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Breaking: Group writes US Ambassador to Nigeria over Kano Emirates Tussle



Breaking: Group writes US Ambassador to Nigeria over Kano Emirates Tussle

…calls for urgent sanctions against Kano Governor, other top functionaries



The Save Kano Coalition, an amalgamation of civil society organisations in Kano State, has petitioned the United States Ambassador to Nigeria over the Kano Emirates tussle.

The petition dated June 28, 2024, appealed to the ambassador to “order and deter the Abba Yusuf-led recalcitrant” Kano State Government from further undermining the institutions of democracy in the state.

The group warned that if urgent steps are not taken now, it could have “unimaginable consequences” for the peace, law, order, and socio-economic well-being of the state in the near future.

“This has become necessary as the governor, Engr. Abba Kabir Yusuf and his Party, the NNPP have turned Kano into a banana republic and a laughing stock in the eyes of the outside world. The rule of law has become the biggest casualty as the governor who has already subjugated the legislative arm of government, now interpretes judgements of the Court to conform with his vicious, malicious and vindictive intentions,” the coalition said in a statement signed by its Convener, Comr. Ibrahim Musa.

“The Kano Emirate Council which the governor is working overtime to convert to an appendage of his political Party is a revered traditional insitution with age-long values, culture, customs and traditions that is cherished, held in high esteem and guided jealously by subjects of the Emirate Council and outsiders alike.

“Today, the ancient city sits on edge as a result of the division and enmity which governor Yusuf and his godfather, Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso have imported into Kano politics. The disregard for due process in running the affaim of the State has become so alarming that we can no longer pretend that all is well with our dear State and if the American government and her international allies who are the custodians of democracy, civil and human rights decides to turn a deaf ear ir and a blind eye to happenings in the Stant, Stair, it’s in only a matter of time before the time-bomb being planted in the State by Governor Yusuf explode in our faces. A conflagration in Kano State will be a threat will be a threat to the peace and stability of Nigeria and the whole of Africa and whatever can be done to pass this message to the government before it becomes too late must be done now.”

The group pointed out that the actions of Governor Abba Yusuf, who is being influenced by his godfather, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, to target perceived political enemies have the potential to fuel extremism and worsen the current security challenges in Northern Nigeria and the country as a whole.

SKC called for strict sanctions against the Governor Abba Yusuf-led government in Kano State until he stops disregarding court orders and ends all anti-democratic practices.

The coalition demanded that the Kano State government be excluded from receiving grants and partnerships from international organisations, development agencies, and donor agencies.

“The actions, decisions and policies The government have the potential of brewing estremism and of the compound the current security challenges being experienced in Northern Nigeria in particular and Nigeria as at large. With the governor’s penchant for disobeying the Orders of of the Coun, the people are already being tempted to resort to self-help and taking laws into their own hands. This could also lead to open confrontation between over noverzealous supporters of the governor and his Party on the one hand, and the law enforcement agencies on the other hand as their neutrality is being mad seen as working against the interest of the ruling government in the State to be

“We call for stringent sanctions against the governor Abba Yusuf-led government in Kano State until he ceases to disobey Court Orders and bring a halt to all anti-democratic practices. We equally demand that travel ban and Visa restrictions be placed on the governor and top members of his cabinet. We call for the Kano government to be blacklisted from grants and partnership by international organisations and development and or donor agencies whose interests can no longe be guaranteed in the volatile environment which the government has created with their own hands,” the statement added.

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Primate Ayodele: The Rainmaker!*



Primate Ayodele: The Rainmaker!*

*Primate Ayodele: The Rainmaker!*



When Jesus was in the middle of the storm with his disciples and some passengers, He slept off while everyone was panicking and when they woke him up to inform him about the deadly storm, he simply said a word to the storm and it immediately became calm. People who were there marveled and said ‘What manner of man is this that even the storm listens to him.’


Primate Ayodele: The Rainmaker!*

Similarly, Prophet Elijah called down fire and stopped rain, Joshua caused the sun to shine even in the night, Moses parted the red sea, Elisha crossed River Jordan and in addition to this list of mysterious men, Primate Elijah Ayodele, a Nigerian Prophet, and leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, has become a rainmaker after constantly calling down rain from heaven.

Primate Ayodele is publicly known for many things especially his prophecies but not so much was known about his ministerial ability to make rain fall until the non-stop downpour of 1st of July to 3rd of July which he foretold in his church during a live service in June.

In a video that has been shared across social media platforms, Primate Ayodele was leading prayers on the altar when he suddenly mentioned that there will be a non-stop heavy downpour between July 1-July 3, 2024 and that it would rain everywhere during those days. He advised his church members to ensure they pray under the rain because it would have spiritual advantage and even when he had forgotten that he made such a statement, the rain that started on the 1st of July was a powerful one. The rain literally fell for three days (July 1- July 3) and to show how heavy it was, there was serious flooding in different locations especially in Lagos, houses collapsed and several were rendered homeless due to the non-stop heavy downpour.

‘On the 1st, 2nd, 3rd of July, Rain will fall and there won’t be sun at all. Let the rain beat you, it’s a rain of relief.’

Meanwhile, it won’t be the first time Primate Ayodele would be accurately speaking on significant days when there would be heavy downpour and as a matter of fact, Primate Ayodele’s ministry started with the rain as a sign. Back in the day, Primate Ayodele never wanted to lead a church except he was sure that God called him and while he was tentatively chosen to become a lead prophet, He asked God to make it rain in some locations as a sign; he made this request twice and at both times, God indeed made it rain mysteriously.

While this may be difficult to comprehend for ordinary humans, many may feel Primate Ayodele uses weather forecasts to make these weather predictions but even weather forecasts sometimes are inaccurate and most times, we don’t even get to see these forecasts till one day before. Moreover, Primate Ayodele never misses and his prophecies come in months before and in fact, those in charge of weather forecasts would be the ones watching him to make their predictions.

In a few days time, Primate Ayodele would be launching the 30th edition of his prophecy book, Warnings To The Nations, which is truly another mysterious part of his ministry. No doubt, God is working through the ministry of Primate Elijah Ayodele.

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Unveiling The Exceptional Quality Of Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode: A Trailblazer, Philanthropist Fit to lead Kwara-south politics in 2027



Unveiling The Exceptional Quality Of Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode: A Trailblazer, Philanthropist Fit to lead Kwara-south politics in 2027

…Pays 300 Students WAEC Across 3 Local Government Within Kwara State.
…Sponsors 250 students jamb
~By Oluwaseun Fabiyi



Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode fondly called MOK is one of the few names that stand out in the dynamic landscape in State of harmony, Kwara State, Nigerian. MOK as he’s fondly called has given to excellence and innovation. With over decades of multifaceted trailblazing experience spanning Human Resources by empowering individuals, market women,men, organizations Artisans, and wholeheartedly, singlehandedly provided perlative for over 500 people within Offa Local Government area of Kwara State in the face of economy Hardship, MOK in his philanthropic gesture he officially placed some youths on a community payroll.


Unveiling The Exceptional Quality Of Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode: A Trailblazer, Philanthropist Fit to lead Kwara-south politics in 2027

Mok’s prowess as Business Sustainability, and without been a politician, Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode is a driving force behind the strategic growth and development of over 5,000 employers within Kwara State.
Let’s delve into the exceptional qualities that define this remarkable
Leadership Skills of MOK Alhaji Okunola’s adeptness in strategic negotiation ensures that Youths from Offa Local Government are promptly involved to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes within his jurisdiction, and to foster long-term cordia relationship and sustainable growth
Conflict Resolution: With a keen understanding of interpersonal dynamics, MOK navigates conflicts with finesse, transforming challenges into opportunities for collaboration and growth. Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode cultivates inclusive environments where diverse perspectives thrive, driving innovation and resilience.
MOK fosters a culture of harnessing the collective intelligence and talents of teams to achieve shared goals efficiently and effectively as his emotional intelligence empowers him to understand and empathize with others’ perspectives, fostering meaningful connections and trust and with meticulous attention to detail, Okunola conducts thorough due diligence, ensuring informed decision-making and risk mitigation as he manage people-centric approach nurtures talent, fosters growth, and cultivates high-performing teams, driving organizational success even In the face of evolving challenges and opportunities, MOK demonstrates remarkable adaptability, pivoting strategies and approaches to meet changing needs.
Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode’s active listening skills empower him to truly understand people’s needs and aspirations, driving informed and inclusive decision-making.
His social intelligence enables him to navigate complex social dynamics with grace and effectiveness, building bridges and fostering goodwill.

MOK inspires and motivates teams to excel, fostering a culture of excellence, trust, and accountability.

Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode’s unwavering integrity and credibility inspire trust and confidence, laying the foundation for fruitful relationships and collaborations.
Through rigorous analysis and proactive measures, Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode minimizes losses and mitigates risks, safeguarding organizational assets and reputation.
Mok’s building capacity as he invests in human capital development, empowering individuals and organizations to realize their full potential and drive continuous improvement.

Mok as he continues to inspire and innovate, Alhaji Muideen Okunola Kayode remains a true trailblazer and a force to be reckoned with in Kwara and Nigeria at large.

Oluwaseun Fabiyi is a seasoned Journalist writes from Lagos

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FORTIFYING TRUST: CATALYSING NATIONAL UNITY FOR A SECURE NIGERIA BY SANI USMAN KUKASHEKA, mni In the intricate tapestry of human interactions, trust is the cornerstone upon which societies are built, nations flourish, and progress thrives. It is a beacon that guides our collective endeavours, shaping the dynamics of national unity and development. In our country Nigeria, a nation rich in diversity and history, trust has played a pivotal role in the past. It possesses the potential to pave the way for a brighter future. As we navigate the complex landscape of the present world, it becomes evident that the implications of eroding trust are profound and far-reaching. The lack of trust casts shadows of conflict, misunderstandings, and insecurity, undermining the essence of societal cohesion among the various components of Nigerian society. However, beyond these ominous clouds lies the promise of enhanced national unity, harmony, and prosperity if we have trust and understanding. Trust, a cornerstone of societal harmony, economic progress, and national solidarity, serves as the adhesive that binds diverse individuals into a cohesive whole. It encompasses the belief in reliability, honesty, and effectiveness, a shared faith that empowers cooperative efforts towards shared goals. Today, Nigeria stands at a crucial juncture, facing both the ravages of mistrust and boundless unity opportunities. In this context, nurturing trust emerges as a solution to the current conflicts and misunderstandings and as a vital catalyst for security, prosperity, and global relevance. A glance into history reveals a Nigeria adorned with interwoven bonds of trust. Tradespeople entrusting their goods and children to business associates across regions has been a hallmark of cross-cultural partnerships and mutual reliance over the past few decades. Communities embraced the values of accommodation and hospitality, fostering an environment where trust was the currency of interaction. However, contemporary times find us on a different path. Amidst rumours, suspicions, and the deluge of misinformation, the erosion of trust has been palpable. The fraying of these essential bonds is evident in the swift resort to religion and ethnicity in national debates, eclipsing the broader perspectives that should unite us. The ramifications of this deficit in trust are dire. Once harmonious under a banner of unity, the discordant chords of ethnicity and religion now resound with disharmony. The aftermath of the EndSARS movement and the last general elections highlighted the fractures within the national fabric, exposing a landscape marred by primordial sentiments, selfish inclinations, and a loss of collective identity. This critical moment demands reevaluating our societal values and an introspective journey towards rebuilding the trust that underpins our progress as a nation. But why has trust waned, and who is responsible? Due to the unchecked spread of false information and fake news on social media, politics, religion, and cultural biases play a part. To navigate our diversity, we must champion the shared values that transcend our differences. Examples abound of countries embracing their diversity to forge national unity. Their successes underscore the state's and its citizens' pivotal role in sculpting a harmonious narrative. The state must not merely govern but also inspire trust through transparent governance, unbiased justice, and inclusive policies. In tandem, citizens are entrusted with nurturing a culture of empathy, openness, and cooperation. To transform our trajectory, concerted efforts are indispensable. National orientation, public education, and enlightenment campaigns will serve as the lodestars that guide our collective ethos. Reviving neglected sports as a binding force is imperative, as is strengthening institutions like the National Orientation Agency (NOA) and the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). By promoting cultural exchange programmes and inter-ethnic marriages, we lay the foundation for an inclusive Nigeria. Government ministries, departments, and agencies, notably information and culture, youth, sports, the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), civil society organisations, and other professional bodies, are pivotal in spearheading initiatives to engender a sense of belonging and unity. Good governance, complemented by incentives for inter-ethnic marriages, will facilitate a tapestry where diversity is celebrated rather than vilified. Our media should play a transformative role by amplifying cultural practices that foster unity rather than those that divide us. Yet, the path to restored trust is full of obstacles. The communication gap between citizens and authorities needs bridging, requiring timely, truthful, and transparent information dissemination. The government can nurture a culture of responsiveness that fortifies trust by leveraging modern communication channels such as mainstream d social media and credible non-partisan organisations and associations. Although this project may be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable—a united Nigeria built on integrity and trust. In the mosaic of our nation, trust is the luminous thread that stitches hearts and minds together. By embracing the collective heritage bestowed by our founding fathers and the shared values that bind us, Nigeria can transcend its current challenges and emerge as a beacon of unity, strength, and progress on the global stage. With trust as our cornerstone, we can mould a future where national development and security thrive, prosperity is shared, and our collective identity stands resolute against the tides of discord. In the end, trust will unite us, and in unity, we shall thrive. The writer, Sani Usman Kukasheka, is an Abuja-based public analyst, strategic communication expert, and security expert. He can be reached at or on his Twitter handle, @skusman.



Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman (rtd) mni fnipr

As the Nigerian Army prepares to commemorate its 161st anniversary on July 6, 2024, in Jos, Plateau State, with the theme “Transforming the Nigerian Army: Imperative for Combating Contemporary Security Challenges within a Joint Environment”, it is important to spare a moment to reflect on this symbol of national power and its profound contributions to our national development, peace and security and above all the enduring legacy of one of the greatest armies in the world for over a century and a half. Therefore, this year’s Nigerian Army Day Celebration (NADCEL) 2024 is not just an attestation of the Army’s rich history, but also a recognition of its role in the nation’s security, development, and peace.

The Nigerian Army, established in 1863 with a strength of 18 men, known as the “Glover Hausas”, has grown from a modest force to a formidable institution known for its professionalism, resilience, dedication and immense contribution to national development, peace and security in our country, West Africa and beyond. Over the years, the Nigerian Army has demonstrated exceptional bravery and commitment in various national and international engagements. From peacekeeping missions in conflict-ridden regions across the world to defending the sovereignty of Nigeria during the civil war and against insurgencies and other security threats, the Nigerian Army has consistently showcased its capability and resolve as a professional army.

Beyond its military engagements in peacekeeping and peace enforcement especially in some West African states, the Nigerian Army has significantly contributed to national development. Through various civil-military cooperation initiatives, the army has been playing an important role in infrastructure development, disaster response, and community services. Projects such as the construction of roads, schools, and medical facilities in underserved areas through initiatives such as the Chief of Army Staff’s Special Projects, medical outreaches and Quick Impact Projects for host communities, highlight the army’s dedication to the defence of Nigeria’s territorial integrity and improving the quality of life for Nigerians.

In the face of internal security challenges, including insurgencies, banditry, and communal conflicts, the Nigerian Army has remained a bulwark of peace and security in Nigeria. The ongoing counterinsurgency operations against Boko Haram in the Northeast, efforts to curb kidnappings and banditry in the Northwest, and other Internal Security Operations (ISOs) in aid of civil authorities in various parts of the country pointed to the Nigerian Army’s critical role in maintaining peace and security in Nigeria.

Interestingly, the army’s counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency strategies have evolved over the years, adapting to the changing dynamics of the security challenges. This adaptability, combined with rigorous training and advanced military technologies, ensures that the Nigerian Army remains a formidable force capable of addressing contemporary security threats in the country in conjunction with other services and security agencies, hence the vision of a joint environment.

In recent years, the Nigerian Army has also made significant strides towards gender mainstreaming. The establishment of a Women’s Corps shows the service’s commitment to gender inclusivity and equality. Women in the Nigerian Army have increasingly taken on roles that were traditionally dominated by men, participating in combat, leadership, and technical positions. This inclusion not only enhances the operational effectiveness of the army but also promotes gender equality within the service.

The Nigerian Army’s modernization efforts include the establishment of an aviation corps, a giant stride in enhancing its operational capabilities. The recent acquisition of helicopters has significantly bolstered the army’s ability to conduct aerial surveillance, rapid troop deployment, and logistics support. This advancement in aviation technology will undoubtedly ensure that the Nigerian Army remains at the forefront of modern military operations, capable of addressing diverse security challenges with greater efficiency in the future.

Therefore, it is particularly gratifying that this year’s celebration is being held in Jos, Plateau State, the headquarters of the 3 Armoured Division and Operation SAFE HAVEN, known as the home of tourism in Nigeria. Jos, with its scenic landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and pleasant climate, provides a fitting backdrop for this momentous occasion. The choice of Jos not only highlights the city’s significance but also promotes its potential as a tourist destination, contributing to the state’s economic growth, and enhancing peace and security on the Plateau.

As we commemorate 161 years of the Nigerian Army, it is imperative we also honour the sacrifices of the brave officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army who have served and continue to serve the nation with distinction. Their unwavering commitment to duty, courage in the face of adversity, discomfort and dedication to national development are the hallmarks of the Nigerian Army’s enduring legacy. Yet, despite the countless sacrifices made by these citizens in uniform, the level of understanding and appreciation from our fellow Nigerians has sometimes fallen woefully short. It is our solemn duty to rectify this, stand in solidarity with the noble protectors of our sovereign lands, and honour their commitment to preserving our cherished way of life.

The history of the Nigerian Army is a story of evolution and growth. From its origins as a small colonial force, it has transformed into a modern and highly professional institution. The journey of the Nigerian Army over the past 161 years is marked by significant milestones, including its role in the independence struggle, contributions to United Nations peacekeeping missions, and active participation in various regional and international military coalitions.

In recent years, the Nigerian Army has made strides in modernizing its equipment, adopting advanced technologies, and improving the training and welfare of its personnel. These efforts have not only enhanced the operational capabilities of the army but also boosted its morale and readiness to tackle contemporary security challenges.

The Nigerian Army’s contributions to global peace and security extend beyond the nation’s borders. Nigeria is one of the largest troop-contributing countries to United Nations peacekeeping missions, having participated in operations in Lebanon, Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, South Sudan, The Gambia, Guinea and many other countries. Nigerian peacekeepers are renowned for their professionalism, bravery, and dedication to restoring peace and stability in conflict zones.

These international engagements have not only enhanced Nigeria’s reputation on the global stage but also provided valuable experience and exposure to Nigerian soldiers, further strengthening the army’s capabilities.

The Nigerian Army’s role in community outreach and humanitarian efforts cannot be overstated. In times of natural disasters, such as floods and epidemics, the army has been at the forefront of relief and rescue operations, providing critical support and assistance to affected communities. The Army’s Medical Corps has also been instrumental in delivering healthcare services to remote and underserved areas, often bridging the gap in public health infrastructure.
The army’s involvement in educational initiatives, including the establishment of schools and scholarship programmes for children of fallen soldiers, shows its commitment to the welfare of its personnel and their families. These initiatives foster a sense of community and support, ensuring that the sacrifices of soldiers and their families are recognized and honoured.

In an era of rapidly evolving security threats, the Nigerian Army has embraced technological advancements to enhance its operational effectiveness. The adoption of drones, advanced communication systems, and modern weaponry has revolutionized the army’s approach to modern warfare. These technologies provide critical intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, enabling more precise and effective operations.

Furthermore, the Nigerian Army’s investment in cyber warfare capabilities and counter-terrorism strategies reflects its proactive stance in addressing new and emerging threats. Training programmes and international collaborations have been pivotal in equipping Nigerian Army officers and soldiers with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of modern conflict.

As we celebrate 161 years of the Nigerian Army, it is also a time to look ahead and envision the future of this esteemed institution. The Nigerian Army remains committed to its mission of defending the nation’s sovereignty, ensuring internal security, and contributing to global peace and stability.

Ongoing reforms, capacity-building initiatives, and strategic partnerships with other security agencies and international allies will continue to strengthen the army’s capabilities. The focus on enhancing the welfare and professional development of its personnel will ensure that the Nigerian Army remains a highly motivated and effective force.


Therefore, the Nigerian Army Day Celebration 2024 under the able leadership of the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General TA Lagbaja, is more than a commemoration of the past; it is a celebration of the present and a commitment to the future. In Jos, Plateau State, amidst the beautiful landscapes and rich cultural heritage, we honour the Nigerian Army’s legacy of bravery, service, and national development. We celebrate the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the nation and promoting peace.

Consequently, as the Nigerian Army marks this significant milestone, let us recognize and appreciate its profound contribution and impact on Nigeria’s journey towards peace, security, and development. The Nigerian Army’s legacy is a testament to the enduring spirit of patriotism, resilience and dedication that continues to inspire the nation. I beseech fellow Nigerians, to open your hearts and minds to the profound significance of our Army’s enduring legacy.

Let us not merely observe this milestone of the Nigerian Army but embrace it with the reverence and gratitude it so rightfully deserves. In doing so, we not only pay homage to the past, but we also invest in the future – a future of unity, security, and unshakable national pride. Let this be a clarion call, echoing through the very fabric of our society, imploring all Nigerians to celebrate our Army now and always, for their unwavering service is the bedrock upon which our nation’s stability and progress are built. I join millions of well-meaning Nigerians home and abroad, in celebrating our armed forces and wishing officers of the Nigerian Army a happy NADCEL 2024.

The writer, Brigadier General Sani Kukasheka Usman (rtd) mni fnipr, is a former Director of Army Public Relations and Spokesman of the Nigerian Army, public commentator and security expert.

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