The buzz was palpable as Africa’s highly anticipated online series, The Men’s Club (TMC), hit the screens for its third season on Wednesday. The 13-episode smash...
Despite the disruptions and prolonged lockdown occasioned by the global coronavirus pandemic, The Men’s Club season 3 (TMC3) series is set premiere on July 22, 2020...
Fast rising Nigerian singer and songwriter Samuel Oluwagbemiga Dada professionally known as Sparks has launched a new single Risk It All Sparks who is based in...
…Commend Dangote for transforming their lives Previous winners of star prizes in the Bag of Goodies national consumer promo Season 1 done by Dangote Cement Plc...
Cornerstone films ministry international is an household name in the Christian movie industry today in Nigeria. The ministry is known for it’s uniqueness in the production...
In this interview with Valentine Okolo the author of the thought provoking poetry book: I Will Be Silent speaks on the inspiration and much more :...
In order to achieve swift delivery and timely response(s) to media monitoring and measurement services inquiries by prospects and the general public, P+ Measurement has launched...
Whist they may not necessarily be bringing music, they know how to shake things up. From broken hearts, to shaky friendships, and boys just trying to...
FILM REVIEW Title: THE SMELLPRODUCER: FREEGIFT INTERNATIONALDIRECTOR: Ayo YoloyeDURATION: The smell is a new movie produced by Free Gift International Film and theatre Ministry scheduled for...
American Internet Business School (AIBS) has announced a free seven days workshop for artistes, musicians, comedians, producers, and entertainment executives.Dr. Ope Banwo, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)...