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‘You have seriously committed serial professional misconducts’ – HURIWA blasts Lai Mohammed over looters’ list, calls for his disbarment



"Nobody Can Stop FG From Probing #EndSARS Protesters" - Lai Mohammed Declares


Believing that the recent releases in batches of what it calls looters’ lists violates constitutional tenets of fair hearing, due process of the law and impugns the constitutional integrity of the Court system in Nigeria in accordance with section 6 of the Nigerian constitution, the prominent Civil rights body – HUMAN RIGHTS WRITERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (HURIWA) has resolved to petition the Nigerian Bar Association to begin the process of disbarring the duo of Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the information minister and Alhaji Abubakar Malami (SAN) the federal Attorney General from practicing as lawyers in Nigeria.

Rising from its emergency executive committee’s meeting in Owerri, Imo State, HUMAN RIGHTS WRITERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA in a media statement by its National Coordinator Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko and the National Director of Media Miss Zainab Yusuf stated that the action of listing persons whose cases are in courts as if they are already convicted does not just violate section 36 (5) which is the constitutional plank of fair hearing but has rubbished the credibility and integrity of the judicial arm of government and graphically depicted Nigeria to the rest of the civilized world as a “banana Republic”.

HURIWA affirmed that the systematic undermining of the integrity of the judicial institution which the releases of the looters’ lists constitute, becomes even more disturbing when it is clear that both the number one law officer and Attorney General of the federation and the minister of information being lawyers have seriously committed serial professional misconducts which are even frowned against by the extant professional ethical codes of conduct which is a statutory law of the federation of Nigeria just as the Rights group said it has already drafted a petition to the hierarchy of the Nigerian Bar Association asking it to professionally disbar the duo.

“We are of the firm beliefs that the duo of Lai Mohammed and Malami who have decidedly rubbished the legal profession and lampooned the constitution should be barred from ever practicing unless and except the Nigerian Bar Association has become an all comers’ affair whereby professional rascality is tolerated. We believe that the duo as cabinet ministers who are both lawyers ought to have known the weight of allowing such outrageous violation of naming as criminals, persons who in the eyes of the Law are deemed innocent until contrary proofs are adopted and determined by competent courts of the law must be sanctioned in the severest of ways in line with extant professional codes”.

Section 6 (1) of the constitution states as follows: “The judicial powers of the federation shall be vested in the courts to which this section relates, being courts established for the federation.”

Section 36 (5) of the constitution which guarantees fair hearing to all litigants states as follows: “Every person who is charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed to be innocent until he is proved guilty, provided that nothing in this section shall invalidate any law by reason only that the law imposes upon any such person the burden of proving particular facts.”

“It is our firm belief that the minister of information who directly published the damaging lists of looters and the justice minister who kept calm in the face of this professional misconduct by the information minister of the same government are guilty of professional misconducts covered under the legal practitioners’ Act.”

HURIWA argued that by rushing to persecute certain persons as looters even when the federal government being the prosecutor has not successfully obtained conviction violates Article 3 (a) and (d) of the legal practitioners Act; chapter 207, laws of the federation of Nigeria which states thus: “(a) during the trial, the lawyer should always display a dignified and respectful attitude towards the judge presiding, not for the sake of his person, but for maintenance of respect for and confidence in the judicial office. It is both the right and duty of the lawyer fully and properly to present his client’s case and to insist on an opportunity to do so. He should vigorously present all proper arguments against any ruling he deems erroneous and should see to it that a complete and accurate case record is made. In this regard, he should not be deterred by any fear of judicial displeasure or even punishment. In no circumstances should the lawyer reveal the confidences of his client; (d) a lawyer ought not to engage in the exchange of banter personalities, argument or controversy with opposing counsel. His objections, requests and observations should in every case be addressed to the judge presiding.”

The Rights group said the disclosure by information minister approved by the Justice minister listing out litigants as looters also violates Article 4 (b) of the legal practitioners Act which states as follows: “It is not candid or fair for the lawyer knowingly to misquote the contents of a paper, the testimony of a witness, the language or the argument of opposing counsel, or the language of a decision or a textbook; or with knowledge of its invalidity, to cite as authority a decision that has been over-ruled, or a statute that has been repealed; or in argument to assert as a fact that which has not been proved, or in those jurisdictions where a side has the opening and closing arguments, to mislead his opponent by concealing or withholding in his opening argument positions upon which his side intends to rely.”

HURIWA also pointed out that the duo in publishing the lists of looters are in breach of Article 27 of the legal practitioners Act which averred that: “Newspaper comment by a lawyer on pending or anticipated litigation may interfere with a fair trial in the Courts and otherwise prejudice the due administration of justice. It is to be avoided save in exceptional circumstances. A particular case may possibly justify a statement to the public, but it is unprofessional to make it anonymously. An ex parte reference to the facts should not go beyond quotation from the records and papers on file in the court, and is better avoided entirely.”


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The Need for Serious Disruption Prevention Orders as an Act of Parliament in Nigeria




New public order powers to prevent individuals causing repeated serious disruption must come into force in Nigeria in view of the large scale planning of disruptive and violent protests by certain elements in the society as the government must be proactive with its plan to protect the public from criminality at protests.

Serious Disruption Prevention Orders will empower the police and other security services to intervene before individuals cause serious disruption, damages to both public and private property. They must identify those who have previously committed protest-related offences or ignored court-imposed restrictions, if there are any and if not, the courts must be encouraged to impose restrictions on serious offenders.

The orders can impose a range of restraints on an individual, including preventing them from being in a particular place or area, participating in disruptive activities and being with protest groups at given times. They can also stop individuals from using the internet to encourage protest-related offences.

These orders can be imposed on those who have, on at least committed protest-related offences, for example locking-on, or breached the conditions of an injunction. The specific restrictions contained within each order will be decided by the court and must last up to 3 years. They can also be renewed if the person remains a threat.

Under public order legislation, serious disruption may occur when protest activity prevents or hinders day to day activities or construction or maintenance works, causes delays to deliveries of time-sensitive products or disrupts access to essential goods and services in a way which is more than minor and needs to be addressed for the greater benefit of the public. This must be seen as a public interest offence.

The public has a democratic right to protest and this government must always uphold that.

However, past events have shown certain individuals are just dedicated to wreaking havoc and causing severe disruption to the everyday lives of the public.

This is why the government must introduce these new powers to ensure that anyone who ignores warnings from our law enforcement cannot continue to cause turmoil unpunished or restrained before hand.

This string of measures will ensure that people can exercise their democratic right to protest while ensuring the public can go about their daily lives safely and without serious disruption.

Let the Federal Government rush these laws through the Parliament without further delay.

Dr George Ogunjimi
Juris Republic

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Popular Land Grabber, Mukaila Salau Lands In Police Net Over Alleged Murder Of Local Govt Staff




Popular land grabber, Mukaila Salau AKA Actor and Muhammad Sulaimon AKA Miyaki have been arrested by the Nigeria police over the alleged murder of a staffer of Ikosi-Ejirin local government, Kazeem Idowu Keshinro.


The duo was arrested by the force CID and has been moved to Abuja for further investigations to be carried out.


Their arrest is coming after the brother of the deceased, Hakeem Keshinro petitioned the Nigeria Police Force over the ill-fated murder of his brother on April 1, 2024.


Hakeem Keshinro who spoke to journalists narrated that his brother never had any encounter with the assailant but was just unfortunate to have been murdered in such a brutal manner.


‘’My brother and Mukaila Salau aka Actor have nothing in common. They are in Ota, we are in Agbowa. But when I heard of the incident, I went to see my brother and he revealed that Mukaila Salau was the one behind it. He said he went to the farm and when he got there, they shot and butchered him on his head in three places.’’


‘’The issue happened in Ota-Ikosi on Easter Monday. I know Actor to be a land grabber and there is nothing between them, my brother who is a hunter only went to hunt. He works for Ikosi Ejirin local government and he had an ID card on him when he was attacked.’’


However, the family of the deceased have expressed fear following the arrest of Mukaila because according to them, he has been boasting that he has connection with the Inspector-General of police and that the matter will soon be swept under the carpet. They warned every police officer that may want to stand as an obstacle to justice to desist totally from it.


‘’ We are aware that Mukaila Salau Actor has been boasting that he has connection with the IGP and a deputy IGP and that the matter will soon be swept under the carpet. We are going to monitor this to the very end and ensure justice is delivered. We will not allow any form of interruption in the face of justice. We warn every police officer that may want to get involved to please desist from it.’’


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Blame Judiciary for crime increase in Lagos – CP Idowu Owohunwa



Blame Judiciary for crime increase in Lagos - CP Idowu Owohunwa

Blame Judiciary for crime increase in Lagos – CP Idowu Owohunwa








By Ifeoma Ikem








Sahara Weekly Reports That The Lagos state Commissioner of Police, CP Idowu Owohunwa says the judiciary should be blamed for the increase of crime in the state.

















Blame Judiciary for crime increase in Lagos - CP Idowu Owohunwa


























The police boss made the disclosure at the State Police Command Headquarters, Ikeja while parading the three suspects arrested in connection with the killing of Adeniyi Sanni, an aide to the Senator representing Ogun West; Solomon Adeola (a.k.a. Yayi).










































While briefing journalists on the painstaking efforts made by officers and men of the Lagos Command in tracking down the three men, Owohunwa bemoaned the emerging trend of giving light sentences or freeing such suspects arrested and prosecuted in the past by the judiciary.










































“Through painstaking intelligence and investigative activities, we have succeeded in arresting the syndicate of the robbery and murder. The three suspects directly involved in the robbery and murder were arrested with three firearms including the killer’s weapon were recovered.”










































The suspects Fred Azeez Okuno, 43-year-old Lagosian; Lucky Idudu Michael, 33-year-old from Delta State, and Adedigba Segun, 26-year-old from Oyo State.










































Owohunwa said investigation so far revealed that the three suspects were directly involved in the robbery and murder of Sanni.











































He said that on multiple occasions the security agencies have tried their possible best to reduce crime and the activity of criminals across the state metropolis but that after they had been processed through the judicial system and they always found a way to remain a menace to the society.










































“As much as we are interested in advancing the process of justice, it is expedient that we also appeal for the process to strike a balance between Justice administration, criminal Justice delivery and overriding internet security situations across the country.










































“It will lessen the load in terms of dealing with recycled criminals which is the major problem we’re facing in Lagos.










































He noted that there have been instances where the judiciary neglected the gravity of the crime committed and chose to give soft landing to such criminal elements who in turn come back to perpetrate more vicious crimes like in the case of the three paraded suspects whom he described as “jail birds.”










































“Investigations revealed that the three suspects had at one time or the other been arrested, tried and jailed over criminal offences and their years in correctional centres had only helped to harden them”.










































In their confessions to journalists, the suspects who were masked by police to avoid being accused of human rights violation during the parade said they did not intend to kill Sanni whose identity they did not initially know.










































They had stopped him presenting themselves as security agents wearing army uniforms with intention to rob him of his vehicle which had no plate number yet.










































“It was a tokunbo Camry car, black in colour. We only rob tokunbo cars which we normally take to Alhaji in Republic Benin to sale,” said one of the suspects.










































According to their confession, Sanni was shot when he raised alarm seeking help from people when he noticed that they might not be genuine military men after they had checked his vehicle documents and yet refused to free him.










































After shooting him repeatedly with pistol, they dumped his body at the booth of the vehicle but when they noticed he was still alive, they stabbed him to death and subsequently dumped his corpse on the way. When they drove near Nigeria’s border with Republic of Benin, they called Alhaji to come and take delivery of the vehicle.










































The police commissioner also bemoaned the lapses going on in Nigeria Correctional Service facilities as confessions made by the paraded suspects revealed that their gang was formed while they were serving jail sentences.










































One of the suspects, Lucky Idubu told journalists that it was in the correctional centre (prison) that someone gave him the phone number of one Alhaji he could work with on completion of his earlier sentence.










































The three of them meet in prison and built their network, they were connected to the Alhaji and up till now still have some elements in custody operating from the center.










































He that the Alhaji was incidentally the one behind activities of the gang soon after they were released from their earlier sentences.










































The Alhaji (name with-held) currently at large is said to be a Nigerian but resident in Republic of Benin from where he coordinated the car robbery and murder gang.










































The suspects confessed that they negotiated with Alhaji to pay them N3million which he promised to remit soon after he must have sold the vehicle.










































According to them, Alhaji had requested them to come with another vehicle when coming for their N3million, but they became unfortunate as police arrested them before they could embark on the second mission.










































During their arrest, police recovered one brand new pistol with three live ammunition, one Baretta pistol with three live ammunition, one locally made pistol with six live cartridges, six expended cartridges, military gear comprising a military camouflage vest, jungle hat, pistol hose and a red Honda CRV from the suspects.










































According to the police commissioner, investigation has revealed that the gang members were on narcotics as at the time they carried the act.










































He has raised alarm on the growing trend of criminals impersonating military personnel wondering where they procure the uniforms and other accoutrements. “This portends great danger as members of the public might not easily know who is a genuine military personnel or not.”










































At the parade were representatives of the Nigerian Army from 9th Brigade who were there to observe and listen to the confessions of the suspects and possibly fashion out how best to form synergy with the police in curbing crimes.










































The CP said that the parade event has also established that the security agencies have in their hands a high notorious criminal international network and unfortunately most of their transporting equipment are transported from Nigeria to Cotonou.










































“This is a very high possibility that they will be recycled back into the Nigerian market and buyer who fall victim of such purchase stand the risk of being brought to Justice










































“We have activated our unique Interpol’s and network to break the trans border components of these crimes.










































“I can assure you that in due course success will be achieved and the so called alhaji will be brought to Justice”.










































The CP said that the component problems is the inpersonation of the military in order to perfect these crimes.










































“when it first occurred there was a wild concern that military men are now involved but today through the painstaking intelligence activities of the police we’ve been able to prove that the brain behind these crimes only took advantage by acquiring the military kit in order to deceive members of the public and perfect their crimes.










































The Senator’s aide Adeniyi Sanni was killed on August 5, 2023 when he was stopped by ‘fake security’ agents wearing Nigerian Army uniform at a checkpoint in Ojodu Berger area on his way to his home in Isheri, Lagos.

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