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Abba Yusuf and His Misadventure in Kano* By Aliyu Maina



*Abba Yusuf and His Misadventure in Kano*

By Aliyu Maina

Oh, our majestic Kano! A land renowned for its rich history, resilient hustle, and unwavering hope. Alas, a dark and foreboding shadow has descended upon our beloved city, casting a pall of despair over its inhabitants. This ominous shadow is the result of a man’s broken promises and misguided leadership, a man who pledged to usher in an era of prosperity but instead unleashed unmitigated chaos upon us.

This individual, Abba Yusuf, our governor, a stranger in our midst, callously disregards the plight of our city as it burns, his actions a stark betrayal of the trust placed in him. For the sons and daughters of Kano, the past few years have been an interminable ordeal of suffering and shattered dreams, a direct consequence of Abba Yusuf’s governance. Our once-thriving metropolis, teeming with life and commerce, has been reduced to a desolate ghost town, a mere shadow of its former vibrant self.

Abba Yusuf, a man who professed to bring prosperity, has instead inflicted upon us a reign of unrelenting hardship. He dons the guise of a leader, but beneath this façade lies a puppet manipulated by invisible forces, ensnared in a sinister political game of power and control. His actions have brought our city to its knees, leaving its people to suffer the consequences of his misguided leadership.

As a Kano indigene, I am compelled to express my deep disappointment and anguish at the actions of Governor Abba Yusuf, who has utterly failed to prioritize the welfare of the poor masses in our beloved state. His tenure has been marked by a series of misguided decisions that have inflicted immense suffering on the very people he swore to protect.

You see, I have lived in Kano for over 50 years. I’ve seen governors come and go, each with their own vision for our beloved city. But Abba Yusuf? He’s a different breed altogether. He came in with a broom, they said, sweeping away corruption. But instead of sweeping away the dirt, he ended up uprooting the very foundations of our lives.

The first blow came barely a week into his tenure as Governor when he revoked the certificate of occupancy of several properties, claiming they had been acquired illegally from the previous administration. With nary a thought for the countless families who called these properties home, he ordered their demolition. The dust had barely settled when he delivered yet another blow – the suspension of thousands of civil servants employed by his predecessor, Gadunje, on the shaky premise of false recruitment allegations. Which has left countless families without a breadwinner. Thousands of families left jobless overnight. How do you explain that to a man who just put his children through school, hoping for a brighter future, only to see it snatched away by the stroke of a vindictive pen? This callous move has exacerbated poverty and hardship, pushing many to the brink of despair.

The actions of Abba Yusuf have not gone unnoticed. The Federal High Court, first in Abuja and then in Kano, ordered the Kano State Government to pay hefty sums in compensation for the unlawful demolition of properties, further proving the government’s egregious violation of fundamental rights. But has he paid? Not a kobo. Court orders? Pah! Yusuf cared little for the law.

However, these court orders represent a hollow victory for the victims. They are but a small salve on the deep wound inflicted by a ruler who has lost touch with the people he promised to serve. Rather than uplift our city to the heights of prosperity he promised, Abba Yusuf has left Kano in ruins. The rubble of demolished buildings is a stark reminder of the homes and livelihoods that have been lost. People who’d saved for years, invested their life savings – their dreams turned to dust. The man who promised to clean up Kano has become the biggest stain on our city’s reputation. Thousands have been directly and indirectly affected by his actions, their lives upturned without warning or justice. Tears flow in the streets of Kano, a once proud city brought to its knees by a man lost in the labyrinth of political games. The cries of the poor and disenfranchised echo through the city, a haunting reminder of the promise of prosperity that was but a fleeting illusion.

It is a bitter pill to swallow, realizing that the man at the helm of our city’s destiny is far removed from the realities on ground. Instead of using the opportunity God has given him to guide Kano towards a brighter future, Abba Yusuf seems set on a course that only deepens our despair. In the face of this adversity, the spirit of Kano remains unbroken. Instead of using the state’s resources for the good of the people, Abba Yusuf has been busy gallivanting around, using the state’s funds to hunt down political oppositions and past administration leaders.

This, my friends, is not the Kano we know. The Kano we know, is the city that embraced all, and gave opportunities to those who strived. Yusuf has turned it into a place of fear, a place where the powerful prey on the weak. We, the ordinary people, the ones who make Kano tick – we are the ones suffering. Yusuf, blinded by his vendetta, has forgotten his duty. He’s become a puppet in a political play, more interested in settling scores than serving the people. He promised prosperity, but delivered misery. Promised hope, but brought despair.

We are a resilient people, forged in the crucible of hardship but never bowed. We continue to hope for a leader who will truly serve the interests of the masses, a leader who will lead us out of this darkness and into the light of a prosperous future. Until then, we bear witness to the misadventure of Abba Yusuf, a man clearly lost in the intricate web of politics, using his position to punish the very people he swore to serve. In the end, we, the people of Kano, are the true custodians of our city’s destiny. We will rise from these ruins, stronger and more united than ever, holding onto the hope that one day, justice will be served. Until then, we stand firm, refusing to be silenced, our voices echoing through the heart of Kano, a testament to our resilience in the face of adversity.

As a Kano person, I have witnessed firsthand the anguish and despair that Abba Yusuf’s actions have caused. His policies have punished the poor, rewarding only his political allies. We, the people of Kano, won’t stay silent. We will raise our voices, louder than the roar of the bulldozers. We will not let him turn our city into rubble. We will fight for the Kano we know and love, the Kano that gave us a future.

On behalf of the thousands of Kano people who have suffered this hardship, I say, “enough is enough”. We demand justice and an end to this misadventure, lest our beloved Kano be reduced to nothing but rubble and tears. This is our story. The story of a city betrayed. The story of a people yearning for a leader, not a destroyer. The story of Kano, waiting to rise from the ashes.

Maina, an anthropologist wrote this piece from Gidan Kofar, Kano.

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Lion Oshiyemi Pledges redefinition, reposition as he emerges 20th President of OGUNCCIMA



Lion Oshiyemi Pledges redefinition, reposition as he emerges 20th President of OGUNCCIMA

Lion Niyi Oshiyemi has been invested as the 20th President of the Ogun State Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (OGUNCCIMA) at the Chamber’s 40th Annual General Meeting.

The investiture ceremony of the new OGUNCCIMA leadership was held on Thursday at Tunwase Hall in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State with top Chamber movement members in attendance.

The President In his acceptance speech, expressed gratitude to the immediate past President, Engr. Mike Akingbade, and the Chamber for entrusting him with the esteemed position.

He pledged to leverage available opportunities to redefine and reposition the Chamber, creating platforms to influence legislation and improve the business environment.

“I am honored to lead this prestigious organization and I promise to harness all available opportunities to redefine and reposition the chamber of commerce movement in the state”.

“I will continue to create platforms to influence legislation and other measures affecting trade, improve the business environment, and build a Nigerian economy of thriving business opportunities through networking”.

“I wish to enjoin you all who represent businesses, if you have not joined the OGUNCCIMA, please come and lend your voice to others. The bigger the network, the louder the voice and the stronger the influence”.

“Our advocacy seeks to ensure that the business community can have its voice heard on issues that are important to it”.

“I’d like to introduce to you my Presidency’s flagship project “OGUNCCIMA Secretariat”: The project is massive and requires a lot, I therefore seek your support and look forward to partnering with all stakeholders – the state government and it’s agencies (Federal and State Ministries, Departments and Agencies), development partners, the diplomatic communities, the media, and other stakeholders”, he said.

Oshiyemi also praised the founding fathers of the Chamber, saying, “I laud the vision of our founding fathers, who have laid a solid foundation for us to build upon. I am committed to taking OGUNCCIMA to greater heights and making it a beacon of hope for businesses in Ogun State.”

The Ogun State Hon. Commissioner for Industry, Trade and Investment, Hon. Adebola Sofela Emmanuel, in his keynote address said by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Investment, Dr. Olu Ola Aikulola, said over the years that the Ogun State Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (OGUNCCIMA), has not only remained a beacon of entrepreneurial excellence, but also partners in driving economic growth, fostering trade, and promoting investment opportunities in the state.

He said: “I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to OGUNCCIMA on this historical movement. Forty years of dedicated service to the industrial, trade, and agricultural sectors of Ogun State is no small feat”.

“Over the years, the Ogun State Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (OGUNCCIMA) has not only been a beacon of entrepreneurial excellence but also a pivotal partner in driving industrial growth, fostering trade, and promoting investment opportunities”.

“Today, as we elect new officers to continue this legacy of excellence, I urge all members to approach this process with a spirit of unity, fairness, and foresight. The future of our chambers and the economic well-being of our state depend on the collective wisdom and strategic vision of our leaders”.

“For us, as a government, we will continue to put in place Institutional mechanisms that will guide our various developmental programmes in all sector of the economy”, he added.

In his remarks, NACCIMA President, Dele Kelvin Oye, represented by the Director – General, Olusola Obadimu, urged the new leadership of OGUNCCIMA to reflect on the the Chambers achievements and chart the course for the future.

“Today, as we gather for the 40th Annual General Meeting and Investiture of New Executives, I want to charge the new leadership to be dedicated and build on the achievements of the past administrations”.

“On behalf of NACCIMA, I congratulate the new officers and may our shared efforts continue to bear fruit, and may new officers lead us for greater heights of success and prosperity”, he concluded.

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Sahara Weekly Reports That The Abdul Samad Rabiu Africa Initiative (ASR Africa), the philanthropic initiative of the Chairman of BUA Group, Abdul Samad Rabiu (CFR, CON), has flagged off the construction of a N280 million Abdul Samad Rabiu Integrated Publishing House for Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State. This project will enhance the capacity of the University from basic press status to a modern, integrated publishing house to encompass publishing, print production, and other related diversified services. The one-storey building facility will serve as a laboratory and studio for training students of communications, media studies, and allied disciplines as well as other disciplines.









At the groundbreaking event, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Ademola S. Tayo, expressed satisfaction at the nomination by ASR Africa, under its Tertiary Education Grant Scheme. He added that the choice of the project was a response to the vision to take the Mass Communications Department of the University to a whole new level. According to him, the university’s vision is to produce young men and women capable of critical thinking, and problem-solvers capable of proffering innovative solutions to problems of everyday life, be it social, political, and cultural.













In his response, Dr. Ubon Udoh, the Managing Director of ASR Africa, expressed his delight at the University’s choice of establishing an Integrated Publishing House. He added that when information is appropriately applied, human society is empowered to liberate itself from limitations and attain its full potential. Dr Udoh reiterated the commitment of the Chairman of ASR Africa, Abdul Samad Rabiu to supporting quality education within the tertiary education system in Nigeria and urged the institution to focus on the sustainability of this noble project. He also reiterated the importance of cooperation and collaboration between the university and the contractor for the timely delivery of the publishing house.










About ASR Africa

ASR Africa is the brainchild of African Industrialist, Philanthropist, and Chairman of BUA Group, Abdul Samad Rabiu, the Abdul Samad Rabiu Africa Initiative (ASR Africa) was established in 2021 to provide sustainable, impact-based, homegrown solutions to developmental issues affecting Health, Education and Social Development within Africa.


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CBOs Laud Minister of Agric Kyari Over Transparent Distribution Of Fertilisers, Foodstuff Across Nigeria



CBOs Laud Minister of Agric Kyari Over Transparent Distribution Of Fertilisers, Foodstuff Across Nigeria

CBOs Laud Minister of Agric Kyari Over Transparent Distribution Of Fertilisers, Foodstuff Across Nigeria



A network of community-based organizations (CBOs) in Nigeria, the Coalition of Ethnic Nationalities’ Rights Agenda, the South East Revival Coalition, and Progressive Yoruba Youth for Change have applauded the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari, for his efforts and transparency in the distribution of food, fertilisers and other farming inputs across the country.


CBOs Laud Minister of Agric Kyari Over Transparent Distribution Of Fertilisers, Foodstuff Across Nigeria


The CBOs gave the commendation at a joint press conference held in Abuja on Thursday. The conference was addressed by Mallam Yusuf Khalifa, National Coordinator of the Coalition of Ethnic Nationalities’ Rights Agenda; Dr. Eberechi Okonkwo, Convener of the South East Revival Coalition; and Comrade Olajide Olumide Adeniyi, Executive Secretary of Progressive Yoruba Youth for Change.




“The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari has established a reputation for integrity and transparency in the ministry. The transparency in the distribution of food, fertilisers and other farming inputs across the country under Kyari’s stewardship is unprecedented,” the CBOs said.




“Senator Kyari has demonstrated a practical commitment to enhancing food security and nutrition in the country by prioritising equity and fairness in the distribution of food, fertilisers and other farming inputs.

“We salute his sense of nationalism. His fair distribution of farming inputs has laid a strong foundation for a prosperous and sustainable agricultural sector. Kyari’s tireless efforts to revolutionise the agricultural sector as well as to ensure that Nigeria becomes self-sufficient in food production is beyond patriotic.

“His exceptional leadership has made the the issue of marginalization in the distribution of food, fertilisers and other farming inputs, a thing of the past in the country. The effective utilization of resources by the Minister has proven not only instrumental to modernising the agricultural space but also to peace and harmony on farms across the nation.

“We applaud Senator Kyari for championing the emancipation of Nigerian farmers, particularly those in rural communities who previously lacked access to government-distributed food, fertilizers, and other farming supplies. Kyari’s unwavering support for women and youth in agriculture has resulted in increased distribution of food, fertilizers, and other farming inputs to more female and young farmers this year than ever before.

“This network of community-based organisations urges the beneficiaries, especially those in the rural communities, to use the supplies judiciously for the purpose they were distributed for. The government has prioritised the agricultural sector as a key driver of Nigeria’s economic growth, hence, its unwavering support of the sector. Farmers must corroborate the government’s efforts by taking advantage of its policies, programmes and interventions.

“We urge the Minister to sustain his visionary leadership, effective resource utilization, and strategic initiatives which have yielded significant progress in the agricultural sector.

“We remain committed to working alongside the Minister to strengthen the agricultural sector and achieve a prosperous, food-secure, and environmentally sustainable Nigeria.”

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