Prudent Ludidi Shares her story of Transforming Pain into Purpose
Internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and public figure Prudent Ludidi, encouraged the congregation to stop wallowing in the abyss of past pain, but to rather turn that pain into purpose through transformation.

She made this astounding revelation at the Freedom For All Nations Outreach when she shared her unique story of pain to gain.
She revealed that she is an ordinary woman who has a story of transformation of pain into purpose.
“There are two types of pain we are familiar with which are physical and mental pain. She revealed that pain is a highly uncomfortable experience which we don’t wake up to look for or desire, but pain happens nonetheless”
She said transformation is changing an undesirable status quo and pain is a necessity in the process. Untransformed pain becomes a huge waste, she asserted.
She shared her personal story of a journey from pain, discomfort, rejection and confusion to transformation which had a great impact on the millions of followers who listened to her through FANO television.
She was born and bred in a small town and was the last born of the family. She recounted the trauma of her late mother who was murdered by her husband ( who is her own father ) when she was just two and half years old. He stabbed her 15 wounds and three in the heart. She finally succumbed to her injuries. The cause of the fight was because a woman was involved. Her mother perished in the hands of someone she trusted at 36 years. Sadly, the same strange woman responsible for the fracas between her parents became her step mother after the demise of her mother. In fact, shortly after her mother’s burial she had moved in as stepmom.
According to her, her step mother really abused her and destroyed her so she thought. In her early childhood, her stepmom reminded her of how ugly she was and told her she would amount to nothing in life every opportunity she got.
“She meticulously invested destruction into her life unprovoked, she chose to be on the other side of my book not on the good side of my book.” Prudent said.
“Sadly when I remind her of the sad incidents she subjected me to, she claims to have forgotten. Interestingly, that’s what the perpetrator does they forget but the victim never forgets and I will not change my story because she forgot.’
She said a lot of people suffer from untreated emotional pains that grow with them as cancer. That’s why a lot of people are damaged because of pain. And it’s destructive because many don’t know how to respond to their past experiences. They don’t know how to respond to the trauma that was presented to them. Many were molested but can’t even discuss the pain and trauma openly. Pain locks you in a system of shame. It traps you in a Paragon of grief,sadness and isolation. It will put you in a corner and makes you feel responsible for everything you have ever experienced. Many have become a victim of their past.
“I was not used to an environment of love because I grew up in the midst of an abusive father… “, she recounted.
According to her, the way out is the transformation of pain into purpose. In the midst of her childhood trauma and pains, she is now an epitome of grace and testimony globally.
That girl who was acclaimed to be ugly by her step mother is now a beauty queen with laurels. An accomplished woman who finishes her studies with flying colours on record time, despite the traumatic experience of emotional pain.
“In the midst of those pains, there is God’s intention there. In your troubled soul, there is God’s inscription there. Sadly, many can’t see it because they are moving their lives from the lens of pain. Many are paranoid thinking everyone around them is there to harm them. The key is breaking free from the shackles of your pain and trauma. You are not what they told you that you are. You are what God decides you are. I am what my father in heaven says I am. Untreated pain is a blocker of God’s agenda for your life. Extract meanings from your pains. Have an understanding that God loves you and he permits you to go through it because there is a generation who depends on you to pull them up because of your painful experience. There is an entire army waiting for your testimony of transforming pain into purpose Break free from your self pity and stop looking for human validation. Don’t allow the experience to go to waste. I am not in pain now but the pain to the devil right now.”
Finally, she appreciated Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse for giving her the platform to be a blessing to millions through FANO TV.