etinosa Erhunwmunse from Oredo ward 7, Mr. Festus Ese Omoruyi, the Publicity Secretary in Orhionmwon local government area, thanked the federal government, the Ministry of the Niger Delta, and the Niger Delta Development Commission for empowering them.





They stated that they will make good and proper use of the items given to them, and commended all those that ensure the programme comes to actuality.


Sahara Weekly

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