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The Afaka Community-TAC has issued a stern warning to any individuals attempting to blackmail the leadership style and developmental projects of Mr Tanimu Magaji JP, who has risen from the position of Mai Anguwa to the esteemed title of Sarkin Yamman Afaka. Mr Tanimu Magaji JP has proven himself to be a trustworthy and inclusive leader, showing no discrimination between his subjects regardless of their religious affiliations.




As a born Christian, Mr Tanimu Magaji JP has demonstrated a commitment to unity and peace within the Afaka ward, treating his Muslim subjects with the same respect and care as his Christian followers. Under his leadership, Afaka ward has been recognized as a peaceful community by various NGOs, a testament to his ability to foster harmony among the diverse population.

The Afaka Community-TAC, in a statement jointly signed by the general secretary Comrade Tasiu Musa and Director of Media and Publicity Ibrahim Dahiru Danfulani, has expressed concern over recent attempts to undermine Mr Tanimu Magaji JP’s position as Sarkin Yamman Afaka. The community has urged the culprits to cease their actions, warning of consequences should they continue to pursue such divisive and harmful behavior.

Mr Tanimu Magaji JP’s dedication to the welfare of his community is evident in his numerous contributions and initiatives. Despite facing challenges in the past, he has led successful programs such as an orphanage program that provided free scholarships to over 400 orphans, with a majority of Muslim children benefiting from his support. Additionally, Mr Tanimu Magaji JP has generously donated his personal land for the construction of a primary school and office in the community, further demonstrating his commitment to education and development.

It is clear that Mr Tanimu Magaji JP’s leadership has had a positive impact on the Afaka community, fostering unity and progress for all residents. The Afaka Community-TAC stands in full support of Mr Tanimu Magaji JP and his continued efforts to improve the lives of those under his care. Any attempts to undermine his leadership will not be tolerated, and those responsible will face the consequences of their actions.

In conclusion, the Afaka community stands united behind Mr Tanimu Magaji JP and his vision for a harmonious and prosperous community. Let this serve as a warning to all those who seek to disrupt the peace and progress that has been achieved under his leadership


Electricity And Minister Adelabu’s Peculiar Mess: A Short Story By Felix Oboagwina



Electricity And Minister Adelabu’s Peculiar Mess: A Short Story By Felix Oboagwina

Electricity And Minister Adelabu’s Peculiar Mess: A Short Story


Felix Oboagwina

“Welcome, Sir!” chorused the small gathering of guys seated at the door of the Barber’s shop, as I stopped in front of Ade’s salon. He is my regular barber. At his shop, I maintain this Saturday ritual in preparation for Sunday church service and the coming week.



Electricity And Minister Adelabu’s Peculiar Mess: A Short StoryBy
Felix Oboagwina


“Come in! Let Oga pass!” said Ade, extracting himself from the midst of three other people seated on benches and chairs in the semi-darkness of a gloomy evening. They angled their legs to let me through.

“Are you sure you can barb my hair?” I fired at Ade in sarcastic laughter. NEPA had struck some seven hours earlier that morning. “Is your generator working today?”

“He is ready for business,” someone from the gathering said. His pals roared with laughter.

“Then, he has become truly born-again!” I responded. “I just decided to try my luck here first, before moving on to other salons. These days, you show up here for a haircut and Ade’s generator has packed up or he couldn’t get fuel to buy at any station –no fuel even when it’s costly.”

More laughter poured forth.

“Today is different, Sir!” someone testified for Ade.

He soon settled me into the seat, with his Barber’s sheet clamped down by a single clip around my shoulders. What’s happening? Shouldn’t he first put on his small I-better-pass-my-neighbour generator? Power failure was NEPA’s bad habit here in this Alimosho area of Lagos. This particular axis got supplied by the relatively reliable 33kva transmission station. Like most days, however, today, power had disappeared around 8.30 that Saturday morning. Now it was about 3pm and NEPA still kept the supply switch on OFF.

Pushing the twin sliding doors to one side to catch the dimming embers of daylight, Ade, from his drawer, produced a wireless clipper and quickly went to work on my head. Despite the pain his clippers usually dealt to my head and face, Ade was so courteous that I found myself returning to him, even when I silently cursed his clippers and vowed that each session would be my last of subjecting my head to this torture. But I usually broke that vow. Ade had this condescending, humble mien that attracted you. Plus, I found him chatty and got to hear local gossip while he worked.

“I had to buy another wireless clipper,” he said. “Hope you don’t feel pain.”

Like hell, I did! Nevertheless, I responded: “Just continue! Maybe the pain will lessen as you go on.”

“Sorry, Sir,” he consoled me. He lifted the reaper off my head and made some adjustments. Soon the wireless clipper returned, only to continue torturing my poor head. My face contorted in anguish. Stockholm syndrome, I have fallen in love with my tormentor. After a moment of silence, Ade spoke again: “I had to buy this second-hand clipper. They won’t give us light and they increase the tariff. Sir, do you know these Ikeja DisCo (IKEDC) people have pushed us into Band A, by force by fire?”

“Yes, I received their SMS!”

From June 1, despite government’s assurances it would not happen, electricity consumers in that Lagos neighbourhood woke up to their worst nightmare –the Ikeja Distribution Company (IKEDC) slammed a higher tariff on them. The DisCo did not even have the decency to notify customers. Its terse message came days only after subscribers noticed the rise in fresh purchases. I myself got the IKJELECTRIC message at 11.59am, 05/06/2024:

Dear Esteemed Customer. Please be informed that due to a recent feeder upgrade and consequent in power supply in your location, your tariff class has been moved from Band B to Band A. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.

Ade said: “Now Ikeja DisCo is charging N1,000 for 4 units instead of for 14 units. They have robbed us of an entire 10 units per N1,000. Just like that! Wicked people!”

Initially priced at N225/kHz in that unpopular nationwide increase, Band A services were later slashed to N206.80/kHz. Even then, IKEDC charges customers the unapproved old rate of N225/kHz unit. Electricity used to cost N66/kHz. Much worse is that customers don’t even get the light. In this rainy season, the light immediately disappears with the littlest breeze blowing.

Ade said: “Today, they took light around 8am. And this is 3pm, they have not restored it. The same thing they did yesterday –from morning to evening, the light just went off. We couldn’t even see light to work or do anything throughout the day. People doing power-related business here run generators all through the day; yet they push us to Band A.”

I chipped in: “Ade, you don’t know what pains me most? We have this Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu, who appears to be fish out of water in that ministry. With a background in accounting and banking, this Minister does not consider citizens’ interests at all. He appears to be more concerned about assisting DisCos to make unjustified profit. He wants to satisfy these Shylocks, whose interest is not to render service but to rip off longsuffering consumers without rendering commensurate service.

“How will rain be falling and you switch off power? Haba! When they do, they don’t restore electricity for that entire day or several days. Any organisation interested in generating money won’t let that happen. Check out electricity firms abroad, during the worst of snowstorms or rainstorms, they ensure that electricity remains available without any break. In fact, it is said that people will freeze to death should power go off in winter. Do their own power suppliers have two heads ni?”

Ade responded: “Shameless DisCos!”

I went on: “Some weeks back, they interviewed the Power Minister on TVC –the television station owned by President Bola Tinubu. The man described himself as an Accountant. But he struck me as one of these pampered boys, whose father left with a sizable inheritance. Of course, he is the grandson of Adelabu, that Ibadan politician they called ‘Penkelemesi.’”

Ade said: “Oh, you must mean, Adedibu, the strong man of Ibadan politics under PDP.”

I replied: “Noooo! I mean Adelabu! Adegoke Adedibu is different from Lamidi Adelabu.”

The Barber said: “No wonder! No true son of Adedibu will do what this guy is doing. Adedibu was in touch with commoners. God rest his soul. Adedibu, with his Amala Politics, had a heart for the masses. Adedibu knew where the shoe pinched. No son of Adedibu will come into office and increase the suffering of the masses. This Adelabu is collaborating with DisCos to do what his father called PECULIAR MESS in the nation’s power sector.”

I replied: “Don’t mind him. Adedibu apparently sees his assignment as robbing Nigerians to pay the DisCos. He has turned himself into DisCos’ marketing executive.”

Sounding angry, Ade chipped in: “I wonder o! How can a Minister of Power be saying Nigerians like to leave on their fridge and air conditioners 24/7; and that Nigerians waste electricity this way? How does a seller complain that his customers consume too much? He should have been sacked instantly! Can a salt seller be complaining that people are over-salting food, therefore his stock finishes too fast? Is it not logical that the more salt you sell the more money you make?

Maybe Adelabu will be happy if we kuku return to using clay pots for cool water.”

I said: “Hospitals responded to that his ridiculous statement. They educated him that some drugs, medications and even blood needed refrigerated preservation in real time at a particular temperature; and any drop in temperature would destroy them. What of mortuaries? What of industries? Many run three shifts. You can bet that this Minister will say they should cut down on their shifts in order to reduce the load on the grid. A colossal misfit! Talk about putting square pegs in round holes. In a country overflowing with engineers, Tinubu chooses an Accountant to supervise Power and Electricity. This peculiar mess is the result.”

Ade said: “Oga, sebi you be journalist; help us tell government say make dem reverse dis high tariff and return the old rates. Those old rates were even over-priced by these yeye DisCos.”

I said: “Even if people write, will they hear? They have only ears for songs that DisCos sing. Instead of pandering to DisCos’ demand to raise tariffs, the government should be pushing them to embark on expanding their distribution networks and exploring new markets –horizontal growth of more customers instead of vertical growth of higher tariffs. Isn’t that how the telecoms are making their huge profits despite lowering airtime price? In this country, DisCos have a massive market waiting to be served with electricity. More profit will come not with higher tariffs, but with more customers and greater efficiency. Isn’t that the simple rule of demand and supply?”

Ade said: “Oga, I am completely lost with all your grammar. You know say me na ordinary Barber. Write am make dem read am.”

I laughed. He removed the sheet from my shoulders; and I handed him the usual fee for his service.

Ade gave a shy smile: “Sorry, Sir, our price has changed! New tariff, new price!”


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Bichi: Celebrating a Champion of Probity By Okanga Agila



Bichi: Celebrating a Champion of Probity

By Okanga Agila



The 10th National Assembly will be etched in the annals of Nigeria’s legislative history as a paradigm of transparency, inclusivity, and fiscal responsibility, and Hon. Kabir Bichi’s stewardship as the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations was the linchpin of this transformative era. His visionary leadership was instrumental in effecting a paradigm shift in the budgetary process, cultivating a culture of public engagement in legislative affairs, and fostering an unprecedented level of accountability and transparency.

Throughout his tenure, Hon. Bichi demonstrated a great commitment to his dual roles as Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations and representative of the good people of Bichi Federal Constituency. His dedication to the welfare of his constituents and his unflinching resolve to ensure that the legislative process was transparent, inclusive, and fiscally responsible have been truly exemplary, leaving an indelible mark on the legislative landscape of Nigeria.

The tenure of Hon. Bichi as the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations has fortuitously coincided with a burgeoning national clamour for fiscal responsibility and accountability. Under his visionary stewardship, the Committee has pioneered innovative strategies to ensure that funds are judiciously channelled towards projects that tangibly impact the nation’s development and progress.

Notably, Bichi and his team have successfully implemented a cutting-edge system that leverages the power of technology and data analytics to optimize resource allocation, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of budgetary implementations. This revolutionary approach has departed from the erstwhile opaque and corrupt practices that often shrouded budgetary allocations in secrecy.

One of Bichi’s most significant achievements has been his unwavering commitment to transparency, which has been manifest in the Committee’s encouragement of public debate, inputs, and suggestions on budget proposals. This has entailed a significant increase in public hearings, detailed breakdowns of budgetary allocations, and the utilization of online platforms for public engagement, thereby fostering a more inclusive and participatory budgetary process.

This groundbreaking achievement has had a profound impact on the perception of Nigerians regarding the legislative process, instilling a renewed sense of trust and confidence in the ability of the National Assembly to effectively and responsibly manage the nation’s resources.

Hon. Bichi’s commitment to transparency transcends mere rhetoric, as he has actively cultivated a culture of accountability within the committee. Media reports attest to his unwavering insistence on robust justifications for budgetary requests, ensuring that every allocation serves a legitimate purpose and delivers tangible value for taxpayer money.

This heightened scrutiny has undoubtedly served as a deterrent against profligate spending, promoting a more efficient and responsible approach to national budgeting. Hon. Bichi’s effectiveness extends far beyond the confines of the appropriations committee, as he has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving the needs of his constituents in Bichi.

Despite the demanding task of chairing the Appropriations Committee, Bichi has struck a balance between his national responsibilities and his dedication to his constituents, ever available to listen to their concerns and working tirelessly to ensure their needs are reflected in the national budget.

Bichi’s dedication transcends mere funding allocation; he actively engages with his constituents, ensuring their voices are heard and their priorities are reflected in his actions. Town hall meetings and community outreach programs are integral to his approach, fostering a strong sense of trust and accountability between the representative and the people he serves.

This commitment to open communication has created a symbiotic relationship between Hon. Bichi and his constituents, ensuring that their needs are perpetually at the forefront of his legislative endeavours. The capacity to navigate the demands of national representation while remaining rooted in local service is a distinguishing characteristic of a truly exceptional leader, and Rep. Bichi has demonstrated a mastery of this delicate balance.

His national role as Chairman of the Appropriations Committee allows him to shape national spending priorities, thereby ensuring that critical resources are allocated to projects that benefit the entire country, including his constituency. Concurrently, his firm commitment to Bichi ensures that his constituency reaps the benefits of his national influence, as he secures targeted funding for local projects and remains accessible to his constituents, epitomizing the true essence of representative democracy.

Hon. Bichi’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, as various groups and organizations have lauded his dexterity, legislative acumen, and commitment to excellence. The passage of the people-oriented 2023 supplementary budget, which was subject to public participation and debate, is a testament to his leadership prowess.

News reports have highlighted his tireless efforts in securing critical infrastructure projects for the constituency, including improvements to road networks and educational facilities, investments in healthcare and agricultural development, and numerous other initiatives that have tangibly impacted the lives of his constituents.

The tenure of Hon. Bichi in the 10th National Assembly serves as a paradigmatic model of responsible and effective leadership, providing a benchmark for his colleagues to emulate. His unwavering commitment to transparency in national budgeting and his dedication to serving the needs of his constituents have set a lofty standard for leadership in Nigeria.

As Nigerians gaze towards the future, Hon. Bichi’s exemplary leadership provides a compelling vision for the type of leadership the nation requires: leaders who are both fiscally responsible and deeply invested in the well-being of their constituents. Leaders who are dedicated to selfless service, prioritizing the growth and development of their country. Leaders who will courageously defy all obstacles to ensure that democracy continues to flourish, anchored on the principles of transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, Hon. Kabir Bichi’s tenure as the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations in the 10th National Assembly was distinguished by numerous significant achievements. His leadership was characterized by an unbeatable level of commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and fiscal responsibility, serving as a beacon for responsible governance in Nigeria.

As we evaluate the remarkable efforts of this distinguished parliamentarian, we can only hope that future leaders will draw inspiration from his exemplary leadership and continue to build upon his enduring legacy. It shall be etched in the annals of the green chamber for generations to come that a remarkable parliamentarian once graced these hallowed halls, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of the people he served with unwavering dedication, integrity, and distinction.

The legacy of this extraordinary leader shall forever be remembered.

*Okanga writes from Abuja.

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Appraising the Police Act Amendment Bill* By Philip Agbese



*Appraising the Police Act Amendment Bill*

By Philip Agbese

In a groundbreaking development poised to transform the landscape of law enforcement in Nigeria, the visionary Hon. Makki Abubakar Yalleman has championed the introduction of the Police Act Amendment Bill to the National Assembly. This legislative milestone seeks to address the longstanding inadequacies of the existing Police Act, which has been in force since 2004.

The amended legislation aims to revolutionize police operations by enhancing accountability, modernizing policing methods, and fostering a more harmonious relationship between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. By doing so, it will significantly bolster public trust, improve crime prevention and response strategies, and ultimately contribute to a safer and more secure Nigeria.

This landmark legislation represents a critical step towards a nation where law enforcement officers are not only enforcers of the law but also trusted guardians of our communities, dedicated to protecting and serving with integrity and professionalism. In the quest for a more robust, responsive, and people-friendly policing system in Nigeria, the Police Act Amendment Bill shines as a beacon of hope and a significant milestone.

This amendment bill, designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Nigerian Police Force, serves as a testament to the nation’s unwavering commitment to law enforcement and security, demonstrating a resolve to create a safer and more secure environment for all citizens.

One of the most profound and far-reaching provisions of the Bill is its emphasis on fortifying the police workforce, achieved through the extension of service years for seasoned officers. By leveraging their expertise and fostering a sense of institutional memory, the legislation enables the development of a more proficient and effective police force, capable of navigating complex security challenges with greater aplomb.

Moreover, the retention of experienced personnel alleviates the burden of constant recruitment and training, yielding significant cost savings that can be redirected towards the procurement of essential equipment and resources.

Another significant facet of the Bill is its commitment to community policing, a paradigm shift that acknowledges that law enforcement is a shared responsibility between the police and the public. By empowering communities to assume ownership of their security, the Nigeria Police Force will become more responsive to local needs, cultivating a culture of mutual trust, cooperation, and collaboration.

Furthermore, the Bill prioritizes police welfare, a critical aspect that has been historically overlooked. By improving working conditions, enhancing training, and providing better equipment, the legislation will significantly boost police morale and motivation, leading to enhanced performance, dedication, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Additionally, the Bill’s emphasis on gender mainstreaming and diversity will ensure a more inclusive and diverse police force, better equipped to serve the diverse needs of Nigerian communities, fostering a more just and equitable society for all.

Another vital provision of the Bill is the establishment of a Police Complaints Commission, an autonomous body responsible for investigating allegations of police misconduct, thereby ensuring accountability, transparency, and justice. This mechanism will further solidify public trust in the police, as it demonstrates a commitment to addressing concerns and promoting a culture of responsibility within the force.

Moreover, the Bill addresses the critical issue of police morale by enabling the retention of experienced officers, thereby fostering a sense of stability and mentorship within the force. This, combined with the potential for improved job satisfaction, can significantly enhance morale, leading to a more motivated and effective police force. A motivated police force is demonstrably more effective in preventing crime, fostering trust within communities, and ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of all Nigerians.

It is noteworthy that the impact of this Bill extends beyond the internal workings of the police force, having far-reaching implications for national security. By ensuring a more experienced and well-resourced police force, the Amendment Bill has the potential to significantly enhance the nation’s capacity to combat crime, terrorism, and other threats. A professional and competent police force is better equipped to maintain law and order, creating a safer environment conducive to business growth, investment, and national prosperity.

The realization of meaningful change requires the implementation of a clear vision. Hence, the foresight and leadership demonstrated by the bill’s sponsor, Hon. Makki Abubakar Yalleman – the distinguished Chairman of the House Committee on Police Affairs and esteemed Member Representing Mallammadori/Kaugama Federal Constituency – are truly commendable.

Hon. Makki has also demonstrated exemplary leadership and a steadfast commitment to service through his numerous contributions to his constituency. Noteworthy achievements include renovating schools, reconstructing damaged roads, implementing rural electrification projects, and donating foodstuff to the needy and less privileged. These accomplishments serve as a testament to his dedication to the betterment of his community.

Furthermore, his generosity in donating Patrol Vehicles to the Nigeria Police Force in Mallammadori and Kaugama Federal Constituency underscores his resolve to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the police force.

The Police Act Amendment Bill, a landmark legislation, marks a significant step forward in prioritizing experience, morale, and resources within the police force, paving the way for a future where security and trust are intertwined. The overwhelming support for the Bill’s spirit during the public hearing is a resounding endorsement of Hon. Makki’s visionary leadership, which has inspired a shared conviction in the Bill’s potential to positively impact the lives of all Nigerians.

Among the bill’s sponsors, Hon. Makki Abubakar Yalleman stands out as a paragon of dedication and commitment, driving the legislation with his unwavering spirit and dedication. The Police Act Amendment Bill has garnered widespread acclaim from diverse stakeholders, who have unanimously commended the spirit and intent behind the legislation. During the public hearing, representatives from civil society organizations, the legal profession, and community groups all acknowledged the Bill’s transformative potential for Nigerian policing.

This broad support is a testament to the inclusive and participatory approach adopted by Hon. Makki and his team, demonstrating a commitment to collaborative governance and a passion for meaningful reform. As this visionary Bill progresses through the legislative process, it is imperative to maintain the momentum and ensure its successful enactment. Nigeria is indebted to Hon. Makki and his team for their foresight, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to creating a safer, more secure Nigeria for generations to come.

Together, we can forge a future where the Nigerian Police Force is not only feared but respected and revered as a vital partner in building a safer, more prosperous Nigeria, where security and trust triumph.

Agbese is the Deputy Spokesman, 10th House of Representatives, writing from Abuja.

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