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Bichi: Celebrating a Champion of Probity By Okanga Agila



Bichi: Celebrating a Champion of Probity

By Okanga Agila



The 10th National Assembly will be etched in the annals of Nigeria’s legislative history as a paradigm of transparency, inclusivity, and fiscal responsibility, and Hon. Kabir Bichi’s stewardship as the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations was the linchpin of this transformative era. His visionary leadership was instrumental in effecting a paradigm shift in the budgetary process, cultivating a culture of public engagement in legislative affairs, and fostering an unprecedented level of accountability and transparency.

Throughout his tenure, Hon. Bichi demonstrated a great commitment to his dual roles as Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations and representative of the good people of Bichi Federal Constituency. His dedication to the welfare of his constituents and his unflinching resolve to ensure that the legislative process was transparent, inclusive, and fiscally responsible have been truly exemplary, leaving an indelible mark on the legislative landscape of Nigeria.

The tenure of Hon. Bichi as the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations has fortuitously coincided with a burgeoning national clamour for fiscal responsibility and accountability. Under his visionary stewardship, the Committee has pioneered innovative strategies to ensure that funds are judiciously channelled towards projects that tangibly impact the nation’s development and progress.

Notably, Bichi and his team have successfully implemented a cutting-edge system that leverages the power of technology and data analytics to optimize resource allocation, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of budgetary implementations. This revolutionary approach has departed from the erstwhile opaque and corrupt practices that often shrouded budgetary allocations in secrecy.

One of Bichi’s most significant achievements has been his unwavering commitment to transparency, which has been manifest in the Committee’s encouragement of public debate, inputs, and suggestions on budget proposals. This has entailed a significant increase in public hearings, detailed breakdowns of budgetary allocations, and the utilization of online platforms for public engagement, thereby fostering a more inclusive and participatory budgetary process.

This groundbreaking achievement has had a profound impact on the perception of Nigerians regarding the legislative process, instilling a renewed sense of trust and confidence in the ability of the National Assembly to effectively and responsibly manage the nation’s resources.

Hon. Bichi’s commitment to transparency transcends mere rhetoric, as he has actively cultivated a culture of accountability within the committee. Media reports attest to his unwavering insistence on robust justifications for budgetary requests, ensuring that every allocation serves a legitimate purpose and delivers tangible value for taxpayer money.

This heightened scrutiny has undoubtedly served as a deterrent against profligate spending, promoting a more efficient and responsible approach to national budgeting. Hon. Bichi’s effectiveness extends far beyond the confines of the appropriations committee, as he has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to serving the needs of his constituents in Bichi.

Despite the demanding task of chairing the Appropriations Committee, Bichi has struck a balance between his national responsibilities and his dedication to his constituents, ever available to listen to their concerns and working tirelessly to ensure their needs are reflected in the national budget.

Bichi’s dedication transcends mere funding allocation; he actively engages with his constituents, ensuring their voices are heard and their priorities are reflected in his actions. Town hall meetings and community outreach programs are integral to his approach, fostering a strong sense of trust and accountability between the representative and the people he serves.

This commitment to open communication has created a symbiotic relationship between Hon. Bichi and his constituents, ensuring that their needs are perpetually at the forefront of his legislative endeavours. The capacity to navigate the demands of national representation while remaining rooted in local service is a distinguishing characteristic of a truly exceptional leader, and Rep. Bichi has demonstrated a mastery of this delicate balance.

His national role as Chairman of the Appropriations Committee allows him to shape national spending priorities, thereby ensuring that critical resources are allocated to projects that benefit the entire country, including his constituency. Concurrently, his firm commitment to Bichi ensures that his constituency reaps the benefits of his national influence, as he secures targeted funding for local projects and remains accessible to his constituents, epitomizing the true essence of representative democracy.

Hon. Bichi’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, as various groups and organizations have lauded his dexterity, legislative acumen, and commitment to excellence. The passage of the people-oriented 2023 supplementary budget, which was subject to public participation and debate, is a testament to his leadership prowess.

News reports have highlighted his tireless efforts in securing critical infrastructure projects for the constituency, including improvements to road networks and educational facilities, investments in healthcare and agricultural development, and numerous other initiatives that have tangibly impacted the lives of his constituents.

The tenure of Hon. Bichi in the 10th National Assembly serves as a paradigmatic model of responsible and effective leadership, providing a benchmark for his colleagues to emulate. His unwavering commitment to transparency in national budgeting and his dedication to serving the needs of his constituents have set a lofty standard for leadership in Nigeria.

As Nigerians gaze towards the future, Hon. Bichi’s exemplary leadership provides a compelling vision for the type of leadership the nation requires: leaders who are both fiscally responsible and deeply invested in the well-being of their constituents. Leaders who are dedicated to selfless service, prioritizing the growth and development of their country. Leaders who will courageously defy all obstacles to ensure that democracy continues to flourish, anchored on the principles of transparency and accountability.

In conclusion, Hon. Kabir Bichi’s tenure as the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations in the 10th National Assembly was distinguished by numerous significant achievements. His leadership was characterized by an unbeatable level of commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and fiscal responsibility, serving as a beacon for responsible governance in Nigeria.

As we evaluate the remarkable efforts of this distinguished parliamentarian, we can only hope that future leaders will draw inspiration from his exemplary leadership and continue to build upon his enduring legacy. It shall be etched in the annals of the green chamber for generations to come that a remarkable parliamentarian once graced these hallowed halls, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of the people he served with unwavering dedication, integrity, and distinction.

The legacy of this extraordinary leader shall forever be remembered.

*Okanga writes from Abuja.

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Why Governor Ademola Adeleke Should Listen To Primate Elijah Ayodele Before It’s Too Late By Lukmon Akintola



Primate Ayodele Becomes The Most-Sought After Prophet In Togo* By Serge Ayao, Lome

Why Governor Ademola Adeleke Should Listen To Primate Elijah Ayodele Before It’s Too Late

By Lukmon Akintola



One thing that is consistent with the prophetic ministry of Primate Babatunde Elijah Ayodele is that his prophecies often come to pass.

And when his prophecies fail to come to pass, the man of God is happy, especially when it has to do with those that are tagged ‘Bad Prophecies ‘. This is because those who would have suffered the effect  of the negative prophecies would no longer have to worry about such a plight.

Over the years, politicians, public servants and even high-placed personalities have all confirmed the accuracy of the man of God’s prophecy. Indeed, one of the biggest pains of the recently deceased President of Iran, Ebrahim Raisil might be that he never had an encounter with Primate Ayodele or saw a video published on 5th of November 2023, where Primate Ayodele stated that the world would lose a prominent president in 2024. Had Raisil seen the video, maybe he would have been alive today.

Although the message was there for all, Raisil never saw it. Whatever the reason might be, he is now dead, and nothing can be done about it.

The Iranian President, 63, the country’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, the governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province, and other officials including bodyguards, were found dead at the site of a helicopter crash after hours of searching through a foggy, mountainous region of the country’s northwest, state-run IRNA news agency reported.

However, Raisil is not in isolation regarding those who have not listened to Primate Ayodele’s prophecies and have had to regret it.

During an interview session captured on video in 2023, Primate Ayodele was heard saying Godwin Emefiele the then Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) would be faced with so many troubles as he foresaw his arrest. He also made it known that Emefiele would be embarrassed unless he seeks the face of God.

Just like the prophecy said, Emefiele is currently facing multiple suits in court with his bail money estimated at several millions of Naira.

Only days back, he forfeited properties worth 12.18 billion to the federal government. The properties included one valued at N11,140,000,000.00. $1.4m alleged to be proceed of bribe was also forfeited. Other forfeitures include a $4.7m mansion and another estimated at N800m.

Also, Primate Ayodele called for prayers against ailment among sitting governors in the country. He warned that he foresaw a sitting governor falling ill while in office.

The call was made in his annual book of prophecy titled ‘Warnings To The Nations’ released in July 2022.

Like he prophesied, the governor of Ondo State, late Rotimi Akeredolu was subsequently announced to be battling health challenges that eventually cost him his life.

On 27 December 2023, Akeredolu died at the age of 67. He died at a German hospital where he was receiving treatment for leukaemia and prostate cancer.

It is the fulfilment of these prophesies and many more that has seen many urging Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State to listen to the warnings of the prophet before his prophecy comes to pass.

In the 2023/2024 edition of Warnings To The Nations, Primate Ayodele while prophesying and referring to Osun State said, “The governor will build the state to a level, but must be careful against serious crisis.”

The man of God also noted that the state needed a lot of prayers to survive against attacks.

“The state must be vigilant in terms of security and people who are out to cause ethnic crisis. Despite the governor’s efforts, some people want to bring him down. The governor must be careful of political differences with party chieftains. The state will perform well, but the governor must be careful because they will turn against all of his efforts.

“Let’s rebuke crisis among the transport unions. The governor must watch against unexpected shootings and herdsmen attack.”

Primate Ayodele also mentioned areas such as Olaoluwa, Ila, Ejigbo, Ede North, Boripe, Boluwaduro, and Aiyedire as places where the governor should watch to ensure that they don’t become a breeding ground for miscreants, adding that crisis might erupt from local governments in the state including Boripe, Egbedore, Ejigbo, Ife East, Ife North, Ife West, Aiyedire, Atakunmosa East, Atakunmosa West among others.

Since Primate Ayodele’s prophecy, there have been one crisis or the other in Osun State including a land-related communal face-off between indigene of Ifon-Osun and Ilobu communities that led to the burning of several houses and the killing of a commercial motorcyclist.

However, amidst this budding issues and the recent celebration of the governor as Vanguard Governor of the Year, is the warning from Primate Ayodele, even as observers continue to pray that nothing untoward happen during Adeleke’s watch in Osun State.

Lukmon Akintola, is an award-winning journalist, pubic speaker and author.

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Appraising Hon. Leke Abejide and His Legislative Usefulness* By Goodluck Olorunfemi



*Appraising Hon. Leke Abejide and His Legislative Usefulness*

By Goodluck Olorunfemi


In the complex and dynamic landscape of Nigerian politics, few individuals have made a profound impact and exhibited transformative leadership like Hon. Leke Abejide, the distinguished representative of the Yagba East/West/Mopamuro constituency in the 10th National Assembly.

A retrospective analysis of his journey to the 9th Assembly reveals a remarkable display of courage and dedication, as he chose to affiliate with the African Democratic Congress (ADC), a relatively obscure political party at the time. This bold decision underscored his unwavering commitment to serving his constituents, despite formidable political odds.

Abejide’s path to the green chamber was fraught with challenges, as he faced stiff competition from two dominant political parties, the PDP and APC. Nevertheless, driven by the dire socioeconomic circumstances prevalent in Yagbaland, he remained resolute in his pursuit, aligning himself with the ADC to amplify the voices, concerns, and aspirations of his people in the legislative chamber.

Since his inaugural day in parliament, Hon. Abejide has demonstrated great dedication to serving Yagbaland and Okunland with remarkable vigour and diligence. His multifaceted contributions have encompassed various infrastructure development projects, including road rehabilitation, bridge construction, and potable water provision. He gifted Toyota Highlander SUVs to 53 First Class, Second Class, and Third Class graded Kings across Yagba Federal Constituency in December 2022. That same year, he oversaw the extension of WAEC payment to his Constituency.

In the last five years, he has also provided food items and print wax of 6 yards each to 8,867 widows through his Leke Abejide Foundation, a non-partisan and non-governmental organization dedicated to supporting the less privileged in his community. Furthermore, he built and equipped a 350-seater capacity CBT center in Isanlu, Yagba East LGA, opened up 18 rural roads for access to farms, built a Police Station in Alu, his hometown, and donated it to the NPF, and purchased a Hilux van for the Police in the Station.

Abejide’s commitment to youth development is evident in his mega empowerment program, which has distributed over 100 vehicles to empower youths, 600 grading machines, 750 sewing machines, 120 motorcycles, 400 water pumps, 450 2.5KVA generators, clippers, hair dryers, electrical and mechanical tools, 110 tricycles, 50 units of load carrier tricycles, rice, beans, and more. He has also consistently supported initiatives aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity, empowering farmers through resource donations, and contributing significantly to food security in his constituency.

As the Chairman of a fundraising initiative for the development of an Okun Unity House, located in Kabba, the traditional headquarters of Okunland, Abejide made a substantial initial donation of N20 million to the project, exemplifying his commitment to the unity and advancement of his people. His emphasis on teamwork and his assertion that Okunland deserves a central sociocultural hub underscore his visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to the betterment of his constituents.

Beyond his numerous accomplishments, Hon. Abejide has demonstrated exemplary leadership in lawmaking, representation, and oversight, leaving an indelible mark on the legislative landscape. He has championed and sponsored a plethora of bills and initiatives crafted to address the nation’s most pressing concerns, showcasing his unwavering commitment to Nigeria’s betterment.

Hon. Abejide served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Customs and Excise in the 9th Assembly for over three years and also as the Chairman of the Technical Committee where he distinguished himself as a man of integrity, accountability and transparency with the interest of Nigerians at heart. He has consistently exhibited an unshakeable dedication to national development, tirelessly championing progressive legislation with far-reaching implications for the nation’s growth and prosperity. Moreover, he has been at the forefront of oversight activities, zealously ensuring accountability and transparency in government agencies, thereby promoting good governance and scrutiny.

Abejide has continued to head the House Committee on Customs in the 10th Assembly. No surprise. One of his most notable achievements is his sponsorship of the Nigeria Customs and Excise Management Amendment Bill, a landmark legislation aimed at modernizing the country’s customs and excise policies. During a persuasive debate on the House floor, Abejide eloquently argued for the urgent need to overhaul the outdated Customs and Excise legislation, which had remained unchanged since 1958.

In the realm of education and job creation, Hon. Abejide has created numerous job opportunities for the people, contributing significantly to the economic development of the area. His contributions to parliamentary debates reflect a deep-seated commitment to advancing the collective interests of Nigerians, transcending partisan divides and demonstrating his unwavering dedication to the nation’s betterment.

Hon. Abejide’s recent venture into sub-national politics, wherein he contested the governorship of Kogi State under the African Democratic Congress (ADC), exemplified his unwavering commitment to principled governance. Shunning divisive tactics and partisan rhetoric, he instead focused on substantive policy issues, presenting pragmatic solutions to the myriad challenges confronting the state.

Although the outcome of the gubernatorial election did not favour him, Abejide’s dignified campaign underscored his stature as a new-breed politician, driven by an unshakeable desire to serve the people, rather than personal aggrandizement. His ability to navigate complex political landscapes with integrity, grace, and unwavering dedication has earned him widespread admiration across the political spectrum.

His steadfast commitment to addressing the concerns of his constituents, amplifying their voices within the legislative framework, and championing their causes with unbridled passion has positioned him as a formidable ally of the people. By actively engaging with the community, understanding their challenges, and championing their causes within the hallowed halls of parliament, he has emerged as a beacon of hope for those he represents, exemplifying the true essence of representative democracy.

His recent video, in which he raised a point of order, further reinforced his reputation as a genuine political activist and a trailblazing parliamentarian from the North Central region, driven by a passion for service rather than personal financial gain. Hon. Abejide Leke has embodied the quintessence of representative governance, tirelessly striving to address the diverse needs of his constituents with unwavering dedication, unrelenting passion, and visionary leadership.

His impressive achievements serve as a testament to his unshakeable commitment, indefatigable work ethic, and selfless devotion to the betterment of his constituents and the nation at large. His exemplary dedication, perseverance, and allegiance to the people he serves are truly commendable and deserving of accolades. As a genuine political activist and parliamentarian, Abejide is charting a remarkable trajectory, leaving an indelible imprint on Nigeria’s legislative landscape.

Hon. Abejide’s enduring legacy will undoubtedly inspire and motivate future generations of leaders and citizens alike, serving as a beacon of hope and a shining example of effective governance. Through his remarkable stewardship, he continues to redefine the boundaries of representative excellence, cementing his status as a trailblazer in Nigeria’s political annals.

*Olorunfemi writes from Kabba

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Appraising Senator Salihu Mustapha’s Legislative Usefulness* By Ibrahim Isa



*Appraising Senator Salihu Mustapha’s Legislative Usefulness*

By Ibrahim Isa



Senator Salihu Mustapha has left an indelible mark on Nigeria’s legislative landscape through his unwavering commitment to fostering development, empowerment, and progress. Throughout his tenure as a parliamentarian, he has demonstrated an unrelenting passion for addressing the challenges facing the nation and improving the lives of Nigerians.

As a dedicated legislator, he has made substantial contributions to the National Assembly, consistently engaging in debates and discussions with insightful perspectives on a wide range of issues. His expertise and knowledge have been instrumental in shaping policy and legislation, and his ability to transcend party lines has facilitated consensus-building and progress.

Senator Mustapha’s legislative agenda is underpinned by a focus on human capital development, infrastructure improvements, and empowering women and youth. He has sponsored several impactful bills aimed at addressing key issues affecting his constituents and the nation at large. These bills include the Electronic Transaction Bill, National Food Reserve Agency (Establishment) Bill and Donkey Slaughter Regulation & Export Certificate Bill.

Others are the National Agricultural Land Development Authority (Amendment) Bill, Cassava Flour (Mandatory Inclusion into Flour Production) Bill, Integrated Rural Development Agency (Establishment) Bill, Nigerian Economic Diversification Bill, and Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria Act (Amendment) Bill. The last bill on the amendment of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (Act) lays the foundation for establishing the Federal College of Agriculture, Oke-Oyi.

Through his tireless efforts, Senator Mustapha has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the betterment of Nigeria and its people. He has facilitated various projects aimed at improving education, healthcare, and social services in Kwara Central Senatorial District. These projects include the reconstruction of a one-kilometer asphaltic road, installation of solar-powered motorized boreholes and street lights, construction and furnishing of classrooms, and provision of employment opportunities for indigenes of his Senatorial District.

Senator Mustapha’s dedication to empowering women and youth is commendable. He has organised training workshops, sponsored examination fees for students, and provided fertilizer and pumping machines to smallholder farmers. His commitment to agricultural productivity and rural development has empowered farmers to enhance food production and improve their livelihoods.

He has also facilitated employment opportunities for numerous indigenes of his Senatorial District in Federal Government Agencies, Departments, and Parastatals, as well as military and Para-Military Agencies. This has not only provided a stable source of income for these individuals but also contributed meaningfully to the overall development of the Senatorial District, thereby leaving a lasting impact on the lives of his constituents.

Additionally, he generously sponsored 2,000 applicants for the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), 250 applicants for the 2024 National Examination Council (NECO), and 250 applicants for the West African Examination Council (WAEC).  These initiatives have significantly alleviated the financial burden on families, encouraged educational pursuits, and further underscored his dedication to human capital development.

As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agricultural Production Services and Rural Development, Senator Mustapha has demonstrated his steadfast commitment to bolstering agricultural productivity and rural development. He has implemented a commendable initiative, providing 3,500 tons of fertilizer and 1,000 pumping machines to smallholder farmers across the four local government areas of Kwara Central Senatorial District. This laudable project empowers the farmers in his senatorial district to surmount challenges in food production, enhance the quantity and quality of farm produce, and ultimately contribute to the betterment of their lives.

Beyond his legislative endeavours, Senator Mustapha has emerged as a vocal and influential voice on national issues, offering insightful perspectives and solutions on pressing topics such as security, economy, and governance. His exceptional ability to articulate the concerns of his constituents and the nation at large has earned him widespread respect and admiration.

Senator Salihu Mustapha’s legislative usefulness is evident in his impressive track record, profound impact on his constituents, and significant contributions to the national question. His unwavering focus on human capital development, infrastructure improvements, and empowering women and youth has substantially improved the lives of his constituents and contributed meaningfully to the overall development and progress of the nation. His leadership, expertise, and vision will be crucial in shaping Nigeria’s future and fostering a brighter tomorrow.

Isa wrote this piece from Unilorin, Kwara State.

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