The Nigerian movie industry is about to witness another blockbuster as Awokoku, an interesting Nollywood film produced by Olugbodi Yewande, popularly known as Olori Wendy,is set...
Fast rising actress, Temitope Osoba premiered her first movie a few days ago at the popular Times Square event center in Lagos and it was a...
Omotola Jolade Ekeinde’s children seem to be following fast in their mother’s footsteps. The superstar’s first son, MJ who is building on his mothers brand to...
Stella Damasus was recently on i2Radio where she was on the hot seat with her lover Daniel Ademinokan. Ademinokan asked Stella questions bordering on sex. According...
President Goodluck Jonathan’s bid to ‘worship’ at Deeper Christian Life Ministry during the presidential election campaign hit the rocks as pastorate of the church outrightly turned...
“ A few weeks ago Liz Anjorin was neck deep in a husband snatching scandal, the actress had reportedly gone to the United Kingdom...
This is arguably the hottest gist running around town in the confines of those in the know. It’s the story of the sizzling romance...
It’ s definitely a season of baby showers in the Nigerian entertainment industry. The latest entertainer to hold her baby shower is the delectable first lady...
It would seem like it has become a trend amongst Nigerian entertainers to have children out of wedlock. The latest member of the baby daddy clique...
Popular Osun State-born Prophet, J.K. Hephzibah, otherwise known as Baba Peculiar, who arguably was the first clergy to predict the defeat of President Goodluck Jonathan in...