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Tunde Moshood






Sahara Weekly Reports That We are aware that a certain former Minister met with some so-called ‘online influencers’ and some hack writers in Abuja some weeks ago and the agenda was simply on how to generate comments, articles and editorials and plant them in various media against no other person than the current Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Mr. Festus Keyamo, SAN to water down the efforts he’s presently making to reposition the aviation sector as mandated by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.











They have since embarked on a well-oiled campaign of calumny against the Honourable Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo SAN CON, FCIarb (UK). This coordinated attack is clearly driven by their total discomfort over the Honourable Minister’s commendable performance and focus on key issues in that sector which has confounded even his fiercest critics.






So, we know where Iliyasu Gadu is coming from.


Of course, the push-back by the reactionary forces should be expected. Beneficiaries of the old, decadent order will hardly ever give up old privileges without a fight. But, definitely, in the eyes of right-thinking Nigerians, the honourable minister is doing a damn good patriotic job by restoring the culture of sanity, efficiency and accountability in the aviation sector, consistent with President Tinubu’s renewed Hope Agenda.


In the last few weeks, the paymaster and his hirelings wrote and planted an editorial in one of the nation’s major dailies complaining about Keyamo’s alleged ‘interference’ in what they see as ‘regulatory issues on safety’. Apparently pained by the wide applause that has greeted the Minister’s bold initiatives both in the media and civic space, these disgruntled elements decided to generate a laughable and warped ‘fact-check’ on the stated achievements with a view to discrediting them. But knowledgeable folks who read the so-called ‘fact-check’ only laughed out so loud that they could not help but call for another fact-check to check the fact-checker!


In the latest baseless criticism, Iliyasu Gadu referred to Mr. Keyamo as ‘embattled’. Haba! Who could be more embattled than his paymaster who has been running from pillar to post to clear himself of barrage of corruption charges, ineptitude during his tenure and fraudulent projects he embarked upon?


The Honourable Minister has consistently demonstrated exemplary leadership and strategic acumen, earning him accolades and admiration from members of the public. Any attempt to discredit him, particularly by a former Minister whose reputation is already tarnished, is not only baseless but also a desperate bid to deflect from his own failures.


“Alarmist” Gadu’s spurious claims, particularly regarding the ICAO score, are unfounded. The recent 71% ICAO score is a reflection of systemic issues inherited from previous administration, and not as a result of Mr. Keyamo’s stewardship of just nine months. It was Mr. Keyamo’s brilliance and managerial expertise that steered the nation through the ICAO audit process, mitigating what could have been worse situation. Mr. Keyamo has since set up a Ministerial team, headed by himself and to be meeting monthly, to prepare for the next audit, something never done before in the sector. In fact, in Gadu’s confused state, on the one hand, he blames Mr. Keyamo for the ICAO’s score which happened under Keyamo’s watch (he feels Mr. Keyamo could have done more to remedy the situation), yet in the same breath, he criticises Mr. Keyamo for ‘interference’ in regulatory matters. Haba! He needs to clear his head properly and further consult his paymaster as to whether they should criticise Mr. Keyamo for safety issues or tell Mr. Keyamo to totally keep off safety issues.


Furthermore, on the issue of the Abuja second runway and the land dispute with the Jiwa Community, the facts speak for themselves. The head of the Jiwa Community himself, HRH Dr. IDRIS MUSA (MFR) (Sarkin jiwa), at different public fora openly acknowledged the sterling role Mr. Keyamo played the moment he assumed office in resolving the major part of the issues, allowing the contractors to immediately move to site. He was ably assisted by his counter-part in the FCT Ministry. This information is readily available and corroborated by numerous sources, contrary to the misleading narratives propagated by “Alarmist” Gadu and his cohorts. And at no point did he claim to have resolved, singlehanded, the issue. It is purely an Inter-Ministerial synergy between the FCT and the Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace Development. So what’s the basis of the fact-check agenda for? Envy or vendetta?


Regarding the payment of backlog of funds owed to foreign airlines, the Honourable Minister’s diplomatic engagements were pivotal in resolving an issue that had threatened to paralyze the nation’s aviation sector, inflicting untold hardship and financial stress on the travelling public. His efforts, both domestically and internationally, underscore his commitment to the sector’s growth and stability. It was clear that he worked closely with the CBN to highlight the importance of prioritising his sector and the CBN heeded his passionate plea and responded. So, the question is: if the CBN itself has not disputed his claims, who are these faceless fellows disputing his claim?


The claim that the Air Peace Lagos- Gatwick route was secured during the last administration is equally laughable. The CEO of AIR PEACE himself, Allen Onyeama, went round media houses, reeling out the various efforts of Mr. Keyamo to make this happen, including several trips to the UK and the pressure he put on the UK authorities. That is hearing from the proverbial horse’s mouth. As reported by Daily Independent Newspapers on January 27, 2024, Mr. Keyamo led a delegation to the United Kingdom to tidy up the final conversations of the Airpeace London Gatwick operations. Here’s the link, It is, therefore, foolhardy of anyone to suggest that the Minister needs another meeting with his UK counterpart after the inaugural flight. Of what relevance will that be?


In summary, the baseless attacks orchestrated by Iliyasu Gadu and his cohorts are a feeble attempt to malign Honourable Minister Keyamo. It is clearly the voice of Esau and the hand of Jacob. Such efforts will not deter the Minister from his mission to enhance the aviation sector and deliver on his mandate. The public is encouraged to see through these unfounded allegations and recognize the significant strides being made under Minister Keyamo’s leadership.


We advise Iliyasu and his gang of “influencers” that Mr. Keyamo is an old war-horse in various battles for many decades now and they are very much welcome to this one.



Tunde Moshood

SA Media and Communications to the Honourable Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development

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Obaseki’s Team Hiding Vital Documents From Us – APC Committee



Obaseki’s Team Hiding Vital Documents From Us – APC Committee



The Edo State Joint Transition Committee has adjourned sine die following the inability of officials of the out-going government to provide the required documents germaine to the assignment.

Speaking with journalists in Benin City, Secretary of APC Transition Committee, Hon. Patrick Ikhariale,
said that both parties have agreed to meet when the required information or documents are given to them.

According to Ikhariale, the issue is that the APC Transition Committee members have had series of discussions with the Transition Committee on the side of the outgoing government.

“Unfortunately, the nature of materials that they have supplied to us do not address any of the issues on the table.

“We have interfaced with the relevant officers of the government including the Secretary to State Government (SSG), Mr. Joseph Eboigbe, and they agreed with us on October, 2024 to do exactly what we asked for.

because what they had supplied us at best has not addressed the issue substantially in any form and we have expected by this morning that that will be done.

“We also had a meaningful and strong discussion. We need a set of documents that will address the issues we have raised, and that is where we are.

“We also agreed that today (Tuesday) he (Eboigbe) has to discuss with His Excellency, Governor Godwin Obaseki and get back to us.

“And in any case, the information or documents we’re asking for are in line with global best practices, we are not asking for anything out of the ordinary. So it is on record that we have done the needful.

“As we speak, a letter has been sent to them and we do hope that what we have discussed and agreed on as at yesterday would be executed for us to progress and have the joint meetings we are supposed to have and that is the position.

“We are waiting for him to reach out to the governor like he said to know the next line of action to take as to how and when they are giving us the needed documents.

“And we have also as a committee said whatever document or information they want to give to us, give it to us at least within 24 hours before the meeting time to enable us look through it, peruse and have an informed position to discuss so that we don’t go there and be discussing in abstract or discussing things that are not relevant to the subject matter of the day. So these I believe we have agreed on, by both sides.”

“Hopefully, if today, or tomorrow we get the required information and documennts, we will reconvene and do the needful.”

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NDLEA Lied Says Senator Lola Ashiru



NDLEA Lied Says Senator Lola Ashiru

NDLEA Lied Says Senator Lola Ashiru


Senator Oyelola Ashiru’s office has issued a statement to debunk wrong and fallacious impressions created by the NDLEA in its press statement issued on 21 October 2024.

The NDLEA alleged that Senator Ashiru’s house in Ilorin, Kwara State, was raided, and illicit drugs were found. This accusation comes on the heels of Senator Ashiru’s declaration on the senate floor that the NDLEA is corrupt.

We find it preposterous and mere fishing for justification that NDLEA had to wait for the senator’s observation on the floor the Senate before making its spurious allegations.

As a matter of fact, Senator Ashiru never employed any aide bearing Ibrahim Mohammed or Mohammd Yahaya as bandied by NDLEA.

The agency claimed that its operatives visited the senator’s Ilorin house and found nothing incriminating. The entire house was searched, and nothing incriminating was found. If any drugs were found on certain persons mentioned by the NDLEA, it is rational to ask at which court of law were the culprits charged?

It is also important to state that Senator Ashiru has not sent any aide to the NDLEA to influence the dropping of drug allegations against anyone known as Tosin Odepidian. Indeed, all the names mentioned by the agency are strange, and none works directly or indirectly with Senator Ashiru.

The NDLEA has the duty to take anyone suspected of drug dealing to court rather than name- calling and engaging in media trial.

This clarification is necessary to set the record straight and address the misleading information circulated by the NDLEA.

It is an open secret that many criminals, cultists, armed robbers, and drug addicts find their way back into business after gratifying and bribing law enforcement officers.

The NDLEA ought to search its house and fish out bad eggs rather than seek cheap publicity!

Senator Ashiru remains committed to serving the people of Kwara South and upholding the truth at all times in the search for strict professionalism among our law enforcement agencies.

Olaitan Adeyanju
Legislative Aide (MEDIA) to Senator Lola Ashiru

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Lagos Assembly To Hold Second Public Hearing On LG Administration Bill



Lagos Assembly To Hold Second Public Hearing On LG Administration Bill




– invites Attorney-General for interpretation of Supreme Court judgment




Sahara Weekly Reports That The Lagos State House of Assembly on Monday agreed to conduct another public hearing on a bill that seeks to review the Local Government Administration law of the state.



Lagos Assembly To Hold Second Public Hearing On LG Administration Bill



The House also invited the Attorney-General of the State, Lawal Pedro, for an interpretation of the recent Supreme Court judgment on financial autonomy for local governments.




The resolutions came at a sitting presided over by the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Mudashiru Obasa.




Dr. Obasa said the review of the Local Government Administration law is not aimed at scrapping the LCDAs but to further strengthen them.




“I agree on the need for us to schedule a second allotted day for the public hearing,” the Speaker said while adding that he had been inundated with calls by people who wanted to know the fate of the LCDAs.




“We are not scrapping the LDCAs. Rather, what we are trying to do is to look at the recent Supreme Court judgment in terms of Lagos and local governments’ joint account and fashion out a way where the parent local governments and the LDCAs work together without the LDCAs being shortchanged,” he added.




The Speaker also agreed on the need to work on the formal listing of the LCDAs by the National Assembly.




“Kano has 44 local governments, and out of Kano, Jigawa was created and has 27,” he said as he suggested a review of the revenue-sharing formula by the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission.




Chairman of the Committee on Local Government, Hon. Sanni Okanlawon, had while reporting on the public hearing earlier conducted by the committee, said that many of the stakeholders invited for the event could not make it.




He attributed the poor attendance to the weather condition of the day just as he prayed the House to approve a second allotted day for the exercise.




Supporting Hon. Okanlawon’s request, his colleague, Hon. Ladi Ajomale said: “A lot of people are saying they do not understand what is going on and maybe the government is trying to wipe some people out of the local government system,” he said.




He also called for a liaison and better collaboration with the National Assembly to make the upper legislature understand why the LDCAs should be listed as substantive local governments.




On his part, Hon. Desmond Elliot noted that because of the size of Lagos in terms of population and its economic importance to Nigeria, it was imperative to work for the listing of the LCDAs.




“Anambra state has 21 local governments, and it is nowhere close to what Lagos has in terms of resources, economic importance, and dividends of democracy,” he said.



Eromosele Ebhomele

Chief Press Secretary to the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly.

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