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PTDF Promotion Scam Allegations Spark Calls for Government Intervention




The Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), tasked with training personnel for the oil and gas industry, is under intense scrutiny for alleged promotion irregularities. Ongoing investigations have revealed significant concerns about the agency’s promotion practices.

For precisely three years, while the former executive secretary, Bello Gusau, was heading the organization, it was discovered that twenty-four PTDF officials were sent on a training course called the Chief Officers’ Course, followed by a qualifying examination to move to deputy manager positions. The agency camped these twenty-four officers in a hotel in Utako for about nine weeks. After the conclusion of the examination exercise, the management, led by Bello Gusau, chose ten out of the batch for promotion, citing insufficient space to accommodate all officers due for promotion.

This decision was met with significant rancor, especially since management had earlier declared fourteen managerial positions vacant. An anonymous PTDF official noted, “It was almost obvious that the former ES organized the course as a sham, having predetermined who would be promoted and who would be discarded under the excuse of insufficient space.” This sentiment was echoed by other staff members who felt that the process was deeply flawed.

Moreover, double promotions were swiftly granted to management members within a year. Immediate pressure from the PTDF branch of PENGASSAN led to expedited promotions for junior officials, further masking underlying favoritism, tribalism, and discrimination. This prompted our reporter to embark on a fact-finding mission to uncover the truth behind these allegations.

The present ES, Alhaji Galadima, who took over from Alhaji Gusau, is allegedly planning another round of promotions despite purported vacancy limitations. According to findings, Alhaji Galadima has recently concluded promotions for top management staff, predominantly from the North, granting some double promotions while claiming there were no vacancies.

A staff member speaking anonymously highlighted the lack of a board of directors, which has centralized power in the hands of the Executive Secretary, allowing for unchecked influence over promotions and other matters. “The absence of a board of directors has allowed the ES to wield unchecked power, influencing promotions and other crucial decisions,” the staff member stated.

Another Chief Officer criticized the system for favoring the northern region, alleging, “They monopolize top positions and rotate power among themselves, perpetuating a cycle of exclusion and marginalization.”

Further investigations revealed that the same staff member had vied for the Executive Secretary position when the tenure of the immediate past Executive Secretary elapsed. He attributed his failure to favoritism perpetrated by the northern hegemony ideology, which many staff members believe is taking over the PTDF.

“Alhaji Galadima plans to merge previous course attendees with recent promotees, cherry-picking favorites for promotion to management cadres,” another staff member explained. “Some staff who have been due for promotion and waiting for nearly ten years are forced to answer to their juniors. This further perpetuates nepotism and favoritism.”

These practices have led to a significant decline in staff morale. Employees lament that merit and diligence are reportedly overlooked in favor of ethnic and religious affiliations. An anonymous staff member remarked, “Merit and diligence have taken a backseat to ethnic and religious favoritism. It’s demoralizing and undermines the integrity of our organization.”

The revelations underscore the urgent need for comprehensive reform within PTDF to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in its operations. There is a growing call for government intervention to rectify the situation and restore confidence in PTDF’s promotion process.

“The need for government intervention is urgent,” emphasized another staff member. “We need reforms to ensure fairness and transparency. Our organization’s integrity is at stake.”

As investigations continue, the hope remains that the PTDF will address these issues promptly to rebuild trust and uphold its mission of training personnel for the oil and gas industry with integrity and fairness.

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Fouani’s MD : How Primate Ayodele Foretold Kidnap Of Important Personalities In May



Fouani’s MD : How Primate Ayodele Foretold Kidnap Of Important Personalities In May












Sahara Weekly Reports That Few months after kidnappers operations reduced in Nigeria, there has been a renewed operation with the abduction of the Managing Director of a famous electronics distribution company, Fouani Nigeria Limited, along with three Lebanese while travelling by boat in Lagos yesterday.





Fouani’s MD : How Primate Ayodele Foretold Kidnap Of Important Personalities In May





The captives, whose names have not been ascertained, were said to be travelling through the Lagos waters from Apapa to Victoria Island when the kidnappers struck. It was also disclosed that the abductors had reached out, demanding a $1.5m ransom.











This is in fulfillment of the prophecy of Primate Elijah Ayodele which he shared in the month of May warning security operatives to stay on alert and change their strategies in fighting terrorism as he foresaw a rise in kidnap operations.













The prophet who has been warning Nigeria’s security chiefs about terrorist attacks and even advised them to build three strong towers, made it known that the best way to curb insecurity is by acquiring drones. He revealed that kidnap operations would be on the rise and it will involve important personalities.







These were his words:


“Kidnappers will rise again in the next few months and it will involve important personalities. The government will take a bold step to get drones to fight all of these.’’


‘’The method of fighting terrorists will be changed with the acquisition of drones in the country. They should act on it fast and take it seriously because of dangers coming towards our security structure; it will help the country to be free from terrorism and banditry.’’


Just one month after his prophecy, the first kidnap operation involving very important personalities was carried out with the abduction of Fouani’s MD, Mohamed Fouani.

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Sahara Weekly Reports That As Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate Eid al-Adha, the National President of the Alumni Association of the National Institute (AANI), Ambassador EO Okafor mni, on behalf of the National Executive Committee and the entire AANI family, extends heartfelt congratulations to our Muslim members and the entire Nigerian Muslim community. Eid Mubarak.













At this time of joyous celebration, It is imperative for all Nigerians to live in peace, embracing the spirit of tolerance, respect, and compassion towards one another.

AANI wishes to commend the resilience and unwavering commitment of Nigerians to our beloved country despite the current economic challenges. We urge the populace to maintain their faith in the nation and implore leaders at all levels to strive tirelessly to enhance the wellbeing and prosperity of all citizens. We also extend our sincere appreciation to our military and security forces for their relentless efforts in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.

Furthermore, AANI reiterates its support for the Government and all individuals and organizations dedicated to building a sustainable and prosperous future for Nigeria. We encourage our members to continue being beacons of hope, generously offering their wealth of knowledge, expertise, and experience to positively impact our country.

As we celebrate this significant religious occasion, we wish everyone a peaceful and joyous Eid. May the lessons of Eid al-Adha—faith in God, tolerance, respect, compassion towards others, and the spirit of sacrifice—guide us towards creating a better society.

Brigadier General SK Usman (rtd) mni fnipr fapra fnarc FIOARM fspsp

Sarkin Yakin Kanwan Katsina

AANI National Publicity Secretary

Saturday, 15th June 2024







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Democracy: Hon Jowon Olorunnipa Praises Heroes, Urges Nigerians To Be Patient




The special adviser to Kogi state governor on arts and culture, Honourable Juwon Olorunnipa AKA Jumabee has praised the Heroes of Nigerian Democracy in celebration of the 25th anniversary of democracy in the country.

In the statement he released, Jumabee described the continued practice of democracy in Nigeria as an indication that the country’s heroes didn’t sacrifice in vain.

He noted that the efforts at sustaining democratic practice is a testament of Nigerians’ resilience in the face of adversity.

He also appreciated Nigerian presidents for always showing support for democracy while praising former governor Yahaya Bello and Governor Usman Ododo for being democratic in their governances.

Furthermore, He urged Nigerians to be patient with the current government while assuring them that economic hardship will soon be a thing of the past.

Read statement below

I congratulate Nigerians on this auspicious occasion of our 25th anniversary of democracy.

Over two decades practice of democracy show that indeed, the struggle of our heroes didn’t go in vain. Our sustained efforts in ensuring democracy continues to thrive in the country is a testament of our resilience even in the face of adversity.

Special accolade goes to our Presidents; former and present, for their unwavering support for democracy. They have continued to uphold the standard of Democracy and made the sacrifices of our heroes worth it.

For us in Kogi state, in the last nine years, we have been blessed with governors that are democratically inclined. Former Governor, Yahaya Bello and the current governor, Usman Ododo have shown beyond reasonable doubt that they support democracy and have done everything to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people.

I understand that Nigerians are going through a lot at this time due to economic hardship but I want to encourage us all to be patient, Nigeria will be great again.

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