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The Dynamics Of Fuji Music Fandom And Artist Engagement : An Insightful Exploration” By Alhaji Arems



The Dynamics Of Fuji Music Fandom And Artist Engagement : An Insightful Exploration”

By Alhaji Arems

Fuji music, a genre deeply rooted in Nigerian culture, has a unique and passionate fan base. As the CEO of Arems Entertainment, I’ve observed an intriguing pattern among Fuji fans: they often appreciate multiple artists across the genre, yet their loyalty is frequently tied to the distinct personalities of individual artists. This article aims to delve into the dynamics of Fuji music fandom, the influence of artist personality on fan loyalty, and the crucial role of artist-client relationships in the industry’s success.


Understanding Fuji Music Fans :

Fuji music enthusiasts often enjoy the works of various artists like K-1, Aare Sir Shina Akanni, Saheed Osupa, Ayuba, Obesere, Pasuma, Malaika, Atawewe, Taye Currency, Igwe Remi Aluko, Queen Tosin Eniba and others. However, the degree of loyalty each fan feels toward an artist can vary significantly. For example, a die-hard fan of K-1 De Ultimate might attribute 50% of their love for Fuji music to him, while distributing the remaining 50% among other artists. This isn’t to say they dislike other Fuji musicians; rather, they resonate more with the unique traits or character of their preferred artist. This affinity could stem from a personal interaction, shared values, or simply a deep appreciation for the artist’s style.


The Two Types of Fans ;

Fuji artists generally attract two types of fans: “true fans” and “eye service fans.” True fans are those who can engage the artist with honesty, offering constructive criticism when necessary. They are invaluable as they help the artist grow and remain grounded. On the other hand, eye service fans see the artist as infallible, always right, even when the artist is clearly wrong. This group often includes band members or workers who, for fear of losing their positions, avoid speaking the truth. The presence of eye service fans can be detrimental, as it fosters a culture where the artist is insulated from reality, potentially leading to arrogance and a disconnect from their audience.


Artist Personality And Industry Success :

The longevity and relevance of Fuji artists in the industry often hinge on their ability to accept feedback and remain humble. Artists who continue to thrive are typically those who listen to constructive criticism and value the opinions of those around them. They understand that, regardless of their fame, they are still human and can always improve. Conversely, artists who become too proud and refuse to heed advice often find themselves struggling to maintain their position.


The Importance of Artist-Client Relationships :

Another crucial aspect of an artist’s career is their relationship with clients and promoters. It’s not uncommon for Fuji artists to focus solely on their performance fees, neglecting the importance of building rapport with their clients. This approach can be short-sighted. When artists show genuine interest in the success of an event, by, for example, creating promotional audio jingles or video posts, they not only enhance the event’s chances of success but also build goodwill with the client. Such actions often result in repeat bookings and a positive reputation within the industry.


Unfortunately, some artists demand additional fees for promotional activities, which can deter clients from working with them again. The reluctance to support event promotion without extra charges can be a major reason why some artists receive fewer bookings than others. Artists who go the extra mile, even without immediate financial compensation, often find themselves more in demand and build stronger, more lasting careers.


Conclusion :

In summary, the world of Fuji music is as much about personal connections and relationships as it is about musical talent. Fans gravitate towards artists whose personalities they resonate with, while the success and longevity of an artist’s career often depend on their ability to stay humble and receptive to feedback. Moreover, artists who prioritize their clients’ success and actively participate in event promotion tend to enjoy more consistent bookings and a better industry reputation. This article serves as a guide for both established and upcoming Fuji artists, offering insights into the dynamics that can make or break a career in this vibrant genre.


By understanding these nuances, Fuji artists can navigate their careers more effectively, ensuring they remain relevant and cherished by their fans for years to come.

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Backlash Follows Lanre Teriba’s ‘Disrespectful’ Approach During Public Reconciliation with Prophet Genesis At Dele Gold’s Memorial



Backlash Follows Lanre Teriba’s ‘Disrespectful’ Approach During Public Reconciliation with Prophet Genesis At Dele Gold’s Memorial

Backlash Follows Lanre Teriba’s ‘Disrespectful’ Approach During Public Reconciliation with Prophet Genesis At Dele Gold’s Memorial



By Alhaji Arems



Sahara Weekly Reports That In what many have hailed as a long-overdue reconciliation, Nigerian gospel artist Lanre Teriba, popularly known as Atorise, and Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe, also known as Genesis, have put an end to their long-standing feud. The two prominent figures made peace during the final ceremony of fellow gospel singer Dele Gold, but the reconciliation has stirred strong reactions from fans and followers, especially regarding the way Lanre Teriba addressed Prophet Genesis during the event.



Backlash Follows Lanre Teriba’s ‘Disrespectful’ Approach During Public Reconciliation with Prophet Genesis At Dele Gold’s Memorial



The Long-Awaited Reconciliation


The feud between Lanre Teriba and Prophet Genesis had spanned several years, with both parties at odds over personal issues that spilled into the public domain. Their fallout became widely known, drawing attention from fans, congregants, and the media alike. However, at the final ceremony of Dele Gold, a well-known gospel singer and associate of both men, Teriba took the opportunity to reach out to Genesis in front of the audience.


While performing on stage, Lanre Teriba paused to address the prophet directly. He called out to Prophet Genesis by name, recalling how he had been present at the naming ceremony of the prophet’s child 25 years ago. This moment meant to be a gesture of goodwill and reconciliation, was captured in a YouTube video titled, _”Ọpẹ o, Atorise ati Oluso Ogundipe Genesis ti pari ija olojo pipe nibi eto ayeye within Dele Gold”_, whicwithinslates to, _“Thank goodness, Atorise and Ogundipe Genesis have finished their age-long fight at Dele Gold’s final ceremony.”_


Fan Reactions: A Controversial Moment


Despite the seemingly positive nature of this public reconciliation, the way it unfolded has left some fans less than impressed. The specific issue of contention revolves around how Lanre Teriba addressed Prophet Genesis on stage. Many fans have voiced their concern that Teriba did not show the proper respect to the prophet, a revered spiritual leader. Instead of addressing him with titles or deference, Teriba referred to him in a familiar tone, using his name and discussing their personal history in what some perceived as a casual manner.


Social media platforms have been abuzz with mixed reactions. Some have praised the move, celebrating the fact that two influential figures in the gospel community have finally ended their disagreement. However, others have criticized Lanre Teriba’s approach, stating that his manner of addressing the prophet did not align with the spiritual respect and authority traditionally afforded to a man of Prophet Genesis’ stature.


Criticism Over the Lack of Formality


Critics argue that while reconciliation is important, how it is insignificant, especially when it involves a figure like Prophet Genesis, who comes man’s deep respect as a spiritual leader. The consensus among critics is that Teriba, as a public figure and believer, should have adhered to cultural and spiritual norms by addressing Genesis with more reverence—using his full title, “Prophet” or “Spiritual Father,” rather than calling him by name.


One fan wrote on social media, _“This isn’t how you talk to a prophet, especially in a public setting. It’s a lack of respect for his spiritual authority.”_


Another fan remarked, _“Lanre Teriba could have reconciled without undermining the office of the prophet. He has done well by making peace, but he should have shown more humility.”_


A Deeper Look: Culture, Religion, and Respect


In Nigerian society, especially within religious circles, respect for spiritual leaders is paramount. The perceived casualness in Teriba’s tone may have rubbed many the wrong way because it contrasts with the high level of formality and deference usually expected in such settings. Prophet Genesis is seen not only as a gospel minister but also as a spiritual authority figure with a devoted following. Many believe that public interactions with him should reflect that reverence, especially in a moment as significant as this reconciliation.


Some fans, however, have defended Teriba, suggesting that his direct approach reflected sincerity and familiarity, given their long history together. To them, the personal nature of the exchange highlighted the depth of their past relationship, rather than a lack of respect.


Moving Forward: Reconciliation Is the Goal


Despite the mixed reactions, many agree that the most important outcome is that the feud between Lanre Teriba and Prophet Genesis has come to an end. For years, their fallout divided their supporters and raised questions about unity within the Nigerian gospel community. With this public reconciliation, there is hope that both men can move forward, heal, and continue to serve as positive influences in their respective spheres.


Still, the conversation surrounding respect, cultural expectations, and religious protocols remains ongoing. Whether intentional or not, Teriba’s approach has sparked a necessary discussion on how public figures engage with spiritual leaders and the delicate balance between personal history and public reverence.


In conclusion, while the end of the feud is a cause for celebration, how it is for reflection. As fans and followers continue to debate the issue, one thing is clear—respect within the spiritual space is not just about the act, but also about how it is performed. Whether Lanre Teriba’s approach was an oversight or a personal choice, the reconciliation between him and Prophet Genesis marks a new chapter for both, and the gospel community is watching closely to see what follows.


In what many have hailed as a long-overdue reconciliation, Nigerian gospel artist Lanre Teriba, popularly known as Atorise, and Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe, also known as Genesis, have put an end to their long-standing feud. The two prominent figures made peace during the final ceremony of fellow gospel singer Dele Gold, but the reconciliation has stirred strong reactions from fans and followers, especially regarding the way Lanre Teriba addressed Prophet Genesis during the event.


The Long-Awaited Reconciliation


The feud between Lanre Teriba and Prophet Genesis had spanned several years, with both parties at odds over personal issues that spilled into the public domain. Their fallout became widely known, drawing attention from fans, congregants, and the media alike. However, at the final ceremony of Dele Gold, a well-known gospel singer and associate of both men, Teriba took the opportunity to reach out to Genesis in front of the audience.


While performing on stage, Lanre Teriba paused to address the prophet directly. He called out to Prophet Genesis by name, recalling how he had been present at the naming ceremony of the prophet’s child 25 years ago. This moment meant to be a gesture of goodwill and reconciliation, was captured in a YouTube video titled, _”Ọpẹ o, Atorise ati Oluso Ogundipe Genesis ti pari ija olojo pipe nibi eto ayeyewithinn Dele Gold”_, whicwithinslates to, _“Thank goodness, Atorise and Ogundipe Genesis have finished their age-long fight at Dele Gold’s final ceremony.”_


Fan Reactions: A Controversial Moment


Despite the seemingly positive nature of this public reconciliation, the way it unfolded has left some fans less than impressed. The specific issue of contention revolves around how Lanre Teriba addressed Prophet Genesis on stage. Many fans have voiced their concern that Teriba did not show the proper respect to the prophet, a revered spiritual leader. Instead of addressing him with titles or deference, Teriba referred to him in a familiar tone, using his name and discussing their personal history in what some perceived as a casual manner.


Social media platforms have been abuzz with mixed reactions. Some have praised the move, celebrating the fact that two influential figures in the gospel community have finally ended their disagreement. However, others have criticized Lanre Teriba’s approach, stating that his manner of addressing the prophet did not align with the spiritual respect and authority traditionally afforded to a man of Prophet Genesis’ stature.


Criticism Over the Lack of Formality


Critics argue that while reconciliation is important, how it is significant, especially when it involves a figure like Prophet Genesis, who commands deep respect as a spiritual leader. The consensus among critics is that Teriba, as a public figure and believer, should have adhered to cultural and spiritual norms by addressing Genesis with more reverence—using his full title, “Prophet” or “Spiritual Father,” rather than calling him by name.


One fan wrote on social media, _“This isn’t how you talk to a prophet, especially in a public setting. It’s a lack of respect for his spiritual authority.”_


Another fan remarked, _“Lanre Teriba could have reconciled without undermining the office of the prophet. He has done well by making peace, but he should have shown more humility.”_


A Deeper Look: Culture, Religion, and Respect


In Nigerian society, especially within religious circles, respect for spiritual leaders is paramount. The perceived casualness in Teriba’s tone may have rubbed many the wrong way because it contrasts with the high level of formality and deference usually expected in such settings. Prophet Genesis is seen not only as a gospel minister but also as a spiritual authority figure with a devoted following. Many believe that public interactions with him should reflect that reverence, especially in a moment as significant as this reconciliation.


Some fans, however, have defended Teriba, suggesting that his direct approach reflected sincerity and familiarity, given their long history together. To them, the personal nature of the exchange highlighted the depth of their past relationship, rather than a lack of respect.


Moving Forward: Reconciliation Is the Goal

Despite the mixed reactions, many agree that the most important outcome is the feud between Lanre Teriba and Prophet Genesis has come to an end. For years, their fallout divided their supporters and raised questions about unity within the Nigerian gospel community. With this public recognition, there is hope that both men can move forward, heal, and continue to serve as positive influences in their respective spheres.


Still, the conversation surrounding respect, cultural expectations, and religious protocols remains ongoing. Whether intentional or not, Teriba’s approach has sparked a necessary discussion on how public figures engage with spiritual leaders and the delicate balance between personal history and public reverence.


In conclusion, while the end of the feud is a cause for celebration, how it unfolded has left room for reflection. As fans and followers continue to debate the issue, one thing is clear—respect within the spiritual space is not just about the act, but also about how it is performed. Whether Lanre Teriba’s approach was an oversight or a personal choice, the reconciliation between him and Prophet Genesis marks a new chapter for both, and the gospel community is watching closely to see what follows.

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My dream is to set a new standard in music –Whizzonly



My dream is to set a new standard in music --Whizzonly

My dream is to set a new standard in music –Whizzonly


Versatile entertainer, Ogbechie Steven Wisdom otherwise known as Whizzonly, has opened up on his dream of setting a new standard in the music industry.

My dream is to set a new standard in music --Whizzonly

Whizzonly, who has toured many parts of Nigeria performing at music concerts and shows, expressed that while he respects his predecessors in the game, his dream is to set new standards.


The Delta State born singer, who recently released the video of his hit single titled ‘Omalicha’ said while he is proud of the current rating of Nigerian sounds in the global market, he is of the opinion that the best is yet to come “because we are richly blessed with many organic talents.”

However, he noted that “We must appreciate the passion and sacrifices of those who made music a profession to be reckoned with in Nigeria. But we the younger generation must take the challenge of building what these legends have done, and sustain the legacy.”

Whizzonly who is inspired by the likes of 2Baba, Flavor, Wizkid, Burna boy, Six-nine and J. Cole added that “My dream is to float a one-stop entertainment platform that will give young artistes easy global attention.”

His latest EP titled ‘My Way’ is currently on major digital streaming platforms, and has been enjoying reasonable reviews. Songs in the five-tracker are; ‘Yoyo’, ‘Hustle’, ‘This Kind Love’, ‘Them No Be God’ and ‘All I Need.’ He had hitherto released a single, ‘Ogbanje.’

Watch Omalicha video here:

Instagram: @itswhzzonly

Tik-Tok: @bigwhizzo

X: @itswhizzonly

Facebook: @itswhizzonly

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Just In: Nigeria’s Most Anticipated Movie, Issakaba ‘The Returns’ Supports ISFF Awards



Just In: Nigeria's Most Anticipated Movie, Issakaba 'The Returns' Supports ISFF Awards

Just In: Nigeria’s Most Anticipated Movie, Issakaba ‘The Returns’ Supports ISFF Awards

Ambassador (Dr.) Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen’s latest multimillion naira production, Issakaba ‘The Returns’, has thrown its weight behind the 2024 International Students Films Festival, ISFF, holding at the University of Portharcourt, Rivers State.

Issakaba ‘The Return’; remains the most anticipated movie in the history of Nigeria, and was produced and directed by Africa’s most consistent filmmaker, Dr. Lancelot Imasuen with the support of several notable Nigerians like; Emmanuel Winner Utomi of LIAM Ltd, Prince Paul Agbonlahor of Lahor Group worldwide and ‘Diran Adeyinka
WithinDlens Limited.

The return of this great movie that stairs evergreen actors like; Sam Dede, Iyabo Ojo (Queen Mother), Francis Onwuchie, Chidi Mokeme, Reginal Daniels, Sani Danja, Alex Osifo Omiagbo, Charles Okafor, Nosa Rex, Phyna Otabor of BBN, Itele, Kashimawo who played the great Issakaba Seer and several other notable Nollywood stars; is now one of the greatest support of the Film Festival that will be hosted by University of Portharcourt in Rivers State, from September 16 – 20, 2024.

The Student Film Festival will also be an avenue to honor veteran film and television greats, both living and dead, who made indelible marks on the Nigerian film industry, also known as Nollywood.

With a keen eye to celebrate these all-time veterans of cinema, Edo-born filmmaker, Amb. (Dr.) Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen (aka D’Guvernor), will be using the second edition of International Students’ Film Festival (ISFF), a campus-based travelling film festival, to celebrate the living and late legends where awards will be named after them. Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, hosted the festival’s first edition in 2023.

Nollywood ace screenwriter Emem Isong has Emem Isong Misodi Award for Best Screenplay named after her, just as Iyen Agbonifo has Iyen Agbonifo Award or Best Costume category named after her, Cleopatra Starret has Cleopatra Starrets Award for Best Make-Up named after her and Sir, Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion Award for Best film on Culture also named after him. Also, four fallen heroes of the industry are up for honour with awards dedicated to their names. They are Raymond Aleogho Dokpesi of African Independent Television (AIT) for pioneering a television platform for showcasing films and soap operas, Chico Ejiro for his prodigious output as a filmmaker, Sadiq Daba and Enebeli Elebuwa for their pioneering roles as astute actors and Capt. Hosa Okunbo for his role as film financier and major entertainment supporter.

The students’ films nominated for the nine award categories include Le Kadji, Dazed and Adaeze for Best Screenplay; Budge, Adaeze and Score for Iyen Agbonifo Award for Best Costume; Adeaze, Score and Dazed for Cleopatra Award for Best Make-Up; Obiora (Dominic Nweze as Obiora), Budge (Shedrach Sunday as Zazo) and Solitude (Ibinabo Fortune as Kelvin) for Enebeli Elebuwa Memorial Award for Best Actor (male) while for Female actor category, there are Adaeze (Jane Chidindu as Adaeze), Are You Human? (Ekienabor Sarah) and Score (Trinity Ugonabo as Nelo). Also, there’s Sadiq Daba Memorial Award for Best Short Film that has Dazed, Budge and Solitude, Capt. Hosa Okunbo Memorial Award for Best Feature Film with The Pirates, Praeda and Once Upon a Time at Ruth’s as nominees; Chico Ejiro Memorial Award for Best Director and has Budge, Dazed and Solitude as nominations; Raymond Aleogho Dokpesi Memorial Award for Documentary with 40 Years a Memory, The Rise and Ndito-Ufen as nominated films.

Amb. Imasuen said the motivation for setting up the student-based festival is to lend credence to his passion of empowering young people with skills in the industry where he has made a name for himself. He said he doesn’t want empowerment to be a mere slogan, but something that can be made real in the lives of young people who are willing to learn the rudiments of filmmaking. Secondly, he said the award component of the festival is designed as a celebration of both the living and practitioners who are fallen heroes and heroines of the industry, and to point the minds of young people towards emulating their achievements with a view to surpassing them in their craft.


Just In: Nigeria's Most Anticipated Movie, Issakaba 'The Returns' Supports ISFF Awards

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