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“It’s not the lack of resources that cause failure, it’s the lack of resourcefulness that causes failure” – Tony Robbins. The above quote captures the mood of the moment like the 25th anniversary of the creation of Ekiti State coincides with the 3rd anniversary of the second term in office of Dr Kayode Fayemi, the fourth Executive Governor of Ekiti State.


The journey, however, has taught me many lessons. What I’ve observed in contemporary day Nigerian politics, is that most members of the public are either ignorant or in haste to celebrate just anything, all in the name of developmental strides. It’s as a result of this, that governors in Nigeria, often engage in ‘window dressing’ and termed such as infrastructural development for the purpose of mere show off cum chicanery.


Sadly, this ridiculous situation was where the current governor of Ekiti State, H.E Dr. Kayode Fayemi, had to rescue the ark of governance in Ekiti State on two occasions. Aside my current status as cabinet member, Dr Fayemi had also, during his first term, drafted me to Abuja as federal lawmaker. These two political engagements availed me an ample opportunity to understudy the character and disposition of Dr Kayode Fayemi as it concerns his leadership style.


Governor Fayemi, no doubt, places high premium on laying an enduring foundation in every sector of the state economy. He considers good foundation as an impetus for sustainable development in governance. Though I do not know the reason why Dr Fayemi had chosen that leadership path, I know that God is also at home with matters of a good foundation in any building project.


“When the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do?” Says the scriptures. Another place of reference is Mathew 7: 24-25. “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice, is a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it didn’t fall, because it had its foundation on the rock”


Ekiti State was created 25 years ago by the late military Head of State, Gen Sani Abacha along with five other states which included; Ebonyin, Gombe, Nasarawa, Bayelsa and the Zamfara States, and without take-off grant. The import of this is that governance kicked off in Ekiti State without a clear-cut economic cum development plan.


The first two military administrators, Col Mohammed Bawa(now late) and Navy Captain Atanda Yusuf, were appointed during the military era, merely to actualize the reality of the creation of the State. They could not do anything far-reaching within the span of 2years and 7months during which they were in the saddle.


On the return of the Nigerian State to democratic rule in 1999, Ekiti State was blessed with Otunba Niyi Adebayo whose economic blueprint Dr Fayemi, wholly adopted and incorporated. While in office as the first Executive Governor of Ekiti State, Otunba Adebayo was undeniably faced with the monstrous challenge of zero FAAC allocation throughout his tenure.


When Adebayo discovered that the money accruable to Ekiti could barely pay pensions and workers’ wages and few other routine maintenances of the state public service, former Governor Adebayo, had to think outside the box by laying a solid foundation for future sustainable economic development in the state.


The only functional investment which Ekiti State inherited as at that time from the Old Ondo State was Fountain Hotel (FH), he upgraded the hotel to 5 star hotel so as to improve the economic base of the State. His successor, Mr Ayo Fayose, converted the hotel to governor’s office. Contrary to his predecessor’s master plan of having the hotel as a source of revenue generation for the State.


Consequently, he invested hugely in real estate sector; for instance, his administration acquired/invested the Oju olobunHouse in Victoria Island, Lagos, Ekiti House in Central Business district of Abuja, several acres of land in Asokoro, Abuja and shares at the stock market. The strategic move of Otunba Adebayo’s led administration was geared towards ensuring future financial stability of the state. But unfortunately, Adebayo’s foundation for economic sustainability was discarded and abandoned by his successor, Mr. Fayose, who callously sold off most of these investment and assets of the state government for immediate gain.


Since Otunba Niyi Adebayo left office in 2003, no other administration has made concerted effort towards laying foundation for the growth and development of Ekiti state apart from Governor Kayode Fayemi (2010 -2014), and 2018 and still running. Although one may be forced to excuse Engineer Segun Oni from this narrative, owing to the protracted legal fireworks that characterized and attended his controversial electoral victory during the 2007 general elections.


During Fayemi’s first tenure, he laid solid foundation for equitable distribution of democratic dividends in the state by spreading government presence to all the nooks and crannies of Ekiti State. Fayemi also established Local Council Development Authorities (LCDAs) across the state in a bid to bring government closer to the people at the grassroots. Dishearteningly, On his assumption of office in 2018, Dr. Fayemi had to go through the rigours process of re-establishing the LCDAs as a result of the fact that his predecessor, Mr. Ayo Fayose (2014-2018) did not only repelled the law establishing the LCDAs but also strangulated them.


In order to improve the State IGR and diversify its economy through tourism, Governor Fayemi leveraged on the efforts of the Niyi Adebayo led government by resuscitating the moribund Ikogosi warm spring and resort during his first tenure. On his second coming, he met the resort in shambles and he had to start all over again in his efforts to make Ikogosiresort a destination of choice for fun seekers and tourists. Through public/private partnership the Ikogosi warm spring and resort is now being revamped as one of the revenue generating agencies of the State government.


Also, during his first term in office 2011-2014, Dr. Fayemi, invested heavily in the State educational sector. As a renowned academic, he embarked on aggressive renovation of schools in the State, new teachers were not only recruited during the period, their salaries and leaves bonus were equally paid as at when due. However, the foundation he laid in the sector was abandoned until his second term coming. To resume from where he stopped during his first tenure, Fayemi has completed the construction of some model schools in the last three years of his administration.


Aside Fayemi’s obvious interest in increasing food productionand productive engagement of the youths through the Youth in Commercial Agriculture Development YCAD during his first term Fayemi, he has seen scaled up the agricultural potential of the state by initiatives that has attracted investors like Promasidor ( Ikun Dairy), Dangote Rice, JSK Rice, Promise Point Cassava Processing plant etc.

The usual woe of successor also befell both the Agricultureand social security scheme he initiated during the first tenure, they were cancelled. Owo Arugbo was cancelled; Youth for Commercial Agric (YCAD) was cancelled; trust fund for mothers of multiple children was also cancelled. All these foundational programmes were replaced with what Fayemi’s successor tagged Stomach Infrastructure where mature adults were made to queue by the roadside to collect noodles, few cups of rice or beans. But on Fayemi’s second missionary coming, he has been busy with restoring the social fabric destroyed by his predecessor by his robust social investment programmes to care for elders, children and youths.


Fayemi did not leave the state’s arts and culture out of his foundation-laying efforts. Some efforts were made to attractShoprite to Ekiti (2010-2014). Governor Fayemi conceived and started a first class Civic Centre ever in the history of Ekiti State. The Civic Centre was abandoned by Fayemi’s successor and the Centre which was under construction then became home for rodents and reptiles. Mr. Governor had to resume the construction of the abandoned project from where he stopped during his first tenure. Now, that the beautiful Civic Centre has been completed, the Initial arrangement to attract shopping malls, cinemas etc may be realized anytime soon.


Furthermore, Dr. Fayemi initiated rural-urban road connectivity of 5km road per local government in his first term. The foundation was also destroyed by his successor. During Fayemi’s ongoing administration, he has brought in Rural Access Road Programme (RARP) as a replacement for the destroyed programme. Through RARP, government’s road construction would soon hit 1000km in Ekiti State.


Aside the foregoing, the knowledge zone and agricultural processing zone are two greatest achievements of Fayemi’s government which alone, are worthy of celebration by the good people of Ekiti State, even if the knowledge and agricultural processing zones are what his administration could achieve for four years. And in the area of public utility, Dr Fayemi would rather continue to address all problems, both administrative and technical, that are responsible for why Ekiti has not been getting sufficient amount of electricity from the national grid through partnership with federal government agencies like Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) and Niger Delta Power Holding of Nigeria (NDPHC) to build up the transmission capacity of the state, this partnership is one of the foundation being laid Dr Fayemi for the future energy independence of Ekiti State. The partnership with TCN is expected to deliver two 120MVA 132/33KV Substation in Ijesha Isu and Ilupeju Ekiti while partnership with NDPHC will deliver ten 7.5MVA 33/11KV Injection sub station across then local government in the state, the construction for the IdoOsi LG station has seen commenced.


Moreover, 2012 during the first tenure of his excellency Dr Kayode Fayemi who laid the foundation for the state water sector reform by enacting the Ekiti state water policy 2012, and Ekiti state water law of 2013. By 2014 when the world bank launched the 3rd national urban water reform, Ekiti state was ready with all the legal and administrative frameworks which qualify the state as one of the three states in the federation to participate in the reform programme. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the last administration failed to run with the vision of reforming the water sector that will ensure universal access to clean water by the citizen. Therefore, we must congratulate Dr Kayode Fayemi for this wonderful opportunity to initiate a reform in 2012 and in less than three years of his second tenure delivered on all thereform programmes and projects. It is important to list some of these key projects delivered by Gov Fayemi in less than three years.

• Completion of rehabilitation of Ero dam
• Completion of rehabilitation of Ureje dam
• Completion of rehabilitation of Egbe dam
• Completion of rehabilitation of Erinjiyan mini water scheme
• Construction of 255kms water distribution pipeline in Ado Ekiti
• Construction of 2000cum reservoir at Fajuyi. Booster station
• Construction of Water Corporation Headquarter building

The most valuable of our achievements that speak to foundation laying leadership of Gov Fayemi are the intangibles

•   staff re-orientation and training

•   Ekiti State Water Corporation water operator partnership with Lusaka water, Zambia (transfer of knowledge)

•   Exposure of Water Corporation personels to international best practices through both local and overseas training programmes

•   Establishment of Ekiti State Water and SanitationRegulatory Agency.

•   Enactment of new policy and law to address emerging issues on hygiene, covid19etc

•   Incorporation of Ekiti water and sewage company ltd, a new business vehicle for water corporation.

•   Upgrade of the rural water and sanitation agency Ruwassato Ekiti small town and rural water and sanitation agency.


Again, Gov Fayemi directed that a comprehensive review of the 2012 water policy and 2013 water law with the aim to position the sector for future investment opportunities. In November 2020, the new water policy tagged Ekiti state wash policy 2020 was approved by the state executive council and in June 2021 Gov Fayemi signed the Ekiti state wash law 2021 into law. Early this year, the preparedness of Ekiti State paid off with the World Bank selected Ekiti State among the seven states in Nigeria to participate in its $700 million sustainable urban and rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene (SURWASH) investment fund, again without the leadership and of his excellency, there is no way we would be able to scale the hurdle to get into the programme. The programme will set the sector on the trajectory of a self-sustaining system.


Conclusively, time and space wouldn’t allow me to reel out the numerous achievements and uncommon transformation of the Kayode Fayemi led administration in Ekiti State. I can only wish and pray that Governor John Kayode Fayemi ends well to the glory of God and admiration of all well-meaning sons and Daughters of Ekiti State.

Article written By Hon Engr Bamidele Faparusi,
Honourable Commissioner for Infrastructure and Public Utilities,
Fmr Member, House of Representatives

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 There is nothing wrong with a peaceful demonstration and a lawful legitimate protest. What is unacceptable is a premeditated attempt by a group of faceless individuals who are on the payroll of subversive elements to destabilise the country and incite people to violence and carnage.
That is what this so-called #nationwidestrike that they have labelled as the #endbadgovernanceprotest is all about. Worse still there is a covert and subterranean attempt to provoke the security forces to open mutiny and rebellion against constituted authority and thereby truncuate our democracy.
 Those that are behind it are attempting to take advantage of the undoubtedly enormous economic challenges in the land to create panic, fear, chaos and mass unrest with a view to provoking anarchy, mayhem and armed insurrection.
 This is unacceptable and no responsible Government will sit back and allow it to happen. I urge those that are behind this surreptitious, subterranean and sinister subterfuge to have a rethink and not spark off a reaction from the security forces that they will later regret.
 We do not want or need a nationwide #endsars-like round of protests and neither can we afford the attendant violence, strife, division, damage to property and bloodshed that comes with it.
 The way forward is to put off the protest, exercise patience, enter dialogue with the Federal Government and express our collective concerns in a lawful, restrained, responsible and legitimate manner. Anything outside of that will be dangerous and counter-productive.

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Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer



Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Billionaire kidnapper: Untold story of Henry Odenigbo’s exploits as Nollywood actor, producer

Being a kidnapper was something that never crossed our minds – Rivers AGN Chairman
•Odenigbo featured only in his own movies, never harassed or owned actors
•I’m scared, says Kelvin Ikeduba who acted in one of his movies ‘Born in the Ghetto’


Fear, shock, and disbelief are the words to describe the reactions of many filmmakers and movie stars in Rivers State where the slain billionaire kidnapper, Henry Odenigbo, held sway as an actor and film producer before he met his Waterloo on July 4 in Lagos.



Ode, as he was popularly called, was the ring leader of a gang of nine kidnappers who targeted wealthy individuals in Lagos. They were killed after a shootout with the police at Ladipo, Mushin area of Lagos.

While he was alive, the late kidnapper who was seen as one of the biggest financiers of movie productions in Rivers, was the owner of Port-Harcourt-based Aso-Rich Production.

But unknown to movie makers in the state, Ode was a kidnap kingpin who was using the production outfit as a camouflage to carry out his nefarious activities.

Fortunately, actors were not his main target.

Narrating how the late billionaire kidnapper, who hailed from Imo State came to be known as an actor and film producer, the Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria,AGN, Rivers State chapter, Dr. Ken Osunwa, in a chat with Vanguard, said the late Ode was never close to anybody in the industry, adding that he only featured in his own-sponsored movies.




According to him, the late kidnapper was never a member of AGN, Rivers State, nor a member of Association of Movie Producers, AMP, Rivers State chapter.

Speaking further, Osunwa, who noted that Odenigbo never attended any of their meetings or events, said: “He hailed from Imo State and came to set up a movie production outfit in PH. I’ve already done a disclaimer when the news got to me and people were talking about him as an actor.

“Yes, he was acting in his own-sponsored movies and not practising in Nollywood, Rivers State, in the sense that he never featured in other people’s productions.


“To the best of my knowledge, Ode never had an issue with other practitioners in the state. I was never called to settle issues with him and others.’’

He, however, acknowledged the fact that the late billionaire kidnapper never owed any actor, director or producers who worked for him.

“He was bringing different actors, producers and directors to work for him and at the end of it, he paid off everyone.

“He invested in the Nollywood industry like any other investor. Nobody knew his source of wealth and when I received the news of his killing by the police in Lagos, I was very surprised. I thank God that all our actors who were working with him are safe and fine. Nobody was missing and from the report from his production, he was not owing anybody.”

Besides producing movies, the late Henry Odenigbo also had a Film Academy, called Ason Rich Movie Academy, where he trained cameramen, scriptwriters, actors, producers and directors, sound mixers, make-up artists, and production managers, among others.



Before his death, Ode was promoting a one-month intensive training opportunity for youths on his Instagram page, which was supposed to kick off on Monday, August 5, and run till August 31, in Rivers. But that dream is gone with his exit.

Recounting how Ode recently completed his last production before his exit, Osunwa said he (Henry Odenigbo) as a kidnapper, was something that never crossed their minds in Rivers State, adding ‘’This is because he was nice to the people that worked for him.”

Meanwhile, as a way of stopping a recurrence of the ugly incident in future, Osunwa said his group had started profiling every production house in Rivers State to know their identities as well and get acquainted with them, to monitor closely whatever they were doing.

“We have also started sensitizing our members on how to identify fake production houses in the state. Like in every sector of our society, there are different kinds of human beings operating with a different mindset. We must fight them to avoid ruining our sector,” Osunwa added.

One of the popular actors, Kelvin Ikeduba, who featured in one of the late kidnapper’s movies, “Born in the Ghetto” which was released early last month, said he was scared when he heard the news of Odenigbo’s death.




He was thankful that nothing happened to him while on the set of the deceased’s movie.
The actor said: “I only featured in one of his movies, ‘Born in the Ghetto.’ They would have killed them before now. I was scared. I went to work in PH, what if there was no job and they came up with a plan? Who knows!

‘’I am very happy with the news of their death. For me, it’s a big testimony. Do you know what it means when someone comes every day to pick you up in the hotel without you knowing what they are doing for a living?’’

He added that the director, Ifeanyi Akanaga, invited him to be part of the production.
However, disassociating Nollywood from the slain kidnapper, the President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria, DGN, Dr Victor Okhai, said what happened was a call for ‘a united Nollywood’, where they would be privileged to know who is who in the industry.

He argued that while bad eggs were also found in other sectors, the slain kidnapper was never a member of any guild in Nollywood.

Similarly, the President of the Association of Movie Practitioners, AMPRAC, Ifeanyi Azodo, said checks on AMPRAC’s database showed that the late kidnapper was never a member of the association, adding that people of questionable character were never admitted into the association

In a disclaimer, Osunwa dissociated the AGN from the filmmaker, Odenigbo alongside three other persons who claimed to be film practitioners.

The guild, in a statement, said the three persons who died in the shootout with the police at Ladipo were not their members.

The statement read: “The Rivers State chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria at this moment, disclaims any affiliation with the individuals who tragically lost their lives in a recent kidnap incident in Lagos. Specifically, Prince Henry Asonna (Executive Producer of Aso Rich), Angel Emanuzo (Associate Producer), Chris Ahaneku (Logistics Manager-Aso Rich), and Jerry Eze (Camera Assistant) were not members of our guild. They were not part of our organization.

“They have never been associated with our guild events and are not on our register. They were not affiliated with us, to the best of my knowledge, and we condemn any false associations and news making the rounds that AGN members from Rivers State were involved in the kidnapping.”

Veteran actor, Kanayo O. Kanayo, also cautioned the public on his Instagram page against referring to the slain kidnapper as a movie producer.



In the same vein, AGN’s Financial Secretary, Emeka Duru, frowned on associating the slain kidnappers with Nollywood, saying “Because they made a movie is not doing justice to the industry.”

Meanwhile, in 2024 alone, Odenigbo’s outfit, Ason-Rich Movie Production, produced over ten films, including ‘Born in the Ghetto’, ‘Love At The Pool’, ‘My Half’, ‘Little Top Up’, ‘Regards for Love’, “Wild Love”, ‘Clue Girl’, ‘Blind Blood’, ‘To Forgive’, “Sharon’s Fate”, which featured Yul Edochie, and ‘Bethlehem.’

In 2022, he produced such movies as “Royal Ties” among others.

The late kidnapper worked with famous actors, such as Yul Edochie, Kelvin Ikeduba, and Eve Esin. But checks also revealed that he mostly worked with fast-rising actors or relatively unknown faces in the industry.

As an actor who was always posting all his movie jackets on Instagram, the late kidnapper portrayed bad-boy roles and wielded guns in movies, as seen in one of his most recent roles in “Blind Blood” as posted on his Instagram page on April 26. He was also honoured on March 16, 2024, when organizers of Nollywood Indigenous Filmmakers of Nigeria, NIFMON, awarded him the ‘Best Filmmaker in Port Harcourt’.


Weeks later, on March 31, E-flex named him Nolly TV’s Best Grassroot Filmmaker for 2024/2025.


By  By Benjamin Njoku



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Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies




Tinubu Issues Stern Warning Against Protest With Destructive Tendencies



President Bola Tinubu on Thursday in Abuja emphasized the importance of sustaining democracy, its norms and institutions, noting that protests are an integral part of democracy but that no government will condone demonstrations that lead to the destruction of lives and property.

The President spoke at the Presidential Villa when he received a Letter of Credence from the newly appointed United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Richard Mills Jr.

”Our relationship with America is rich. We believe in democracy and freedom. Some of your predecessors worked hard during our transition to democracy, and we remember the likes of Ambassador Howard Jeter.

We look forward to Nigeria and the United States continuously working to expand cooperation on shared goals and democratic values.

”During the military era, we made our voices heard against dictatorship, and I was part of the group that engaged in peaceful protests without resorting to the destruction of property.

”We have worked hard to ensure 25 years of unbroken democracy and I will continue to maintain this democracy.

”In as much as we believe that demonstrations are part of democracy, we will never encourage any protests that lead to the destruction of lives and property,” the President stated.

Welcoming the U.S. State Department’s acknowledgement of Nigeria’s strategic role on the continent as Africa’s largest democracy, President Tinubu called on the U.S. government to pay more attention to Africa.

Nigeria is ready to play its role as the largest democracy in Africa that is worthy of emulation to other African countries, but we need more U.S. partnership on the continent that is beneficial to both sides.

”We believe in freedom, and we are providing the leadership to make Nigeria’s economy grow,”
 the President said.

Ambassador Mills affirmed U.S. support for Nigeria’s democracy and pledged support for bigger roles for Nigeria in the international arena.

”Nigeria is crucial to the United States because we share democratic values, and we are ready to give you all the support.

”I am here to make sure that the relationship blossoms both on democracy and the economic side,” Ambassador Mills said.

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