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Community drags Edo Govt To ECOWAS Court Over Alleged Land Grabbing
Citing security concerns arising from the proclamation by the Federal Ministry of mines that illegal mining activities are being carried out at the contentious Obu mines in Okpella, Edo state, the Governor, Godwin Obaseki yesterday shut down the mines until further notice.
The governor said the decision was taken in the interest of peace and tranquility, pointing out that flouting of his order will be met with wrath of the state government.
Consequently, the governor directed the state police Commissioner and the Army Brigade Commander in the state to halt further operations at the Obu mines with immediate effect.
It would be recalled that the ownership of the mines has been a subject of dispute between the Africa’s leading Cement manufacturers, Dangote Cement Plc and Bua Cement, which the Federal Ministry of Mines had asked to vacate the mines because it was an exploiting limestones in the area illegally.
Obaseki made the announcement while receiving in his office Community heads and Chiefs of Ukhomunyio Okpella, whose community is hosting the disputed mines and had come to express reservation at the alleged use of youths as militia to enforce perceived rights to ownership of the mines and thus creating security threat to the peace of the people.
The governor described Okpella as the mineral gem of Edo state and as such mineral resources ought to be a blessing to the people of the state “but regrettably, the situation on ground has degenerated to a security threat and therefore there is the need to nip it in the bud.
“The Federal Ministry of Mines which has authority over the mines has proclaimed that what we have there now is illegal mining and we don’t want break down of law and order. The situation has degenerated badly.
“Those of you were concerned have moved and tried to resolve the matter, we lost two of the people on the road to Benin while on the trouble shooting mission to Benin.  We had a meeting in Abuja two weeks ago and we analysed the Obu mines issue.
“Two people cant lay claim to one asset, until the court decides the ownership or the federal supervising agency, the Ministry of Mines says otherwise, I am closing down that Obu mines with immediate effect . because we believe there is globally acceptable way of determining ownership in a contentious matter as this without recourse to self help”
The governor noted that mines is on the exclusive list of the federal government and the ministry said there is illegal mining going on there, “from today there will be no further mining operations in Obu”
The Okpela Chiefs applauded the government decision and declared their loyalty to the state government saying the decision will bring relief to the people who have been living under fear.
Earlier, spokesman of the Okpella Chiefs, Chief Moshood Aliu told the governor that they were in his office to declared their support for the state government’s effort at industrializing the state and for him to intervene in the dispute between Dangote Cement and Bua.
The Community heads disclosed that the youths of the Community are being incited against one another in a bid to enforce perceived right to ownership of the mines, a situation he said generated tension in the area.
Chief Moshood explained that while the location of the mines is  not in dispute, what is being disputed is the ownership, Obu mines was in the then Mid West, later Bendel and now Edo state. We are the occupier of the area and we don’t want trouble, the unilateralism and use of youths as militia to enforce ownership right is condemnable.  

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“The Secret Of My Success As Classic Queen International’s Top Model”- Racheal George



“The Secret Of My Success As Classic Queen International’s Top Model”- Racheal George









Sahara Weekly Reports That Delectable Racheal George believes the future holds out for those who believe in the future of their dreams. She dared to pursue her dream as a beauty queen in Classic queen International pageantry where she emerged 2nd runner up. In this exclusive interview, she opened up on her life, success story, and future plans…






“The Secret Of My Success As Classic Queen International’s Top Model”- Racheal George




Can you tell me about yourself and your background?









My name is Racheal George, I’m 27 years old and I’m a graduate of Crawford university, I studied political science and international relations, and I served in 2018//2019.



“The Secret Of My Success As Classic Queen International’s Top Model”- Racheal George



I own a logistics business and I decided to go into pageantry. My first pageant was CQI and I came out 2nd runner-up.










Can you tell us how your journey into pageantry started?






How my journey into pageantry started is quite interesting, I usually follow pageantry like Miss World, and Miss Universe on television. So I loved it and I Normally tell myself I will go for this someday. I have never done pageantry before but I just knew that I love watching pageantry and I do tell myself I will go into something like this one day. So this year 2022, someone told me about a pageant called CQI. I said to myself that I was going to give it a try then that was how I went for the CQI competition because It is something I have always wanted to do, I gave my best in the camp and I was open to learning and I was always giving it my best during the rehearsal. I gave it my best at the finals and although it was something I wanted to give a try to know if I’m capable. So I did. Although it was not an easy journey, I put in a lot of hard work and was happy it ended well. I came out 2nd runner-up as CQI’s top model and I was grateful because I decided to give it a try, it was a success.






How did you feel emerging classic Queen?




I felt really good knowing I gave it a try and also put in my best and it ended well






What stands you out among others?




I will say my personality because I wasn’t the best at camp but I know I comported myself and was humble because I believe that as a beauty Queen, you should portray a good character so others can follow.








\What is your source of inspiration?






My source of inspiration is when I see young people who are successful at what they do and I tell myself that one day I will become one of the most successful people in the world and be the best at what I do.








What are the challenges and how did you overcome them?






My challenges back then were that I’m a shy person and I do normally have stage fright and I’m not really outspoken but going for this competition has helped me build myself to what I’m now, I can boldly say I can talk confidently now and I’m no longer shy and I’m able to interact with people.










What’s the pet project you plan to work on as Classic Queen Top Model?








As Classic Queen’s top model, the pet project I plan to work on is helping the less privileged because while growing up, I have been passionate about helping the less privileged by giving to the poor and making sure they have a roof under their head and donating to orphanage home is what I plan to do as my pet project.











What’s the secret of your success?







The secret of my success is putting in hardwork in whatever I’m doing and I’m always open to learning.









Who is your mentor or role model in pageantry










My role model in pageantry is Queen Tosin Adeduro. I have been watching her since she went for miss tourism Nigeria and she became the winner. She is representing Nigeria in miss tourism world 2020 and she came out 4th runner up. All I can see is dream comes true if you believe you can do it.

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From left, Dr. Babatunde S. Asenuga, Faculty Member, Dr. Adaobi Ariguzo the Program Director and Dr. Humphrey Akanazu, Country Director Rome Business School Nigeria.

Rome Business School (RBS) has engaged Dr Babatunde Asenuga as a faculty member in its Nigeria study Centre. This was announced by the Country Director Rome Business School Nigeria, Dr. Humphrey Akanazu on a press release. Rome Business School is an international managerial training and research institute of excellence with a target to develop strategic entrepreneurs, managers and professionals with a high level of excellence, competence and ethical approach to business and work in over 140 countries, Nigeria inclusive. Dr Babatunde Asenuga who is the National Coordinator, Society of Educational Administrators of Nigeria was engaged to further enhance strategic knowledge transfer goal of the business school towards developing professionals that will be globally accepted for different management positions. The highest levels of educational quality possessed by different faculty members will meet the scrupulous attention of the student’s needs in the business school.

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…Marks Children’s Day With Special Evening Of Arts


Lagos State Governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode on Sunday evening acknowledged the efforts of exceptionally talented children and youths in contributing to the excellence which the State is known for, saying they deserved to be commended and celebrated.


Speaking at a Special Evening of Arts held at Lagos House in Alausa, Ikeja to celebrate Children’s Day, Lagos at 51 and the third anniversary of his administration, Governor Ambode said it was gratifying that the frontline position of Lagos in the area of performing arts was now globally acknowledged, and attributed the recognition to the young ones who are doing the State proud with their talents. 


Describing children in the State as the most cherished assets of his administration, the Governor said any nation desirous of realizing its full potential could not afford to toy with its youth, which according to him, was why deliberate policies were put in place to support them to use their talents for the benefit of the State.


“No nation achieves its full potential without the human capital that the children and youth represent. Our State as you know has the largest concentration of such beautiful, brilliant set of children and youths anywhere in the black world. Whether in education, in innovations, arts and literature or in sports, Lagos excels because of the exceptional talents of our young ones.


“This is why we have chosen to specially celebrate them this evening with one of the gifts that the world now acknowledges the frontline position of our State – performing arts. This of course is in line with our promise to make Tourism, Hospitality, Entertainment and the Arts together with Sports the centrepiece of our development agenda for the youths in our State,” Governor Ambode said.


He said it was satisfying that the critical stakeholders in the sector appreciated the efforts being made by his administration to nurture and grow the performing arts industry, just as he assured that no efforts would be spared to sustain the drive to place the State on a sound pedestal for growth and development via the sector.


“In three years of renewed vigour and commitment to the finer things of life like the Arts and Culture, we are pleased with the fact that our critical stakeholders appreciate our modest intervention and are encouraged to do more.


“This evening we have chosen four of such stakeholders today not only for the beautiful performance they have treated us with; but to also specially honour them too for their contributions in uplifting the standard of performing arts in our State, especially as it concerns children and the youth,” he said.


The Governor specifically celebrated the parents and members of the youth groups which performed at the event – The Dream Catchers, Dance Na The Main Thing (DNMT), The Q Dance Company and Footprints of David, among others, just as he urged them to keep up the good work.


“These children mean so much to me and I love them all from the bottom of my heart. I am and I reiterate once again committed to the upliftment of the culture and the heritage of Lagos. I will do it with it with all my strength and I also promise that I will keep the performing arts growing by investing in the sector.


“Already, we are in the process of having a Lagos Museum and we will do everything to create the atmosphere that will allow these young ones to thrive and also become additional celebrities that we want them to be,” the Governor said.


Earlier, Governor Ambode performed the official kick-off of the finals of the Channels International Kids Cup football competition held at Campos Mini Stadium, where he rewarded the top four teams with N5million.


The winner, LGEA Central Primary School received N2million; Baptist Primary School which took second place was given N1.5million, while Emmanuel Anglican Primary School in third place received N1million.


X-planter Private School from Lagos in fourth position was also not left out as the Governor rewarded them with a sum of N500,000.

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