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Tukur Yusufu Buratai: Still in the Service of Fatherland



Tukur Yusufu Buratai: Still in the Service of Fatherland








Sahara Weekly Reports That Though not seen on the front pages of any Nigerian newspaper yet, there is a photograph of president-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress standing with erstwhile Chief of Army Staff General Yusufu Tukur Buratai somewhere in the Federal Capital Territory. Both men are in traditional outfits, the sunniness of Tinubu’s recent electoral victory apparent from his white brocade. A head taller, Buratai is wearing an ash-coloured kaftan. Both of them are smiling, the sort of smile you glimpse on the faces of those who have gone to battle and come out victorious.





Tukur Yusufu Buratai: Still in the Service of Fatherland




Both men have every reason to smile. For close to six years he was COAS, Buratai had to contend with the menace of Boko Haram insurgents who had most of the north east by the jugular. It was as if nothing could dislodge them, not even the formidable Nigeria Military. But then, with the full support of President Muhammadu Buhari who appointed Buratai as COAS in January 2015, along with other service chiefs, the frightening spectre of Boka Haram became history.










Today, Nigeria’s COAS from 2015 – 2021 can chest-thump anywhere about his achievements in decimating the ranks and file of the religious sect. It was during his time as COAS that the mouthy and cocky former head of Boko Haram Abubakar Shekau was annihilated, counting many of the senior commanders of the insurgents.






Though under intense pressure to relieve his service chiefs for underwhelming performance in the face of the worsening security situation in Nigeria at some crucial point, PMB refused to bow under. He knew for certain they were right on track in containing the scourge of Boko Haram however much the general public may think differently. And true to his belief and trust in them, the service chiefs had done some appreciable job in wiping out whatever was remaining of the terrorist organisation in Nigeria.







Of course, for a job well done, PMB rewarded Buratai with an ambassadorial posting to the Republic of Benin, a position he occupies to this day. It is a record in the history of Nigeria for a retired service chief to be thus rewarded by the Commander-in-Chief. Some of those who came before him were either disgraced out of office or simply went into oblivion. Nothing much was heard of them post-military career.








It is not hard to see why. They either performed below par or didn’t meet the expectations required of them while in office. For Buratai, it was the exact opposite. Making him the public face of Nigeria’s image in a neighbouring West African country says much for the trust and confidence reposed in him by PMB. So far, Buratai has not disappointed in his mission – another reason, perhaps, for the straight-from-the-gut smile with the president-elect in a photo-op taken about three weeks ago just on the cusp of Tinubu’s electoral victory in the February 25 presidential polls.








As for Tinubu himself, his smiling visage in the picture was just so apt considering the numerous obstacles he has had to overcome on his road to the presidency. Prior to the election last February, Tinubu was fair game for all manner of jibes and put-downs more than any of his political opponents. Critics, especially from the opposition parties, took him to the cleaners serially, asterisking everything from his provenance to his educational qualification and health. Some called him a drug dealer who, at one time, had a case to answer with the American Drug Enforcement Agency. Others carped that he’s had the state he once ruled as governor smack in his pocket for years, starting from 1999.








Tinubu’s traducers grew as the election got closer and they found more ammunition to lob at him following his now famous Emi ‘lokan declaration in Abeokuta last June. What insouciance! What arrogance! And how dare he?
For some time in both the mainstream and social media, Emi ‘lokan became the subject of discussion everywhere in the country. Having made the emergence of PMB possible in 2015, Tinubu had let on that it was his turn to rule Nigeria, and then explained it was his lifelong ambition to become that.








To most critics, nothing smacks of hubris more than that statement, something close to saying Nigeria belongs to a certain class of people of which Tinubu himself is one and now it was his turn to become president. From then on, it seemed all was lost for the man who would be the number one citizen in the country. Though he won his party’s primaries handily, the bigger battle was expected in the presidential election.
With the rising profile and popularity of a previously unknown Peter Obi of the Labour Party, a battle-scarred political gladiator in the person of Atiku Abubakar of Peoples Democratic Party, it was sure to be a keenly contested election with no chances of success for a candidate from the ruling party with a rap sheet hanging on its neck. Nearly everyone – including members of the party – blamed APC for everything from a spiraling economy to unemployment, insecurity and much else.








“Never again,” they swore, often thumbing their noses at the party leadership. “It was this same man who got us into this mess with that unholy alliance in 2015,” others charged, vowing to take their pound of flesh in the forthcoming election. It never got to be.
Instead, the Jagaban of Borgu also known by several aliases won, defeating his opponents by nearly two million votes. Why wouldn’t that victory, against all possible odds, elicit the sweet smile of success you see on his face with the former COAS?
But beyond the smile is Buratai’s unflinching support for the new president-elect, which explains the photo-op. Those in the know say the former COAS had always given a nod to a Tinubu presidency. For instance, when some prominent Nigerians, among them former president Olusegun Obasanjo, faulted the credibility of the polls that brought Tinubu to power, Buratai quickly stepped forward to defend democracy. He didn’t stop there; he was one of the first Nigerians to congratulate the president-elect.








“Let me begin by congratulating Nigerian voters who turned out on the 25th of February 2023 to exercise their civic duty and voted en-masse Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the APC as our President-Elect,” Buratai said, insisting “It is a clear reflection of the will of the people.”
Continuing, the former COAS declared: “At this juncture, I say with all sense of responsibility that our collective future is assured under the renewed hope vision and mission of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. I believe the President-elect is a man of capacity, empathy, vision, and all that it takes to lead Nigeria to the Promised Land.”








With Tinubu’s emergence, the general went on, “continuity has been achieved at the Federal level with the emergence of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the President-Elect from the APC.”








To be sure, it is a good thing the former COAS is still lending his voice to matters of national concern. On retirement, some generals in the Nigeria Army, especially those from the northern part of the country, turn their attention to what they’ve always done side by side their military career: farming. Some others are content with being traditional rulers of their natal communities, an emirate council, say, or some such important positions bestowed on them in appreciation of services rendered to the communities.








True, Buratai has his farm to look after post-COAS even while he’s engaged as an ambassador of the Federal Republic. But if you looked at his itinerary in last couple of weeks, the man has been up about, stopping over at communities just on a whim to feel the pulse of the villagers and how they are doing generally.









At the peak of his power in the Abbasid Dynasty in 8th century Baghdad, fifth caliph Haroun Al Rachid used to surprise his subjects with unannounced nocturnal visits thus getting to know them closely. Buratai is not a traditional ruler anywhere in the north. Still, acquainting himself with the wellbeing or otherwise of those in some communities is something that has driven him.









In one such community in Gombe state last week, the former COAS is seen in a one-on-one with the senior citizens of that settlement. With one voice and later speaking for the rest, the oldest among them thanked Buratai for his accomplishment in curtailing and even stopping the Boko Haram insurgents dead on their tracks in the north east then made some comparisons to late Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello for their developmental efforts in the region.










When the guest humbly asked if they meant what they said, they acquiesced by nodding their heads in the affirmative. Smack in the centre of the community with the traditional ruler himself speaking, anyone can be forgiven for mistaking the parley between them and Buratai for a politician on the stump. He wasn’t and neither was the community hamming it the way they welcome those seeking for office prior to elections.










Now that he is a private citizen, farmer, statesman and APC stakeholder, the retired general visited some previously war-ravaged settlements in the north east. He has also visited his own natal Biu where he recently received locals during a visit to his farm. It is typical of a gentleman and an officer who has never lacked the common touch.










One distinctive quality of outstanding leaders everywhere is that, regardless of whether they hold an official position, people just accept their authority and submit to them as a result of their charisma and influence. Even though Buratai has already retired from the army since 2021, Nigerians still regard him as the epitome of the army and turn to him for leadership. Buratai is viewed by Nigerians as someone who can take huge risks to protect them, and I believe that over time, people have come to agree that he represents security and protection.










Only a few years ago as COAS, Nigerians frequently saw Buratai in army fatigues exercising with soldiers under him – effortless push-ups, sit-ups, road work and suchlike workouts to keep body and mind in shape. Now out of service, it is impossible to imagine the erstwhile COAS forgetting his routine morning drills – whether in a private or public gym.










What has also been part of his regular schedule is his active involvement in politics. A high-ranking member of the APC, his early congratulatory message to and support for the president-elect is not for nothing, say political analysts. Will the retired general make a stab at political office in the future?









It is not an unlikely prospect. Today, Air Vice Marshal Siddique Abubakar Chief of Air Staff appointed at the same time with Buratai in 2015 is angling to be governor of Bauchi state under the APC. Given the active participation and involvement of former military brass in Nigeria’s political space, nothing suggests Buratai will not take his turn when that plum opportunity presents itself.









After putting an end to the scourge of Boko Haram, and then served meritoriously as Nigeria’s ambassador to the republic of Benin, pursuing a political career will be a continuation of Buratai’s service to fatherland.


Dangote says Company’s projected $30bn revenue will boost the Naira value



Dangote says Company’s projected $30bn revenue will boost the Naira value

Dangote says Company’s projected $30bn revenue will boost the Naira value


President of Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, on Sunday stated that his company’s aim is to become the leading supplier of foreign exchange in the FX market soon, as it targets $30 billion in revenues by the year 2025.

During a tour of the Dangote Petroleum Refinery & Petrochemicals and Dangote Fertiliser Limited with media executives at the weekend, he said the plan is to attain independence from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in forex sourcing, highlighting a strategic shift in revenue composition within the cement business from the current 75 percent to 15 percent in the future.

The expected significant inflow of forex into Nigeria through his businesses, will automatically boosts the value of our local currency and make Naira regain its value in the comity of international currencies all over the world.

According to Dangote, the refinery began full operations in 2024, initially focusing on refining intermediate products such as polypropylene, naphtha, RCO, gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

He explained that the refinery entered its steady-state production phase in March 2024. Additionally, he anticipates production ramping up to 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) with 15 crude cargoes per month by August, increasing to 550,000 bpd by the end of the year, and aiming for 650,000 bpd by the first quarter of 2025.

“Petrol production is to commence in July with sales from August,” assured Dangote.

Dangote also hinted that the group intends to list both Dangote Petroleum Refinery & Petrochemicals and Dangote Fertilizer Limited on the Nigerian Exchange Group in the first quarter of 2025. He said that this initiative would enable Nigerians to participate in the ownership of these companies.

“Due to the nature of our business with both the refinery and the fertilizer, we are aiming to list them by the end of this year. However, depending on circumstances, worst-case scenario, we anticipate listing them before the end of the first quarter of next year. This will allow us to offer shares for sale and enable Nigerians to participate as shareholders,” Dangote stated.

The Dangote Refinery, which will process 650,000 barrels per day (BPD) at full capacity, stands as Africa’s largest oil refinery and the world’s largest single-train facility, while the Dangote Fertiliser Limited operates Africa’s largest Granulated Urea Fertiliser complex. Presently, Dangote Cement is Nigeria’s most capitalised company.

While noting that the total storage capacity of the refinery is 4.5 billion litres, sufficient to cover 20 days of Nigeria’s crude requirement and store products equivalent to 15 days of Nigeria’s petrol consumption, he stressed that the refinery would produce 53 million litres of petrol per day and 1.1 million tonnes per day.

He added that the refinery is equipped with dedicated loading gantries featuring 86 loading bays, alongside specialized marine facilities for the offloading of crude and the loading of petroleum products. Additionally, the facility, he said, includes a 900-kilotonne per annum polypropylene plant, with production capacities of 36,000 tonnes per annum for sulphur and 585,000 tonnes per annum for carbon black.

Dangote said that over the past four decades, the operations of Dangote Group have evolved significantly from a commodity trading company to a diversified conglomerate. He emphasised that this transformation was driven by the overarching goal of achieving self-sufficiency in key sectors and bolstering Nigeria’s economy.

He noted that the group, which began as a trading company in 1978, has expanded into a diversified conglomerate with investments spanning cement, agriculture, fertilizer, petrochemicals, oil & gas, auto assembly, infrastructure, and other sectors.

He said the group is driven by the idea that Africa’s future prosperity hinges on its ability to harness its own resources and capabilities. Dangote stressed that the continent inadvertently imports poverty and exports jobs by exporting raw materials and importing finished goods.

The Vice President, Oil and Gas, Dangote Industries Limited, Devakumar Edwin, reiterated the commitment of the company in enhancing local capacity in critical sectors of the economy.

He said Dangote Industries Limited has empowered young Nigerians to assume key roles across its operations, with many even becoming expatriates in other nations.

Edwin stressed the refinery’s status as the world’s largest single train complex constructed entirely by a Nigerian company, highlighting a significant achievement in local engineering and construction capabilities.

Noting that most refineries were built by foreign companies, he said it is a thing of pride that a Nigerian company, acting directly as Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor, designed and built the world’s largest single train refinery complex. He said this has enhanced the capacity of many Nigerians involved in the process and that a Nigerian company can build a refinery anywhere in the world.

“It is a thing of pride that the largest single train refinery in the world is 100% designed, engineered, and constructed by a Nigerian company as EPC contractor,” he said.

While expressing gratitude to the media executives, Group Executive Director of Commercial Operations at Dangote Industries Limited, Fatima Dangote, reiterated the company’s dedication to creating a positive impact on the economy. She commended Aliko Dangote’s steadfast commitment to advancing the continent’s development.

“He (Dangote) is committed to ensuring the success of Nigeria and Africa as a nation and a continent. Our focus extends beyond profit to solving problems and achieving self-sufficiency across all sectors in Africa. By meeting global standards, we have positioned ourselves to export our products to every continent in the world,” she said.

Fatima pointed out that the group is not only the largest private employer of labour but also consistently ranks as one of the top taxpayers in the country each year, adhering to all relevant tax laws and regulations.

“We are known as one of the largest employers of labour. However, we are also conscious of ensuring our workers enjoy a good living standard. This is reflected in our inclusion in the list of top paying firms in the country. Our impact on employment generation extends to creating thousands of indirect jobs in the various communities that we operate in,” she added.


Dangote says Company’s projected $30bn revenue will boost the Naira value

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Hon. Taiwo Oyekan Celebrates Sanwo-Olu, Gbajabiamila On Birthday



Hon. Taiwo Oyekan Celebrates Sanwo-Olu, Gbajabiamila On Birthday,


Record-Breaking Council Legislator, Hon Taiwo Oyekan sents Congratulatory Message to the Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu and the Chief of staff to the President, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila as the duo celebrate their birthdays, today, Tuesday, June 25, 2024.


Below is the Statement issued and signed by the Legislator:



Today, Tuesday June 25, 2024,
Two Illustrious Sons Of Lagos State, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu And Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila Are Celebrating Their Birthdays

I Rejoice With Mr. Governor And The Chief Of Staff To The President

In Different Capacities, They Have Served The State And Nigeria Meritoriously

Governor Sanwo-Olu And Rt. Hon. Gbajabiamila Are Progressives Par Excellence

Indeed, The Celebrants Are Shining Examples To The Younger Generation

As The Duo Mark Another Phase On The Planet Earth, I Offer My Sincere Best Wishes

Congratulations Sirs !

© PTO Media & Strategy Centre

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Muhajid Alhaji Abubakr Dokubo-Asari Felicitates Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs on 60th Birthday



Muhajid Alhaji Abubakr Dokubo-Asari Felicitates Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs on 60th Birthday

Muhajid Alhaji Abubakr Dokubo-Asari Felicitates Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs on 60th Birthday




Muhajid Alhaji Abubakr Dokubo-Asari, a steadfast advocate for the rights of the Niger Delta people has extended warm felicitations to Alabo, Dumo lulu-Briggs, head of the Oruwari Briggs Group of War Canoe and Chieftaincy Houses of Abonnema on his 60th birthday.



Muhajid Alhaji Abubakr Dokubo-Asari Felicitates Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs on 60th Birthday

In a heartfelt message, Dokubo-Asari praised Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs for his remarkable journey, marked by unwavering dedication to politics without bitterness, and his tireless efforts to promote peace and brotherliness throughout his life.

“I salute his penchant for politics without bitterness, promoting peace and brotherliness,” Dokubo-Asari said, highlighting Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs’s remarkable ability to navigate the complexities of politics with grace and humility.

Furthermore, Dokubo-Asari commended Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs for his outstanding philanthropic endeavors, particularly in Abonema, where he has made a profound impact on the lives of youths, the aged, and women through various outreach programs.

“Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs has been outstanding in his philanthropic endeavors to touch and change the lives of youths, the aged and women in Kalabari kingdom providing succor and support to the weak and hopeless through various out reach programs,” Dokubo-Asari emphasized.

The Paramount Ruler of Edi Abali Group of War Canoe Houses of Kalabari kingdom also praised Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs for his selfless life, which exemplifies love for humanity and service. “Dumo’s selfless life exemplifies love for humanity and service,” Dokubo-Asari said, acknowledging Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs’ enduring legacy.

Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs, a businessman, politician, and philanthropist, is the chairman of Platform Petroleum Ltd, a petroleum exploration company planning a 10,000 metric tonnes refinery. His remarkable life serves as an inspiration to many, and his continued service to humanity is a testament to his enduring legacy.

As he celebrates this milestone, Alabo Dumo lulu-Briggs is undoubtedly grateful for the love and support of his friends, family, and the people he has touched through his philanthropic endeavors.

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