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Why nigerians in the diaspora should first look out for features of a property before investing by Dennis Isong



Why nigerians in the diaspora should first look out for features of a property before investing by Dennis Isong 

Why nigerians in the diaspora should first look out for features of a property before investing by Dennis Isong












Sahara Weekly Reports That It may be tasky for Nigerians in the diaspora to be able to identify what a property entails if they have not been in Nigeria for a while. However, when property features and neighborhoods are highlighted in a property listing, it helps with making informed decisions.





Why nigerians in the diaspora should first look out for features of a property before investing by Dennis Isong 





Nigerians in the diaspora considering investing in property back home should prioritize assessing the features of a property thoroughly for several reasons:

1. Ensuring Value for Money:

The neighborhoods of the property’s location significantly influences its value. Proximity to essential amenities like schools, hospitals, markets, and transportation can enhance a property’s attractiveness and market value.


The dimensions of the property features, including the number of rooms, bathrooms, and overall layout, should match the buyer’s needs and justify the price.



Evaluating the condition of the property, including the quality of construction, age, and any need for repairs or renovations, helps ensure that the investment is sound and that there won’t be hidden costs post-purchase.

2. Maximizing Rental and Resale Potential:

Properties with modern amenities (e.g., reliable water supply, power backup, security systems) and features (e.g., parking spaces, green spaces) tend to attract higher rents and better resale values.


Understanding Lagos real estate market can help investors choose properties that are in demand, ensuring they can quickly find tenants or buyers.

3. Avoiding Scams and Fraud:

Cross-checking the advertised features with the actual property helps verify the legitimacy of the deal. Scammers often misrepresent properties to deceive buyers.


Ensuring the property has a clear title and all necessary documentation prevents legal disputes and confirms ownership.

4. Personal Satisfaction and Suitability:

For those planning to use the property personally, it’s crucial that the property aligns with their lifestyle and preferences. Features like the number of bedrooms, kitchen size, and backyard space can significantly impact living quality.


Features that allow for future expansion or modifications can be crucial for long-term satisfaction and adaptability.

5. Investment Stability and Appreciation:

Properties in economically stable and growing areas tend to appreciate more reliably, providing a secure investment.


Areas with ongoing or planned infrastructure developments (like new roads, public transport, or commercial hubs) often see a boost in property values over time.



1. Ask the realtor to do a video.


2. Send a trusted person to confirm.


3. Do a video call for confirmation.


4. Ensure what was listed match with what’s shown in the video.


5. Check the map.





I hope you learned something new? Kindly scroll down to save my number and send a message.


Dennis Isong is a TOP REALTOR IN LAGOS.He Helps Nigerians in Diaspora to Own Property In Lagos Nigeria STRESS-FREE.

For Questions WhatsApp/Call 2348164741041




Erukucity Agog, As 79th Canadian Orthopaedic Association’s President Emerges ~By Oluwaseun Fabiyi



Erukucity Agog, As 79th Canadian Orthopaedic Association's President Emerges ~By Oluwaseun Fabiyi

Erukucity Agog, As 79th Canadian Orthopaedic Association’s President Emerges
~By Oluwaseun Fabiyi



The entire city of Eruku,a suburb in the Ekiti Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria, has been thrown into wild jubilations, following the emergence of one of their sons,as the 79th President of Canadian Orthopaedic Association.

The emergence Dr. Olufemi especially being a native of Erukucity,is no doubt;a feat aspired by many.

Dr. Ayeni is a professor and the Academic Division Head of Orthopaedic surgery at McMaster University. He became a member of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association COA on the very first day of his residency in 2002. He later completed same locally at McMaster university – a feat he considers ‘a joy of a lifetime.’

In a career spanning over 20 years, Dr. Ayeni has published over 400 academic publications on sports medicine, as well as several other textbooks.

He is the Chief Of Adult Surgeon at Hamilton Heath Sciences (HHS) McMaster, a hospital network of seven hospitals and a cancer centre,serving Hamilton, Ontario, Canadian.

While delivering his address at the association’s annual meeting,as the President Elect of COA, Dr. Olufemi highlighted the importance of mentoring the next generation of orthopaedic leaders,and fostering collaboration amongst multidisciplinary groups,for teamwork.

He is the youngest and the first Canadian Orthopaedic Association’s president of Nigerian and African descent,an association that has run for decades.

A journey down the memory lane, gives an insight to Dr. Olufemi’s exploits in his medical pursuit, especially in the field of Orthopaedics. He is a product of mentoring and academic tutelage under a worthy ambassador.

His story is in agreement with the biblical injunction that admonishes believers, to train up a child in the way he should go,and when such child grows up,he would not depart from it.

The Ayenis have proven over and over again that, excellence runs in the veins of the family. This is why in the world of orthopaedists, their name resonates expertise, greatness and dedication.

Dr. Olufemi’s dad, Dr. Ayeni;the Asiwaju of Eruku land, became the best orthopaedic surgeon in Kwara State (if not in the entire Nigeria), before leaving for Canada in the 1970s.

Today, as providence and sheer grit would have it, Ayeni’s son,who is now also an orthopaedician,is building upon the antecedents and legacies of his father.

It worthy of mention that,in the ocean of medical practitioners world over, there are very few that have carved a niche for themselves in their areas of specialties, Dr. Olufemi is one of such rare gems.

Armed with an innovative mindset, and fuelled by his unwavering zeal to excel,Dr. Olufemi a proudly son of a living legend,is transcending intercontinental frontiers, building upon his dad’s orthopaedic glory. He has continued to ascend the ladders of medical successes, earning accolades and recognitions all the way.

Dr. Olufemi’s illustrious career centres on his relentless pursuit of knowledge, excellence and commitment to delivering exceptional results.

By the various antecedents of the father and son, it is therefore safe to put both on the medical pedestal of “like father, like son.”

Big Congratulations to Dr Olufemi Ayeni, congratulations to the entire Ayenis, and felicitation are in order for Erukucity. We hope this new phase propels him to greater exploits!

Erukucity Agog, As 79th Canadian Orthopaedic Association's President Emerges
~By Oluwaseun Fabiyi

Oluwaseun Fabiyi; a seasoned Journalist of repute writes from Lagos, Nigeria.

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Aare Adetola Emmanual-King Celebrates with Muslim Faithful, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence, and prayers for the growth



Aare Adetola Emmanual-King Celebrates with Muslim Faithful, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence, and prayers for the growth

Aare Adetola Emmanual-King Celebrates with Muslim Faithful, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence, and prayers for the growth

The Chairman and Group Managing Director of Adron Homes and Properties, Aare Adetola Emmanuel-King has extended warm wishes to the Muslim community as they celebrate the annual Eid-Al-Adha festival throughout the country. He emphasizes the importance of peaceful coexistence, religious tolerance, and prayers for the country’s development, urging all religious leaders to embrace these values.



Aare Adetola Emmanual-King Celebrates with Muslim Faithful, Harps on Peaceful Co-existence, and prayers for the growth

In a statement signed by His Special Adviser on Media, Oladapo Sofowora; Aare Adetola encouraged all Muslims to stay committed to their faith and utilize the celebration as an opportunity to contribute to Nigeria’s development during these challenging economic times. Additionally, he calls on opinion leaders and religious bodies to use the festival as a platform to pray for our leaders to guide the nation towards prosperity and stability, fostering a flourishing economy and a secure environment.

He said; “ I want to implore opinion leaders and religious bodies in the country to use the occasion of the festival to pray for our leaders to guide us right and put the country on the path of prosperity. When the country is stable, celebration will be seamless and made possible. We need to pray for a more flourished economy and a secure country to ensure we have a smooth sail and bounce back into winning ways.”

The Ilishan-Remo Born Property mogul further advocates for unity among all religions to work towards common goals of development, prosperity, peace, justice, and equity and encourages religious bodies to hold leaders accountable while celebrating in peace. Aare Adetola highlights that peace is fundamental for development and progress, as a nation in distress can breed negative outcomes and hinder growth. He urges everyone to promote positive virtues that will contribute to Nigeria’s greatness.

“I want to use this moment to ask our religious bodies to use this occasion to hold our leaders accountable and also celebrate in peace because when there is peace; development will surely thrive. A country in distress will breed all vices of malevolent and stunted growth. Let’s use this medium to promote all vices that will make Nigeria greater again.” He concluded.

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Celebrating Father’s Day and Honouring Their Vital Roles



Celebrating Father's Day and Honouring Their Vital Roles

Celebrating Father’s Day and Honouring Their Vital Roles


As we celebrate Father’s Day today, I extend my heartfelt greetings to all fathers in Ogun West Senatorial District, Ogun State, and across our great nation, Nigeria. This special day provides us with a unique opportunity to acknowledge and honour the profound impact that fathers have on our society and within our homes.



Celebrating Father's Day and Honouring Their Vital Roles

Fathers are the bedrock of the family unit. They provide guidance, support, and unwavering love, helping to shape the values and character of their children. The role of a father is multifaceted, encompassing being a provider, protector, mentor, and friend. It is through their daily sacrifices and commitments that the next generation is nurtured to become responsible and productive members of society.

In addition to their critical roles within the home, fathers are also indispensable to the development of our nation. They contribute significantly to various sectors, driving economic growth, fostering community development, and participating actively in civic duties. Their dedication and hard work are instrumental in building a stronger, more resilient society.

On this Father’s Day, I commend all fathers for their tireless efforts and steadfast dedication. Your contributions to family and nation-building do not go unnoticed. As we celebrate you today, let us also reaffirm our collective support for policies and initiatives that empower fathers to continue fulfilling their crucial roles effectively.

May God bless all fathers with good health, wisdom, and strength as they continue to lead their families and contribute to our nation’s progress.

Happy Father’s Day!


Senator, Ogun West Senatorial District & Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriations
Aremo of Yewaland

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