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Obasanjo & Adebutu’s Fairytale Marriage Hits The Rock A Year After







Middle of last year May 11 and 13, 2017 to be more precise, in Lagos wouldn’t be forgotten in a hurry, as those were the 2 days when the families of Sir Kensington Adebutu and that of Chief Olusegun Aremu Okikiola Obasanjo, GCFR were joined in holy matrimony!

The families had done the native law and custom and then sealed it with the church stamp of approval at The Methodist Church of the Trinity, Tinubu, Lagos, on the Saturday, which was the 13th. Maybe that date itself by virtue of hindsight now, being the 13th was a premonition of a sort, of what was to come, humiliation and disaster.

It was a humonguos wedding by all standards possible. In fact, it was rated amongst all the weddings that took place that year as one of the top 3 weddings of that season. Nothing whatsoever was spared. Bride arrived in a brand spanking new glittering white Rolls Royce, while the groom came in another Rolls Royce, but a glistening black one, both came like stars and those that saw them wished they were in their shoes.

The money spent to put it all together is still speculated in the region of billions of Naira, while some have said it was slightly above a billion Naira, some have claimed that it was at least closer to 3 billion that was expended! 3 what? Yes you heard it right, 3 billion good Naira. Imagine a 9 or 10 tiered humongous wedding cake(s) by Cake by Tosan, who is said to be the best in the country! Imagine that Tope’s wedding outfit was specially and specifically commissioned by one of the best Lebanese brands, Ziad Nakad, who specializes only in Haute Couture wedding outfits for the best of the best. Her hair throughout the ceremonies was taken care of by the best in Nigeria, that’s none other than the incredible, Ugochukwu Igbokwe of Make Me Hair Studios.

The whole of the banquet hall of the Eko Hotel Convention Centre was taken and transformed for use, that alone costs several millions of Naira, running close to a hundred million! The choice of the best of meals were served, just as the best of drinks likes of the best champagnes, brandies, whiskies and cocktails were made available, that alone is another hundreds of millions. Even the gifts, that the guests all received were totally out of here. Even the invitations must have cost a sizeable chunk. Any amount that the events might have cost, even if it were 3 billion is most definitely chicken feed for the bride’s dad, who is affectionately referred to as ‘Baba Ijebu’ the same name Nigerians have given to his popular lottery/betting game.

He is undoubtedly, the numero uno of lottery and betting in the whole of Nigeria bar none. As the chairman of Premier Lottery and who is also an avowed philanthropist par excellence, Sir Kensington Adebutu is indeed an awesomely wealthy man, by all standards. One whose kids, majorly the men though are all also, stupendously rich too on their own! The groom’s dad is not a minion too by any standards, as he is none other than the former military head of state of Nigeria and then also a 2 terms President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, in the person of Chief Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo, GCFR, a former chieftain of the PDP and now referred to as a statesman, but also the convener of the 3rd Force, a new political advocacy group.

The 2 personalities involved in the marriage were, Sir Adebutu’s daughter by name Georgina Temitope Oyepero Adebutu, a brilliant magistrate in Ogun State, an alumni of the University of Lagos and the University College London for her Masters, which she got with distinction. Tope was apparently one of the best students in all the schools she has ever attended.

Her husband, the businessman son of Chief Obasanjo, in the person of Abraham Olujonwo Ajani Obasanjo, who very much is not known about, other than that, he schooled abroad and is a businessman/farmer, works for his dad. With how things went, especially the super expensive and lush wedding ceremonies which had all the who-is-who in Nigeria in attendance, many had expected a roller-coaster of a marriage, which at most a year after, would be welcoming and celebrating babies and celebrating some other milestones, but alas, barely just one year after, dark clouds have poured stormy rains on what was once thought to be a match made in heaven and as we speak, the center cannot hold no more and both husband and wife are set on a course in divorceville and both are not willing to rectify or save the marriage, no matter what.

For Temitope Obasanjo nee Adebutu, it has been a very tumultuous and incredulously painful one year, the kind that she cannot pray for her worst enemy to have undergone or experience. Imagine that you are highly expectant after a superlative nuptial ceremony, but all that you experienced from just a few days after the euphoria of the ceremonies have died down, is unimaginable cruelty, neglect or better still desertion and no love whatsoever! More after the break. It was like the prayers of the mother of the husband, who had not wanted the wedding to take place at all cost from the get go were being answered. Mrs Taiwo Obasanjo had shamelessly cursed the association by her words and action just prior to the wedding. In fact she had sued her son and his wife to court then, wanting the ceremonies halted at all cost.

Though she had lost at the court, when the court declared that as adults, those wanting to get married had the right to take and make their own decisions by themselves, she still wasn’t satisfied but still came up with the high falluting extremely negative prophecies about the union, that many couldn’t believe would have come out of a mother’s mouth.

Though the wedding still held, it was like it was jinxed from the get go and maybe the result of that jinx is what has now occurred as a sad story now. Just imagine that all through the marriage the husband and wife never had a home (matrimonial home) that was theirs! Shocking! Yes very shocking!!! All through they had to stay in Jonwo’s room at his dad’s palatial home in Abeokuta, with the promise that they would move to their own place which was undergoing thorough refurbishment, a promise never kept! Just imagine also that, Jonwo the supposed husband usually just  disappears without a trace, most of the one year of the supposed wedding. Much so that, his wife didn’t even know his whereabouts and wasn’t even in any type of contact whatsoever with him for lengths of time.

Imagine that at one point, Jonwo was supposedly holed up at a MacPherson address in Ikoyi, Lagos where he was supposedly receiving treatment for an ailment or sickness ???? that the wife never knew nothing about whatsoever. When at a point his mother raised hell that her son couldn’t be found or was missing then and the thing was all over the media, even the wife herself didn’t know his whereabouts at all. Apparently the only one  who knew where he was apart from his friends, was his dad who had refused to let the wife know where he was for reasons best known to him, as he was said to have been in some sort of bad shape! So needed time to heal and recuperate/recover. From what???? Hmmmmmm!!!!! So if one can just desert his supposed home for lengths of time without a care in the world and without letting anyone, especially his wife know where he was and how he was faring, how would that person have had time then, to consummate the union and by extension get his wife pregnant, so they could have kids??? So with him not consummating the marriage, maybe it was a deliberate action, from the get go as he had always known he wasn’t Interested, but only had the wedding for other reasons. Just imagine that Jonwo disappeared from where they were staying at a point, claiming to be going for prayers, only to return after days in fact 14 days after and upon enquiries about his whereabouts and not communicating at all, he got absolutely raving mad and threw away his wedding band & said he was done with the marriage!!!

A few days after this particular disappearance, wife asked husband to consumate marriage, to which he refused and then disappeared again for another 12 days! Imagine that from November 1, 2017 till 4 and half months afterwards, that’s in March of 2018, Tope never saw nor communicated with her husband, until he came to tell her that they weren’t compatible and everyone should find their levels and go their different ways!!!! Even when the wife discovered that she had Uterine fibroids and had to go have an operation to remove same, so she wouldn’t have issues getting pregnant and she tried informing her husband, he never responded at all, not to talk of wishing his wife well! Even after a successful operation to which he didn’t contribute a kobo to, he still never got in contact with his wife! So before, during and after her medical issues, no contact, no sympathy, no love whatsoever! What a human being! !!!

According to our findings, whenever Jonwo was around, it was like it was better that he wasn’t even around at all, for those were some of the most painful times for Tope, for it was abuse galore, without a stop.  Just imagine a husband bad mouthing and referring to his own wife as fat, ugly, never do well, wouldn’t amount to anything, cancer and that you married her out of convenience! This is the same Jonwo who works for his father Chief Obasanjo and collects N100,000 (Hundred thousand Naira only) monthly.

This is the same Jonwo, who Tope’s elder brother had to give business to, to help elevate, so he could meet up with needs that could arise. Even the jobs given, he only did part of, for which he was paid! It is also a known fact that, all through the short lived, but very tumultuous marriage, Jonwo’s mother, a so called prophet, Mrs. Taiwo Obasanjo never supported the success of the union! She was a major torn in the flesh of the couple on one side and then her son now too, was another case entirely. Maybe he got married, expecting certain things and since he did not see those things, he became disgusted and therefore wanted a let out at all cost. So since the union as broken down irredeemably, the wife as instituted divorce proceedings and the case is on as we speak. Tope is asking for certain reliefs from a very cold and calculating and unloving man, a scion of Chief Obasanjo who she had falsely believed was to be her knight in shining armour, but alas wasn’t even near that description at all.

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How Adron Homes Transform Shimawa into Ogun State Premier Real Estate Hub



How Adron Homes Transform Shimawa into Ogun State Premier Real Estate Hub








Sahara Weekly Reports That Shimawa, a once tranquil and little-known town in Ogun State, has emerged as the premier real estate location in the region, thanks to the transformative efforts of Adron Homes. This metamorphosis has redefined the town’s identity, making it a beacon of modern living and investment opportunities.






How Adron Homes Transform Shimawa into Ogun State Premier Real Estate Hub





Adron Homes’ strategic initiatives have played a central role in Shimawa’s transformation. By developing numerous estates with state-of-the-art amenities, Adron has set new standards for residential living. These estates are equipped with modern infrastructure, including well-paved roads, reliable water supply, and efficient drainage systems, enhancing the quality of life for residents. The real estate has sold out four estates in shimawa over 10 years and is currently selling five different estates in shimawa.









List of Adron Homes Estates In Shimawa


Treasure Park and Gardens Estate Phase 2 (City of David)


Treasure Park and Gardens Estate Phase 3 (Capetown)


Treasure Park and Gardens Estate Phase 3 Extention (Jerusalem City)


Treasure Park and Gardens Estate Phase 4 (Jerusalem Extention)


Treasure Park and Gardens Estate Phase 5 (City of God)






Adron Homes has introduced a range of affordable housing solutions that cater to different income levels. This inclusivity has attracted a diverse population, fostering a vibrant community. The availability of affordable, yet high-quality housing options has made Shimawa an attractive destination for both first-time homebuyers and seasoned investors.








The influx of new residents and businesses has spurred economic growth in Shimawa. Adron Homes’ developments have created numerous job opportunities in construction, real estate management, and ancillary services. This economic activity has not only improved the standard of living for many but has also positioned Shimawa as a hub for business and commerce in Ogun State.










Adron Homes’ commitment to sustainability is evident in its eco-friendly initiatives. Green spaces, parks, and recreational areas have been incorporated into the estates, promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. These efforts have not only beautified the town but have also contributed to the well-being of its residents.



Shimawa’s transformation has caught the attention of investors, both local and international. The town’s strategic location, coupled with Adron Homes’ high-quality developments, has made it a prime investment destination. This influx of investment is set to further accelerate Shimawa’s growth and development.



Adron Homes places a strong emphasis on community building. Regular events, social gatherings, and initiatives to foster a sense of community have been integral to the company’s approach. This focus on community has created a welcoming and cohesive environment, making Shimawa not just a place to live, but a place to thrive.



The transformation of Shimawa into Ogun State’s best real estate location is a testament to Adron Homes’ vision and dedication. By providing affordable housing, fostering economic growth, promoting sustainability, and building a strong community, Adron Homes has set Shimawa on a path to continued success and prosperity. As a model of modern urban development, Shimawa stands as a shining example of what strategic planning and investment can achieve.

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Aare Bashir Fakorede Distance self from Land Grabbing Allegations, Calls for Proper investigation



Aare Bashir Fakorede Distance self from Land Grabbing Allegations, Calls for Proper investigation










Sahara Weekly Reports That The Property and Oil mogul, Aare Bashir Fakorede has openly debunked a land-grabbing allegation levelled against him by some unscrupulous elements using some section of the media to malign his persona.





Aare Bashir Fakorede Distance self from Land Grabbing Allegations, Calls for Proper investigation







Recently, this unscrupulous elements have been in the news with their recent land-grabbing fiasco with the Oni-Orisan chieftaincy family of Lagos Island and Epe after they took thugs and police to beat family members who own the landed property situated at Oju-Ota, Oko-Orisan Epe Lagos, which Aare Bashir Fakorede acquired from the family in 2016, with a family-issued receipt, official gazette from the Lagos state on the 28th of June 2007, deed of assignment, Joint Venture agreement between his property development company and the family, survey plan among other documents to show he acquired the land.






Aare Bashir Fakorede Distance self from Land Grabbing Allegations, Calls for Proper investigation






Few days ago, the court Sheriff, acting under the writ of execution granted by Hon. Justice I. O. Harrison in suit number: M/762/11 on the 25th of April,2024, where the Honourable Justice reevaluated the court judgement which authenticates the Oni-Orisan as the rightful owner of the land. The court empowered the claimant to take possession of the land which they went to do on the 12th of July 2024, in the company of the court’s deputy Sherrif, Adeyemi Adeyinka and Adebayo Moshood and some policemen, where all encroaching erected structures were removed while they erected a notice boards which clearly stated the original owners according to the court judgement. In a reprisal attack, armed thugs and security personnel removed the erected court notice boards strategically placed on the land among other things. While many onlookers condemned this actions, legal experts tagged the act as a deliberate contempt of court by undermining the declaration of a competent court of jurisdiction.











On Monday the 22nd of July, the family and its representative visited the land on the intelligence that some armed thugs and security personnel were stationed on the land. The family visited the AIG zone 2 office where they reported the case which they envisaged might likely lead to the disruption of public peace. The Zone 2 command attached some policemen with the family to go to the land to ascertain the authenticity of the claim of the armed thugs and security personnel stationed there. When the police and the family got to the land, they were immediately overpowered and attacked by thugs who inflicted various degrees of injury on them. They injured 2 family members and 3 policemen who were dressed in mufti. They also seized the mobile phones of one of the family members and threw it in the water to cover their tracks while they also abducted Chief Mrs Modupe Oni-Orisan, who is the head of the Oni-Orisan Chieftaincy family alone with two other members. One of them escaped while two were held captive for hours before the intervention from the police which led to her release. The Area commander requested that they return with the abducted women to the station which led to the apprehension of two of the thugs currently in police detention.












Aare Bashir Fakorede disclosed that out of 15.360 hectares owned by the family, he legally acquired 7 Acres of land from the Oni-Orisan Chieftaicy family who owns the landed property according to family history and a judgement from a court of competent jurisdiction.











The Oni-Orisan Chieftaincy Family has petitioned the police to do a proper investigation and also called the attention of the AIG Zone 2 AIG Durosimi to wade into the lingering issues.

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Rotary International District 9112 launches its coastal restoration initiative by planting 1,000 coconut trees in Lagos





In a bid to promote its mission of improving the environment, Rotary international District 9112 on Sunday kicked off an environment-saving intervention tagged: Coastal Restoration Initiative at Westside Beach, Okun, Ajah, Lagos, where 1000 coconut trees were planted along the coastal shores of the Atlantic Ocean.


Speaking at the event,  the Governor of Rotary International, District 9112 Rotarian  Femi Adenekan said the “initiative is conceived to save the environment as well as reduce the adverse effect of the climate change.”


According to him; “the environment is one of the main focus areas of Rotary International. We need to consciously come to the realization that we need to save our environment. We need to save ourselves. So that in the future, those that will come after us will have life.”


“People assume that the world belongs to them. They have forgotten that they are just tenants on the surface of the earth. If you try to change nature, nature will react, which is the reason we are having a lot of environmental damage in the world. Some of wrong human activities, such as throwing plastics and other items into water or where it ought not to be is causing us environmental challenges. If we don’t take care of our environment, the environment will react and take us out of the surface of the earth,” He said.



The chairman of the District 9112 Tree Planting Committee, Rtn. Gboyega Bada recommended the adoption of an “Every Rotarian Plant a Tree Every Year” policy and also indicated plans for Rotary International District 9112 to propose a Private Bill to the Lagos State House of Assembly  to enable all Lagos Residents plant a tree every year for the next five years to address the challenges of climate change.


Rtn Bada stated that the vision of Rotary District 9112 on Tree Planting is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment by planting 10,000 seedlings of Coconut, Mango, Breadfruit, Avocado and other ralated crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.


The event was well attended by Stakeholders in the Private and Public Sectors. Pan African Towers Ltd, Tolaram Group, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica Ltd, amongst others were well represented.  Past District Governor Tunji Funsho led other Rotary Leaders to give their support. The DG’s wife Rtn Tayo Adenekan, the District Governor elect Rtn Lanre Adedoyin, General Manager of Lagos State Coconut Development Authority, Dapo Olakulehim and Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency, Club Presidents and Rotarians from the 73 Clubs graced the occasion.



Also speaking at the event, one of the Guest Speakers, the world acclaimed horticulturist, Mr. Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group and The Lagos Free Zone, highlighted the importance of trees, saying; “planting trees improves air quality, reduces air pollution, and illnesses from air pollution. More so, plants produce oxygen and provide shelter, medicine, and many more.”


In his own special remarks, Chairman, LUFASI Park and DG Coconut Naija, Dr. Desmond Majekodunmi, said; “the basic fact about the environment is that whatever you sow, you shall reap. The environment will always treat you, the way you treat it.”


It is of note that the vision of District 9112 on tree planting for this year is  to achieve a safer and cleaner environment through the planting of 10,000 seedlings of coconut, mango, breadfruit, avocado and other related crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.


The event was witnessed and supported by main stakeholders in the industry, agencies and partners which included, Mr Dapo Olakulehin, General Manager, Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA), Mr Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group, Channel Scott from Pan African Towers, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica, The Legend Lifeskills Foundation, Etam Avitat, Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK) , presidents and members of various Rotary Clubs in District 9112 amongst others.


Rotary leaders who witnessed the event are PDG Tunji Funsho, PDG Kamoru Omotosho, PDG Omotunde Lawson amongst others.


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