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For a moment, Sophia's heart blossomed. But, the next moment, she recalled the words of Treasure and she suddenly became bittered. 
"hello, miss," he said, his blue like eyes starring into her bulgy eyes. "care for a ride?" 
Sophia starred at him. Who would say no to someone like that? Who wouldn't want to spend as little as a minute beside someone as cute as that? 
"are you okay?" he asked again, noticing the depression on her face. 
"thanks, but I... I don't need a ride" Sophia replied, starring below. 
"and why wouldn't you?" Steven asked as he stepped down from his car and tried approaching her. 
"stay away from me" Sophia said and stopped him before he got to where she was. 
She walked some steps away from him and shortly, a cab came along and she boarded it without turning back to look at Steven who was out of words. 
 Steven sat on his bed in his bedroom, his back relaxed against the wall, while Michelle sat beside him. 
They were both watching a movie but his attention was definitely not in it. 
He kept thinking of the strange lady he had met earlier. The strange lady that had ignored him strangely. 
That was the first time a lady had ever said 'no' to him. That was the first time a lady had ignored him. 
Who was she? And why was she acting strange? 
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it off his mind. All he could think about was the strange lady. 
Every lady craved to be with him. But she? She had ignored him like an invisible trash. 
That felt like a slap to his face. 
"Steven?" Michelle called as she touched his face with her palm. She noticed he was absent minded. 
"are you alright? You look troubled" 
Steve took her palms from his face and held them softly. 

“I’m fine”, he replied with a perfunctory smile.
They both remained silent for a while as kept starring at him.
“Steven?” she called again, softly. “do you love me?”
Steven looked at her and scoffed.
“and why the sudden question?” he asked, perturbed.
“come on, Steven. Just give me a reply. I want to know”.
“Michelle, you’re my girlfriend, right? Isn’t that enough for you? Of course, I love you”
Michelle smiled and placed her hand on his thighs.
“I love you very much, Steven. And I wouldn’t want to share you with anyone else. Besides, I can give you whatever you need” she said ardently and started kissing him and after that, they fell on the bed.
Sophia couldn’t fall asleep as she kept thinking about Steven and what she did to him earlier. She felt it wasn’t right.
She recalled the look on his face when she had told him to stay away from her. She knew she had really surprised him.
She felt bad for doing what she did. She felt bad that she had ignored her crush, but there was nothing she could do.
Treasury said he was a womanizer and enjoyed playing on girls and perhaps, he was also trying to play on her.
She decided to forget about him as she forced herself to bed.
Steven parked his car in front of the school garage as usual and was about heading to the library when he sighted her – the strange lady.
Their eyes had ran into each other’s as they both stood still, starring at themselves.
Steven’s thoughts seemed to be muted as he couldn’t think of what next to do.
She starred at him for a while and finally walked away.
Steven felt odd. He felt strange. A twinge of disappointment ran into his veins.
“hey, dude. What’s up?” he heard a voice behind him and discovered it was his friend – his best friend – Oliver.
Steven brightened his face with a smile.
“I’m fine” he replied as they exchanged a nigger handshake.
They walked into the school building and found a place to sit.
“So, tell me, how’s the lacrosse team going?” Oliver asked, beginning to notice an uncanny attitude with his friend.
Steven brought out a drink from his bag, opened it and sipped from it before giving a reply.
“it’s going fine”, he replied.
“hey, man. What’s the problem?”
“nothing. I’m fine”.
“are you sure? You don’t look fine to me”.
Steven left his seat and walked some steps away, starring into space.
“yearsterday,” he started. “I ran into a lady and offered her a ride home”, he paused and looked at Oliver.
“but, she snubbed me!”
Oliver starred for a second and finally laughed.
“seriously?” he asked. “wow! Finally, my ever – loving friend has found a lady that doesn’t think he’s so charming”.
He laughed again.
“come on, dude. This isn’t funny. This is the first time a lady has ever said no to me. This isn’t right. I feel humiliated”.
He sipped from his drink and sighed.
“this isn’t right”, he bemoaned. “nobody says no to me. Nobody’s above my grasp. And that’s exactly what I’m going to prove to her”.

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Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives



Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives

Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives


Interestingly, self-acclaimed relationship expert Blessing Okoro, popularly known as Blessing CEO, has revealed that Nigerian men cheat for fun and not because they don’t love their wives.


Blessing made this known during an interview on Arise TV. She also claimed that men cheat because of the distractions they face in their marriage.

Blessing CEO Reveals Real Reasons Men Cheat On Their Wives

Okoro further stated that most men cheat out of ego and because the country does not have laws backing infidelity in marriages.


In her words:


‘’A lot of men cheat for ego, for fun. Not because they don’t love their wife or their wives are not curvy, it’s just lawless in the country that gives them the confidence to cheat.


“The fact is, if the law states that men who cheat will be jailed for 20 years, you’ll see that men can be faithful

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Happy birthday to my dearest baby, my heart, today I remember this popular saying ” to every successful man there’s always a woman” the Initiator of my heartbeat a trustworthy woman of substance there’s no other person than eyinju eledumare, adumaradan, eni okunrin ko l’ona t’o ni bi eleyi o je aya eni asi je ale eni… Today I remember the very day we met that we both have eyes contact. Mrs Martins Olanike Elizabeth you’re such a wonderful woman

I celebrate you today because of whom you are,a woman of good heart with love, always ready to assist when the need arises,iyawo mi to moye,onirele,alaponle ati eniti o see fokan tan,give Mrs Martins Olanike Elizabeth an assignment and go to bed, consider it done,in this special day of yours I say congratulations,igba odun,odun kan ni oooooo, my dearest friend, I refer to her as my mother and not even wife because understood each other beyond what anyone could imagine.

I give thanks to God Almighty to have preserved you up till this present time, I appreciate your parents who nurtured you from infant to an adult even to all your relatives and friends who have shown you love right from childhood till this your level of positive adulthood.

I appreciate you for your progressive mind’s gesture of all times toward all public related matters and family affairs i realized that your efforts shall be well rewarded accordingly Amen! Happy Birthday to you my lovely wife.

I’m bold enough to tell the world that you are one of the invaluable energetic woman of passion, substance even amongst all women in the world.

it’s my prayer that all your efforts shall not end in futile.

Today, as you celebrate your birthday anniversary, i pray that God should grant you all your heart desires, may you never lack any good things that your heart felt in Jesus name, Amen. Once again I wish you many happy returns.

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"the GST department? What course are you offering?" he asked. 
"laboratory science". 
"it... seems you're new here? I haven't seen you in any of our lectures before". 
"yes. I'm kind of new". 

“okay, then. I’m Oliver, and you?”
“I’m Sophia”
They exchanged a warm handshake.
“come with me. I’ll show you to the GST lecture hall” Oliver said and Sophia walked along with him.
He took the longest route to the GST department because he wanted to spend some more time with Sophia.
It seemed he enjoyed her company.

He led her to the GST department and stopped at the entrance. 
"okay, dear. See you later", Oliver said as he patted her shoulders and left. 
Sophia looked at him and smiled. 

She was about going into the hall when she heard her name from behind. She turned around and discover it was Treasure.
“Treasure!” she called happily and embraced her. “it’s a good thing I finally met you”.
“I’ve also been looking for you. Welcome to Cariters. Come on, we might be late for lectures” Treasure replied and walked into the GST hall with her.

The lecture lasted for two hours and at that time, Treasure and Sophia were already exhausted. They decided to have lunch together.
They were still existing the GST hall when Oliver walked up to them, a napkin around his neck. 
"hi, Sophia" he greeted excitedly and waved at Treasure. 
"hi," Sophia replied. 
Treasure was starring at them. 
"uhm, how about we hang out for lunch?" 
Sophia was tempted to agree but quickly had a second thought about it. 
"I'd really love to, but, I'm already booked with my friend" she replied and adjusted the textbooks she held in her hands. 
"maybe next time" she added. 
Oliver starred at her for a while without saying a word. 
She was beautiful. He admired her. 
"okay, then. Next time" he replied and left with a smile. 
It seemed Treasure was just waiting for him to leave so she could unleash her curiosity. 
"when did you and Oliver become acquainted?" she asked with a grim look. 

“just today”, replied Sophia as they continued walking. “he was the one who showed me to the GST department.”
“hm. Well, you better be careful around him”.
“why? Is there something wrong with him? He seems a nice person”.
“well, yes. He might look like a nice person, but you know, there’s a saying that, birds of the same feathers flocks together. He’s a friend of a jerk”.
“a jerk? And who’s the jerk?”
“believe me, darling. You wouldn’t want to know him”.
They walked into the eatery together and settled down on a table.
They ordered for some light food and kept themselves busy with it while going through their lecture notes.
Shortly, Sophia saw him again – the unique charming guy. The guy that had almost held her breath in suspense when she first saw him.
He came into the eatery with some boys, Oliver included, and settled down on a table that was distant from theirs.
“Treasure,” Sophia called. “who’s that guy over there? The one sitting next to Oliver?”
Treasure starred at him and flinched.
“who? The jerk?” she asked with a disgusted look.
“wait, hold on. Don’t tell me he was the jerk you were referring to? What on earth makes him a jerk?”
“Oh, my Gosh! Girlfriend, don’t tell me you’ve also contacted the virus?”
“virus? What virus?”
Sophia was still starring and smiling at him.
“the virus that every lady in this school contacts about him.
“he’s a womanizer; a chronic one”.
“what?” Sophia shriek. “really? Does he have a girlfriend?”
“girlfriend?” Treasure asked and scoffed. “take a look around this eatery, Sophia. Just take a look around. Every single lady in this eatery is starring at him – every single lady. They’re all starring at him and trying to entice him. As long as you’re an admirer, you’re his girlfriend.
“I can fearlessly say he’s slept with more than half of the ladies in this school”.
“what? Are you serious?”
“of c, I am. That’s the kind of person Steven is. He’s indeed a charming guy, and that’s why he flirts with every single lady that comes his way. He uses them and dumps them.
“and you know, the worst part is, these ladies do you realize he has other lovers, but they still take delight in laying down their bodies for him. I just don’t understand how girls could be so foolish. They don’t mind if he cheats on them, just as long as they get a bit of his attention”.
Sophia was a bit debilitated by Treasure’s story. She felt bad that the guy she had admired was a womanizer.
Well, she really wouldn’t blame him. He was really very handsome.
“hm. So, tell me. Are you also an admirer?” Sophia asked.
“of course, I’m not. Please, you know I already have a date” Treasure replied sharply.
“you know”, she continued.” there’s this certain lady,Lily. Steven had broken up with her a couple of months ago after using her uncountably. She had almost ran mad when it happened. It’s a miracle she was able to return back here in school.
“right now, the lady who seems to be on board is Michelle. But, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t flirt around with the other ladies. When I say he has a girlfriend on board, I mean he has someone he uses for regular supply”.
“that’s too bad. I really thought he was a nice fellow” Sophia said.
She suddenly felt sad and weak.
She was done with her lectures for the day and walked along the road to get a cab. Her mom had texted her earlier that she would be unable to pick her up from school due to her tight schedule at the office.
Treasure was still having an evening lecture and she couldn’t wait for her.
She stopped by the roadside, hoping to catch a cab soon because she really needed some rest.
Still waiting, an SUV jeep pulled up in front of her and she wandered whom it might be.
The driver lowered his glasses and starred through the window of his car.
It was Steven.

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