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Last Sunday, former Society Editor of ThisDay Newspapers, Lanre Alfred, released his book, Nigeria @60: Foremost Nigerians in the Last 60years; before a colourful assemblage of the Nigerian media and high society.

The all-colour, all-gloss book, which has been widely hailed by many prominent Nigerians as a worthwhile educative and historical work, is published by Alfred’s Old English Partners, publishers of the widely popular coffee table books; Titans…The Amazing Exploits of Nigeria’s Greatest Achievers; and Highlife – Lifestyles of Nigeria’s Rich and Famous; and biographies like Pacemaker – Triumphs of IghoSanomi at 40; The Lion of Afia Nsit – Triumphs of Scott Tommey at 45; Julius Rone…The Jewel of the Delta; and Dapo Abiodun…The Heart of Prince.

Speaking, Alfred said that he was motivated to write the book because, “One of the biggest errors of our heritage as a nation is the failure to properly and periodically document in enduring forms, significant events of our national history and the roles of the personages. Such an important document helps to prevent the distortion of the feats and facts of our heroes and leaders.”

He added, “Whether we want to believe it or not, Nigeria is a nation guilty of not keeping data, which has, over the years, led to the distortion of her history. Many of those who came before us, despite their monumental talents and achievements, refused to pass on to us lessons from their trajectories. Our generation is the poorer for it because many do not have a sense of where they are coming from or where they are headed.”

Alfred said he made up his mind long ago that whatever it takes, he would do everything to be on the right side of history by deploying his resources, experience and skills to documenting for posterity and today’s youth – who are bereft of quality role models – the inspiring exploits and attainments of Nigeria’s foremost citizens of the last six decades whose contributions have been of an immense boost to nation-building.

According to him, “This book captures a critical period in our 60-year history as a nation; and fills a long-abandoned vacuum by bringing out of the shadows of history a silent army of men and women especially those that had until now, been unacknowledged and under-represented, despite their contributions to the nation we now proudly call ours. Through the individual stories and exploits of our heroes past and present, we’re given an insight into the strength and stamina that they evince (d) in the face of a system geared against them.”

Endorsed by the Federal Government of Nigeria through the National Council for Arts and Culture, NCAC, the Director-General, Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, said the book is of significant historical and cultural value to this generation especially as Nigeria celebrates her 60th independence anniversary.

“This is a trans-generational effort that is in tandem with the Federal Government’s appreciation of the need for proper documentation in enduring forms, significant events of our chequered history and the roles of outstanding men and women who created the history.” Runsewe further said.

In his Prologue entitled ‘Enriching the History of a Giant’, former Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki espouses Nigeria’s greatness which he agrees had been tested in several ways, adding that though Nigeria might not have fully fulfilled the aspirations of her citizens and the rest of the world, she has continued to play a major role in stabilizing her region and the continent at large. Thus, he says he welcomes any attempt to give a good account of Nigeria’s existence as an independent country in the last six decades.

“This book by Lanre Alfred, a journalist with many years experience, is definitely going to add fresh pages to the body of literature and biographical work on this great country. This unique attempt at recounting our national history also seeks to put on display the roles of the selected players in national development over the years. It also presents a challenge for those key players, who are alive to strive to improve on their roles while also giving the rest of the citizenry the opportunity to honestly and genuinely assess the account and the roles it ascribes to these individuals.”

The former two-term governor of Kwara State concludes that Nigeria will overcome her challenges and fulfil her manifest destiny because there are several ways of leading Nigeria out of the woods; “One way is the one Lanre Alfred has taken with this book; celebrating the nation’s birthday through a revisit of the role of some of the key players.”

The Ekiti State governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, in the Foreword, writes that Nigeria is an amazing story and an evolving power whose destiny is far beyond the convulsive spasm that often diminishes the narrative of her undeniable glory. “This lesson is what has attracted the intellectual lens of Lanre Alfred in this insightful book. He takes us through an undulating labyrinth of the Nigerian story and points our attention to the mesh of our socio-cultural plurality, which ultimately makes ours a complex political experiment.

“(Alfred) depicts the nation’s foundational challenge as that of a sailing mission without a rudder and a flying expedition without a compass. For it was clear that, at independence, there was no consensus around vision, purpose and strategy for the actualisation of the nation’s dream.”

Like Saraki, Governor Fayemi concurs that the irony of the Nigeria story is that while her inadequacies are apparent to all, her progress is difficult to ignore either. “And this is the reality, which many critics and commentators have failed to factor into their evaluation of the nation’s trajectory. One of the ways to appreciate this progress might be to focus on the contribution of many compatriots, who have invested their God-given talent and creativity for the progress of the nation in the different segments of our national life,” he says.

Governor Fayemi says he is satisfied with Alfred’s optimistic approach to the appreciation of Nigeria because, “He has elected to gauge our progress in terms of verifiable and invaluable contributions of some individuals, who have greatly impacted the nation and whose contributions to her development since independence, are of immense significance.
“This approach is not only a commendable reward system; it is also an effective story-telling strategy that properly situates the nation’s milestones around the exploits of her heroes and heroines. To suggest that Nigeria has not made progress is to declare that the works of her heroes and heroines are in vain. It is to assume that, generally, nonentities had led the nation in politics, business, culture, religion and leadership!”

He also commends the efforts that went into putting the book together, saying, “Alfred has launched his fecund mind into a fertile territory that many people would have ignored. It is another demonstration of his depth, prodigious intellect and mastery of the nation’s story as a social commentator and chronicler. He has taught us a new lesson that nation-building is a collective responsibility and that a nation’s prosperity is the aggregation of the industry and prosperity of her citizens.”

Interestingly, however, Alfred announced that the book is especially dedicated to Dr. Mike Adenuga Jnr, the man popularly called ‘The Bull’ as a homage to his humanity and relentless strides at rewriting the African business narrative; for standing tall and wading through odds with the courage of a knight and confidence of a champion.

Hugely successful, yet, affectionately humble, ‘The Bull’ as he is widely known is one of those risk-taking individuals that struckout on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success to prosper themselves and their society. He has proved over time that if sent to Mars, he would still treat it as a stepping stone to Saturn – the quality of constant invention and self-improvement that has earned him worldwide acclaim and prosperity.

According to Alfred, “Adenuga does not believe in impossibilities. With just tenacity of purpose and a terrier devotion to his dreams, he bestrides, successfully, the gap between creativity and commerce.He started from the scratch, but kept his nose to the grindstone and has turned many seemingly insignificant ideas into behemoth industries.The story of Globacom – how it has survived a myriad of odds including a hostile economy, harsh government policies and competition – remains his magnum opus”.
He added that he is proud to associate with Dr Adenuga’ssuccess in turning generosity, excellence and humaneness into an art form, adding, “In an era beleaguered by the infamy of the human species, Dr Adenuga’s handiwork unfurls as an undying tribute to mankind’s better nature. He challenged resolve with steely grit and exploited the arduous planes of ambition and toil, till he encountered grandeur at the crossroads where wild contemplation and hard work morph into triumph.”

Glo, proudly Nigerian company with the wellbeing of Nigerians the core of its business principle has positively impacted on the lives of Nigerians; giving many uncut talents a platform to harness their talents through its reality television shows; while gifting hundreds of lucky subscribers life-changing prizes through its promos and providing direct and indirect employments to millions of Nigerians. In the intervening years, Globacom has made home-grown stars from the entertainment industry the faces (ambassadors) of its brand, while making them worth their popularity in affluence and influence.


“Why I’m Dedicating Nigeria @ 60 Compendium To Mike Adenuga” – Lanre Alfred Opens Up

Biographer extraordinaire, Lanre Alfred, is a prose stylist and celebrity journalist remarkable for the splendid force and ornate vigour of his words. Flaunting matchless fecundity, his writing births brilliant themes, and he effortlessly imbues the blandest motif with melody, and dramatic interest. Nobody forgets the first time they read a book by Alfred; everyone wishes for an encore. His words resonate profoundly, offering each reader a personalised experience even as he inspires all to journey with him, and savour the lyrical continuum and clarity of his thoughts. Thus the grandeur of his artistry and the deserved acclaim trailing his works. At the heel of his fifth book, Alfred has produced yet another inspiring literature: “Nigeria at 60: Foremost Nigerians of the Last 60 years”, a broad narrative of the exploits and monumental achievements of Nigeria’s finest league of extraordinary statesmen, magnates, professionals and patriots in the last 60 years. In this interview with…., the maverick and prodigious writer reveals why he embarked on the project and the adventures of his soul in putting it together. Excerpts…

What inspired the book, Nigeria @60: Foremost Nigerians of the Last 60 years?
If you examine my career over the past two decades, you will discover that I have specialised and excelled, to God be the glory, in chronicling people and events. Being a widely-travelled journalist has also opened up my eyes to the fact that our job as reporters does not start and end on the pages of our medium. So, a few years ago, I wrote my first book; a coffee table book called Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous. It was very well-accepted and it spurred me on to other book-writing ventures. In 2017, I published The Titans (The Amazing Exploits of Nigeria’s Greatest Achievers) and I was also widely applauded for it. But this latest effort attempts to fill a gap in our national history – the lack of books on some of our past and present heroes. Whether we want to believe it or not, Nigeria is a nation that is guilty of not keeping data, which has, over the years, led to the distortion of her history. Many of those who came before us, despite all their monumental talents and achievements, refused to pass on to us lessons that can guide us as we navigate through the labyrinth of life. Our generation is the poorer for it because many do not have a sense of where they are coming from or where they are headed. So, what this book has done is to spotlight and profile extensively those who have contributed to the development of this nation in their different fields of endeavour.

Indeed, Nigeria has many heroes and achievers across the different spectrum of the society; how easy or otherwise was it for you to zero in on those featured in the book?
That was one of my greatest challenges in writing the book. I have a close-knit team of researchers and for many weeks, we deliberated and argued, for and against, several names on the initial list. There were some people whose achievements, we felt, did not measure up to the standard of inclusion set for characters in the book, and we were unanimous and unbiased in de-listing them. Nigeria has been blessed with many great citizens; so, for instance, in football, how do you talk about Kanu Nwankwo and leave out Stephen Keshi? When you compare their antecedents, you would see that they both merit being listed but the dilemma would now be that only one of them can be profiled because of space constraints or some other of such factors. We had many of such knotty moments but at the end of the day, we are all happy with the output because no sector was left out and no worthy person was excluded.

How long did it take to write the book and what was the experience like?
I think more time was spent on researching and compiling the list than actual writing. By the time the list was compiled and I came into agreement with my team on what style to adopt, it was easy to start writing. I must confess that the COVID-19 lockdown was a blessing in disguise as it gave me a lot of time to write without the distractions of work and my other business endeavours. As regards the experience, well, I have been there before. So, it was nothing otherworldly. However, writing this book opened up my eyes to the richness of Nigeria’s socio-cultural and political history and the roles certain individuals played in her evolution.

What do you hope to achieve with this book?
That’s deep. I want this book to be available to secondary school students across the country, to read and be inspired in pursuit of greatness than those profiled in the book. Secondary school students, especially, are at an impressionable age and this is the time we, as parents and leaders, must observe a collective responsibility to present to them, a broader range of role models, and not narrow their choices to some fickle celebrities without substance. I would also like this book to be present on every library shelf in higher institutions in Nigeria and beyond.

Why did you dedicate the book to the chairman of Globacom, Dr. Mike Adenuga?
The story behind my decision is quite interesting. I have always followed his giant strides in the business world. After examining carefully, the impact of his business on the lives of Nigerians and Africans, in general, it was hard to pick anyone ahead of him. So, the book is especially dedicated to the man popularly called ‘The Bull’ as a homage to his humanity and relentless strides at rewriting the African business narrative; for standing tall and wading through odds with the courage of a knight and confidence of a champion. In a land dogged by human and infrastructural lapses, Dr. Adenuga’s humanity and entrepreneurial ingenuity nourishes the glands of kith and kin even as his genius oils the wheels of industry. What you would also find intriguing is that, unlike the proverbial warrior who lives to chant the poetry of his own deeds and derring-do, Dr. Adenuga remains impressively humble and immune to conceit, treading a rare path to acclaim. He attracts honour in torrents, at home and abroad. And I am happy to dedicate the book to him because his exploits continually resonate as an undying tribute to mankind’s better nature. Dr. Adenuga emerged as a worthy recipient of such honour because his deeds and recurring success establish him as a man who challenged resolve with steely grit, and exploited the arduous planes of ambition and toil, till he encountered grandeur at the crossroads, where wild contemplation and hard work morph into triumph. And interstingly, amid the ravage of the coronavirus, the widespread gloom and apprehensions of citizenry and industries caught on the receiving end of the pandemic, Adenuga has raised hopes and planted joy in the bosoms of Nigerians. His huge donations to the Federal Government and several state governments have been instrumental to the containment of the virus. These are no doubt the hallmarks of a selfless man and patriot, and are thus, worthy of being celebrated.

What do you seek to achieve with this new book?
I seek to celebrate Nigeria’s finest breed of entrepreneurs, statesmen, sportsmen, and other professionals – all patriots, across all fields of endeavour. I wrote the book keeping in mind the need to satisfy the needs of Nigeria’s upscale, intelligent, sophisticated, and proletariat demographic. The purpose is to emphasize that, whether you’re born with a silver spoon or not, it is possible for you to rise to acclaim through diligence and honest labour, as it was with the case with some of the personalities featured in the book. There is no way to emphasize my vision and sojourn in putting together this effort. I do not seek to demean or canonize any individual with impact neither do I seek to glamourise my access to Nigeria and some of Africa’s most powerful players, each person featured in the book is deserving and worthy of the appellation of ‘role model’ and ‘national hero.’ I hope that writing about them, one way or the other, will help inspire generations of Nigerian youth to greatness.

Let’s talk abour your genre of journalism. Why is celebrity journalism thriving these days?
With due respect, my genre of journalism has always been thriving, it has never suffered a lull. Celebrity journalism has always been part of journalism in plain sight. You see, there is a lot about journalism that has to do with this particular genre. Celebrity journalism, I would say, represents the kernel of journalism. It projects the essence of what is widely regarded as mainstream journalism. In a nutshell, celebrity journalism has always been mainstream. There is the argument that celebrity journalism only focuses on famous people, the filthy rich and so on, but isn’t mainstream journalism all about famous people? Isn’t celebrity journalism about famous people? If you take an indepth look into the philosophy of the five Ws and H of journalism, you would find that, journalism was and is still essentially modelled to perpetuate news about celebrities, the rich, the powerful and the famous. Journalism, basically, is about famous people and people who are extraordinary in some ways, thus standing out from the middling crowd. Journalism is also about ordinary people who become famous by doing extraordinary things. In the real sense of it, there is no difference between celebrity journalism and mainstream journalism.

You have put in almost two decades into this profession and it is obvious that you love it.
Yes, I really do love it. I believe that journalism is one of the most noble professions in the world. It is a calling and when you align yourself with that calling, it is only natural that you will love and enjoy it. And I have never had any struggle in loving the profession.

Your style of writing is particularly interesting. You begin your stories with proverbs, parables and commentaries. Why is it that you don’t like to go straight to the point?
It’s impossible for me to simply go straight to the point. Life is a dance of seduction, encompassing every living and inanimate thing into its intricate and sensual weave. And so is writing. No living thing or element can live in immunity of that slow, provocative dance of wonder and intrigues that characterises life. I apply similar wisdom to my writing. But let me hold back a bit before I start waxing too esoteric for the purpose of this interview.
I can’t write just for writing sake; I believe every story offers new opportunity to titillate the readers and lure them into the world or event being reported and the artistry of the reporter or writer. It doesn’t matter if the story you read does not bear my byline. It could be a piece I am editing; I simply can’t let a good story go unburnished with the needed shine. Even the most boring happenstance or person deserves to be reported with finesse. Writing should be rapturous to the writer and to the reader, it should be equally thriling. I write the way I do because that is who I am. Do not forget that the perfect window into the psyche of a writer is always through his writing.

One must admit that some of the intros in your stories make interesting read. But don’t you think they may not be suitable for people who are in a hurry?
I don’t think so. I believe that the man or woman who is too much in a hurry to read hasn’t the temperament or the depth for good literature.

You look so quiet and gentle, incapable of writing the kind explosive stories you write.
That is simply the way Lanre Alfred is cut out to be. (laughs). I am actually a very private fellow. I have a very close circuit of friends. And I think I attract like minds. On writing explosive stories? Well, we’ve all got a bit of thunder in us.

How do you write? Do you have some rituals or habits you must indulge in before you start writing?
I have an eclectic writing habit. But I love a bit of serenity most of the time. Yet, you would be amazed to see me scribbling away in the midst of some mad noise. Well, I will say that eclectic best defines my writing culture.

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 There is nothing wrong with a peaceful demonstration and a lawful legitimate protest. What is unacceptable is a premeditated attempt by a group of faceless individuals who are on the payroll of subversive elements to destabilise the country and incite people to violence and carnage.
That is what this so-called #nationwidestrike that they have labelled as the #endbadgovernanceprotest is all about. Worse still there is a covert and subterranean attempt to provoke the security forces to open mutiny and rebellion against constituted authority and thereby truncuate our democracy.
 Those that are behind it are attempting to take advantage of the undoubtedly enormous economic challenges in the land to create panic, fear, chaos and mass unrest with a view to provoking anarchy, mayhem and armed insurrection.
 This is unacceptable and no responsible Government will sit back and allow it to happen. I urge those that are behind this surreptitious, subterranean and sinister subterfuge to have a rethink and not spark off a reaction from the security forces that they will later regret.
 We do not want or need a nationwide #endsars-like round of protests and neither can we afford the attendant violence, strife, division, damage to property and bloodshed that comes with it.
 The way forward is to put off the protest, exercise patience, enter dialogue with the Federal Government and express our collective concerns in a lawful, restrained, responsible and legitimate manner. Anything outside of that will be dangerous and counter-productive.

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Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer



Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Being a kidnapper was something that never crossed our minds – Rivers AGN Chairman
•Odenigbo featured only in his own movies, never harassed or owned actors
•I’m scared, says Kelvin Ikeduba who acted in one of his movies ‘Born in the Ghetto’


Fear, shock, and disbelief are the words to describe the reactions of many filmmakers and movie stars in Rivers State where the slain billionaire kidnapper, Henry Odenigbo, held sway as an actor and film producer before he met his Waterloo on July 4 in Lagos.



Ode, as he was popularly called, was the ring leader of a gang of nine kidnappers who targeted wealthy individuals in Lagos. They were killed after a shootout with the police at Ladipo, Mushin area of Lagos.

While he was alive, the late kidnapper who was seen as one of the biggest financiers of movie productions in Rivers, was the owner of Port-Harcourt-based Aso-Rich Production.

But unknown to movie makers in the state, Ode was a kidnap kingpin who was using the production outfit as a camouflage to carry out his nefarious activities.

Fortunately, actors were not his main target.

Narrating how the late billionaire kidnapper, who hailed from Imo State came to be known as an actor and film producer, the Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria,AGN, Rivers State chapter, Dr. Ken Osunwa, in a chat with Vanguard, said the late Ode was never close to anybody in the industry, adding that he only featured in his own-sponsored movies.




According to him, the late kidnapper was never a member of AGN, Rivers State, nor a member of Association of Movie Producers, AMP, Rivers State chapter.

Speaking further, Osunwa, who noted that Odenigbo never attended any of their meetings or events, said: “He hailed from Imo State and came to set up a movie production outfit in PH. I’ve already done a disclaimer when the news got to me and people were talking about him as an actor.

“Yes, he was acting in his own-sponsored movies and not practising in Nollywood, Rivers State, in the sense that he never featured in other people’s productions.


“To the best of my knowledge, Ode never had an issue with other practitioners in the state. I was never called to settle issues with him and others.’’

He, however, acknowledged the fact that the late billionaire kidnapper never owed any actor, director or producers who worked for him.

“He was bringing different actors, producers and directors to work for him and at the end of it, he paid off everyone.

“He invested in the Nollywood industry like any other investor. Nobody knew his source of wealth and when I received the news of his killing by the police in Lagos, I was very surprised. I thank God that all our actors who were working with him are safe and fine. Nobody was missing and from the report from his production, he was not owing anybody.”

Besides producing movies, the late Henry Odenigbo also had a Film Academy, called Ason Rich Movie Academy, where he trained cameramen, scriptwriters, actors, producers and directors, sound mixers, make-up artists, and production managers, among others.



Before his death, Ode was promoting a one-month intensive training opportunity for youths on his Instagram page, which was supposed to kick off on Monday, August 5, and run till August 31, in Rivers. But that dream is gone with his exit.

Recounting how Ode recently completed his last production before his exit, Osunwa said he (Henry Odenigbo) as a kidnapper, was something that never crossed their minds in Rivers State, adding ‘’This is because he was nice to the people that worked for him.”

Meanwhile, as a way of stopping a recurrence of the ugly incident in future, Osunwa said his group had started profiling every production house in Rivers State to know their identities as well and get acquainted with them, to monitor closely whatever they were doing.

“We have also started sensitizing our members on how to identify fake production houses in the state. Like in every sector of our society, there are different kinds of human beings operating with a different mindset. We must fight them to avoid ruining our sector,” Osunwa added.

One of the popular actors, Kelvin Ikeduba, who featured in one of the late kidnapper’s movies, “Born in the Ghetto” which was released early last month, said he was scared when he heard the news of Odenigbo’s death.




He was thankful that nothing happened to him while on the set of the deceased’s movie.
The actor said: “I only featured in one of his movies, ‘Born in the Ghetto.’ They would have killed them before now. I was scared. I went to work in PH, what if there was no job and they came up with a plan? Who knows!

‘’I am very happy with the news of their death. For me, it’s a big testimony. Do you know what it means when someone comes every day to pick you up in the hotel without you knowing what they are doing for a living?’’

He added that the director, Ifeanyi Akanaga, invited him to be part of the production.
However, disassociating Nollywood from the slain kidnapper, the President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, DGN, Dr Victor Okhai, said what happened was a call for ‘a united Nollywood’, where they would be privileged to know who is who in the industry.

He argued that while bad eggs were also found in other sectors, the slain kidnapper was never a member of any guild in Nollywood.

Similarly, the President of the Association of Movie Practitioners, AMPRAC, Ifeanyi Azodo, said checks on AMPRAC’s database showed that the late kidnapper was never a member of the association, adding that people of questionable character were never admitted into the association

In a disclaimer, Osunwa dissociated the AGN from the filmmaker, Odenigbo alongside three other persons who claimed to be film practitioners.

The guild, in a statement, said the three persons who died in the shootout with the police at Ladipo were not their members.

The statement read: “The Rivers State chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria at this moment, disclaims any affiliation with the individuals who tragically lost their lives in a recent kidnap incident in Lagos. Specifically, Prince Henry Asonna (Executive Producer of Aso Rich), Angel Emanuzo (Associate Producer), Chris Ahaneku (Logistics Manager-Aso Rich), and Jerry Eze (Camera Assistant) were not members of our guild. They were not part of our organization.

“They have never been associated with our guild events and are not on our register. They were not affiliated with us, to the best of my knowledge, and we condemn any false associations and news making the rounds that AGN members from Rivers State were involved in the kidnapping.”

Veteran actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, also cautioned the public on his Instagram page against referring to the slain kidnapper as a movie producer.



In the same vein, AGN’s Financial Secretary, Emeka Duru, frowned on associating the slain kidnappers with Nollywood, saying “Because they made a movie is not doing justice to the industry.”

Meanwhile, in 2024 alone, Odenigbo’s outfit, Ason-Rich Movie Production, produced over ten films, including ‘Born in the Ghetto’, ‘Love At The Pool’, ‘My Half’, ‘Little Top Up’, ‘Regards for Love’, “Wild Love”, ‘Clue Girl’, ‘Blind Blood’, ‘To Forgive’, “Sharon’s Fate”, which featured Yul Edochie, and ‘Bethlehem.’

In 2022, he produced such movies as “Royal Ties” among others.

The late kidnapper worked with famous actors, such as Yul Edochie, Kelvin Ikeduba, and Eve Esin. But checks also revealed that he mostly worked with fast-rising actors or relatively unknown faces in the industry.

As an actor who was always posting all his movie jackets on Instagram, the late kidnapper portrayed bad-boy roles and wielded guns in movies, as seen in one of his most recent roles in “Blind Blood” as posted on his Instagram page on April 26. He was also honoured on March 16, 2024, when organizers of Nollywood Indigenous Filmmakers of Nigeria, NIFMON, awarded him the ‘Best Filmmaker in Port Harcourt’.


Weeks later, on March 31, E-flex named him Nolly TV’s Best Grassroot Filmmaker for 2024/2025.


By  By Benjamin Njoku



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Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies




Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies



President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in Abuja emphasized the importance of sustaining democracy, its norms and institutions, noting that protests are an integral part of democracy but that no government will condone demonstrations that lead to the destruction of lives and property.

The President spoke at the Presidential Villa when he received a Letter of Credence from the newly appointed United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Richard Mills Jr.

”Our relationship with America is rich. We believe in democracy and freedom. Some of your predecessors worked hard during our transition to democracy, and we remember the likes of Ambassador Howard Jeter.

We look forward to Nigeria and the United States continuously working to expand cooperation on shared goals and democratic values.

”During the military era, we made our voices heard against dictatorship, and I was part of the group that engaged in peaceful protests without resorting to the destruction of property.

”We have worked hard to ensure 25 years of unbroken democracy and I will continue to maintain this democracy.

”In as much as we believe that demonstrations are part of democracy, we will never encourage any protests that lead to the destruction of lives and property,” the President stated.

Welcoming the U.S. State Department’s acknowledgement of Nigeria’s strategic role on the continent as Africa’s largest democracy, President Tinubu called on the U.S. government to pay more attention to Africa.

Nigeria is ready to play its role as the largest democracy in Africa that is worthy of emulation to other African countries, but we need more U.S. partnership on the continent that is beneficial to both sides.

”We believe in freedom, and we are providing the leadership to make Nigeria’s economy grow,”
 the President said.

Ambassador Mills affirmed U.S. support for Nigeria’s democracy and pledged support for bigger roles for Nigeria in the international arena.

”Nigeria is crucial to the United States because we share democratic values, and we are ready to give you all the support.

”I am here to make sure that the relationship blossoms both on democracy and the economic side,” Ambassador Mills said.

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