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The call for the removal of the IG is unnecessary- IMAN DG




By Collins Nkwocha

The Director General of Importers Association of Nigerian Taskforce,IMAN Amb.Chijioke Okoro has urged the president of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu to ignore the call for the removal of the IG,Kayode Egbetokun by the Police Service Commission,PSC ,stating that it’s unnecessary.

Speaking about the issue in Port-Hacourt , Rivers state,the DG maintained that the IG has been very efficient and effective “the call for the removal of the IG should be ignored because he has been efficient and effective as the IG of the Nigerian police,we shouldn’t allow internal friction and discord within the police to abruptly end the tenure of a good IG that has brought reform and discipline to the Nigerian police “.

He further stated that the Nigerian police is better now, having Egbetokun as the IG “everyone will agree with me that the IG has been stupendous and amazing,the president made the right choice and we are pleased with it without any atom of poignancy”

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You’re a great man,I celebrate you, prophet Ikuru commemorates with Sanwo-Olu as he celebrates his birthday





By Collins Nkwocha

The foremost prophet in Nigeria,the prophetic hall of fame, prophet Godwin Ikuru of Jehovah Eye Salvation Ministry has felicitated with the governor of Lagos state and the Chairman of South West Governor’s Forum, Babajide Sanwo-Olu as today he celebrates his birthday today.

The handsome prophet maintained that the governor is an icon who has made indelible mark in Lagos as a governor “Babajide Sanwo-Olu is a great man that I love and respect,I want to commemorate with him today as he celebrates his birthday,I pray that God will continue to guide,lead and protect him because i always pray for him and i will continue to pray for him because he’s rare jewel who consolidated on the developmental plans of Lagos and made it the pride of the nation,God will continue to bless him”

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Be careful of what you eat today, prophet Ikuru sends strong message to Davido and Chioma



In a heartwarming message,the prophetic hall of fame, prophet Godwin Ikuru, a prominent figure in the prophetic community, has extended his best wishes to Nigerian music superstar David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, and his bride, Chioma Rowland, on their wedding day. The prophet offered his heartfelt prayers for a marriage filled with joy, love, and devoid of chaos and challenges.

Speaking to newsmen, Prophet Ikuru emphasized on the significance of vigilance in this momentous occasion. He urged the newlyweds to be cautious abou the food and drinks they consume during their celebrations to avoid any potential mishaps.

“The couple should be careful with what they eat and drink today to prevent any unforeseen circumstances,” the prophet advised. “It is essential for them to be vigilant and prayerful to guard against any evil occurrences after the wedding,I want to reiterate that I’m not giving him this message in order to magnetise his attention, neither do i need his money because God has blessed me, I’m giving him this message because God has instructed me to deliver it to him,I love him,Nigerians love”

This message highlights his concern for the well-being of Davido and Chioma, reflecting his desire for their happiness and safety as they embark on this new chapter of their lives together. His prophetic insight and blessings are meant to guide the couple towards a harmonious and prosperous future.

As Davido and Chioma celebrate their union, their fans and well-wishers across the globe join Prophet Ikuru in wishing them a lifetime of happiness, health, and unbreakable love.

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Taraba State Governor, Agbu Kefas’ Silent Climate and Agricultural Revolution: A Beacon of Hope





A transformative movement is underway in Taraba State, driven by Governor Agbu Kefas’ visionary 10 million economic tree planting program. This initiative is revolutionizing the mindset of rural farmers, who previously relied on low-yielding crops like rice, yam, and cassava. By introducing high-yielding Malaysian palm seedlings and other assorted economic trees, the program aims to boost agriculture, combat climate change, and alleviate rural poverty.


The sheer scale of the program is massive and impressive, with vast nurseries centres as far as the eye can see sprouting across the state, including USSA, TAKUM, DONGA, IBI, WUKARI, KURMI, BALI, GASHAKA, and SARDAUNA. International recognition has followed as  the governor was among others invited recently to New York for a conference on global warming and importance of tree planting.  A recent international newspaper editorial highlighted Taraba State’s outstanding approach in Nigeria and especially the entire northern region.


If sustained, this program could reduce poverty by half and significantly improve the state’s GDP growth rate. It’s a welcome departure from the usual cash handouts, which often exacerbate dependency. Instead, Governor Agbu Kefas is empowering farmers with a sustainable livelihood, fostering economic growth, and writing a new chapter in Taraba State’s development story.


We commend Governor Agbu Kefas for his innovative leadership and commitment to transforming Taraba State. May this silent revolution inspire other states to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of progress across Nigeria.


Economic trees play a vital role in addressing  pressing global issues:


*Climate Change*:

– Absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, mitigating the effects of climate change.

– Help maintain soil quality, preventing erosion and landslides.

– Provide shade, reducing the urban heat island effect.

Poverty Reduction:

– Generate income opportunities for rural communities through sustainable forest management.

– Provide raw materials for local industries, promoting economic growth.

– Enhance food security by offering fruits, nuts, and other edible products.


In Taraba State, the economic tree planting program is a strategic move to:


Combat Climate Change: By planting millions of trees, the state is reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to global efforts against climate change.

Reduce Poverty: By empowering rural farmers with high-yielding crops, the program is increasing income opportunities, improving livelihoods, and reducing poverty.


The economic tree planting program is a win-win strategy for Taraba State, addressing both climate change and poverty reduction while promoting sustainable development.


The economic tree planting program in Taraba State has not only environmental and economic benefits but also social benefits, such as:


– Job creation: Employing 700 workers across various nursery centers, contributing to reduced unemployment and improved livelihoods.

– Skill development: Workers are acquiring skills in nursery management, planting, and maintenance.

– Community engagement: Local communities are involved in the project, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

– Economic stimulus: The project is injecting income into the local economy, boosting economic activity and growth.


This project is a testament to the potential of sustainable development initiatives to drive positive change and improve the lives of communities. Kudos to the Taraba State government and all stakeholders involved!


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