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Remi Tinubu’s heart of stone



Remi Tinubu

Remi Tinubu’s heart of stone

Tunde Odesola

The name, Eve, is not a derivative of the word, evil, though both sound alliteratively similar. It’s a name native to Hebrew, adopted by Latin as Eva, and accommodated by English as Eve.



In Hebrew, Eve means living. But religious male chauvinists are wont to disagree with this meaning and insist that Eve means the opposite of living. Death.



Religious male chauvinists would readily associate Eve with the evil that the Serpent concocted in the beginning of time, at the Garden of Eden, where the bite of an apple contaminated innocence and opened the gate for death to sneak into humanity.




But many feminists would frown on the saying, “Behind every successful man, there’s a woman.” For the feminist, a woman shouldn’t stand behind a man; that’s undignifying. Rather, a woman should stand shoulder to shoulder with any man, and enthuse, “Beside every successful man, there’s a woman.”




Shakespeare needs no introduction or a first name. A recurrent leitmotif in the Shakespearean tragedy of Macbeth is that the brave Thane of Cawdor was blinded by vaulting ambition, which pushes him to murder Duncan, the King of Scotland, and many others, on the bloody road to the throne.




But, I contend that Macbeth’s ambition would have remained an unfulfilled dream if not for the heartlessness of his wife, Lady Macbeth, who has an incurable desire to become the First Lady of Scotland, tearing out Macbeth’s heart from his rib cage and tossing it into a furnace fuelled by blood.




After Macbeth developed cold feet while toying with the idea of killing the king, he quickly banishes from his mind the image of himself on the Scottish throne, preferring to remain a thane than taint his hands with blood.




But his wife, like Adam’s Eve, would hear none of that. The deed must be done! The three predictions of the three witches must come to pass! Macbeth must be king, and she must be First Lady at all cost!




So, when the death rattle of the innocent masses rises up to Nigeria’s Awaiting-First-Lady in the chamber, she steps unto the street and sees a river of blood, but a smile breaks on her lips as she looks beyond the flood of blood and sees a crown, picks it up and saunters back home on the blood, barefooted, as though she was walking on a red Persian rug.




I aver: if Lady Macbeth could attain power without her husband, the wanna-be-first-lady would gladly toss the Thane of Cawdor down the pit of hell, (where they both truly belong), but because she knows that her ambition can only be fulfilled through the vile valour of Macbeth, she decides to stay with him and manipulate him for her use.




Lady Macbeth surely has a lot in common with Nigeria’s scheming First-Lady-In-Waiting. Lady Macbeth sees herself as the sword. She sees her husband, a foremost leader, which means Asiwaju in Yoruba language, as a mere sheath. The slim, tall and fair-skinned wife of the ruthless leader sees herself as the power behind the impending crown.




It’s common knowledge that Nigeria’s political class is crammed with chauvinists. The head of the class, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), is a first-class chauvinist, who went all the way to Germany and proudly professed before the then most powerful woman in the world and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, that women are playthings, fit only for satisfying man’s hunger and libido.

One of the many sons of Buhari in the male chauvinism clan is former Senator Dino Melaye, a member of the Peoples Democratic Party from Kogi. Another is serving Senator Elisha Abbo from Adamawa.

Melaye, it was, who desecrated the so-called hallowed precincts of the Red Chamber in 2016 when he reportedly threatened to beat up the matriarch of Bourdillon, Mrs Oluremilekun Tinubu, who has made the Senate her permanent address since 2011.

Melaye, also, allegedly threatened to whip out his manhood and impregnate Remi, a claim the ex-lawmaker has denied, saying Remi has ‘arrived’ menopause and so cannot be impregnated. Melaye revealed that he became angry when Remi called him ‘a thug’, and topped it up with another expletive, ‘a dog’, during a closed-door senate plenary.

Abbo, now a member of the All Progressives Congress, rose to national notoriety barely three months after his election into the Senate in 2019 when he beat up a lady in a sex toy shop which he patronises in Abuja.

But, under Buhari, civil and criminal cases involving his anointed are neither never prosecuted nor concluded. Here, I’ll mention just three for I want to quickly go back to Lady Tinubu.

Nothing is heard about the one thousand and one criminal charges levelled against the Speaker, Lagos House of Assembly, Mudashiru Obasa; disgraced former Chairman, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Ibrahim Magu, just disappeared into thin air despite the humongous money and property that allegedly developed wings during his tenure, while the police shockingly arrested the trader assaulted by the Chairman, Code of Conduct Tribunal, Danladi Umar, in March, when a judge turned a street fighter in Abuja.

Back to the beautiful wife of the King of Bourdillon. I was part of an outraged nation when the news of Melaye’s infamous face-off with Remilekun broke five years ago.

I met Senator Remi up-close during a Senate oversight function at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, about a decade ago. To me, she always cuts the picture of a lovely, motherly, humble and kind soul – even at a distance.

All that changed a few days ago when she hid behind a finger, drew a dagger, and back-stabbed the Nigerian electorate, whom she swore by the Bible to protect, trashing the Constitution and the country and showing herself as the real wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Genuinely worried about the free rein of bloodletting in the 36 states of the federation and Abuja, Kogi senator, Smart Adeyemi, took to the legislative floor to appeal to President Buhari to wake up and act.

Adeyemi wept as he recalled that killings in Nigeria currently are worse than what obtained during the Civil War. He said there was nothing to show for the billions of naira voted for security yearly, calling on the Federal Government to seek foreign military help.

Sitting close to Adeyemi and completely unaware her voice could be picked up by the microphone affixed to each seat, Remi asked Adeyemi, “Are you in PDP? Are you a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” Because they’re in the same party and because she’s the wife of the Jagaban, Adeyemi ignored her and continued to speak to his conscience.

Like Lady Macbeth used blackmail and guile against her husbad, Lady Tinubu also attempted to do the same against Adeyemi, who slayed her with wisdom. What she meant to pass to Adeyemi when she murmured undertone like a lost bee was, “I’m here listening to you; I’ll report you to my husband.”

For Lady Tinubu, it doesn’t matter if 10,000 Nigerians fall to the bullets of insecurity daily inasmuch as the presidential ambition of her husband remains on course. For her, it’s inconsequential if the blood of the Nigerian masses is used to signpost polling units across the country – provided her innermost desire is actualised.

For a woman whom the illustrious Reagan Memorial School, Lagos, was wrongly named after, one would think Lady Tinubu would show love like Miss Lucille Reagan, a Texan missionary, who abandoned her home country, USA, to live and die in Nigeria, giving education and hope to millions of children. Reagan was a mother.

Remi means ‘console me’. But the side remarks of Lady Tinubu against Adeyemi wasn’t consoling. It reminded me of the wife of King Herod and the wife of Potiphar.

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man in Abuja is snoring. Nigeria is in danger, we need to break the glass.

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @tunde odesola
Twitter: @tunde_odesola


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Crossover Program : Famous Gospel Acts Joe Praise, Gozie Okeke, Gabriel Peters Billed to Thrills Faithful at Prophetic Conference.



Crossover Program : Famous Gospel Acts Joe Praise, Gozie Okeke, Gabriel Peters Billed to Thrills Faithful at Prophetic Conference.

…. Chris Okafor world outreach Ministry set to takes Evangelism to US



Grace Nation Global Annual flagship conference the Midyear Cross over conference with the Theme “Breaking forth to the other side” is set to hold between Thursday 27th-30th June 2024. The family Liberation event is slated to take place at the international Headquarters of the church situated in Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria.

Popular Gospel Acts, Joe Praise, Gozie Okeke and Son of the Prophet Gabriel Peters are billed to thrill faithfuls with Prophetic Praise and Worship Songs to prepare Participants for Greater blessings from Elohim.

According to the Set Man, Popularly known as The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor, the Prophetic conference will serve as an avenue to take the children of God to the other side of the year with evidential Proof in there life.

Dr Chris Okafor said this year edition with witness Prophecy, Healing Deliverance, Restoration, Miracles and Solutions to all kinds of Problems faced by the child of God.

The conference will Begins on Thursday 27th June 2024 by 7am -12noon, while on Friday will be night of Prophecy and Solution, it will be by 9pm till.all breakthrough.

The Prophetic conference will be rounded up with a special thanksgiving service on Sunday 30th June 2024, where GOd will use his servant the Generational Prophet of God to cross his children to the other side of Breakthrough.

In his Sermon on Sunday 23rd June 2024 with Topic, “The Law of the mirror” The Lead Pastor Grace Nation Global Dr Chris Okafor said you must see value in yourself to get value of yourself, the Man of God said the worst thing in life is not to value yourself, when you speak negative of yourself the host of heaven confirmed your statement.

The Man of God also reiterated that self esteem is the single most important thing to a person behavior, therefore stop comparing yourself to others if you want to go far in life.

In his remarks the Generational Prophet of God said Negative thinking is critical to our self esteem,most time what we takes or believes in always comes from our ups and downs therefore the way your present yourself the way the world will Address you.

It was a Mind blowing Miracles and Deliverance at the service as a child born with the issue of deaf, received supernatural hand of God, his ears were open as God Servant prayed for him. He was able to hear for the first time in is life

Also God used his servant to re unite a family at the edge of breakout, the Man of God prayed and the relationship at the edge of collapsed re united, moreso evil family altars that does not allowed marriage were destroyed and all the Lawful captives were set Free to the Glory of God.

Meanwhile the Chris Okafor world outreach Ministry COWOM is set to take Evangelism to the United States of America starting from the first week of July 2024.
We will bring details of the conference to all our readers in our subsequent Publication….



Crossover Program : Famous Gospel Acts Joe Praise, Gozie Okeke, Gabriel Peters Billed to Thrills Faithful at Prophetic Conference.

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Kano Court Ruling: It Is Sanusi’s Destiny Not To Be Emir Again – Professor Mefor



Kano Court Ruling: It Is Sanusi's Destiny Not To Be Emir Again - Professor Mefor

Kano Court Ruling: It Is Sanusi’s Destiny Not To Be Emir Again – Professor Mefor



Professor Law Mefor, a renowned political analyst, says Justice Abdullahi Liman’s landmark ruling annulling the reinstatement of Sanusi Lamido as Emir of Kano suggests his fate is not tied to the throne.

Mefor, in an interview on Arise TV, said Governor Abba Yusuf’s assent to the amended Kano Emirate law and Sanusi’s reinstatement defied a court order, demonstrating disregard for the rule of law.


Kano Court Ruling: It Is Sanusi's Destiny Not To Be Emir Again - Professor Mefor

According to him, Sanusi’s initial dethroning was a consequence of his actions, which contravened traditional and legal norms.

He, therefore, said the court’s overturning of all actions taken after the amended law was passed, including Sanusi’s appointment, has sealed his fate.

“The judge ruled for a return to status quo, and the interpretation is clear; go back to where the matter was before it came before me,” Professor Mefor said.

“The status of the Kano Emirate before the matter was brought before the court was Emir Ado Bayero in charge.”

He added: “Some of us were not happy that Sanusi went to become the Emir of Kano, knowing fully well that he was an asset to the nation.

“He is an activist and intellect who offers more at the national level. He’s not supposed to handle a subdued role where he cannot express himself. His reinstatement is very controversial”.

The governor’s action, according to Professor Mefor, “was only trying to fulfil his campaign promises, but this should have been done by following the due process of the law. Why the rush? Follow the law.”

He emphasised that “to go ahead to reinstate him against a subsisting order is an invitation to anarchy, knowing the volatility of Kano. History has repeated itself.”

Professor Mefor stressed that “we must allow the rule of law to take its course. Sanusi’s destiny lies elsewhere, and Kano State can now move forward in peace.”

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UK richest family jailed



UK richest family jailed

UK richest family jailed




Sadly, the richest family in Uk is in a mess. A Swiss court handed jail sentences to four members of Britain’s richest family on Friday for exploiting Indian staff at their Geneva mansion.


UK richest family jailed

The Hindujas — who were not present in court — were acquitted of human trafficking, but convicted on other charges in a stunning verdict for the family whose fortune is estimated at 37 billion pounds ($47 billion).



Prakash Hinduja and his wife Kamal Hinduja each got four years and six months, while their son Ajay and his wife Namrata received four-year terms, the presiding judge in Geneva ruled.



The cases stem from the family’s practice of bringing servants from their native India and included accusations of confiscating their passports once they were flown to Switzerland.



Prosecutors argued the Hindujas paid their staff a pittance and gave them little freedom to leave the house.

The family denied the allegations, claiming the prosecutors wanted to “do in the Hindujas”.

The Hindujas reached a confidential out-of-court settlement with the three employees who made the accusations against them.



Despite this, the prosecution decided to pursue the case due to the gravity of the charges.

Geneva prosecutor Yves Bertossa had requested a custodial sentence of five and a half years against Prakash and Kamal Hinduja.

Aged 78 and 75 respectively, both had been absent since the start of the trial for health reasons.

In his closing address, the prosecutor accused the family of abusing the “asymmetrical situation” between powerful employer and vulnerable employee to save money.

Household staff were paid a salary between 220 and 400 francs ($250-450) a month, far below what they could expect to earn in Switzerland.



“They’re profiting from the misery of the world,” Bertossa told the court.

– ‘Not mistreated slaves’ –


But the Hinduja family’s defence lawyers argued that the three plaintiffs received ample benefits, were not kept in isolation and were free to leave the villa.

“We are not dealing with mistreated slaves,” Nicolas Jeandin told the court.

Indeed, the employees “were grateful to the Hindujas for offering them a better life”, his fellow lawyer Robert Assael argued.

Representing Ajay Hinduja, lawyer Yael Hayat had slammed the “excessive” indictment, arguing the trial should be a question of “justice, not social justice”.

Namrata Hinduja’s lawyer Romain Jordan also pleaded for acquittal, claiming the prosecutors were aiming to make an example of the family.

He argued the prosecution had failed to mention payments made to staff on top of their cash salaries.

“No employee was cheated out of his or her salary,” Assael added.


Some staff even asked for raises, which they received.

With interests in oil and gas, banking and healthcare, the Hinduja Group is present in 38 countries and employs around 200,000 people.




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