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Every lady’s dream is to get married to a young, charmingly handsome, educated and above all, sparklingly wealthy guy.
Well, that was the kind of person Steven was.
Everything a woman desired – or perhaps, almost everything a woman desired – was found in Steven. Yes, Steven, the son of a billionaire; the King of hearts; the champion of Cariters University.
He was this kind of guy that every lady felt special just having to spend a minute with him. He was this kind of guy that every lady was ready to defile their dignity for, without a second thought.
Yes, Steven; Steven Damola – also a spoilt brat.
He parked his SUV jeep in the school garage and looked through his phone. There was a message; a message from Cynthia.
It read:

“hello, Steven. I really did enjoy last night. I hope that could happen again anytime soon. Please, give me a call whenever you need me”.

Steven scoffed and smiled. 

“of course, I will. Whenever I need you” he thought to himself as he alighted from his jeep with his designers school bag.
Along the eatery in Cariters, Michelle walked along with her best friend, Patricia, laughing and nattering.
But, they were finally interrupted by the presence of Lily and her gang of friends – Stacy, Gwen and Chinwe.
They stopped right in front of Michelle and Patricia, making it difficult for them to you pass on.
“you little bitch”, Lily rasped at Michelle. “I heard you went over to Steven’s home yearsterday. You really are so shameless, aren’t you?”
“is that what you’re burbling about?” Michelle asked. “is that why you had to disrupt my way?”
She has paused and laughed and finally wore on a frown.
” I know you’re just angry you weren’t the one who had the opportunity of going over to his house. Well, that’s because Steven would never accept you into his bedroom.
“now, get out of my way”, Michelle said and walked away with Patricia, brushing Lily’s shoulders.
“Hah! That little bitch! She’s really getting on my nerves. I might just squeeze her to death.”
“calm down, Lily,” Gwen said, placing her hand on her shoulders. “we’ll look for a way to deal with her.

Mrs Kate parked in front of Cariters University as she awaited her daughter to get off the car.
“bye, Sophia” she said to her, her hand on her laps.
“bye, mom”, Sophia replied with a smile and got off the car.
She waited till her mother drove away before waking into the school building.
It was magnificent.
That was her first day there in school and she was really hoping she would have fun in it.
she was really hoping it could perhaps, be compared to her previous school. It really pained her a lot that she had to change from it, but there was nothing she could do since her mom was transferred by her company to the state.
They had to relocate.
Well, maybe it was going to be fun, because a week after their arrival, she had made a friend – Treasure – who was also a student of Cariters.
As a matter of fact, Treasure had been the one who had recommended the school to her.
She stopped somewhere along the library and wandered where Treasure might be. She also wandered where she could find her first lecture hall.
She finally thought of bringing out her phone to call Treasure, but she was halted at the sight of a guy she has seen.
“Damn!” she exclaimed silently.
Was that for real?
She saw him walking with some group of boys, but he was extremely outstanding.
He had these eyes that displayed a romance feeling. He had pink lips that longed for some kissing. He had this dark curly hair that fitted his fair complexion.
And when he laughed, smiled, Gosh! It was so charming.
Sophia saw him walking away and felt a life time opportunity walking away. She couldn’t help but wonder if someone could be that cute.
“hello, Miss. Are you lost?” she heard a voice behind her and quickly turned around to see who it was.
It was a boy; also good looking, but couldn’t be compared to the guy she had just seen.
“uh… No. I mean, yes. I’m looking for the GST department”, she replied quickly.

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Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives



Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives

Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives


Interestingly, self-acclaimed relationship expert Blessing Okoro, popularly known as Blessing CEO, has revealed that Nigerian men cheat for fun and not because they don’t love their wives.


Blessing made this known during an interview on Arise TV. She also claimed that men cheat because of the distractions they face in their marriage.

Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives

Okoro further stated that most men cheat out of ego and because the country does not have laws backing infidelity in marriages.


In her words:


‘’A lot of men cheat for ego, for fun. Not because they don’t love their wife or their wives are not curvy, it’s just lawless in the country that gives them the confidence to cheat.


“The fact is, if the law states that men who cheat will be jailed for 20 years, you’ll see that men can be faithful

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Happy birthday to my dearest baby, my heart, today I remember this popular saying ” to every successful man there’s always a woman” the Initiator of my heartbeat a trustworthy woman of substance there’s no other person than eyinju eledumare, adumaradan, eni okunrin ko l’ona t’o ni bi eleyi o je aya eni asi je ale eni… Today I remember the very day we met that we both have eyes contact. Mrs Martins Olanike Elizabeth you’re such a wonderful woman

I celebrate you today because of whom you are,a woman of good heart with love, always ready to assist when the need arises,iyawo mi to moye,onirele,alaponle ati eniti o see fokan tan,give Mrs Martins Olanike Elizabeth an assignment and go to bed, consider it done,in this special day of yours I say congratulations,igba odun,odun kan ni oooooo, my dearest friend, I refer to her as my mother and not even wife because understood each other beyond what anyone could imagine.

I give thanks to God Almighty to have preserved you up till this present time, I appreciate your parents who nurtured you from infant to an adult even to all your relatives and friends who have shown you love right from childhood till this your level of positive adulthood.

I appreciate you for your progressive mind’s gesture of all times toward all public related matters and family affairs i realized that your efforts shall be well rewarded accordingly Amen! Happy Birthday to you my lovely wife.

I’m bold enough to tell the world that you are one of the invaluable energetic woman of passion, substance even amongst all women in the world.

it’s my prayer that all your efforts shall not end in futile.

Today, as you celebrate your birthday anniversary, i pray that God should grant you all your heart desires, may you never lack any good things that your heart felt in Jesus name, Amen. Once again I wish you many happy returns.

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For a moment, Sophia's heart blossomed. But, the next moment, she recalled the words of Treasure and she suddenly became bittered. 
"hello, miss," he said, his blue like eyes starring into her bulgy eyes. "care for a ride?" 
Sophia starred at him. Who would say no to someone like that? Who wouldn't want to spend as little as a minute beside someone as cute as that? 
"are you okay?" he asked again, noticing the depression on her face. 
"thanks, but I... I don't need a ride" Sophia replied, starring below. 
"and why wouldn't you?" Steven asked as he stepped down from his car and tried approaching her. 
"stay away from me" Sophia said and stopped him before he got to where she was. 
She walked some steps away from him and shortly, a cab came along and she boarded it without turning back to look at Steven who was out of words. 
 Steven sat on his bed in his bedroom, his back relaxed against the wall, while Michelle sat beside him. 
They were both watching a movie but his attention was definitely not in it. 
He kept thinking of the strange lady he had met earlier. The strange lady that had ignored him strangely. 
That was the first time a lady had ever said 'no' to him. That was the first time a lady had ignored him. 
Who was she? And why was she acting strange? 
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it off his mind. All he could think about was the strange lady. 
Every lady craved to be with him. But she? She had ignored him like an invisible trash. 
That felt like a slap to his face. 
"Steven?" Michelle called as she touched his face with her palm. She noticed he was absent minded. 
"are you alright? You look troubled" 
Steve took her palms from his face and held them softly. 

“I’m fine”, he replied with a perfunctory smile.
They both remained silent for a while as kept starring at him.
“Steven?” she called again, softly. “do you love me?”
Steven looked at her and scoffed.
“and why the sudden question?” he asked, perturbed.
“come on, Steven. Just give me a reply. I want to know”.
“Michelle, you’re my girlfriend, right? Isn’t that enough for you? Of course, I love you”
Michelle smiled and placed her hand on his thighs.
“I love you very much, Steven. And I wouldn’t want to share you with anyone else. Besides, I can give you whatever you need” she said ardently and started kissing him and after that, they fell on the bed.
Sophia couldn’t fall asleep as she kept thinking about Steven and what she did to him earlier. She felt it wasn’t right.
She recalled the look on his face when she had told him to stay away from her. She knew she had really surprised him.
She felt bad for doing what she did. She felt bad that she had ignored her crush, but there was nothing she could do.
Treasury said he was a womanizer and enjoyed playing on girls and perhaps, he was also trying to play on her.
She decided to forget about him as she forced herself to bed.
Steven parked his car in front of the school garage as usual and was about heading to the library when he sighted her – the strange lady.
Their eyes had ran into each other’s as they both stood still, starring at themselves.
Steven’s thoughts seemed to be muted as he couldn’t think of what next to do.
She starred at him for a while and finally walked away.
Steven felt odd. He felt strange. A twinge of disappointment ran into his veins.
“hey, dude. What’s up?” he heard a voice behind him and discovered it was his friend – his best friend – Oliver.
Steven brightened his face with a smile.
“I’m fine” he replied as they exchanged a nigger handshake.
They walked into the school building and found a place to sit.
“So, tell me, how’s the lacrosse team going?” Oliver asked, beginning to notice an uncanny attitude with his friend.
Steven brought out a drink from his bag, opened it and sipped from it before giving a reply.
“it’s going fine”, he replied.
“hey, man. What’s the problem?”
“nothing. I’m fine”.
“are you sure? You don’t look fine to me”.
Steven left his seat and walked some steps away, starring into space.
“yearsterday,” he started. “I ran into a lady and offered her a ride home”, he paused and looked at Oliver.
“but, she snubbed me!”
Oliver starred for a second and finally laughed.
“seriously?” he asked. “wow! Finally, my ever – loving friend has found a lady that doesn’t think he’s so charming”.
He laughed again.
“come on, dude. This isn’t funny. This is the first time a lady has ever said no to me. This isn’t right. I feel humiliated”.
He sipped from his drink and sighed.
“this isn’t right”, he bemoaned. “nobody says no to me. Nobody’s above my grasp. And that’s exactly what I’m going to prove to her”.

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