“Why My Movie Rage Is Trending”- Esther Arise
Esther Arise is a Delectable actress cum producer who combines beauty with brains. Her latest work, Rage released few days ago has been the talk of the town in terms of content and creativity. In this exclusive chat with us, the talented thespian shared her success story with us. Experts….
Your new movie Rage is fast making waves in the Industry, how do you feel?
I really feel elevated beyond comprehension.
I wasn’t expecting the level of appreciation towards the movie – RAGE but as the saying goes if God is with you all will be well. I’m very proud of the collaborative process behind the production of RAGE. It’s a collective achievement.

What informed the storyline and where did you get the inspiration from?
The storyline is an interesting peculiar one. It’s embedded within our societal mundane. There are many societal ruinations we daily faced. Issues of anger, jealous, gossip uncompromising attitude that eventually leads to societal decadence. We often don’t recognise how destructive these could affect us until they have the unpleasant effects on us as a people. The whole idea is to have a clear awareness amongst us. Furthermore, reoccurrence behavioural destructive decisions inspired the product of RAGE

To every glory is a story to tell, what were the challenges faced during production and how did you overcome them?
To God be the glory, like every other professions there would be ups and downs, one set back or the other. Our major set back was timing, collating people for different roles was a doubting task. This was why I firstly acknowledged the fact that it’s a collective effort to realise a finished movie. There were problems of quality shooting – cinematography which we had to critically reassessed before finally agreed on to release the movie for public viewing. Of course money is a big factor in production of good movie and there was issues of finance especially when the government is not favourable in this area. There were many other issues but we made it at the end.

What stands you out among your peers?
I don’t think there’s anything that stands me out amongst my peers. All I know is I’m very serious with my profession. Dedication, hardwork, pragmatism, honesty and respect are paramount keywords for me.

How exactly did the journey started?
My journey started at a very tender age. I have always wanted to be a movie actor. Growing up I watched a lot of old vintage movies like Jaiyesimi, Orunmoru, Ti Oluwa In Ile, Arelu, Owo Blow and many more. These movies inspired me a lot and gave me a burning desire to be an actor one day. I have uttermost respect for the older generations in the movie industry, they paved the way for our success today. We own them gratitude and appreciation.
which movie will you say brought you Into limelight and who are your role models?
One of the movies that brought me to the limelight was Yellow Sisi. Most people call me Yellow Sisi today due to my role in that movie. However, I still believe there were combinations of other movies I have acted that’s taken me this far.
what’s the secret of your success?
I have no particular secret. Other than to be confident supportive, respect hardwork and God fearing.
You have Featured In some series like Jenifa Diary etc What are the lessons learnt on your way to stardom?
On my way to stardom I learnt to always be humble and respect people at all times. Do more of listening and less talk. Promote unity and awareness of purpose that would create a better platform for me and my colleagues. Treat others how you would want to be treated is my motto.
which other projects are you Working on now ?
I’m working on many projects at the moment but are still in elementary stages. I would let the cat out of the bag when the time comes, for now let’s concentrate on the quality of finishing the movie that would compete with any movie across the world – that’s my ultimate aim and objective.
Tell us more about yourself and what brought about the name Esther Arise?
I’m from a Christian home. A native of ileoluji in Ondo state.
I studied Business Administration (HND) at Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State – 20l5.
After NYSC, I studied between 2015 and 2018 at J15 of Performing Arts, Ibadan, Oyo State.
(Femi Adebayo Concept)
The name Esther was given to me by my parents Mr and Mrs Arise.