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10 Reasons You Should Date Uk-based Nigerian Women



10 Reasons You Should Date Uk-based Nigerian Women

10 Reasons You Should Date Uk-based Nigerian Women



Often when single young people move to the United Kingdom, they are always caught between starting new relationships abroad or sticking to their old relationships in their home countries. This short article is aimed at guiding you to make the best decision on the basis of reality and not mere emotions and sentiments.




I will try as much as possible to make this piece less controversial. The aim isn’t to break relationships and destroy the efforts of couples in their relationships.



Dating a good Nigerian woman in the UK is amazing. They bring happiness and increase your zeal to succeed by giving you strong backing.


10 Reasons You Should Date Uk-based Nigerian Women


Below are some of the reasons why dating a Nigerian woman in the UK is highly recommended.



(1) Nigerian women are appreciative:

Let’s face it, there is no abundance of ‘original’ male suitors in the UK. Some coloured women even go for several months without anybody stopping them on the street to say hello. This adds value to men (law of demand and supply). So when single women ever meet their male counterparts, they value you like the pound note.

(2) Financial independence:

The UK creates an enabling ground and a level-playing field for everybody to succeed. As long as you are ready to work, you will make good money. UK-based Nigerian women have their own money and take pleasure in buying their own things unlike their counterparts back home, who are at the mercy of Tinubu and his APC friends.

(3) Beauty and fashion:

UK-based Nigerian women are not only beautiful, but they are so classy. They could be fashionable due to the extra cash and the affordability of clothes in the UK. I believe they have more ‘packaging’ than Amazon lol

(4) Better opportunities:

Nigerian women are doing really well in the UK. They are like the last piece of the puzzle you need to make your life complete. I have seen some men doing blue-collar jobs marry doctors and company management officials in the UK. This opens a door of opportunities and stability.

(5) Adaptability:

If you are in the UK, you are better off dating a Nigerian woman who lives in the country. This is because they have adapted to the system and have a strong knowledge of how it works. This is always as smooth as when Robin Van Persie moved from Arsenal to Old Trafford. He hit the ground running.

(6) Happy Ending:

UK women have very strong ‘grips’. Legends in the house would understand. This is because of the scarcity of men and the busy nature of the country. You can’t boldly say the same about Lagos-based women who are mostly ‘sexually stressed’ due to too multiple relationships running concurrently and marketing activities.

(7) Mental stability:

Due to the performing nature of the UK economy (compared to Nigeria), the women are generally happy to an extent because their needs are easily met via simple financial plans. Tinubu, back home has triggered an epidemic of mood swings amongst women with highly counterproductive public policies.

( Fiscal compatibility:

Nigerian women in the UK are largely transparent with their finances. They also contribute to the payment of bills. They know for sure that their spouses might develop hunchbacks carrying those responsibilities alone. This attribute isn’t easy to come by in Nigeria where the women regularly say ‘Your money is our money and my money is my money’ to their men.

(9) Better exposure:

Traveling itself is a form of education. As you pass through places, they also pass through you. Nigerian women in the UK have mixed with different races by virtue of being in the country. This has also broadened their perspective on life and made them better people.

(10) Cooking:

Nigerian women are generally fantastic cooks. They don’t just have the skill, but they also have the financial resources to explore new measures of making both local and foreign dishes. Inadequate financial resources impede the abilities of their local counterparts.

Osahon George Osayimwen writes from the United Kingdom.

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Nigerian Travel Creator Alma Asinobi Falls Short of Guinness World Record Due to Visa Delays



Nigerian Travel Creator Alma Asinobi Falls Short of Guinness World Record Due to Visa Delays

Nigerian Travel Creator Alma Asinobi Falls Short of Guinness World Record Due to Visa Delays

Nigerian travel content creator Alma Asinobi may not be setting a new Guinness World Record for the fastest journey across all seven continents after visa-related delays prevented her from reaching Sydney, Australia, within the required time.

In an Instagram update on Sunday, Asinobi, who is still en route to Sydney, confirmed that her total journey time would be 71 hours and 35 minutes, falling short of the current record of 64 hours, set in February 2025 by American veteran Johnny Cruz Buckingham.

Reflecting on her attempt, she noted that had she been competing against the previous record of 73 hours, set by Indian travelers in 2022, she would have surpassed it. However, multiple setbacks meant that by the time she made her announcement, she had already spent 63 hours, 54 minutes, and 33 seconds traveling, making it impossible to surpass Buckingham’s 64-hour record.

Asinobi faced numerous obstacles throughout her attempt, particularly due to visa restrictions associated with her Nigerian passport. One of the major setbacks occurred when she was denied boarding on her flight to Perth, Australia, forcing her to rebook on a later flight to Sydney.

In her Instagram post, she reflected on the challenges she encountered, including unexpected disruptions such as the Heathrow Airport fire that further complicated her travel plans.

“So close, but so far away. I may not have won this one, but we can sure win the next one together,” she wrote. “My eyes may be swollen from all the tears I’ve cried, but I promise to find moments of laughter in between.”

Despite the setback, Asinobi emphasized that her journey was about more than just breaking a record. She expressed hope that her attempt would inspire others to take on challenges, regardless of the limitations they face.

“When I land, we will catch up on lives and pour our hearts out to each other. For now, let’s finish this! I really hope this attempt was worth something for a Nigerian out there,” she added.

Now shifting her focus to her homecoming event on March 30, Asinobi aims to set another record by gathering Nigerians to sign a national flag in solidarity.

“We still have one more record to break at the homecoming event on March 30, where we will make history by signing our Nigerian flag,” she wrote. “I can’t wait to see you all there. I totally and physically cannot do that one without you, so please show up for me.”

Throughout her journey, Asinobi has been vocal about the difficulties Nigerian passport holders face, including complex visa requirements, expensive travel arrangements, and last-minute flight cancellations. Her experience has sparked widespread discussions on passport inequality and the barriers restricting global mobility for citizens of certain countries.

While she may not be taking home the Guinness World Record, Asinobi’s attempt has garnered widespread support, with many rallying behind her efforts.

“You did win! A personal win, a win for Nigerians, a win for me as a fellow Black girl navigating the world without passport privilege,” one supporter commented on her post.

Despite the challenges, Asinobi remains determined to continue making history and inspiring others to push beyond their limitations.


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Those who wronged you may never say “I’m sorry” – Prudent Ludidi



Those who wronged you may never say "I'm sorry" - Prudent Ludidi

Those who wronged you may never say “I’m sorry” – Prudent Ludidi



Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk about something that can be difficult to accept, those who wronged you may never say “I’m sorry.”


Those who wronged you may never say "I'm sorry" - Prudent Ludidi

We’ve all been hurt by someone at some point in our lives. And often, we hold onto that hurt, and hope in waiting for the person who wronged us to acknowledge their mistake and apologize.

But the truth is, that apology may never come.

It’s hard to accept because we feel like we deserve closure. We deserve to hear that the person who hurt us regrets their actions.

But closure is not something someone else gives you. Closure is something you give yourself.

You have the power to choose:

Choose to heal, even if they never acknowledge their wrongdoing
Choose to move forward, even if they never make amends

Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting what happened. Forgiveness means releasing the hold that person has on you.

Forgiveness means taking back control of your life.

You don’t need someone else’s apology to move on. You don’t need someone else’s validation to heal.

You are strong enough to do it on your own.

And when you do, you’ll find peace. You’ll find freedom.

Remember, holding onto anger and resentment only hurts you. It doesn’t change the past.

But forgiveness can change your future.

So, don’t wait for someone else to say “I’m sorry.” Say it to yourself: “I’m sorry that happened to me, but I’m moving forward.”

Say it loud and clear: “I deserve to heal. I deserve to be happy.”

Take back your power. Take back your life.

Move forward with courage and faith.

You got this.

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The west Africa Spa and cosmetologists recognition Award ,the first of its kind in Africa an event collaboration with Ghana Cosmetics Association holds at the prestigious Oriental Hotel lagos

An industry based award to honor legends ,stakeholders and cosmetologists in the beauty Industry ,Regulators and health Agencies

The organisers of the programme is poised with the development of this sector within the west Africa region using quality , safety and Professionalism as a watchword in the quest for products promotion and distribution.

The award will be used to promote individuals and brands in the Beauty Sector who have given their best in the development of beauty in west Africa.

As the drive for continental free trade Area hots up ,the founder of the programme Mr Chukwumah Emmanuel a Public Health Practitioner and the National President of Professional Association of Spa and Cosmetologists in Nigeria says that the perspective of this event is centered on encouragement and Networking within the sub region.

Other awardees for this event include Lagos Safety Commission, Beauty West Africa,and America Nigeria chambers of Commerce

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