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Why Odidi-Omo Support Group Is Advocating For Hon. Adedeji  Stanley  Olajide”- Dr Odesanya



Why Odidi-Omo Support Group Is Advocating For Hon. Adedeji  Stanley  Olajide"- Dr Odesanya

Why Odidi-Omo Support Group Is Advocating For Hon. Adedeji  Stanley  Olajide”- Dr Odesanya

 The stories  of  positive  representation  and  unprecedented  records of human capacity development  coming  from the member representing Ibadan North-West/South West  Federal  Constituency  in  the House of Representatives,  Hon.  Dhikrullah  Adedeji  Stanley  Olajide,  fondly  called  Odidi  Omo  by  his  teeming  supporters  has made him the darling of many. In an exclusive chat the founder of the  Odidi-Omo Support Group, Dr Odesanya Olumide shed more light on the many achievement of odidi-omo aa a force to be reckoned with. Except…

Can we meet you sir?
I am Dr Odesanya Olumide, a political analyst, PR Practitioner, author, social media commentator, motivational speaker and an integrated marketing communicator.
We gathered that you founded Odidi-Omo Support Group with the purpose of advocating for Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide (Odidi-Omo), how did you arrive at this project?
Looking at the technological advancements that has infiltrated the economic space of the country and how much the youths of the society has embraced the use of ICT in their daily activities, Hon Adedeji Stanley Olajide popularly known as “Odidi Omo” has been in the vanguard of bringing the good tidings of ICT into every nooks and crannies of the country, and with the level at which youths are engaged both on the social media and other notable problem solving apps, several people are making life saving incomes on the internet. Also ICT has shifted the traditional market space from what it used to be to the global open market. Many business people now enjoy international patronage because of exposure to proper ICT. These and many more prompted to form a group called “ODIDI-OMO SUPPORT GROUP” for the purpose advocating for him.
Your candidate, Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide “Odidi-Omo” is the present Chairnan, House Committee on ICT and cyber security, how do you think that has impacted on his constituents? 
In past years that Odidi-Omo have been championing the good news of ICT, several awareness and orientations has been organised at different intervals to sensitize both the government establishments and the organised private sector to know the merits of investing into ICT for proper cyber security intellectual. In all the government ministries, parastatals, agencies and  organised private sectors, higher institutions of learning and intermediate educational centers across the nation and specifically in Ibadan Northwest/ Southwest Federal Constituency that Odidi-Omo represents, ICT centers are established at conspicuous places that are accessible to all and sundry for proper education and sensitization on cyber security.
What are the measures your candidate put in place to solidify and enhance cyber security in Nigeria? 
Odidi Omo legislative success is not far fetched, a one minute interaction with him will reveal his personality to anyone who comes across him. Odidi Omo is well versed in the legislative process of Nigeria. Odidi omo is a thorough bred legislature who understands the nitty gritty of the legislative process, and not only that all the bills he has sponsored in the legislative chamber are all human capacity development oriented bills that are beyond the political sagacity of his opponents.
What are Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide’s scorecards in relation to achievements in his constituency? 
Anyone that traverse the political constituency of Hon Stanley Adedeji Odidi Omo which is Ibadan South West and North West Federal Constituency will definitely feel the effect and swaga of a federal honourable in the place. His constituency empowerment is so massive and its beyond his political affiliates alone.
Every market women and men, students, salary earners, transporters, less privilege, schools, households, just to mention a few had enjoyed the dividends of  demoncracy that are oozing out from the magnanimity of a large heart possessed by Odidi Omo. Even the blind could see that Odidi Omo achievement  is beyond reach.
Odidi Omo empowerment projects list is enormous and capacity building, let us just mention a few; Construction of ICT training centers in all major secondary schools of both ibadan south west and north west constituency, ICT and Cyber Security training at interval for several youths to be self empowered, in the transport sector, distribution of Keke Napep freely for ward members, motorcycle distribution, household relief and palliative for several families, schorlarship for both oustanding students in different institution and also students from poor families, just too many to mention.Generally speaking, his scorecard is very excellent.
Why Odidi-Omo Support Group Is Advocating For Hon. Adedeji  Stanley  Olajide"- Dr Odesanya
What are the challenges you think your candidate faced in implementing some of his projects?
Challenges are bound to exist in all phases of our lives, be it human, political, logistics, sabotage, propaganda, or in any form, Hon Stanley Adedeji “Odidi Omo” has grown both wings and thick skin to weather any kind of challenges for democractic legislative process to survive and sustain in Nigeria. I must also let you know that, Odidi Omo is such a man who turns most of the challenges to opportunities to deliver good governance to the good people of Ibadan Northwest/ Southwest Federal Constituency of Oyo state. And it has been working for him efficiently and effectively.
Information available revealed that there are calls for Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide “Odidi-Omo” to contest as the Governor of Oyo state, what’s your take on that? 
Everyone who sees diamond will recognize it, no matter how crude it is. Oyo State people also put their best people forward for proper governance, if the good people of Oyo state sees the leadership qualities in Odidi-Omo that it befits him to become the next governor of the state, he has my 100% support and God’s willing, he will march straight to the government house in the next election, come 2027.
The standard that Odidi omo has brought to the legislative processes in Nigeria cannot be over emphasized, his vibrant, humble, accountability, selfless, transparency and humanitarian nature is what the good people of Oyo state desires.
Odidi-Omo is a two-term Federal Honourable representing Ibadan Northwest/ Southwest constituency now vying for the seat of a governor of 33 Local Government area, how do you think he intend to use his proven experience to govern the state successfully?
Let me state categorically mention here that, Hon Adedeji Stanley Olajide “Odidi-Omo” has become the enviable bride among every other federal honourables in Oyo state. He may be representing two (2) local government areas at present but his political activities and clout goes beyond Ibadan as a city. It is not a gainsaying that other federal honorables from other constituencies in Oyo state are copying the most of his activities and achievements.
The level with which things are moving in Oyo state, the present governor needs someone like Odidi-Omo to maintain the tempo developments because of his charismatic integrity. I’m bold to say that, moving from a two (2) LGAs Federal lawmaker to the 33 LGAs and LCDAs Governor of Oyo state is a giant stride for Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide “Odidi-Omo”. He is not new to the political terrain in the state and he will definitely scale through by God’s grace.
We gathered that Odidi-Omo have various voluntary fan groups that has been advocating for him like Odidi-Omo Support Group and so on, in your own opinion, what do you think are his plans and agenda regarding them?
I am happy that you know there are voluntary groups, that meets both physically and virtually towards the success of the campaign and electioneering process of Odidi omo. I must emphasize that, Odidi omo is not a bias or partial leader, he is spreading his tentacles to those who voluntarily support him and also those who criticises him. All Odidi-Omo fans groups are crusaders for good governance and delivery of election promises to the citizens.
Every group is well recognized by Odidi-Omo, and his presence is recognised in every meetings. He plans for them as he does for the whole constituency and they are happy with him.
It is a known fact that, Governor Seyi Makinde performed well in every ramifications, do you think Odidi-Omo can beat his records if he succeed him?
Government is not about beating records, it is about sustaining the developmental process of a past administration. That is why governement is a continuom. Governor Seyi makinde is really doing well in every sector of the economy in Oyo state. For that to continue, Oyo state needs somebody in the mould of Seyi Makinde to sustain it and even the blind can see that the same acumen is present in Odidi-Omo to make Oyo state great again for all developmental processes and to make oyo state soar among other states of the federation.
Don’t forget that Oyo state is the pacesetter state in Nigeria, Odidi omo have the pace-setting skills, political sagacity, goodwill and clout to move the state forward.
We have also observed that Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide “Odidi-Omo” is very passionate about youth, what are his plans for the youths if he become the next governor of Oyo State?
Great nations of the world don’t joke about their youths, because it’s the youth that moves the economy forward. They are the leaders of today and tomorrow. The investment portfolio that Odidi-Omo have for the youths of the state is loaded, ranging from capacity building, trainings in both ICT and Agriculture, food production and security, education and scholarship, business development opportunities etc.
Odidi-Omo have plan to get all the youths engaged, don’t forget that youths are happy when they make money and are ok. He is not promising anybody free money, but every youth will be gainfully engaged to showcase their skill and talents for profitable and legitimate economic engagement that will move the state forward.
One of the motions Odidi-Omo recently supported and passionately stressed on the floor of the house, was the need for the FG to arrive at a logical conclusion with the NLC and TUC on the new minimum wage, what do you think are his reasons behind this submission?
The minimum wage imbroglio has been lingering for a while now, and its because of the galloping inflation that the economy is experiencing. As a passionate leader and representative of the masses, Hon Adedeji Stanley Olajide “Odidi-Omo” lended his voice to the yearning of the workers, so that the issue will not degenerate into national chaos.
As a leader who feels the pain of the masses, and as someone who is not distancing himself from the daily lives of his people, he felt the need to advise both the government of the day and both NLC and TUC to reach a logical conclusion so as not to paralyse the economy and everyone becomes stranded.
Finally, as the founder and coordinator of Odidi-Omo Support Group (ODSG), what message do you have for the good people of Oyo state in this period of national economic hardship on behalf of Hon. Adedeji Stanley Olajide (Odidi-Omo), your candidate?
I am lending my voice to the good people of Oyo state to please exercise a little more patience. Every government policies is aimed at betterment to our lives and they are already yielding result, so let us wait for the fruits to mature.
Thanks and God bless you all.

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Oba Ayangburen and the Bee Introduces Advocates of Education Awards to Honour Educational Excellence in Lagos



Oba Ayangburen and the Bee Introduces Advocates of Education Awards to Honour Educational Excellence in Lagos

Oba Ayangburen and the Bee Introduces Advocates of Education Awards to Honour Educational Excellence in Lagos



In its third edition, Oba Ayangburen and the Bee continues to push the envelope with the launch of the Oba Ayangburen and the Bee Advocates of Education Awards. This new initiative seeks to honour individuals and organisations that have made significant contributions to advancing education in Lagos State.


Oba Ayangburen and the Bee Introduces Advocates of Education Awards to Honour Educational Excellence in Lagos

“As part of our commitment to elevating the project, we are introducing this award to recognise those driving educational development in the state”, said Project Coordinator, Miss Taiwo Otesanya. The awards will feature 10 recipients, with two selected from each of Lagos’ five geopolitical zones under the IBILE Forum.

The spelling competition, which has become a staple in Lagos’ educational calendar since 2022, continues to offer primary school pupils a platform to sharpen their spelling and language skills in a fun, competitive environment. This year’s contest features over 2,000 participants from private and public schools, sponsored by various local leaders, organisations, and brands.

Scheduled for its grand finale on November 27, 2024, the event will take place at Ikorodu Town Ultramodern Hall and will feature 30 finalists competing for exciting prizes, including cash, scholarships, and corporate endorsements.

Corporate partners like BIC, Colgate, Kingsfield Schools, and Beloxxi Biscuits are among those confirmed for this year’s edition, with talks underway for further support from Justrite Supermarkets and Lagos State House of Assembly.

For sponsorship, support, or partnership enquiries, please contact: 07030333363, 09098898079, 07032312815.

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The Consequences Of Disregarding The Prophecies Of Primate Elijah Ayodele



Primate Ayodele Never Said Seyi Makinde Would Become President’’ – Media Aide Clarifies*

The Consequences Of Disregarding The Prophecies Of Primate Elijah Ayodele



Primate Elijah Ayodele of INRI Evangelical Spiritual church is a prophet on his own different league; no competition, no rivals and even though we have several prophets operating in the same ministry, Primate Ayodele has maintained his uniqueness beyond reasonable doubts, hereby standing him out among others.


The Consequences Of Disregarding The Prophecies Of Primate Elijah Ayodele

It’s not for pride or class but there is absolutely no one that has the unction, prowess, clarity, and words that Primate Ayodele possesses. His ministry is beyond the everyday prophecy, made huge, unattainable records and still smashed them with more manifestations of his unique prophetic ministry.

For any nation, having a proven man of God like Primate Ayodele is a huge blessing because if the people and government honour, listen and follow prophets like him, no country in the world should be able to compete with them and the reason is this prophet warns nations of danger ahead of time, proffer solutions to problems, tell them what to do to become prosperous and several other mysterious things. It would indeed be a huge blessing for any nation to have Primate Ayodele in their midst.

However, Primate Ayodele is a typical reflection of Jesus’s statement about a prophet not getting honoured in his home town. As blessed as Nigeria is to have Primate Ayodele, He is more respected in foreign countries than Nigeria.

While other countries yearn to listen to his prophecies and follow his divine instructions, Nigerians are always looking out for when his prophecies would fail or when he would talk against their interest so they can proudly criticize him and call him names.

Despite the fact that they don’t even see his prophecies fail, they go to the extent of twisting Primate Ayodele’s prophecies just to push an agenda, they cook up stories against him to set him up for drags but instead of the ministry of this unique prophet to go down, it keeps growing from glory to glory.

Meanwhile, just two days ago, Primate Ayodele was hosted on Liberia’s biggest radio station, King’s FM, where he was interviewed about the nation of Liberia, what they would face in the near future and the solutions to their problems. It was an intense interview that lasted close to 3 hours with more than 3,000 Liberians staying glued till the very end and when the call lines were opened, the citizens kept on calling till the host stopped the calls from coming in – it just shows how much they honour the gift of Primate Elijah Ayodele.

On the other hand, Nigerians, including the government, instead of honouring Primate Ayodele by listening and following his divine instructions are after criticizing him in the most disrespectful manner. It is for this reason that unfortunate incidents happen in the country; the government prefers to call God’s prophet names even when they are being warned against impending dangers, they miss the message and focus on tackling the messenger and this is why they fail.

As we speak, Nigerians especially Abuja residents are currently in fear of an earthquake due to incessant movements on underneath the earth that has been happening for some days now.

These tremors, which began last weekend and continued intermittently through the night, have caused unease among locals.

Earth tremors are minor shifts in the Earth’s surface, caused by the same geological forces that lead to earthquakes. While they are generally less severe than full-fledged earthquakes, their persistence can be unsettling, especially when they occur in densely populated areas.

Of course, Primate Ayodele had specifically warned the Nigerian government against climatic conditions that would result in a kind of earth shaking. This statement was released by the man of God in April 2024.

These were his words

‘’There is an impending danger that will come through climatic conditions in some Nigerian states. I see some states experiencing earth shake as a result of climatic conditions.’’

“Nigeria has been experiencing flooding but another nationwide flooding looms and it will be very serious in states including Lagos, Abuja, Anambra, Abia, Enugu, Kogi, Edo, Adamawa, and Niger.’’

I foresee ‘earth-shaking’, climatic problems in Lagos, Abuja, Oyo, others – Primate Ayodele warns

The earth tremor that has consistently happened in Abuja for days is a fulfillment of the warnings of Primate Ayodele but it could have been worked on if the government paid attention to the words of the prophet rather than the prophet himself. The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens, Primate Ayodele has assisted them by revealing what is to happen but they prefer to do everything asides following divine instructions.

It is the same way Primate Ayodele warned Borno state government of an impending flood that would make thousands of people homeless in 2023. Unfortunately, instead of taking necessary precautions to prevent such, the government ignored and today, Borno has become a major attraction because of the deadly flood that swept through every part of the state.

At this point, Primate Ayodele doesn’t have anything to prove regarding his call as a prophet anymore, he has been tested and trusted, He is credible enough and doesn’t need anyone’s validation. He will continue to release his prophecies as God directs him but when people ignore these warnings, they would definitely experience the consequences.

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Bala Mohammed Replies Wike, “We have enough water to quench your fire”



Bala Mohammed Replies Wike, "We have enough water to quench your fire"

Bala Mohammed Replies Wike, “We have enough water to quench your fire”


Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State said yesterday that his state has enough water to quench the fire Minister of Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Nyesom Wike, threatened to put in the states controlled by Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, governors supporting his counterpart in River State, Siminalayi Fubara.



Recall that Wike had at a PDP congress in Rivers recently, warned governors in the party against interfering in the affairs of the opposition party in his state

But while hosting some members of PDP’s national working committee, NWC, meeting in Bauchi yesterda, Mohammed said nobody could set Bauchi on fire.

“We are together; nobody can put fire in Bauchi. We have volumes of water that will quench the fire, even my friend (Wike) that said so, it is because he is annoyed. But it is not personal.

“My friend is my friend, and my job is my job, leadership is leadership. This unsolicited visit by the NWC shows that in Nigeria, we have hope, and we are connected by the value and the stability of PDP for peace and stability in our party and in our country.

“Yes, none of the parties is isolated in terms of crisis here and there. Crises are there, that is why leadership is also there. That is why we have to take the bull by the horn to discuss and look at the constitution of our party, PDP.

“All the parties must do things by the rule of law. We must respect people, we must put our interest aside, we must respect our diversity, we must meet and close ranks, especially when the issue has to do with our party, the PDP.

“Our party has pedigree and most of the development in this country was done by the PDP. When PDP left, nothing was done.”



In his remarks, the Legal Adviser of the party, Kamaldeen Adeyemi, said they visited the Bauchi governor to identify with him.



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