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Out-going Polaris Bank MD Picks APC Senatorial Form in Lagos 



 Finally,, the out-going managing director cum chief executive officer of Polaris Bank Limited, Tokunbo Abiru, has toe the line of his political dream by picking his nomination form under the All Progressives Congress (APC) to contest the 2020 Lagos East Senatorial bye-election scheduled for October 31st, 2020.

Abiru picked the form at the APC headquarters in Lagos on Wednesday amidst a crowd.

The APC Lagos state chapter had nominated Abiru, a former Commissioner for Finance in the state as a replacement for the late Senator Bayo Osinowo, who represented Lagos East senatorial district until his death last month.

Recall the super banker announced his retirement from the service of Polaris Bank, effective August 31, 2020, after completing his second two-year tenure at the helm of affairs of the bank.


Apologise to Kano Citizens, Nigerians Now – Group Tells Gov Abba Yusuf






The Concerned Citizens of Kano State have urged Governor Abba Yusuf to issue an immediate apology for his actions that have led to the ongoing Kano Emirates crisis.

The group said the Governor has not only disrespected the rich cultural heritage of Kano State but has also shown a blatant disregard for the judiciary and the rule of law.

A statement signed by its President, Comrade Mustapha Aliyu, said by unilaterally altering the centuries-old Kano Emirates structure, Governor Yusuf has caused harm to the people of Kano, undermined the state’s cultural identity, and set a dangerous precedent for anarchy in Nigeria.

According to Aliyu, his actions have sown discord, fueled division, and threatened the peace and stability of the state and the entire nation hence he must apologise to Nigerians.

“We the Concerned Citizens of Kano State, are issuing this press statement to express our deep disappointment, shock, and outrage over the recent actions of Governor Abba Yusuf, who has brazenly disregarded the rule of law and disrespected the judiciary by reinstating Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as Emir of Kano and dissolving the Kano Emirates, despite a valid court ruling restraining him from doing so,” the statement said.

“This reckless and authoritarian decision has far-reaching implications that threaten the very fabric of our democracy, the stability of our state, and the well-being of our people. By ignoring the court order, Governor Abba Yusuf has:

“Undermined the authority and independence of the judiciary, which is a cornerstone of our democracy. This sets a dangerous precedent, where the executive arm of government can disregard court orders and impose its will on the people.

“Disrespected the rights and dignity of the people of Kano State, who have been subjected to unnecessary tension and division. The people of Kano State have a right to peaceful coexistence, and Governor Abba Yusuf’s actions have denied them that right.

“Created a crisis of confidence in the government, which has lost the trust and confidence of the people. This is a clear indication of a government that is out of touch with the people and is more interested in serving the interests of a select few.

“Damaged the reputation and image of Kano State, both nationally and internationally. The actions of Governor Abba Yusuf have brought shame and disrepute to our state, and we are now seen as a state that disregards the rule of law and disrespects the judiciary.

“Encouraged impunity and lawlessness, which can lead to a breakdown of law and order in the state. When a government disregards the law, it sets a bad example for its citizens, and this can lead to chaos and anarchy.”

The group, therefore, urged Governor Yusuf to take immediate action to address this crisis by issuing a public apology to the people of Kano State and Nigerians at large for his actions, which have brought shame and disrepute to our state.

“He must also respect the court ruling and allow the legal process to run its course,” the statement added. “Take concrete steps to resolve the crisis in a fair, just, and inclusive manner, respecting the rights and dignity of all parties involved. He must ensure the protection of lives and properties, and promote peaceful coexistence among all citizens of Kano State.

“We believe that an apology and a commitment to respect the rule of law will go a long way in healing the wounds and restoring trust and confidence in the government. We call on the people of Kano State and Nigerians at large to remain calm and peaceful and to continue to demand that their government respects the rule of law and upholds the dignity of the people.”

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One Year In Office: Nigerians in Diaspora Laud Gov Fubara’s Leadership Style



One Year In Office: Nigerians in Diaspora Laud Gov Fubara's Leadership Style

…admonishes detractors to give Rivers State time to heal




The Association of Nigerian Professionals in Europe, ANPE, has praised Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara’s leadership style, describing him as an asset to Nigeria’s democracy.



One Year In Office: Nigerians in Diaspora Laud Gov Fubara's Leadership Style

The group emphasised that Governor Fubara’s approach to politics is still relatively rare in Nigeria’s dynamic political landscape.

In a statement signed by its President, Dr Reginald Agamah, ANPE noted that despite distractions from disgruntled politicians in the state, Governor Fubara’s achievements in just one year in office are far-reaching and worthy of commendations.

Dr Agamah lauded Governor Fubara for resisting the urge to use the distractions he faced from state actors as an excuse not to perform.

He admonished detractors to give Rivers State time to heal and be better positioned for development.

“The Association of Nigerian Professionals in Europe, ANPE, commend Governor Siminalayi Fubara of Rivers State for his unique approach to governance,” the statement said. We commend the Governor for prioritising the interest of Rivers people over politics.

“Governor Fubara’s brand of politics is still relatively rare in Nigeria’s dynamic political landscape, resembling the egalitarianism of Abraham Lincoln. His personal political philosophy is worthy of emulation.

“Without sounding immodest and backed by empirical evidence, Governor Sim Fubara stands tall today amongst his colleagues as a peerless brand of humility, integrity, prudence, love for the people, honesty of purpose, candour, and a patriotic fervour still uncommon in Nigerian effervescent political horizon.

“Little wonder why he has garnered attention from both political and non-political circles due to his distinctive style of politicking. Governor Fubara has been rightly crowned the ‘Governor of the Year’ in his first year in office as a first-termer by several national and international publications, professional bodies, civil society organisations et al.

“We are very happy and want to extend our appreciation to Governor Sim, as he is fondly called by the people, for not letting Rivers people down despite the array of distractions he is facing in office. We commend him for not drowning in the pool of antics of detractors and saboteurs. He has demonstrated a strong character and unparalleled sagacity. He has no doubt presented himself as an asset to Nigeria’s democracy. His steadfastness is not only a win for Rivers people but also a victory for Nigeria’s democracy, especially against godfatherism.

“We commend the Governor for not allowing detractors to deter him from delivering good governance to Rivers people. No one would have thought that an embattled Governor would embark on an ambitious project like the Port Harcourt Ring Road project, which Fubara’s administration flagged off on 17 July 2023; the largest infrastructure project by a State Government in Nigeria. His achievements across critical sectors such as health, education, agriculture, human capital development, and security are quite commendable. Governor Fubara’s revitalization efforts are self-evident and realistic.

“We, therefore, admonish detractors to give Rivers State time to heal. The state is still bleeding from the destabilization orchestrated by disgruntled politicians and saboteurs.

“The Association of Nigerian Professionals in Europe commend Rivers people for their unwavering support for their beloved Governor Sim. They recognize his immense potential, sagacity, and visionary leadership, supported by undeniable evidence. We share their sentiments wholeheartedly. With Sim Fubara, one can only anticipate quality and unparalleled governance.

“We also commend the peace-loving Governor Fubara for his leadership instinct which is responsible for the relative peace in the state. It is on record that the Governor is sustaining the peace in the State by complying with the Rivers Peace Accord signed at the behest of President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, despite the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nyesom Wike and his allies disregarding the 8-point agreement. This not only shows that Fubara is committed to lasting peace in the state but also demonstrates that he is, indeed a man of integrity. Governor Fubara is the kind of leader Nigerians long for.”

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You Are Doing Well, South-West Youths Tell Minister Tijani, NCC Boss



You Are Doing Well, South-West Youths Tell Minister Tijani, NCC Boss

You Are Doing Well, South-West Youths Tell Minister Tijani, NCC Boss





The South-West Progressive Youths (SWPY) has commended the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Bosun Tijani, and the EVC/CEO of the Nigerian Communications Commission, Aminu Maida for their leadership and contributions to the country’s digital advancement.


You Are Doing Well, South-West Youths Tell Minister Tijani, NCC Boss


Under the guidance of Minister Tijani and the regulatory oversight of EVC/CEO Maida, the group said Nigeria has witnessed significant strides in the development of its digital economy, including the implementation of various initiatives to enhance digital infrastructure, promote innovation, and foster inclusive economic growth.

A statement signed by its President Comrade Yusuf Taiwo acknowledged their tireless effort to position Nigeria as a leader in the digital space, creating a conducive environment for businesses to thrive, entrepreneurs to innovate, and citizens to access essential services.

Taiwo highlighted Tijani’s impact on digital economy policy and strategy, national broadband plan, digital literacy, contribution to GDP and consumer protection.

“One of Minister Tijani’s most notable achievements is the successful launch of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS). This landmark policy has served as a roadmap for Nigeria’s digital transformation, providing a framework for the development of the country’s digital economy,” Taiwo said.

“The National Broadband Plan (NBP) was developed to increase broadband penetration and availability across Nigeria. The plan has led to significant improvements in internet access, with broadband penetration increasing from 20% to 40% in just two years.

“Minister Tijani has also introduced initiatives to enhance digital literacy and skills, empowering millions of Nigerians to participate in the digital economy. The Digital Skills Development Program, launched under his leadership, has trained over 1 million Nigerians in digital skills, preparing them for the jobs of the future.

“The Minister has facilitated the deployment of 5G networks in Nigeria, positioning the country as a leader in the adoption of this cutting-edge technology. The rollout of 5G networks has significantly improved internet speeds, enabling Nigerians to access digital services more efficiently.

“Under his leadership, the telecommunications sector has contributed substantially to Nigeria’s GDP, with the sector growing by over 15% in the past year.
Tijani has also prioritized consumer protection, introducing measures to protect Nigerians from unsolicited telemarketing messages and calls.”

Speaking on Maida, Taiwo added that the NCC has made significant strides in spectrum allocation, assigning new frequencies to telecoms operators, and fostering a more competitive and inclusive telecoms market.

“Maida has also played a pivotal role in the successful deployment of 5G services in Nigeria, revolutionizing the country’s telecommunications landscape and positioning Nigeria as a hub for digital innovation in West Africa. The NCC, under Maida’s guidance, has intensified efforts to expand broadband coverage and access, aiming to bridge the digital divide and promote economic growth.

“Maida has prioritized cybersecurity, collaborating with stakeholders to develop and implement robust measures to safeguard the nation’s cyberspace and protect telecoms infrastructure. The EVC has fostered stronger partnerships between the NCC, telecoms operators, and other stakeholders, promoting a culture of cooperation and driving progress in the sector.

“Maida has also emphasized the importance of human capital development, initiating training programs and capacity-building initiatives for NCC staff, telecoms professionals, and other stakeholders.”

While calling on other government appointees to emulate Tijani and Maida, the group urged them to continue to use their expertise and strategic direction to shape the country’s telecoms future.

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