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The Chronicles of Bishop Paul N. Vincent: Unveiling a spectacular voyage from belief to Empowerment- An Epic Narrative of Endurance and Dedication*



*The Chronicles of Bishop Paul N. Vincent: Unveiling a spectacular voyage from belief to Empowerment- An Epic Narrative of Endurance and Dedication*



In an exclusive interview conducted by Emmanuel Clement, we embark on an illuminating exploration of the remarkable life and visionary leadership of Bishop Paul N. Vincent.
As the driving force behind Persistence Works TV Network (PWTN) and Vincent Paul Ministries Int’l, Bishop Vincent’s journey from personal transformation to global impact is an inspiring testament to faith, resilience, and unwavering commitment to service.

*Can we have meet you sir?*

I am Bishop Paul N. Vincent, a leader with a diverse portfolio including roles as President/CEO of Persistence Works TV Network (PWTN), Publisher of Persistence Works Magazine, and head of Vincent Paul Ministries Int’l. Based in El Paso, Texas, my journey encompasses various spheres of influence, from media to ministry, all fueled by a profound commitment to service.

*How did your journey of faith begin, and what prompted your salvation?*
My salvation journey was catalyzed by a family tragedy in 1982, ultimately leading me to embrace Christ in 1985 during a powerful revival service. This transformative encounter set the course for my lifelong commitment to faith and service.

*Since you gave your life to Christ, have you ever thought of backsliding from the faith?*

No I haven’t. Although many people within my extended family at that time didn’t think I would go all the way. They thought I would soon backslide since I was so young (I was 11 years old when I started attending the church, but was 13 when I made a firm & final decision to give my life and to follow Christ all the way). So they felt by the time the “pleasures of life” begin presenting themselves to me, that I’d backslide. But God’s Faithfulness has proved them all wrong! I’m still here by the Grace of God, still following Christ after almost 40 years now! Praise God!

*Before embarking on ministry, what endeavors did you pursue?*

Prior to diving into full-time ministry, I embarked on a journey of learning and service. From pioneering ministry works in Nigeria to serving as an Army Chaplain in the U.S., my path has been marked by a pursuit of knowledge, leadership, and social impact.

*What is the overarching vision and mandate of your ministry?*

The Vision and mandate of our ministry are:
*To liberate those oppressed by the devil and draw such into the Kingdom Of God by the preaching of the Gospel.
*To Minister healing to the sick: physically, emotionally & spiritually.
*To effectively communicate Christ to our society and the world.
*To preach and teach the word in order to build, develop & mature the Body Of Christ.
*Maximizing the media to propagate the Gospel through: Publications, Television, Social Media, Crusades, Conferences & Charity.

*Have you ever experienced regret as a minister of God?*

Well, we all are constantly growing and learning. The most important thing in life is not that you made mistakes, it’s that you’re able to quickly learn from it, grow and move on beyond it. So yes there were few choices or actions that one might have wished could have been done differently or so, but it’s all part of the learning curves in life. But what I don’t ever regret at any time is: Giving my life to Christ at an early age; answering the Call of God at an early age; getting married to my wife; serving in the US military and other such key choices in life; I don’t regret any of them.

*How do you handle critics?*

If they are constructive criticism, people that want you to do well or better and offer criticism in a way to help you do better and be better: I thank them, accept & evaluate the criticism; If I need to do something different or change something or so, wisdom demands that you do whatever that will help you become a better version of your tomorrow than you were today. But, if they are destructive criticism, people who just want to tear you down and don’t care about you or what you are doing: then I just ignore them, keep doing what am doing. But in some cases, your critics today may become your cheerleaders and fans tomorrow, so I try not to take most criticism so personal. Of course everyone won’t like you, love you or appreciate what you’re doing. So be at peace with that fact of life too!

*Should Christians actively engage in politics?*

Absolutely. Christians have a vital role to play in shaping the political landscape, bringing principles of integrity, justice, and compassion to governance. As stewards of society, our engagement in politics is both a responsibility and an opportunity to effect positive change.

*What’s your perspective on the current political climate?*

The current political climate underscores the urgency of our times, with global upheavals and conflicts signaling the need for steadfast leadership and spiritual discernment. As we navigate these turbulent waters, it’s imperative to uphold values of righteousness and perseverance.

*What do you think is the solution to the ravaging insecurities in the country?*

Bottom Line is that Nigeria needs to be restructured, period! All the issues the nation is facing or dealing with, (more especially insecurity) are only the symptoms, the root cause of Nigeria’s problem is foundational and structural. When you keep forcing strange bed mates to live together and they don’t want to, you’ve set the stage for whatever you get. If you are sick and you go to the hospital, a good doctor won’t just treat your symptoms, they’ll try to get to the root of the problem why you are having those symptoms, which is why they ask you to go do scan, MRI, various tests, etc; so that they can identify the root cause of the sickness and treat it from there, because if you get the root cause taken care of, the symptoms will easily be treated or taken care of. So most of what Nigeria’s political leadership have been doing over the past 63 years plus, since her independence, is treating the symptoms and hoping to cure the sickness. No it doesn’t work that way. To treat the root cause of Nigeria’s problem will require restructuring the country. Again, due to the failed structure, there are people who are benefiting from it the way it is now (even with all the insecurity) that will want things to remain the way they are now, as long as they are benefiting, they don’t care. Which is also part of the problem, people or politicians want what benefits them & not what’s best for everyone.

So when you restructure, then every region can develop at their pace, maximize their full potential, including potential for economic growth and industrialization, solve their problems in the context of what works for them and most of the criminal elements will either change and be engaged in something more productive or will have to face the full weight of the laws. Again even in being able to restructure, it’ll take a leadership that is visionary and selfless. And the question is, does Nigeria have such leaders now, I doubt it! But I pray am proven wrong!

*Where do you envision your ministry in the next 5 years?*

Looking ahead, I envision our ministry expanding its reach and impact across diverse platforms. From a thriving TV network and publication to impactful community initiatives, our goal is to touch lives and transform communities on a global scale.

*What message do you have for those who thought there is no hope from political leaders in the country?*

Actually, is there any hope from political leaders in the country? I doubt it! But in any case, I pray that the political leaders will at least for once, try to prove people wrong by doing the right things & putting policies in place that’ll benefit the people and that’ll move the nation forward. That they’ll serve selflessly and not be about themselves. And I pray that God will one day bless this nation with the right crop of selfless leaders who will be willing to go to any lengths to serve their people and improve their quality of life.

*What has life taught you over the years?*

Life has thought me that: PERSISTENCE WORKS! Whatever you do in life; Don’t Give Up! Don’t throw in the towel because IF you keep Persisting in the face of adversity, danger, failure, set back, criticism or persecution, soon your persistence will work for you, because I am a proof that PERSISTENCE WORKS!

Another thing that life taught me was when I completely went blind in my left eye for almost a year due to cataract. But I eventually had surgery to remove the cataract and regained my sight. That experience taught me how priceless being able to SEE could be. And I thought within myself, that had it been I didn’t have the means or finances to do the eye surgery, I would have remained completely blind in that eye. So that birthed a new project: Cataract Medical Mission, as part of our Persistence Works Charity Project. So now we help people who have cataract or now blind and don’t have the means to pay for the surgery, we help them to pay for cataract surgery or even for glaucoma surgery. And we’ve helped a couple of people so far and hope to do it on a more larger scale soon. So giving back when God has blessed you or shown you mercy is one thing life and God’s Word has taught me.

*“Bishop Paul N. Vincent’s journey exemplifies the power of faith, resilience, and visionary leadership. His unwavering dedication to service continues to inspire and uplift countless individuals worldwide.”*


The Chronicles of Bishop Paul N. Vincent: Unveiling a spectacular voyage from belief to Empowerment- An Epic Narrative of Endurance and Dedication*


Jamsalod Nigeria Limited Director, Engr. Jamiu Ogundele Honoured With Exemplary Leadership Awards



Jamsalod Nigeria Limited Director, Engr. Jamiu Ogundele Honoured With Exemplary Leadership Awards 

Jamsalod Nigeria Limited Director, Engr. Jamiu Ogundele Honoured With Exemplary Leadership Awards







Sahara Weekly Reports That The Managing Director of Jamsalod Nigeria Limited, Engineer Jamiu Ogundele has been awarded with exemplary leadership awards by Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta today 26th of July 2024.





Jamsalod Nigeria Limited Director, Engr. Jamiu Ogundele Honoured With Exemplary Leadership Awards 





According to Distinguish Senator Oluwashina Aramide Bello, he said Engineer Ongundele Jamiu was awarded based on his exemplary leadership acumen and philanthropy to the people at large.









The awards were presented on the 26th of July, 2024.









In his acceptance speech, Engr. Jamiu Ogundele appreciated the Students of Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta FUNAAB for deeming it necessary to bestow him with a leadership awards. He promise to continue rendering assistance to the less privileged and sponsorship of education for children and youths whose parents are not financially buoyant to send them to school.

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10 Advantages of Buying Off-Plan Property in Nigeria by Dennis Isong



10 Advantages of Buying Off-Plan Property in Nigeria by Dennis Isong 

10 Advantages of Buying Off-Plan Property in Nigeria by Dennis Isong







Have you ever thought about buying a house or apartment that hasn’t been built yet? This is called buying “off-plan” property. In Nigeria, more and more people are choosing this option when they want to own a home. Let’s explore 10 big advantages of buying off-plan property in Nigeria.




10 Advantages of Buying Off-Plan Property in Nigeria by Dennis Isong 



1. Lower Prices


One of the best things about buying off-plan is that it’s usually cheaper than buying a finished home. When you buy early in the building process, developers often offer lower prices to attract buyers. This is because they need money to start or continue building. By buying off-plan, you can get a great deal on a property that might cost much more once it’s finished.


For example, let’s say a developer is planning to build a block of apartments in Lagos. They might offer the first few buyers a 20% discount on the final price. This means you could save millions of Naira just by buying early!


2. More Time to Save Money


When you buy off-plan, you don’t have to pay for everything at once. Usually, you pay a deposit first, and then you make more payments as the building goes up. This gives you more time to save money or arrange a mortgage. It’s like having a savings plan that ends with you owning a home!


Let’s say the apartment you want costs 50 million Naira. You might pay a 10% deposit (5 million Naira) when you agree to buy it. Then, you could have 18 months or more to save up or arrange the rest of the money before the apartment is ready.


3. Customization Options


Another great thing about buying off-plan is that you often get to choose how your home looks inside. You might be able to pick the colors of the walls, the type of flooring, or even the layout of the rooms. This means your new home can be just the way you like it, without you having to do any extra work.


Imagine being able to choose between having a big kitchen or an extra bedroom. Or picking the perfect tiles for your bathroom. When you buy off-plan, you often get these choices!


4. Newer Designs and Technology


Off-plan properties are usually more modern than older homes. Developers use the latest building techniques and include new technologies. This could mean better insulation to keep your home cool, solar panels to save on electricity, or smart home features that make life easier.


For instance, your new off-plan apartment might come with high-speed internet already installed, or a modern security system to keep you safe.


5. Higher Potential for Increase in Value


Property values in Nigeria often go up over time, especially in big cities like Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt. When you buy off-plan, you’re locking in today’s price for a property that will be finished in the future. By the time your home is ready, it might already be worth more than what you paid for it!


Let’s say you buy an off-plan apartment in Abuja for 40 million Naira. Two years later, when it’s finished, similar apartments in the area might be selling for 50 million Naira. You’ve already gained 10 million Naira in value!


6. Better Locations


Developers often choose great locations for their new projects. They look for areas that are growing or improving, places close to important roads, schools, or shopping areas. By buying off-plan, you might get a chance to own property in an area that will become very popular in the future.


For example, a developer might start a project in an area of Lagos that’s getting a new train station. By the time your home is ready, you could be living in a well-connected, sought-after neighborhood.

7. Guaranteed New Home


When you buy off-plan, you know you’re getting a brand new home. Everything will be fresh and unused. This means you probably won’t have to spend money on repairs or renovations for a long time. New homes also often come with warranties, so if anything does go wrong, it can be fixed for free.


Imagine moving into a home where you’re the first person to use the kitchen, or sleep in the bedroom. Everything is clean, new, and working perfectly!

8. Easier Budgeting


Buying off-plan can make it easier to plan your finances. You know exactly how much you need to pay and when. This can help you avoid surprises and make sure you have enough money saved at the right times.


For instance, if you know you need to pay 20% when the foundation is laid, 30% when the walls are up, and the rest when it’s finished, you can plan your savings or loan payments to match these stages.

9. Potential for Better Deals


Developers want to sell their properties quickly, especially at the start of a project. This means they might offer special deals to early buyers. You could get extras included in the price, like air conditioning units, a parking space, or even furniture.


Some developers might even offer a guarantee to buy back the property at a higher price if you decide you don’t want it when it’s finished. This can give you peace of mind about your investment.


10. Excitement and Anticipation


Last but not least, buying off-plan can be really exciting! You get to watch your future home being built from the ground up. Each visit to the site shows more progress. It’s like watching a dream come true in front of your eyes.


This excitement can make the waiting time feel special, rather than frustrating. You have time to plan how you’ll decorate, or to save up for furniture. By the time you move in, you’ll already feel a strong connection to your new home.



Dennis Isong is a TOP REALTOR IN LAGOS.He Helps Nigerians in Diaspora to Own Property In Lagos Nigeria STRESS-FREE. For Questions WhatsApp/Call 2348164741041



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Sahara Weekly Reports That The Abdul Samad Rabiu Africa Initiative (ASR Africa), the philanthropic initiative of the Chairman of BUA Group, Abdul Samad Rabiu (CFR, CON), has flagged off the construction of a N280 million Abdul Samad Rabiu Integrated Publishing House for Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State. This project will enhance the capacity of the University from basic press status to a modern, integrated publishing house to encompass publishing, print production, and other related diversified services. The one-storey building facility will serve as a laboratory and studio for training students of communications, media studies, and allied disciplines as well as other disciplines.









At the groundbreaking event, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Ademola S. Tayo, expressed satisfaction at the nomination by ASR Africa, under its Tertiary Education Grant Scheme. He added that the choice of the project was a response to the vision to take the Mass Communications Department of the University to a whole new level. According to him, the university’s vision is to produce young men and women capable of critical thinking, and problem-solvers capable of proffering innovative solutions to problems of everyday life, be it social, political, and cultural.













In his response, Dr. Ubon Udoh, the Managing Director of ASR Africa, expressed his delight at the University’s choice of establishing an Integrated Publishing House. He added that when information is appropriately applied, human society is empowered to liberate itself from limitations and attain its full potential. Dr Udoh reiterated the commitment of the Chairman of ASR Africa, Abdul Samad Rabiu to supporting quality education within the tertiary education system in Nigeria and urged the institution to focus on the sustainability of this noble project. He also reiterated the importance of cooperation and collaboration between the university and the contractor for the timely delivery of the publishing house.










About ASR Africa

ASR Africa is the brainchild of African Industrialist, Philanthropist, and Chairman of BUA Group, Abdul Samad Rabiu, the Abdul Samad Rabiu Africa Initiative (ASR Africa) was established in 2021 to provide sustainable, impact-based, homegrown solutions to developmental issues affecting Health, Education and Social Development within Africa.


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