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44 Biafra Protesters Have Been Arrested- Police




Police Commissioner, Rivers State commander, Musa Kimo has said that no fewer than 44 members of the so called Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) were arrested during the November 10, 2015 Pro-Biafra protest in Port Harcourt, the state capital and its environs.
The police chief also denied media reports that the recent protest by IPOB members in the state led to the death of some of the protesters.
CP Kimo, who spoke when he led some senior officers of the State Police Command on a courtesy call to the paramount ruler of Port Harcourt, Eze Victor Nnanna Woluchem, at his palace, said those arrested during the protest have already been charged to court and remanded in prison.
He said, “It may interest you to note that sometime when they (pro – Biafra protesters) came up, some arrests were made, investigations were conducted and they were prosecuted. As I speak to you, 44 of them are in prison custody.”
The police commissioner warned against all forms of protests in the state, pointing out that anyone caught will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the country.
Kimo said, “So, we are on our toes and we are poised to ensure that we checkmate activities of antisocial elements in any disguise.
I want to assure you the good people of Rivers State to continue to go about their lawful businesses as adequate security measures are already in place to protect lives and property.”
Responding, Eze Victor Woluchem commended police for improvement in the area of crime prevention.
He condemned the pro–Biafra protesters for bringing their protests to Rivers State.

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Taraba State Governor, Agbu Kefas’ Silent Climate and Agricultural Revolution: A Beacon of Hope





A transformative movement is underway in Taraba State, driven by Governor Agbu Kefas’ visionary 10 million economic tree planting program. This initiative is revolutionizing the mindset of rural farmers, who previously relied on low-yielding crops like rice, yam, and cassava. By introducing high-yielding Malaysian palm seedlings and other assorted economic trees, the program aims to boost agriculture, combat climate change, and alleviate rural poverty.


The sheer scale of the program is massive and impressive, with vast nurseries centres as far as the eye can see sprouting across the state, including USSA, TAKUM, DONGA, IBI, WUKARI, KURMI, BALI, GASHAKA, and SARDAUNA. International recognition has followed as  the governor was among others invited recently to New York for a conference on global warming and importance of tree planting.  A recent international newspaper editorial highlighted Taraba State’s outstanding approach in Nigeria and especially the entire northern region.


If sustained, this program could reduce poverty by half and significantly improve the state’s GDP growth rate. It’s a welcome departure from the usual cash handouts, which often exacerbate dependency. Instead, Governor Agbu Kefas is empowering farmers with a sustainable livelihood, fostering economic growth, and writing a new chapter in Taraba State’s development story.


We commend Governor Agbu Kefas for his innovative leadership and commitment to transforming Taraba State. May this silent revolution inspire other states to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of progress across Nigeria.


Economic trees play a vital role in addressing  pressing global issues:


*Climate Change*:

– Absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, mitigating the effects of climate change.

– Help maintain soil quality, preventing erosion and landslides.

– Provide shade, reducing the urban heat island effect.

Poverty Reduction:

– Generate income opportunities for rural communities through sustainable forest management.

– Provide raw materials for local industries, promoting economic growth.

– Enhance food security by offering fruits, nuts, and other edible products.


In Taraba State, the economic tree planting program is a strategic move to:


Combat Climate Change: By planting millions of trees, the state is reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to global efforts against climate change.

Reduce Poverty: By empowering rural farmers with high-yielding crops, the program is increasing income opportunities, improving livelihoods, and reducing poverty.


The economic tree planting program is a win-win strategy for Taraba State, addressing both climate change and poverty reduction while promoting sustainable development.


The economic tree planting program in Taraba State has not only environmental and economic benefits but also social benefits, such as:


– Job creation: Employing 700 workers across various nursery centers, contributing to reduced unemployment and improved livelihoods.

– Skill development: Workers are acquiring skills in nursery management, planting, and maintenance.

– Community engagement: Local communities are involved in the project, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

– Economic stimulus: The project is injecting income into the local economy, boosting economic activity and growth.


This project is a testament to the potential of sustainable development initiatives to drive positive change and improve the lives of communities. Kudos to the Taraba State government and all stakeholders involved!


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Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy Fulfilled As Kenyans Protest Against President Ruto Over Finance Bill



Niger: One Week After Primate Ayodele’s Warnings, Bandits Attack Nigerian Soldiers (VIDEO)

Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy Fulfilled As Kenyans Protest Against President Ruto Over Finance Bill











Sahara Weekly Reports That There is currently a protest going on against the President of Kenya, Samuel Ruto following some of his policies which includes the finance bill that was recently approved by the Kenya Kwanza government.





Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy Fulfilled As Kenyans Protest Against President Ruto Over Finance Bill







Citizens of the country took to the street earlier this morning to protest against it as they made it known that the bill would add to their taxes and make the economy of the country more difficult for ordinary citizens to thrive in.












The protest at some point led to violence as police arrested some protesters, shot tear gas at them and as we speak, about 200 protesters are in police custody following their protest.













No doubt, this development has fulfilled one of the prophecies Nigerian prophet, Primate Elijah Ayodele gave regarding President Ruto’s government in January. The prophet who foretold Ruto’s victory in the 2022 presidential election warned earlier this year that the president would come up with some economic policies that would be alarming.















In the prophecy which was published by notable newspapers including, Primate Ayodele mentioned that the efforts of Ruto to make Kenya better will not be appreciated and that oppositions would come strongly against him.












These were his words:


‘’Kenya: The country should pray not to see an assassination or removal of a governor. The country’s economic policy will be alarming. Ruto will come up with different policies to see that Kenya gets better but he won’t be appreciated. Oppositions will come out strongly against him. All the efforts of Ruto to make Kenya better will be faced with challenges. The president needs to look after his health. The foreign exchange will not be too good, and Kenya must change its economic policies. I see the country getting it wrong in diplomatic policies. The president must pray not to lose any minister.’’







The current development in Kenya has fulfilled one of the six prophetic warnings to the president in 2024.

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Hon Juwon Olorunnipa Preaches Sacrifice, Peace At Eid-El-Kabir




The special adviser to Kogi governor on arts and culture, Honourable Juwon Olorunnipa AKA Jumabee has urged Muslim faithfuls to sacrifice and sue for peace as they celebrate 2024 Eid-El-Kabir.

Jumabee, in a statement he personally signed noted that the significance of Eid-el-Kabir is giving sacrifice for the nation and mankind therefore, Muslims should imbibe peaceful and sacrificial nature as modeled by Almighty Allah.

Jumabee also encouraged them to continue to pray for the peace of Nigeria whenever they gather because the nation is their treasure.

Read statement below

I felicitate with my Muslim brothers and sisters on this momentous celebration of Eid-El-Kabir.

We bless Almighty Allah for the preservation of our souls and for making us to see another Eid celebration in peace.

As you celebrate, I want to urge us to remember our dear Nation in our prayers and supplications to Almighty Allah. Our nation is our treasure, Let’s continue to offer our prayers for the leadership of this nation.

As we know that Islam is a religion of peace, I want us to imbibe peaceful character as we celebrate Eid-El-Kabir. We are representatives of Allah, let’s continue to remain peaceful in all of our dealings.

Beyond the celebrations, let’s learn to sacrifice for the nation and people around us as Eid-El-kabir connotes.

May Almighty Allah continue to bless us.

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