2 Applying for the wrong visa
Depending on what type of visa you are applying for, the eligibility and requirements may differ. Double-check that you are indeed applying for the proper visa. Make certain that you can fulfill the requirements and meet the conditions for that particular visa. The standards may differ with each visa, so you may be eligible for one type of visa and not another.
3 Providing incorrect or insufficient information
Completing all forms accurately and being fully prepared with all requirements, required documentation for your specific visa, and forms of verification can help expedite the process. Having unverifiable or inaccurate information can lead to visa denials or prolonged and redundant processing. Don’t let a small oversight lead to delays in obtaining your visa.
4 Being overly confident during the interview
Being too assertive on all aspects of the visa process or expressing extreme confidence of a visa approval during the interview can make you come off as presumptuous and arrogant. Being polite and informative during your interview is the best course of action to ensure approval.
5 Giving too much information
As you can expect, you will be asked an array of questions. Your responses should be well-thought-out, but keep them concise and simple. You don’t need to divulge irrelevant details that don’t pertain directly to the inquiry, nor should you voluntarily give up information that isn’t requested. This can actually lead to more questions or raise red flags and suspicions that would have otherwise not arisen.