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Amazing Footprints of AbdulRahman! Kwara women Root for Gov. Abdulrazaq’s Re-election



Amazing Footprints of AbdulRahman! Kwara women Root for Gov. Abdulrazaq’s Re-election

Amazing Footprints of AbdulRahman! Kwara women Root for Gov. Abdulrazaq’s Re-election

*Female groups hold rally to support his second term ambition

*Why we are seeking an encore – Women


Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq’s devotion to his job is an unusual form of virtue. He is the calm that succeeds the storm of Kwara’s season of anomie. He is a humane leader, serving with spunk and panache. The one, on whose watch, Kwara attains redemption and undiminished greening.




Amazing Footprints of AbdulRahman! Kwara women Root for Gov. Abdulrazaq’s Re-election




Since he assumed leadership of the state, Abdulrazaq has committed himself actively to the task of salvaging what’s left of Kwara through nurturant governance. The best form of statesmanship, thought Abdulrahman, was for him to show gratitude through his work.

In person, in interviews, and on the screen, inhabiting the role by which he’s become Kwara’s most celebrated governor, Abdulrazaq espouses an uncanny politic. The power and grace of his performance seem to emanate from something he’s made contact with, deep within, intensely private and specific to his experience, but also mysteriously universal to the best of mankind.

There’s something in the innermost human heart that his people connect to. Little wonder he is being rewarded as at when due. Just recently, scores of Kwara women held a rally to drum support for his second term ambition, ahead of the 2023 general elections.

Abdulrazaq bears his talents and achievements modestly, charmingly, and generously. As the executive governor of Kwara State, he conducts himself like a humble servant, who’s unexpectedly approachable and thoroughly delightful company.

He’s a concerned and active world citizen, a spectacular husband and father.

Abdulrazaq is kind and charming, a good listener, and a great leader. He’s the kind of governor who puts together the perfect cabinet of the right people, always with the intent to ensure equity and justice in governance – particularly in the areas of gender politics.

Little wonder he has been widely celebrated by women groups for his inclusion of women in his government. More significant was his assent to an executive bill mandating the state to have at least 35% women appointees in the state executive council and other classes of political appointments.

The law, cited as political offices (Gender composition) Bill 2021, places a ceiling below which the government cannot go in the appointment of either gender for public offices. Speaking in Ilorin at a state government-inspired conference themed ‘Cracking the glass ceiling: the story of Kwara women’, the governor said it is only fair that women be given a fair space in the decision-making process whose outcomes have far-reaching consequences for them and their families.

So passionate are Kwara women’s groups about his second term ambition that they have united to support him every step of the way. At the recent rally for his re-election, women, drawn from various groups and even students held a press conference at the NUJ Press Centre before they proceeded to government house, Ilorin in a long motorcade through the popular Ahmadu Bello way.

At the Government House, they assured Governor Abdulrazaq of their support in appreciation of how much his administration has given due recognition to women in the state.

Speaking at a mega rally organised to show their appreciation and support for the Governor, the spokesperson of the group, Funmi Adefila Osiegbu, said over the last two years in Kwara State, “we have seen a deliberate effort by the administration of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq to mainstream gender inclusion in governance. It is on record that no administration in the modern history of Nigeria has done so much for women like this before.

She added, “Gathered before you are women of Kwara State, drawn from different backgrounds. Many of us here are not card-carrying members of any political party.

“However, we make no pretense about our strong interest in governance and all issues that may affect (us as) women and our children. For this reason, we are interested in the policy choice of any government, national or local.

“Over the last two years in Kwara State, we have seen a deliberate effort by the administration of Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq to mainstream gender inclusion in governance. It is on record that no administration in the modern history of Nigeria has one so well to bring women to the decision-making table.

“We saw this in cabinet composition where he gave 56.25% cabinet positions to women as well as in headship of government agencies and parastatals. This is a fact that has been recognized locally, nationally, and internationally. A few weeks ago, the United Nations Development Agency nominated the Governor for an award to recognise his bold steps in gender inclusion. This has far-reaching consequences on public policies and programmes,” she noted.

She enthused further, that, “He topped these with the introduction of a law that commits Kwara to gender inclusion through the Gender Composition Law 2021 and fair treatment of women through the recent domestication of the Violence Against Person Law. The administration has also recently committed to the 2nd National Action Plan which seeks to involve women in conflict resolution frameworks and protect them from all kinds of discrimination.

“These pro-women achievements are monumental and should never go unrewarded by women of this state, wherever we may be and whatever ideology we espouse. We, therefore, have a historic duty to speak up for the Governor and his administration.

“Against this background, we the women of Kwara State stand ready to declare our unflinching support for Governor AbdulRahmanAbdulRazaq. If he declares a bid to run again, we have a burden of history to rally around him. This is beyond partisan sentiments. It is about telling the whole world that Kwara women do not take the support of the Governor for granted.

“We owe this duty to ourselves and to our girl child who has had a dignifying space created for her in the room where her destiny and that of her family is being determined,” she said.


Governor Usman Ododo and The Desecration of His Oath of Office By Nelson Ekujumi



Governor Usman Ododo and The Desecration of His Oath of Office

By Nelson Ekujumi

On being sworn into office on the 27th of January, 2024 as the Executive Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Usman Ododo swore with the Quran to uphold the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

However, since his assumption into office and with subsequent events surrounding his immediate predecessor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, who is presently on the run from the law, have exposed Governor Usman Ododo as a leader who is violating his oath of office and by extension, pushing to the back burner, the welfare and well-being of the good people of Kogi State.

On several occasions, Governor Usman Ododo has abused his office to assault the constitution in preventing the EFCC from arresting Alhaji Yahaya Bello, the latest being his abracadabra visit to the EFCC office in Abuja, where he was pictured, holding hands with the wanted suspect and thus, misused his constitutional immunity to prevent a wanted Yahaya Bello from being arrested.

Sadly, we also recollect how the EFCC stormed the Kogi State Government lodge in Abuja on two separate occasions in April 2024 and on the 18th of September, 2024 with the intention of arresting Alhaji Yahaya Bello for questioning over corruption allegations while in office as governor after failing to honour EFCC’s invitations and how Governor Usman Ododo on both occasions prevented the arrest by leveraging on the immunity he enjoys as a sitting Governor.

As we write, former Governor Yahaya Bello has been declared wanted by the EFCC for failing to honour it’s summons to explain himself on issues surrounding the misappropriation of billions of Kogi tax payers’ money. In addition, ex Governor Yahaya Bello’s wanted person tag has been affirmed by the courts, though he has tried unsuccessfully to have it removed from his neck.

Fortunately, while Alhaji Yahaya Bello is on the run from the law, though temporarily, one is aware that some of his accomplices who partook in the alleged illegal and corrupt siphoning of the people of Kogi state’s money are presently standing trial for the crime of corruption and abuse of public office and misuse oftrust. In addition, some of the stolen funds have been traced to where they were lodged by Alhaji Yahaya Bello.

However, in the midst of the commendable efforts of the present EFCC administration to live up to it’s core responsibility of fighting corruption as mandated by the constitution, one is shocked and ashamed that the Kogi State House of Assembly which ought to be in the forefront of supporting the anti graft agency in it’s war against corruption for the collective interest of the good and long suffering people of Kogi State, is rather waging a parochial, self serving and anti people war against the EFCC for carrying out it’s statutory functions.

The Kogi State House of Assembly which ought to put the collective interest of the people of Kogi State as it’s topmost priority, which is the reason why they were voted into office, by their conduct so far, have proven to be enablers of corruption by waging a campaign of blackmail and calumny against the anti graft agency to hands off ex Governor Yahaya Bello, that the Kogi people’s money is not missing!

While we are embarrassed by this condemnable and anti-people conduct of the Kogi State House of Assembly in prioritising the interest of an individual far and above the collective good of the people of Kogi State, we are not surprised that they are following in the shameful, despicable and condemnable footsteps of the Delta state house of assembly in 2013 during the former Governor James Ibori saga, when they claimed that Delta state funds is not missing, that EFCC should leave him alone, even in the face of the incontrovertible facts of James Ibori attempt to bribe the then EFCC chairman now National Security Adviser (NSA) Mallam Nuhu Ribadu with the sum of $15 million dollars which was deposited with the CBN as an evidence.

But while the show of shame by the Delta state House of Assembly as an enabler of corruption lasted, former Governor James Ibori was arrested by the authorities in London, prosecuted and jailed for corruption, only for the same shameless Delta state house of assembly to come back to public glare and demand for the return of the seized bribe money of $15 million from ex Governor and convict James Ibori to be returned to the state coffers that they previously mounted a campaign that it was not stolen from.

Tragically, it’s sad and unfortunate that in our democracy today from the Kogi State show of shame by Governor Usman Ododo and the Kogi State House of Assembly, we are now witness to the violation and abuse of the constitution by persons who ought to uphold the provisions of the constitution for the collective good that they swore to on oath; but have rather turned violators because of individual, personal, self-serving and corrupt interest, this is condemnable in it’s entirety.

But we must commend the EFCC under the present leadership for it’s professionalism and diligent conduct in the face of intimidation, provocation, campaign of blackmail and calumny to distract it from performing it’s constitutional duty. We urge EFCC to remain focused, law abiding and consistent to ensure that the war against corruption is fought to a logical conclusion with the Yahaya Bello case and others in tandem with the provisions of the law and the collective good of the people of Nigeria.

Nelson Ekujumi, is a good governance advocate and rights activist.

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Appreciating Betara’s Rare Leadership Disposition* By Ali Adamu



*Appreciating Betara’s Rare Leadership Disposition*

By Ali Adamu


The legislative arm of government is entrenched with the powers to make laws for good governance. Effective representation, however, goes beyond lawmaking. It demands a deep understanding of the people’s needs and a willingness to address them. Rt. Hon. Muktar Aliyu Betara, OON, exemplifies this commitment, leveraging his parliamentary expertise to drive transformative change.

To Rt. Hon. Betara, parliamentary practices are about service to humanity. He believes that laws are made for people and therefore strives to ensure his diligent efforts cover tangible, measurable interventions that better the well-being of his constituents and society. Born on November 22, 1966, in Zarawuyaku Ward of Biu town, Biu Local Government Council, Rt. Hon. Aliyu is a five-time lawmaker and accountant. He began his education at Biu Central Primary School in 1973, completing his First School Leaving Certificate in 1978. He then attended Biu Central Junior Day Secondary School and later Government Technical Secondary School, Benisheik. His exceptional leadership qualities and obedient disposition earned him respect and admiration, leading to his appointment as head prefect.

After obtaining his West African School Certificate in 1983, Rt. Hon. Muktar proceeded to Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri, where he earned an Ordinary National Diploma in Business Administration in 1986. He later obtained a Higher National Diploma in Accountancy and Business Administration in 1992. As a pragmatic and foresighted statesman, Rt. Hon. Betara began his career in public service as an accountant with the Directorate for Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFFRI) from 1986 to 1990, and later with Nigerian Telecommunications Limited (NITEL) from 1993 until his voluntary retirement in 2006.

Initially, Rt. Hon. Betara didn’t plan to venture into politics. Instead, he considered starting a business with his savings. However, due to pressure and clamour from his people, he decided to represent them and become their voice. This marked the beginning of his political journey, which led him to become a member of the House of Representatives in 2007.

In 2007, he succumbed to their pressure and joined the All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP) and was elected to represent Biu/Bayo/Shani/and Kwaya Kursar Federal Constituency from where he has consistently and continuously represented them through the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and now 10th Assembly, with the current and immediate past in the All Progressives Congress (APC).

A core nationalist, Rt. Hon. Muktar Aliyu Betara, OON, consistent presentation and contributions both nationally and transnationally include interventions in human and natural disasters. For instance, he was among the first to copiously donate to the victims of the Borno flood disaster.

This benevolence stands him out not only as a bridge builder and crisis interventionist but also as a humane philanthropist who can sacrificially use his personal resources to not only meet the yearnings of his constituents but also be in synch and solidarity with those in dire need and affliction.

Aside this resourcefulness and the saying goes that, ‘charity begins at home’, he has among other things embarked upon the following hallmark projects; supply of medical equipments to Sir Mohammadu Sanusi General Hospital, Tokarawa and Yankaba Primary Health, provision of empowerment materials to youths and women of his constituency, provisions of fertilizer to farmers, provisions of grants to youths and women farmers, installation of solar light in communities in Biu.

A strong and formidable force in national politics, his successes, usefulness, and stalling achievements far outstretch his immediate constituency but have affected national life and policies.

Rt. Hon. Betara is instrumental in the effective implementation of a revised budget cycle from June to June to a more effective and efficient successful current budgeting system of January to January, the compliance of which has seen a zero failure rate in appropriation and enactment.

His involvement in national security based on his critical decision skills is next to none as it has seen to several mending of fences and brokered people amongst warring communities and parties. He was singularly responsible for the upscaling of defence equipment and empowerment and sustenance of military operations against the rising insurgency of book haram in northern Nigeria.

Amongst his other notable achievements are; the construction of over twenty health centres with the provision of ten ambulances, the construction of a mini stadium in Biu to facilitate Sporting and Sports related activities and peaceful coexistence, and the installation of five hundred solar-powered street lights, amongst others.
Indeed, he gainfully used his positions as Chairman Subcommittee on NDIC, Banking and Currency, Member House Committee on Interior, and Chairman House Subcommittee on Customs, Immigration and Prisons.

In the seventh Assembly (2012 -2015), he was the Chairman, House Committee on Army and 2015 – 2019 he was Chairman House Committee on Defence. In his last assignment as the Chairman House Committee on Appropriation, Rt. Hon. Betara certainly has impacted Nigeria’s democracy and proved unequal and dexterous qualities.

Rt. Hon. Muktar Aliyu Betara’s leadership as Chairman of the House Committee on FCT has been instrumental in enhancing infrastructure in Abuja. Through effective legislation, he has helped improve the budgetary allocation of capital, leading to significant developments. His commitment to the welfare and security of residents and natives is evident in his constant engagement with the minister, ensuring their needs are addressed.

As Chairman, Betara has played a crucial role in approving supplementary budgets for the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), demonstrating his dedication to the city’s growth. Recently, he oversaw the adoption of an N288 billion supplementary budget for the FCTA, showcasing his ability to drive progress.

Little wonder then that in 2020, he was awarded the Democracy Hero’s Award for Best Performing Rep Member of the Year, and also the Award of Excellence by the North Eastern Zone of the Nigerian Union of Journalists in 2013. His bills on Defense Research and Development Bureau 2018, and the Bill for an Act to Repeal the Produce Enforcement of Export Standard remain one model Bills in the annals of modern-day Legislation, coupled with his wealth and responsibility of knowledge and experience, remains one of the reasons he commands so much respect amongst his colleagues.

In conclusion, Rt. Hon. Muktar Aliyu Betara, OON, embodies the essence of selfless leadership, compassion, and dedication to the betterment of humanity. Through his illustrious career, he has etched an indelible mark on Nigeria’s legislative landscape, leaving a legacy of transformative change that will endure for generations. As a champion of the people, a defender of the vulnerable, and a steadfast advocate for progress, Rt. Hon. Betara’s name has become synonymous with excellence, integrity, and unwavering commitment to the noble ideals of public service. His story serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring future leaders to emulate his exemplary qualities and pursue a life of purpose, driven by the pursuit of the greater good.

Adamu, a public affairs analyst, wrote this piece from Maiduguri.

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Sahara Weekly Reports That The Zamfara State chapter of the APC just came across a sham supposedly written by Haliru Andi, PDP’s spokesperson in the state. We strongly believe it was written on Andi’s behalf because the writer doesn’t even know that Funtua is not in Kaduna. But in Katsina state.






Be as it may, we find it very much necessary to respond to the dense write-up which represents how his (Andi’s) principal and Zamfara governor Dauda Lawal is handling governance with enmity against just one person, his predecessor and current Minister of State for Defence, Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle at the detriment of Zamfara citizens while at the same time using the people to claim his cowardly innocence.





To start with, the Honourable Minister of State for Defence has made several efforts to connect with the governor both privately and publicly to find ways of tackling armed banditry in Zamfara even though he is a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria but as a citizen of Zamfara, its immediate past governor and a minister, he feels genuinely committed to stand up for his state as its ambassador, but all he always receives from Dauda and his agents are bashings including the saying at many fora directly from the governor that they have nothing to take from Matawalle in the form of advice or action in addressing the insecurity bedeviling the state.





Concerned by the growing insecurity in Zamfara, which is considered the hub of armed bandits however, the federal government, under the focused leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, directed the Minister of State for Defence to move the Defence Ministry and the Chief of Defence Staff to the northwest region and fully tackle the bandits to eliminate them.





Seeing Zamfara not only as his state but as the supposed bandits’ hub, the Minister suggested that the operational base should be Zamfara because it is also central in the region bordering almost all the affected states, so he began to make efforts to contact the governor Dauda who has the mandate to give a site and his support for this onerous task.





Instead of jumping to the golden opportunity to save his people, the governor vehemently refused to answer Matawalle and even directed his aides against answering any calls traced to the Minister since time was running out and to avoid the governor’s earlier non-cooperative stance against the federal government when he once made a noise that the federal government was taking action against bandits without consulting him as the chief security officer of his state, the Minister moved the operational base to the neighboring Sokoto State where the governor and the people of the state expressed willingness and happiness to support the operation, a development which led to overwhelming successes against the bandits including the elimination of their topmost leader, Halilu Sububu.





As expected however, the governor, the government, and not the people of Zamfara were not happy that of all people, Matawalle’s coordination was succeeding after they made several efforts and blackmail to portray to the world through all available means that the Minister of State for Defence, Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle cannot do it.





First, the governor and his aides tried to lay unsuccessful claims to make the operation look as if he (Dauda) was the one in charge, then they began to call on the federal government to sack Matawalle, only that they do not have tangible reason and now through the state PDP spokesperson, Andi, they want the Minister to be removed because he has been hailed over the successes being recorded against the bandits in all the states of the region.





While the Sokoto State governor, Ahmed Aliyu has constructed a military barrack in Isa local government with all required facilities and amenities, three Forward Operation Bases FOB to ease Air Force operations in his state as complementary to the federal government efforts, the request to replicate these through the provision of land for similar gesture strategically in Tsafe, Maru and Maradun to governor Dauda in Zamfara was not even listened to by the governor, thus, if the PDP was a serious party, it should take action against the governor as its agent who does not blink when the lives and property of his people are innocently being wasted by wanton criminals.





The currently inaugurated War-Hangers in Sokoto courtesy of Governor Ahmad Aliyu, who donated the state Hajj Camp to serve as an operational base for the operation to win the war against banditry in his state,e, which he appreciated the federal government efforts as another step in the right direction.





What is expected from the blindfolded Zamfara PDP government is to either commend the minister’s proactiveness by engaging directly with the local communities in Sokoto’s Gundumi forest in Isa local government, Turba, Tsamaye, Hawan Doro, and Mai Lalle communities of Sabon Birnin which all share borders with Shinkafi local government area of Zamfara State or keep their guts shut.





The mission of the Minister’s visit is to assess the security situation in the area to restore peace and security across the northwest states





Lots of measures have been put in place, such as the deployment of more troops to the area, which now makes bandits flee while some are being neutralized.





However, the Minister has announced officially that the federal government will establish three military formations in Sokoto that will combat banditry.





Let PDP and Dauda Lawal understand that the entire operation is for the Northwest, not Zamfara alone, and the federal government has the right to station its troops or operation from anywhere in the country where it believes it will succeed without any sabotage from the state government like that of Zamfara.





We advise him to focus on meeting his campaign promises and not to divulge in unnecessary or divisive noise-making.





Governance is a collective effort, not a one-man show or cabalism, as he is operating in Zamfara State.





He should know family and friends are good at dinners, lunch, and parties, not serious government business.





His envy of Matawalle will never succeed, and time will tell.





Yusuf Idris Gusau


APC Publicity Secretary


Zamfara State


12th October, 2024

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