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Obasanjo, a timeless statesman–Oba Makama




The Olowu of Kuta, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Adekunle Oyelude Makama (CON) has described former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo as a timeless statesman whose presence will be felt many years after his generation.

Oba Makama, who congratulated Chief Obasanjo for enjoying a healthily long life, asserted that God purposely blessed Nigeria with Obasanjo, who spent his life as military head of state and civilian president to unite the country.

Shortly after he had successfully hosted Obasanjo and his entourage in his magnificent Olowu Palace in Kuta on Monday, June 3, 2024, Oba Makama revealed that he was always excited reading and listening to Obasanjo’s informed comments on public issues.

“Whether we like it or we don’t like it, he has never been intimidated not to pass his messages and take a walk off the podium. And if you study his views with broad mind, you are bound to pick invaluable points therein because he doesn’t speak for the sake of it. He does with intellectual depth, passion, and, above all, patriotism.

“That is why he will remain relevant till tomorrow. His engagement of very sensitive global issues with courage and power of articulation, has won for him both recognition and respect at international fora where you have former and serving presidents listening to him with rapt attention,” he noted.

The Olowu Kuta urged Nigerians at home and in the diaspora to accord personalities like Obasanjo and other heads of government respect because, he emphasised, ruling Nigeria, a country peopled by about 200 ethnic groups, is not a child’s play or a task for the lilly livered persons.

The traditional ruler also expressed his gratitude to the Owu-born former president for the visit and pray for continued God’s grace and longevity for him, concluding that Obasanjo is the “most valuable asset of Owu and cherished by all.”

Obasanjo also praised Olowu Kuta for bequeathing what he called a world-class palace to the ancient Owu Kuta and commended him for showcasing and promoting core Yoruba culture in his domain and beyond.

Obasanjo, who holds the traditional title of the Balogun Owu, charged Kuta elite to rally round the monarch in all ways and ensure the beautiful palace standard is maintained.

In Obasanjo’s delegation were the Olowu of Owu Abeokuta, Oba (Prof) Saka Matemilola Oluyalo-Otileta (VII), the Royal Union of Owu People (RUOP)
led by its President Alhaji Fatai Akinbade,
Honourable Fatoki and a host of others.

The Kuta Ambassadors led by Dr Lekan Ayantunji,
Honourable Yinusa Akintola Amobi, Honourable Mukaila Oladejo, and other Kuta sons and daughters also welcomed the former president.

Friends of Olowu Kuta in attendance included
Professor Siyan Oyeweso and Professor Oguntola Alamu, amongst others.


Sahara Weekly

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