Comedy Conference In December is a new anticipated comedy show to beat and copy in this part of the world under the creativity of the organizers, Conference...
Highly anticipated movie, Omo Ghetto from Funke Akindele and ‘Mimi’ from Samuel ‘Bigsam’ Olatunji who incidentally was Funke’s former PR manager. Omo...
Executive Director, Group Risk, Compliance and Technology at VFD Group Plc, Gbenga Omolokun, has been scheduled to speak during the Art of Technology Lagos Conference 2.0, holding...
Accomplished role interpreter, Saidi Balogun is set for location for his first ever comedy movie. The Ibadan, Oyo state born act had before now,...
Bollywood Honors Lancelot Imasuen As The Most Impactful Filmmaker In Africa- Nollywood industry has gotten another boost internationally with the Award For Excellence In Cinema, to...
Delectable actress, Iyabo Ojo and Oganla of Fuji music , Wasiu Alabi Pasuma are surely in a joyous season. And this is not unconnected to the...
On YouTube, you can still see one of Megan Thee Stallion’s early appearances at a 2016 rap cypher in Houston. It’s a very telling performance. Twenty-one years...
Veteran song writer and Gbolaboom Records boss, MC Wraps has returned to the music scene with a new groovy track titled ‘Freestyle’. Freestyle...
According to Keith Richards, a British songwriter and guitarist of The Rolling Stones fame, “Music is a language that doesn’t speak in particular words. It...
Just in case you have not heard of the latest hits in town then you are on a long thing, Gbera is the new hit...