Performing Miracles Is Part Of The Real Assignment Of Jesus Christ- Dr chris Okafor
… Walking with God’s miracle through signs and wonders remains our watch words at Grace Nation International
According to the holy Bible in the book of Mathew, Mark Luke and John Jesus Christ dedicated and allotted time to perform many miracles, signs and wonders to establish this facts; he finished his assignments with a lot of miracles performing before ascending to heaven.

Prior to this; it has come to our knowledge to say only a canal mind-man will come into a conclusion to say God has rested in doing miracles, God has never or will never stop performing miracles daily in the life of all mankinds, and since in the days of old miracles has continue to happen to mankinds, because without miracles, many will not believe or felt the presence of God in their life’s.
Making reference to the Holy Bible, Miracles is real looking at how God command fish to vomit money, we also read in the Bible how the Red sea divided to allow Israelites escape from the hand of the strong man, also how Elijah call down fire from above, those and more are substantial miracles down by God himself through his servant, so miracles is still much around through God’s chosen servant and it will not stop, why because Miracle is the only evidence of the presence of God, churches where miracle does not take Centre stage , how will people feel or believe the Presence of God?
This and more are the real focusing point of the teaching of God’s Servant, the senior Pastor of Grace Nation international aka liberation city Dr Chris Okafor at the session 2 of the Act of the Prophet Conference for the month of February {25, 2022 }at the international headquarters of Grace Nation in Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria.
The spirit filled Prophet of God who Teaches on the Topic ‘STRANGE ACT OF GOD’, explained that Miracles are natural occurrences that defile the law of nature which is beyond human scientist or what any philosopher can be able to comprehend.
He explained further; that miracles are natural intervention of God in the natural affairs of MAN, when man fails God show up and do what that man cannot do, God makes every impossibilities to become possible and that is a miracle.
Miracle is not a magic, neither a permutations but rather a permanent natural occurrence through God while magic or surcerer powers is just a mere short-cut that will never last.
The apostle of altars declares that it is only a canal man who is very myopic in thinking will says Miracle is fake, how will you know or what Prove do you have when God is in town, it is Miracles and only the people that knows God’s word, walk in his commandment can partake in the Principle of Miracle, you cannot be living an unholy life and expect God to use you for exceptional miracle performance.
No! it won’t work but when you walk diligently with God, you are qualify to be God’s undiluted vessel who is permitted to carry the signs and wonders of Elohim he declared
The man of God said in Grace Nation, they believe in Miracles because with God all things are possible for they that believes.
The ark of the Prophet session 2 also witness strange hand of the almighty with various instant testimonies how God uses his servant at the conference to delivered people from deafness. Constant miscarriages, strange movement in the body, family affliction and bloodline diseases, generational courses amongst others.
Some among the living testifiers who spoke with this medium at the conference confirmed that they are testifying what God uses his servant Dr Chris Okafor in their Life, one of them who will not want his name mentioned on the electronics media says they chose to worship with Grace Nation because they see the Presence of God in the church through various miracles saying further, any one who utterly said Miracles is fake such persons are perish and barbaric to the words of God because God said “with your eyes ye shall see” it is now left for you to decide, since we confirmed anything that Dr Chris Okafor says is truth we said to our self we have gotten to our final bus stop because God speak directly through his servant in Grace Nation she remarked.
This is a clarion called to all doubting Thomas that Miracles is the only prove to confirm the presence of God in any church/gathering or assembly of God been shepherd by only his anointed servant, one of such church is Grace Nation situated at 10 Liberation close, oshofisan street off Edozie by Ereke Bus Stop Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria, if you want to experience God presence in your situation visit the church and your life will never remain the same.